Induction and Neurulation Neuroembryology 1. Early Stage: blastula – a hollow ball of cells. Sphere in amphibians Flat sheet of cells in birds, mammals. Up to this point, egg is partitioned (whole egg is about the same size; cells divide smaller). [show amphibian pictures] Induction - Definition 1. Dictionary - Production of an effect elsewhere than at the original locus of activity. 2. Developmental Biology text - The ability of one tissue to influence the fate of nearby cells, presumably by a chemical signal (Purves and Lichtman, 1985) 3. Developmental Biology text - The process whereby an inducing tissue interacts with a responding tissue, causing the tissue to differentiate (Oppenheimer and Lefevre Jr., 1984) Some Terminology • Totipotent cell - a cell that has the ability to form a complete organism through embryogenesis (e.g. the zygote, one of the first two blastomeres formed during cleavage in frogs or mammals). • Pleuripotent cell - a cell that has the ability to differentiate into any type of tissue if exposed to the appropriate chemical signals (e.g. stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of an early mammalian embryo). • Multipotent cell - a cell that has the ability to differentiate into a limited number of tissue types if exposed to the appropriate chemical signals (e.g. stem cells obtained from adult tissues) There is a conserved pattern in the early development of animals •Egg cells of all animals are polarized: an ‘animal’ pole and a ’vegetal’ pole. •Latter contains the nourishing yolk. •After fertilization, many cell divisions occur, forming the blastula = a hollow ball with an inner cavity = blastocele. •Cells at the animal pole epidermis and nervous system. •Cells at the vegetal pole Gut. •Cells in between these 2 poles mesodermal derivatives (muscles, skeleton. •The rearrangement of this collection of cells is called gastrulation. •Gastrulation will give rise to 3 germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm. [Will elaborate on this later in these slides]. Fig. 1-12 (previous slide) After a sufficient # of divisions, when the blastula forms, there are cells on the inside of the ball, called the inner cell mass, that actually produce the embryo, whereas cells on the exterior of the ball make the placenta and other extra-embryonic membranes. Note that the primitive streak runs along the A-P axis of the embryo and the ectoderm laying above the mesoderm cells neural plate, then the neural tube. 2. Gastrula: blastopore – invagination. Gastrulation: The process by which the simple blastula is transformed to the more complex 3layered organization. Ultimately gives rise to 3 different tissue layers. Cells of the mesoderm and endoderm move into the inside of the embryo, often at a single invagination region, called the blastopore. Eventually, blastocele is obliterated and a new cavity, a primative gut forms (archenteron). Some cells from inner and/or outer layer detach to form the intermediate layer, called the ‘mesoderm’. Note the involuting cells that were originally on the surface of the embryo to the interior, called the involuting marginal zone (IMZ) muscle and bone. The first of the IMZ cells to migrate the furthest will anterior portion of the animal (head). The later of the IMZ cells to migrate (the least) will posterior portion of the animal. At this point, the neural plate of the vertebrate embryo still resembles the rest of the surface ectoderm. Shortly after its formation, the neural plate begins to fold in on itself to form a tube-like structure – the neural tube. Neural crest cells, which arise from the junction between the neural tube and the ectoderm, will eventually form the neurons and glia of the PNS. Neurulation • Neurulation is the formation of the vertebrate nervous system in embryos. • The notochord induces the formation of the CNS by signaling the ectoderm above it to form the thick and flat neural plate. • The neural plate then folds in on itself to form the neural tube, which will then later differentiate into the spinal cord and brain. Neurulation (cont’d) • Different portions of the neural tube then form by 2 different processes in different species: 1. Primary Neurulation – the neural plate creases inward until the edges come into contact and then fuse. 2. Secondary Neurulation – the tube forms by hollowing out of the interior of a solid precursor Germ Layers: Endoderm gut and major digestive organs Mesoderm muscle, skeleton, connective tissue, CV, and urogenital systems. Ectoderm skin and nervous system. 