Presidential Terms McKinley

Presidential Terms
Directions: The following assignment is to be hand-written and completed on a separate sheet of paper. For each
president you must: 1) provide years in office, 2) the political party he was affiliated with and 3) the definition and
significance/effect(s) for each given term (see sample).
Due Date: FEBRUARY 22, 2012
Years in office: ____________
Political Party: ____________
1. Teller Amendment
2. Yellow Journalism
3. Insular Cases 1901
4. Open Door Policy 1899
5. Boxer Rebellion 1900
Theodore Roosevelt
Years in office: __________
Political Party: ___________
1. Hay-Paunceforte Treaty 1901
2. Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty 1903
3. “Square Deal”
4. Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine 1904
5. Portsmouth Treaty, 1905
6. Gentlemen’s Agreement 1904
7. Elkins Act 1903 and Hepburn Act 1906
8. Pure Food & Drug Act 1906, Meat Inspection Act 1906 and “muckrakers”
9. PA Coal Strike 1902
10. trust busting and the Northern Securities Company 1903
11. New Nationalism
12. Bull Moose Party
13. Big Stick Diplomacy
William H Taft
Years in office: ____________
Political Party:______________
1. Paine-Aldrich Tariff 1909
2. Pinchot-Ballinger controversy 1909
3. “Dollar Diplomacy”
4. 16th Amendment
Woodrow Wilson
Years in office: ___________
Political Party:____________
1. Underwood Tariff 1913
2. 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments
3. Federal Reserve System 1913
4. Federal Trade Commission 1914
5. Clayton Anti-trust Act 1914
6. “Fourteen Points” 1917
7. Treaty of Versailles (be sure to identify Article X)
8. Irreconcilables
9. “New Freedom”
10. Espionage and Sedition Act 1917
11. Schneck v US 1919
12. Committee of Public Information and George Creel
13. National Labor Board
14. War Industries Board