Influence ANY Outcome: Using Neuroscience to Sell Better

Influence ANY Outcome: Using Neuroscience to Sell Better, Lead Better, Market Better
Date: September 25
Time: 11AM (PDT)/ 2PM (EDT)
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Christine Comaford,
New York Times bestselling author, leadership & culture coach
Influence is no longer about doing something to someone to get what you want. Real influence is about forging deep
connections quickly, stepping into someone’s world authentically and striving for consistent win/win outcomes.
In this session with Christine Comaford, author of the New York Times bestseller SmartTribes, you’ll learn potent neuroscience
techniques for getting buy-in that can result in increasing team member emotional engagement, faster-closing sales, increased
marketing demand generation and even an improved relationship with your children and spouse!
Join this session to learn:
• The techniques Bill Gates used to make Windows a world standard
• How to be instantly compatible with someone to powerfully influence, connect and build rapid trust
• The 3 things all human beings crave – and how to provide them
• Specific and highly successful applications of these techniques in sales, marketing and leadership scenarios
*ATTENDEE BONUS: 350 lucky attendees will receive a complimentary copy of Christine’s book SmartTribes: How Teams
Become Brilliant Together
Influence Worksheet © 2012 Christine Comaford Associates, LLC · 415 320 6580 -1-
Tool #1: Safety, Belonging, Mattering
What you crave most: _________________________
What the 3 most important people in your life crave most:
Person’s Name
What They Crave
Tool #2: Meta Programs
Person to Influence:
(Put an X on each continuum for you, and an O for the person you want to influence)
(Goal oriented
(Avoid risk/conflict
find the right way)
(Overview/big picture
(Take action/charge ahead)
Meta Program
Influential words
Motivated to achieve goals, to
move forward, get what they
get, attain, achieve and synonyms
Motivated to solve problems,
avoid risk taking, move away from
avoid, prevent, assess, consider
Influence Worksheet © 2012 Christine Comaford Associates, LLC · 415 320 6580 -2-
of these
and synonyms
Decoder Question: To find out whether a person is Toward or Away ask: What do you want in your work (or
something else important to them)? Keep asking questions like: “What else…do you want or is important. Just notice
what descriptor words they use and tabulate. Be sure to keep a written running score so that your own Meta
Programs don’t filter what you hear e.g. if you have an extreme bias you may hear one mention of the other pole as
extreme when actually the person is kind of middle of the road.
Meta Program
Motivated by choice, possibility,
variety; will give you a list of
criteria they want.
Variety, choice, possibility and
synonyms of these
Influential words
Motivated by following a proven
and reliable process; prefer a step
by step process
The right way, series of steps,
reliable process and synonyms. If
you interrupt a Procedural person
in mid-story they are compelled to
go back to the beginning of the
story and repeat it.
Decoder Question: Ask “Why did you choose your current work/job/car/?” An Options person will respond with a list
of features or traits…their criteria, e.g. for car “It gets great gas mileage, it’s black, and has great acceleration.” A
procedures person will respond with a story. “Well you know it’s a funny thing. My old car was breaking down all the
time and my Aunt Sue was visiting and....”
Meta Program
Influential words
Motivated to summarize and be
high level in their thinking.
Looking at the forest
Motivated by details and
sequences. Knows how many
trees the forest contains, how
many leaves each tree has, and
the variation of their bark.
Overview, the big picture, in general, Specifically, exactly, precisely, lots
the point is … and synonyms of these. of details…presents details first.
Presents summary first.
Decoding: Ask: How do you brainstorm challenges at work? How do you solve problems? Describe your weekend?
What do you do for fun? Notice which Influential Words they use, and if they start with specific details or with an
overall summary statement.
Active-Reflective (Also called Proactive-Reactive)
Influence Worksheet © 2012 Christine Comaford Associates, LLC · 415 320 6580 -3-
Meta Program
Influential words
Motivated to take action
immediately, charge ahead
Get it done, now, don’t wait, just
jump in, take the leap and
synonyms of these. Use very short
sentence structure just noun –
verb – object, with few clauses.
Motivated to analyze, wait, reflect
first and act when appropriate.
Consider, could, understand, let’s
think about it and synonyms of
these. Use long sentence
structure with pauses to reflect.
Decoding: Ask: How do you solve problems at work? How do you discover opportunities or challenges? When do you
know when your attention is needed? How do you learn new things? Listen for sentence structure as well as their use
of Influential Words.
Per SmartTribes: Common Challenges + Smart Solutions
Influence Worksheet © 2012 Christine Comaford Associates, LLC · 415 320 6580 -4-
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Influence Worksheet © 2012 Christine Comaford Associates, LLC · 415 320 6580 -5-