3. Neurula – The Next Stage of Development = neurulation. Embryo at this stage is called ‘neurula’ a. Formation of neural groove cranially from dorsal blastopore or Hansen’s Node. b. Ectoderm lateral to this groove thickens the neural plate. c. Edges of the plate form distinctive ridges: neural folds. These will ultimately meet and fuse neural tube brain and s.c. At the same time, the notochord and pamites (masses of mesoderm incorporated into connective tissue of spinal column) located lateral to the 1st indication of segmentation. d. The PNS arises from a distinct group of precursor cells called the ‘neural crest’. The neural crest arises from the neural plate, but separates from it to form bands that run dorsalaterally to the neural tube gives rise to spinal and autonomic ganglia, glial cells of PNS, and several non-neural tissues: - melanocytes, chromaffin cells, cartillage, blood-forming cells, connective tissue covering brain and spinal cord (DAP mater), parts of facial bone (drives home the point that some tissues (bone and connective tissue) come from >1 embryonic layer) Origin of PNS Cells • From neural tube: – All motor neurons of somatic nervous system – Preganglionic neurons of autonomic system • From neural crest: – Sensory nerves and associated ganglia – Postganglionic neurons of autonomic system Neural Crest Cells • Induced by organizing cells of notochord • Main functional groups: – Cranial neural crest: • Bones and connective tissue of face • Tooth primordia • Thymus, parathyroid, thyroid glands • Sensory cranial neurons • Parasympathetic ganglia and nerves • Parts of the heart (cardiac neural crest) Neural Crest Cells • • • • A group of cells, which breaks away from the closing neural tube and populate the periphery (as opposed to the CNS, which will develop from the tube). Neural crest will supply all neurons of the PNS and a variety of other peripheral structures, ranging from melanocytes to craniofacial bones to cells of the adrenals. This population of cells separates from the neural plate shortly after the fusion of the neural folds, and streams of dividing cells begin their journey through the embryo. The expression of which genes are turned off during this migratory stage? And, this occurs for individual cells as well as for groups of cells Neural Crest Cells • For neural crest cells, migratory pathway is particularly important in cellular determination, as location (or path) controls the availability of inducing factors for particular cell fates. Making Cells The use of chimeras has been invaluable in the study of individual cell fates. What is a chimera? Cells with a different genome; e.g., chick/quail mix – heterochromatin marker not found in chick. [3H] thymidine labeling has helped in the delineation of migratory pathways and development potential of neural crest cells. Neural Crest Cells Interaction: Neural crest migration/movement is rigid and occurs in a ventral (1st cells give rise to ventral structures) - todorsal order in the head. Migratory pathways are linked to neuronal fate. What is the mostly likely result of transplant experiments when early cells will switch their fate? Extrinsic cues ? Whether these come from the pathway itself or the final destination (target-derived cues) is not clear. As in the CNS, the earlier the cell is, the more pleuripotent it is (the more flexibility of fate). Neural Crest Cells • Main functional groups: • The stream of neural crest cells migrates via a ventral route to form: – Trunk neural crest: • Melanocytes (via the dorsal route) • Sensory neurons (DRG) • Sympathetic ganglia and nerves (ANS) • Medulla of adrenal glands (chromaffin cells) Note that they migrate segmentally (sclerotome) – only in the rostral compartment. Neural Crest Cells • Migration: – Epithelial to mesenchyme transition – Migrational pathways are established by juxtacrine signals: • Fibronection, laminin in ECM + integrins • Ephrin proteins: Restrict movement • Contact inhibition • Use of existing structures – Migration ceases when these signals are reversed Migration of Neural Crest Cells Unlike cells in the CNS, which migrate radially along glial fibers, neural crest cells “crawl along” independently (like fibroblasts). Motility is promoted by integrins – bind cell surface to ECM (how does this contrast with cadherins?) Prominent ECM components along neural crest cell pathway: fibronectin, laminin, collagen. The ECM provides attractive (permissive) cues for movements, as well as a substrate on which to bind. A set of repulsive cues in neighboring structures keeps cells in their precise migratory pathway Migration of Neural Crest Cells As the cells reach their destination, the expression of cadherins is once again activated (had been repressed during free movement) cells aggregate into ganglia when they undergo terminal neuronal and glial differentiation. Side bar: retroviral labeling: A cell can be labelled permanently and heritably by injection with a retrovirus carrying a gene (e.g., βgalactosidase) incorporated into cells’ DNA and then expressed. A substance, which will turn blue from the action of the enzyme, can then be introduced in a histochemical test. Neural Crest Cells • Differentiation: – Largely based on location along neural tube and their migration route: Neural Crest Cells • Differentiation: – Migration routes along trunk: – Ventral pathway: cells move through anterior portion of somite toward ventral side of embryo • Cells become: sensory neurons, sympathetic ganglia, medulla of adrenal gland – Dorsolateral pathway: cells move between epidermis and somite • Cells become: melanocytes • Basic organization of the PNS is established by the migratory pathways of the neural crest cells Neural Crest Cells • Differentiation: – How do they know what to become? – Most cells are