Meeting Minutes- 10-27-15 - Student Government Board





October 27th, 2015



President Harun called the meeting to order on October 27 th

, 2015 at 8:47 pm. Board

Members Green, Sykes, Dall, Chen, Heidecker, Murphy, Petrose, Tessier were present.

Committee Chairs Reslink, Lauver, Anand, Corelli, Hoch, and Butler were present.



A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes from October 20th, 2015

The motion was seconded

The motion was carried



President Harun began by commending Board Members Murphy and Sykes for their planning and execution on Mental Health Awareness week, and Community Outreach

Chair Lauver for her efforts in this year’s PMADD. She continued by announcing that she had a meeting with Board Member Chen and the diversity counsel about the ways that SGB could get involved with the diversity counsel’s efforts. President Harun then mentioned that she had attended CWO’s take back the night, which continued during the meeting. She also mentioned her involvement in the planning of “I love Pitt day” which takes place this Thursday from 12-2pm on the 5 th

avenue side of the union (lower lounge of WPU if it rains). She then reminded everyone about the football game verses North

Carolina State on Thursday. President Harun moved on by mentioning efforts to reestablish the SAGS Presidents Counsel in order to share information about events in each of the organizations. She then talked about a dinner they had attended last night at

Chancellor Gallagher’s house and announced that the Board has a meeting with

Chancellor Gallagher, Senior Vice Chancellor Humphrey, and Dean Bonner this Friday in order to update them on what the Board has been working on this year, what our plans for the future are, and how we can get involved with the strategic plan. Lastly, President

Harun talked about the mini Board retreat to be held on Saturday, Halloween Day, to do some goal setting and some brainstorming on ways to improve SGB.




Everett Green

Board Member Green reported that this week he and Chairman Anand got a lot of work done on their guest passes initiative, having another meeting with Julie Banister from Panther Central where they gave a proposal and received feedback, and sending her a follow-up to ask questions on a few things that they would like to see done to see if they are possible. Board Member Green went on to mention data collection in

residence halls in terms of speed, especially in Towers and Ruskin, to prevent people from having to wait outside in the cold during the winter months. Lastly, he announces his excitement to finally have a full assembly and wishes everyone a happy Halloween.


Matt Sykes

Board Member Sykes referenced President Harun’s remarks and stated that Mental

Health Awareness Week was a huge success, commenting that he and Board Member

Murphy had been working very hard on it for a long time and he thanked everyone for all their help, specifically naming the Counseling Center, Greek Life, and Pitt

Program Council. He stated that he received a lot of great feedback on the event and expressed his excitement for the momentum that it built up. Board Member Sykes commented that Mental Health Awareness Week was only the beginning and that it will further help to ensure that Pitt is a community where people feel safe and comfortable living with as well as speaking on mental health issues. He also recognized Committee Chair Lauver and Press Secretary Lampmann for their work on PMADD and praised how well it went, claiming that it gets better each year. He ended his report encouraging everyone to get excited for Thursday’s Pitt football game against UNC.


Natalie Dall

Board Member Dall reported that there will be a traditions meeting this Sunday at

4pm in WPU 918. She mentioned that they had met last week, discussing long term goals, programming for next semester and something that they may try to do by the end of this semester. Additionally, Board Member Dall reported that she met with her freshman intern on Friday to set goals. Her freshman intern will be doing benchmarking with other universities to see whether they have anything like our traditions committee and how they advertise their traditions on campus. She went on saying that she would begin compiling a database of former members of SGB so that members can reach out to alumni with questions about past initiatives. Lastly, she explained that she attended the assembly meeting last night with Executive Vice

President Green and added that they voted to add Pitt Program Counsel to the assembly.


Jacky Chen

Board Member Chen announced that today he had met with TEDx University of

Pittsburgh planning committees to get the ball rolling in regards to planning the second Pitt Ted exposition. He stated that they are collaborating with GPSG

(Graduate Student Government). He went on to announce that there was a problem with the e-mail list for food committee, a new e-mail list is to be created and members can sign up for that new e-mail list via the link on SGB’s Facebook page.

Additionally, he announced that he met with President Harun and the Diversity

Counsel in regards to how they can collaborate on diversity inclusion initiatives.

