Stress Assessment & Management Techniques Learning Outcomes Define the terms stress, stressor, eustress & distress. Explain the role of stress in maintaining health. Identify the major sources of stress in your life. Learning Outcomes Describe some time-management skills. Explain the role of physical exercise in reducing stress. Describe & learn to use various stress-management techniques. What is Stress? Key Terms What is a Stressor Can People react to stress differently? What is Eustress? What is Distress? The Mind/Body Connection The brain Most important part of nervous system © Cengage Publishing All organs will sacrifice to keep the brain alive Controls voluntary and involuntary functions Cognitive center of body Brain produces mixture of emotions and physical responses LPFW 6 Adrenaline: Fight or Flight Response Coping With Stress Fight-or flight mechanism Hormonal changes Physiological changes © Cengage Publishing LPFW 8 General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm Reaction Resistance Exhaustion/Recovery Chronic distress raises the risk for many health disorders. Name some Health Disorders What is Homeostasis? stressors for college women? Different in men? Common Stressors in the life of a college student © Cengage Publishing LPFW 15 Perceptions and Health Explanatory style Pessimism Optimism © Cengage Publishing LPFW 16 Self-Esteem Way of viewing and assessing yourself Positive self-esteem Negative self-esteem Powerful determinant of health © Cengage Publishing LPFW 17 How do you react to stress? People with Anger & Hostility are at Higher Risk for Disease What are the tips to manage anger? 1. How can we change a Type A Personality? 2. 3. 4. What is Type C Personality? Why? Personality D New Research is The D stands for distressed Time Management Signs of poor time management © Cengage Publishing LPFW 23 before taking a test that I did study During Before RTFQ The best place to study is a quiet place Yes No Research Five Steps to Time Management Step 1 What are your time killers? Step 2 What are your immediate goals? Prioritize them for today and this week. Step 3 What are your long & short range goals? Step 4 In addition to the five management steps, these can make better use of your time How do we cope with stress? What is number one? Relaxation Techniques Progressive relaxation © Cengage Publishing LPFW 32 Relaxation Techniques Breathing techniques © