Lesson Plan 10: Tutor: Rosa C. Reyes Language: Spanish

Lesson Plan 10:
Tutor: Rosa C. Reyes
Language: Spanish
Students will practice vocabulary and will learn about idiomatic phrases in Spanish.
Students will also be able to write a paragraph with the learned expressions.
Materials needed:
Handouts of expressions list (at the end of this lesson plan)
Computer and projector
Dry erase markers and board
Activity 1: Idiomatic phrases
1.) The tutor will pass out the handouts with the expression’s list (Make sure to pass them out with
no definitions in English.
2.) Tutor will go over the expressions with the students.
3.) The tutor should try the students to guess what the expression means before telling them.
4.) Students are encouraged to use dictionaries.
Activity 2: Writing expresssions
1.) With the knowledge gained from the tutor-students discussion about the expressions.
2.) The students are now to write a paragraph that uses those expressions.
3.) The paragraph can be made up, talk about their daily routine, or anything they feel like writing.
4.) Tutor should be around to answer any questions the students may have while they write.
Final Notes:
-If there were any concurrent mistakes within the conversation (for example the use of ser vs.
estar), use the last 5 min. of the conversation group to address them.
-Also at the end, the tutor will ask if there are any questions about the activities of the day.
Expressions [Here are the expression, the literal translation, and the meaning.
Es pan comido- It’s eaten bread (It’s easy/Piece of cake)
Hasta lo que no se come, hace daño- Even what you do not eat makes you sick (being
annoyed by something they are not even doing to you.)
Estar hasta en la sopa- To be even in the soup (To be nosy)
Tener cola que te pisen- To have a tail they step on (You have a questionable
background/ You are no saint)
Con la cola entre las patas- With the leg between your legs (To make a mistake and to
have to come back to ask for forgiveness and admit you made a mistake)
Se te va el avión- The plane is leaving you ( You are frequently forgetful)
Andar hasta atrás-To be at the very back (To be wasted)
Andar hasta las chanclas- To be until the shoes[slang for shoes] (To be wasted)
Hacer de la vista gorda- To make of fat sight (Not wanting to see the reality/truth)
Poner los cuernos- To put horns on (To cheat)
Coger el toro por los cuernos- To grab the bull by the horns (To take control of a
Tomar el pelo- To take the hair (To pull a leg/ To pull a joke on someone)
Hacerse pato- To be a duck (Pretending not to see/ Faking ignorance)
Estar hasta las narices- To be up to the nostrils (To be fed up with a situation
Meter la pata- To put your foot in (To screw something up)
Traer torta bajo el brazo- To have a hamburger under the arm (When a baby is born, and
brings “luck” to the family-if the baby is born and the family wins the lottery, we say that
the baby “trae torta bajo el brazo)
Salir con el Domingo 7- When an unplanned pregnancy happens before marriage, usually
for teenagers.
Estar con el alma en un hilo- To be with the soul in a thread (To be worried about
Colgar los hábitos- To hang the habits (To abandon a career or profession, usually used
for priests)
Ya se armo!- (Hell broke loose- Ex: ya se armo la fiesta[the party is on], ya se armo la
pelea [the fight started])