Lastly, Board Member Chen pointed out that he is working with RSA and Sodexo in regards to increasing late night campus dining options and encourages anybody who

would like to give feedback or ask questions to talk to him or e-mail him at



Jack Heidecker

Board Member Heidecker announced that he met with Jasmine Butler briefly before the meeting in regards to his campus health initiative, she recommended that he reach out to Marian Vanek this week. He stated that he hired a freshman intern, Brooke

Urban whom he looks forward to working with. Lastly, Board Member Heidecker mentioned the passing of Dr. Susan Hicks from the center of Russian Eastern

European studies, noting that Pitt had lost an admired member of faculty.


Meghan Murphy

Board Member Murphy announced the success of the first Mental Health Awareness week, citing comments from students who were pleased with the university’s acknowledgement of mental health as an important initiative. In addition, she and

Board Member Sykes sat in on the mental health task force meeting, discussing new training initiatives for faculty, updates on which will come in the next few weeks. She further stated that she will be interviewing her freshman interns this week and will announce the two she selects next week. Lastly, in regards to Food Committee, she mentioned that there will be a meeting this Friday from 2-3pm in the lower lounge of



Lia Petrose

Board Member Petrose announced that the certificate will be collaborating with USIS on introductory courses such as intro to global health and intro to public health which will hopefully be available come fall 2017. She mentioned that tomorrow she will be having her first meeting with the public health interns to talk about the timeline for their rules and the project and also the second project which was introductory courses.

Lastly, she announced that those into courses have evolved into a lecture series which we will set up a meeting with Jason Sepic to talk about.


Robert Tessier

Board Member Tessier explained that he had just come from the Campus Women’s

Organization’s take back the night event, encouraging everyone to attend the event next year. He announced that he has been meeting with more CCLD organization leaders and has put together a list of resources where they can have free advertising on campus. He has also been reaching out to and joining various subcommittees under the Sexual Assault Task Force. Board Member Tessier concluded by wishing everyone a happy Halloween.





Allocations Committee Chair Reslink announced that the last Budget 101 meeting had been held earlier in the day and reminded everyone that budgets are due on

Friday, October 30 th

at 5pm. He also stated that budgets are not mandatory for nontax and said that if anyone had been unable to make it to any of the budget sessions

but was still interested in submitting one they should stop by the office before Friday in order to discuss if it is something that should be looked into. Allocations

Committee Chair Reslink also announced that he met with representatives from the

Green Fund advising board to discuss ways to better coordinate the allocations process and the funding that is given out by the Green Fund.





Community Outreach Chair Lauver thanked everyone who was involved and volunteered at PMADD and announced that there were over 200 more participants than ever before. She commented on how hard the committee worked on adding everything to the inventory and putting things that were used back in their places where they belonged. She once again emphasized her gratitude to everyone who came out for the event and expressed her excitement to start planning for next year and hopes to make it even bigger and better.







Facilities and Transportation Chair Anand announced that he and Board Member

Green met with Julie Banister from Panther Central, stating that it was a very productive meeting and that they discussed ways to speed up the sign in process without jeopardizing security standards. He also mentioned that the committee will begin going over and analyzing the quarter 3 data that Healthy Ride recently released, and will see how students on campus and the general Oakland neighborhood have been utilizing it. Committee Chair Anand also announced that he and Environmental

Chair Streets briefly discussed ways to increase bicycle safety for students and promised to keep the board updated on their progress.



Governmental Relations Chair Corelli applauded Committee Chair Lauver for her hard work on PMADD and commented on how well it went. He reminded everyone that Panther and Politics will be held on November 6 th at 5pm and tickets for the event can be picked up at the Union ticket office during their business hours. Committee

Chair Corelli discussed the setup of the event stating that the first half would be like a town hall meeting with Representative Mike Doyle, a congressman in Washington, and the second half would be a meet and greet with Representative Doyle. He encouraged those who are interested in a career in Washington to come to the event and speak with Representative Doyle and claimed he was a great resource to be able to talk to. He also mentioned there would be complimentary food at the event. He said that at this semester’s voter registration drive the number of paper registrations quadrupled from last year’s, and there were even more online registrations to be

accounted for. He voiced his enthusiasm for the upcoming Pitt football game and urged the ranked home team to beat UNC.



Judicial Chair Hoch announced that the committee will continue reviewing the student code of conduct. He also mentioned he had a great time at PMADD making

Pittsburgh beautiful again with Board Member Dal.