pleuripotent- fate determined by position – Paracrine factors play a role • Example: Endothelin-3 and Wnt – Some exceptions: only NC cells from head make bone – Individual cells may differentiate early in migration Differentiation of Neurons • Within nerve tube: – Dorsal Interneurons – Ventral Motor neurons Differentiation of Neurons • Motor neurons: – Tissues they innervate depends on: – Anterior-posterior location along the nerve tube – When the cells were “born” e. Sensory Placodes: arises from separate thickenings of the ectoderm in the head region central ganglia and cranial sense organs (e.g., ear, lens) f. Emergence of the Vertebrate brain from the neural tube. Rigid and disproportionate cell proliferation in neural tube swellings: vessicles: Proencephalon cerebral hemispheres Mesencephalon midbrain Rhombencephalon brainstem and cerebellum. Most proliferation of nerve cell precursors occur inner outer surface of the neural tube. (from ventricular zone outward) There is also a rostral-caudal progression of maturation in the neural tube. Formation of the Neural Tube • Secondary Neurulation 1. Occurs beyond the caudal neuropore 2. lumbar and tail region 3. Exclusive mechanism for fish 4. Starts with formation of medullary cord 5. Cavitation of cord to form hollow tube Secondary Neurulation Differentiation of Neural Tube • Major morphological changes: differentiation of brain vesicles and spinal cord • Differentiation of neural tube cells • Development of peripheral nervous system Differentiation of the Neural Tube • Neural tube must maintain dorsal-ventral polarity – Sensory neurons- dorsal – Motor neurons- ventral • Accomplished by “inductive cascades” – Dorsal: BMPs from epidermisRoof plate cells in neural tubeTGF-B cascadeCell differentiation – Ventral: Sonic hedgehog from notochord and retinoic acid from somitesFloor plate cells of neural tubeshh gradientCell differentiation Differentiation of the Neural Tube • Histological changes 1. Neural tube initially a single layer of cells: germinal epithelium 2. Cells are called neural stem cells • • Neurons Glial Cells: Myelin sheath Neural Induction and the Search for the “Organizing Principle” • Formation of the neural plate is signaled from the underlying notochord. • The lens placode is stimulated by cells in the optic cups (evaginations of proencephalons which will become retina and optic nerve). • What causes this induction? In the whole embryo, research on an ‘organizer’ has been conducted for the last 100 yrs. Era of the Quest for the Neural Inducer(s) EVERYTHING induces neural tissue– High pH, Low pH Divalent cations Nucleic acids Dead tissues Organic chemicals Sterols Methylene Blue! Transfilter experiments suggest diffusible molecule(s) Neural response programmed into dorsal ectoderm? Suggests that neural induction is “permissive” rather than instructive. So…..what is the neural inducer? Primary Induction Fibronectin ECM on ectodermal cells Presumptive Ectoderm Integrins on mesodermal cells Presumptive Endoderm Dorsal Blastopore Lip Presumptive Mesoderm Gastrulation in Amphibians Normal Dorsal Blastopore Lip Hans Spemann & Hilde Mangold 1924 “Organizer” and Mesoderm Induction Presumptive Ectoderm Presumptive Endoderm Xnr protein concentration “Morphogen” Synergistic 1 – tissue capable of inducing a stimulus 2 – tissue competent of responding to stimulus Y Inductive Event: = cell surface receptors = intracellular signaling pathway O = target genes • Spemann found that a split early embryo will form 2 completely independent ones, as long as the dorsal lip of the blastopore was included in each piece. • This was considered the 1st “center of differentiation”. • KEY EXPERIMENTS: i. Induction of 2nd neural plate when dorsal lip of blastopore transplanted, which notochord. The ectoderm of host that would have formed skin, instead, formed neural structures. But, it was discovered that a number of tissues could induce complex structures at this embryonic stage. Artificial Inducers and Non-specific Activators • Perhaps the inducers were not instructional, but permissive in their actions. Perhaps, the ectoderm is pre-programmed to form neural tissue and needs little impetus to do so (?) MORE RECENT EXPERIMENTS (past decade): Have focused on identifying genes, which are only expressed by organizer tissues. How could a potential inducer be tested? Detect transcribed mRNA for that inducer in organizer tissue by in situ hybridization. The inducer itself gives rise to mesodermal tissues. Going back to an earlier stage, it was shown that isolated ectoderm, exposed to the appropriate inducing signals, could be induced to form organizer tissue (like blastopore dorsal lip) and gives rise to mesoderm. • In recent yrs, scientists discovered polypeptide growth factors, originally identified as hormone regulators of the reproductive system, which could induce ectoderm to form mesoderm. • These peptides, such as activin and inhibin, are related to TGF-β. • These peptides bind to tyr kinase receptors (which dimerize, autophosphorylate, and start intracellular signaling cascades). • Important experimental tests of these peptides led to greater understanding of the