BUS 100-005AFall15a - Northern Virginia Community College

Northern Virginia Community College
Alexandria Campus
BUS 100 (3 credits)
Fall 2015
Section 005A: 1230 – 145 T, R
Classroom: AA-359
Instructor: Mr. Stephen Suetterlein, MBA, JD, LLM (Tax)
Licensures: Member, New York Bar; Certified Financial Planner™
Office: Bisdorf Building, Room 427
Office Hours: M: 7:00 – 8:00 AM by appointment, 12:30 – 2:30 by walkin; 6:00 – 7:00
PM by walkin T: 2:00 – 4:00 PM by appointment W: 7:00 – 8:00 AM by appointment,
2:00 – 2:30 by appointment R: 10:00 – 12:00 walkin; 12:00 – 12:30 by appointment. (I
make appointments during walkin hours as well and they take precedence over walkins)
Changes if any to the office hours will be posted in the announcements.
E-Mail: ssuetterlein@nvcc.edu (Expected method of communication.)
Telephone: 703 845 6536
Course Purpose:
Introduction to Business provides a broad orientation to the business world and an
understanding of the business role in a global economy through:
 Acquainting you with the general concepts of business operations in domestic and
international markets.
 Providing you with a broad understanding of business interrelationships with the
economic, social, political, global, ethical, and legal environments.
 Assisting you in understanding the principles of business finance and the profit
motives that influence the behavior of business executives.
 Familiarizing you with the basic marketing tools and managerial skills used in
making business decisions.
 Enriching your business vocabulary as a foundation for further study of business
subjects and career preparation.
Instructional Materials:
Textbook: Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, Introduction to Business, 12th edition, Cengage
Learning, ISBN-10: 1-285-91278-0; ISBN-13: 978-1-285-91278-3 Paperback Northern
Virginia Community College, Hardback Edition, ISBN-10:1-133-5985-5; ISBN-13:
978-1-133-59585-4 (Looseleaf is in the NVCC Student Bookstore – hardback and
paperback have the same material, either book is acceptable as is loose leaf or e-book
Course site: Access to a computer and a web connection (personal computer or
gratis NVCC computer) is needed to log on to the web site. The syllabus,
assignments, and announcements are located at http://bb7.vccs.edu. For student
security purposes, e-mail communication will only be sent to a nvcc.edu e-mail
College Learning Environment:
 In a college-level business course, you need to read the textbook in advance of
your class meeting and study at least two hours per class period. Class meetings
will consist of brief lectures.
 Obtain a free e-mail account, user name and password and you can access the
course web site. Click on Section 5A of Introduction to Business. The
Blackboard website will always open with current information about the course
on this Announcements Page.
Day of:
Assignments and Dates of Quizzes and Final Exams
Aug 25 Course Objectives and Chapter 1
Aug 27 Chapter 1
Sep 1 Chapter 18
Sep 3 Chapter 18 and Chapter 2
Sep 8 Chapters 2 and 3
Sep 10 Last day to drop class with tuition refund or to change to audit – if you have
not attended class by this date you will be dropped from the class and will not get a
tuition refund.
Sep 10 Chapters 3 and 4
Sep 15 Chapter 4
Sep 17 QUIZ ON CHAPTERS 1, 18, 2 – 4
Sep 22 Chapter 5
Sep 24 Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Sep 29 Chapter 6
Oct 1– Last date to apply for Fall graduation
Oct 1 Chapter 7
Oct 6 Chapter 8
Oct 8 Chapter 9
Oct 13 – No Classes at NVCC
Oct 15 Chapter 10
Oct 20 QUIZ ON CHAPTERS 5 – 10
Oct 22 Chapter 11 and 12
Oct 27 Chapter 12 and 13
Oct 29 Chapter 13
Nov 3 Chapter 14 - Nov 3 Last day to withdraw without grade penalty.
Nov 5 Chapter 15
Nov 10 Chapter 15
Nov 12 Chapter 16
Nov 17 Quiz on Chapters 11 – 16
Nov 19 Chapter 17
Nov 24 – Chapter 17 and 19
Nov 26 – Thanksgiving Break
Dec 1 Chapter 19
Dec 3 - Chapter 20
Dec 8 Chapter 20
Dec 10 Review
Dec 15 or 17 Final Exam TBD
Learning Environment:
In a commitment to provide a learning environment that encourages the free exchange of
business ideas and information, the following expectations are established that:
 All backgrounds and cultures are respected
 Special learning challenges are identified to the instructor.
 A free and civil exchange of ideas takes place, so everyone in a class feels
welcome to participate in class and in online activities.
 All members of the class arrive on time, leave the class only on breaks or in case
of emergency, and leave classrooms in good condition.
 Distractions are kept to a minimum. Cell phones and other electronic devices are
turned off in class. Students remain seated throughout the class and refrain from
talking with classmates while another class member or the instructor has the floor.
 Students submit their own work in class.
 The class are treated the same as the business work environment.
Business 100 blends business concepts with practical applications. You will be actively
involved in a variety of learning experiences that will require your textbook and notes
reading in advance and study preparation for each class. Class mirrors effective business
employment practices, so communicate any class lateness or absences to instructor as you
would on a job. The following applies:
Absences – Any student who does not attend any classes by Sep 10, 2015 will
result in being withdrawn from the course without a refund.
Quizzes and Final Exam – Quizzes and the Final Exam will be taken on their
assigned date unless a documented illness or military service obligation is shown
to the instructor.
The last day to withdraw without a grade penalty is Nov 3, 2015. To withdraw,
you must initiate and complete the formal college withdrawal process; otherwise,
the final letter grade for the course is the total points you have earned. Be aware
that withdrawing from a course may impact your visa status as an F-1 student and
also may impact all students who are receiving Financial Aid.
Academic Integrity and Conduct Policies of the NVCC Student Handbook are
followed in this course. The penalty for cheating is a grade of 0 for the quiz or
final exam.
No I (Incomplete) grades will be assigned unless mitigating circumstances exist.
In case of emergency, follow the reviewed emergency evacuation plan.
Course Grading
A point system is the basis of your earned grade for the course. You will gain
points from:
Attendance – one point for every class attended, maximum 30 points. Attendance
is taken at the beginning of the class.
Three quizzes, drop the lowest quiz, each quiz worth 45 points for a total of 90
Final Exam that totals 60 points. You must take the final exam.
Total 180 points.
Earned Letter Grade Determination:
162 - 180 points = A
144 – 161 points = B
126 – 143 points = C
108 - 125 points = D
Below 107 points = F
Extra Credit:
Maximum of ten extra credit points can be earned by giving a five minute oral
presentation of a pre-approved business issue to the class.
Amendments to the syllabus will be announced in class and posted at http://bb7.vccs.edu.
In case of a widespread emergency, please check the announcements posted on this class’ blackboard.
Inclement weather cancellations will be on the NVCC webpage or sign up for NVCC Alert to receive
text alerts.