Wellness Chair Butler announced that the committee had a meeting on Sunday,

October 25 th

where they discussed the success of the SGB food drive they coordinated and they also spoke about planning for the upcoming Mind, Body, Peace

Day in the spring. She also mentioned that the budget for next semester had been submitted. Wellness Chair Butler stated that the November/December newsletter will be coming out in a few weeks and encouraged everyone to look out for it.




Nursing Student Association

President Ahmad announced that on Saturday, October 31 st her association will be attending the American Heart Association Walk and stated that the group has the largest amount of people out of all the teams in Pittsburgh going. She mentioned that if anyone was interested in donating they could come and speak with her. President

Ahmad also reported that on Thursday, November 5 th

the association will be having a fundraiser at Sincerely Yogurt on Fifth Avenue to raise money to send members to the statewide Nursing Student Convention. She stated that a fellow member of the association was running for Secretary of the Student Nursing Association of

Pennsylvania, a first for Pitt.


WPTS Radio

Representative Nick Sullivan reported that everything at the radio station was running smoothly so he chose to use his time to speak on Resident Assistant topics. He announced that Sutherland West held their annual Murder Mystery event last week in which residents had access to various art and decoration supplies and were given the task of decorating their floors in a specific theme to later be judged. He reported that the majority of the residence hall participated in one way or another and came together to make sure the event was successful. He also spoke about his participation in PMADD and said that, while he was tired, it was still a great time. Representative

Sullivan announced that PA and Panther Hall will be having their first ever Hill-oween educational event on Wednesday, October 28 th

where each floor will decorate according to a specific theme and he said students may be able to access to the building if they were interested in attending the event. He reported that on Friday,

October 30 th

the annual Nightmare at the Quad will be held from 7-10pm and on the same night from 8-10pm Holland Hall will be putting on their Holland Horror Story event, and he encouraged students to come by.


Pitt Program Council

A representative from the council reported that tomorrow night at 8:30pm there will be a showing of The Babadook in the assembly room of the WPU. She also stated that on Monday, November 2 nd

tickets for the Cleveland Cavaliers vs. San Antonio

Spurs game in January will go on sale. She announced that tickets were currently on sale for their trip to NYC and said that prices for the tickets varied depending on the size of the hotel room chosen, but the trip ticket included transportation, hotel accommodations for 2 nights, admission to the Broadway show Aladdin, a walking tour and bus tour of the city, and entrance into the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The representative also mentioned that refundable tickets were on sale for $5 at the Pitt

Program Council office for their Beer Tasting event on November 2 nd and reminded students they must be over 21 to attend and should bring their IDs if they were.





No unfinished business



No submitted agenda items



Allocations Recommendations

#8558 NSSLHA- $1600.00

Allocation recommendation was to approve $1580.80 and deny $19.20

The motion was seconded

The motion carried

#8560 Student Emergency Medical Services- $4978.20

Allocation recommendation was to approve in full

The motion was seconded

A motion was made to approve $4423.95 and deny $554.25

The motion was seconded

The motion carried

#8565 Asian Intervarsity Christian Fellowship- $1983.00

Allocation recommendation was to approve $1863.00 and deny $120.00

The motion was seconded

The motion carried

#8571 Lady Panthers Club Soccer- $4939.00

Allocations recommendation was to approve $4698.95 and deny $240.05

The motion was seconded

A motion was made to approve in full

The motion was seconded

The motion carried

#8575 Chinese American Student Association- $9674.00

Allocations recommendation was to approve in full

The motion was seconded

A motion was made to deny in full

The motion failed

A motion was made to approve $9199.00 and deny $475.00

The motion was seconded

The motion carried



Board Member Heidecker expressed his excitement for Election Day on November 3 rd and he encouraged those who were registered to vote to do so, mentioning that Superior

Court Judges and Common Law Court Judges were up for election.

Board Member Tessier announced that there will be a Haunted House on the Hill event at the Delta Chi house on October 30 th

in which 8 different Greek organizations will be participating, and 100% of the ticket funds will go towards the Jimmy V Foundation for cancer research. He encouraged everyone to come for a spooky time.



President Harun reminded everyone to come to I heart Pitt Day on Thursday, October

29 th

from 12-2 and said it would be filled with a lot of Pitt pride and would get everyone psyched for the big Pitt football game that night.



A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:44 p.m.

The motion was seconded

The motion carried.