functions of the neural organizer. • To determine if native embryonic tissue is induced by activin (or other PGFs), scientists inhibited (disabled) the signal by truncating the receptor mesodermal inducer was blocked; embryo developed with only axial structures in isolated ectodermal tissue, neural tissue was induced! • This suggested that the elusive neural inducers may block the activity of other molecules, which might cause the ectoderm to form other tissues (i.e., mesoderm or epidermis). • This may explain why so many random (frequently toxic) substances could cause ectoderm to become neural. • They could have disrupted an active process, which allows the tissue not to become neural, but to become epidermal instead. • Again, what happens? • TGF-β-like PGF (such as BMP-2 and BMP-4) are produced by ectoderm in the embryo. • Neural inducers block these PGFs: to induce neural tissue. • [In nature, the neural inducer is not a damaged receptor, but a specific inhibitor]. • Candidates studied: fallistatin, noggin, chordin are expressed by organizer tissue, block formation of epidermis and induce formation of neural tissue. • However, are these really essential for neural induction in nature? (Just because they can do it doesn’t guarantee that they do in the natural state. (Planar) BMP inhibitors (vertical) • One way to test: gene knock-out studies in mice. • Follistatin mutant normal development. Follistatin is not essential in nature. • Studies are continuing regarding the other 2. • Note: the nervous system induced by these substances is rather primitive, suggesting that the other factors come into play in nature. General Morphogenesis Morphogenesis is the formation of ordered form and structure -Animals achieve it through changes in: -Cell division -Cell shape and size -Cell death -Cell migration -Plants use these except for cell migration 69 General Morphogenesis Cell division -The orientation of the mitotic spindle determines the plane of cell division in eukaryotic cells -If spindle is centrally located, two equalsized daughter cells will result -If spindle is off to one side, two unequal daughter cells will result 70 General Morphogenesis Cell shape and size -In animals, cell differentiation is accomplished by profound changes in cell size and shape -Nerve cells develop long processes (axons) -Skeletal muscles cells are large and multinucleated 71 General Morphogenesis Cell death -Necrosis is accidental cell death -Apoptosis is programmed cell death -Is required for normal development in animals -“Death program” pathway consists of: -Activator, inhibitor and apoptotic protease all 72 General Morphogenesis Cell migration -Cell movement involves both adhesion and loss of adhesion between cells and substrate -Cell-to-cell interactions are often mediated through cadherins -Cell-to-substrate interactions often involve complexes between integrins and the extracellular matrix (ECM) 73 Cadherins and cell adhesion Early Neural Morphogenesis • The focus underlying the change in shape and movements during gastrulation and neurulation have been an active area of research. • Two Known Mechanisms: 1. Coordinated growth; change in cell shape and cell movement. 2. Differential cell adhesion 1. Cells become more flask-shaped inward curvature of neural plate. • Elongation at the floor of neural plate elastic sheet is pulled to form a tube (convergent extension). • Rate of growth varies from ant post to promote the formation of vessicles and flexures. • There is still much to be understood regarding how these processes are mediated at the cellular level. • Note: at this stage, the embryo has already established a degree of polarity: anterior behaves differently from posterior; dorsal behaves differently from ventral. • One way that positional polarity (and information) can be signaled is through gradients of substances. 2. The role of differential cell adhesion was first demonstrated when it was found that amphibian embryonic tissue dissociated to separate cells at high pH and would re-aggregate when pH was returned to normal. Cadherins: a family of cell-surface glycoproteins, which appear to play a role in differential cell adhesion. Cells containing the same class of cadherins will interact and aggregate. These form adhesive junctions and interact with force-generating, actin-based cytoskeletal network to assist in mediating movements. Differential cell adhesion • E.g., N-cadherins (neural) vs. E-cadherins (epidermal). • These 2 types probably mediate the sorting. • Cadherins can be expressed at precise times they are needed during neural development. • Alternatively, they can be turned off at opportune times as well. • E.g., migrating cells of newly-forming neural crest (or of mesenchyme), which decreases cadherins during migrating phase. Then, increased cadherins expression when they stop migrating and differentiating. Tripeptide binding sequence …arginine-glycine-aspartate… Homophilic binding Protease cleaves Talin; binding/ uncoupling with actin Integrins - Binding to extracellular matrix Cadherins – Ca++ dependent Neural induction is not a switch. It is a gradual process, as are all determination mechanisms