Socialization - kyle

Learning Goals
 1. Discuss the role of socialization in human development. Why is
socialization important.
 2. Describe the effects of extreme isolation on children. Explain a
specific example of how a socially isolated child developed differently
from children who grew up in a social environment. (Genie Case)
 3.Where does YOUR self-concept come from? How do children learn to
start acting out of principle?
 4. Analyze the role of family, school ,peer groups and media in
socialization. Do you think that some of these agents of socialization
are more significant? Explain.
 5. Explain how desocialization and resocialization work in prison
systems. Is desocialization necessary in prison? Why?
Corresponding Textbook pages: 108-137
Socialization Summary
 Fitting In: Socialization dvd
 26 minutes
The Importance of Socialization:
 helps to make us human.
 What happens when people aren’t socialized?
 The story of Genie (NOVA)
Exit Slip!
 Define Socialization
 -Discuss the role of socialization in human
 -Describe the effects of extreme isolation ion
children (Genie Case)
 HW: Read about Anna and Isabelle p 114 in your
textbook. What can we learn from these case
Developmental growth in children can grow with only
20 extra minutes a day of touching!
Do Now:
 How was your childhood different from Genie’s
 List 3 different things you had that Genie did not.
One difference
 Unlike Genie, most of us are socialized to learn how
to participate in group life (aka the world we live in).
Importance of early socialization
 Most important socialization occurs early in life. We
need prolonged social contact or we may have
difficulty learning how to do things like walking,
talking, and how to love.
How do we know socialization is important?
 Studies with monkeys:
Harlow's Monkeys (youtube video) Closeness and
comfort more important than FOOD!
Effects on Kids…
 Orphanages
What do you think are some long term effects on
individuals and society if children are not socialized in a
loving environment?
Reading time!
Read article together and talk about how early development
is so important
Debate about giving money to orphanages:
Debate on returning children once adopted:
Homework: Why are there fewer cases of
developmental problems in orphanages in
China and Korea than in Eastern Europe and
Find articles on the internet to support your
answer. We will discuss in the next class.
Socialization later in life
 Internet use is making us more isolated! How many
hours a day do you spend on facebook or MSN or
some other chat type deal? How many hours a day
do you spend on the phone TALKING not
texting? How many hours a day do you spend in the
physical presence of a human being talking to them?
 What are the effects of social isolation on older
kids/adults in today's society?
article about raised risk of depression due to social
Read term paper about the effects of facebook on society:
Socialization and the Self
 Functionalist Perspective: groups work together to create a
stable society. Ex: School, family norms
 Conflict Perspective: perpetuating status quo. Accept your social
class, don't challenge your position in life. Maintain the social,
political, and economic advantages of the higher social classes.
 Symbolic Interactionism: human nature is a product of society
Concepts: the looking-glass self, significant others, role taking
(imitations stage, play stage, game stage) the generalized other
self-concept: an image of yourself as having a separate identity
form other people.
looking class self: an image of yourself based on what you
believe others think of you
How does the looking glass process work? 3
Imagine how you appear to others
2. Imagine reaction of others to your imagined appearance
3. Evaluate yourself according to how you imagine others
have judged you
Did you make a good impression if someone doesn't smile at
Is your looking-glass self accurate?
NO but we are still affected by our perception of our looking
glass self. Should we not be?
Also, we use some people more than others because they are
more sig to us.
Role Taking
assuming viewpoint of another person and using that
viewpoint to shape self-concept. Role play possible
reactions to marriage proposal.
How does the ability for role taking develop?
as children. 3 stages:
imitation stage, play stage (pretend to be a dr.), and
game stage (consider roles of various people
simultaneously ex: playing baseball)
When do kids do things out of principle?
 When do we start acting out of principle?
during game stage kids should learn that being
honest is not just important to please mom or dad
but because of principle.
generalized other: integrated conception of the
norms, values, and beliefs of one's community or
Agents of Socialization
 childhood and adolescence: family, school, peer group,
mass media
 From Family kids learn to:
think and speak
internalize norms, beliefs and values
form some basic attitudes
develop a capacity for intimate and personal
acquire a self image
 In addition, family social class affects how we think of
ourselves and how other treat us ex: Johnny p 121 living
in slum
Socialization in Schools
 more objective standards. Creates feelings of loyalty
and allegiance to something beyond the family. Do
schools socialize us to form allegiance to country,
work, society etc?
How do schools socialize students
 hidden curriculum: informal and unofficial aspects
of culture that children are taught in
school. Discipline, order, cooperation, conformity,
work by the clock (requirements for success in the
adult work world. Is this still true?) Let's
discuss. We'll have coffee we'll talk, no big whoop.
Peer Group Socialization
 more time spent with fiends
give and take relationships, conflicts, competition
and cooperation
begin to make own decisions, experiment with new
ways of thinking and self-expression
 Do peers contribute more to socialization than
parents? What do you think?
Mass Media
 Mass Media also plays a role in socialization but this
may be an over exaggeration
Groups each read one article and summarize for the
class about what it says about media violence
 Do Disney movies have an impact on our
 Let’s watch!
Process of Socialization
 Process of Socialization: lifelong process according
to Symbolic Interactionism
Desocialization: giving up old norms
Resocialization: adopting new norms and values
anticipatory socialization: voluntary process of
preparing to accept new norms, values, attitudes and
 How does desocialization prepare people for new
total institutions: places where residents are
separated from the rest of society
How: replace personal possessions with standard
issue items. Sameness=loss of personal identity
Prison Study
 Prison study: youtube film
Maybe watch stanford prison experiment youtube
Anticipatory Socialization
 Anticipatory Socialization: find a new reference
group whose norms and values are used to guide
Ex: pre-teens use teens
college seniors use adults in business world during
Unit Overview!
 1. Discuss the role of socialization in human development. Why is
socialization important.
 2. Describe the effects of extreme isolation on children. Explain a specific
example of how a socially isolated child developed differently from children
who grew up in a social environment. (Genie Case)
 3.Where does YOUR self-concept come from? How do children learn to
start acting out of principle?
 4. Analyze the role of family, school ,peer groups and media in
socialization. Do you think that some of these agents of socialization are
more significant? Explain.
 5. Explain how desocialization and resocialization work in prison systems.
Is desocialization necessary in prison? Why?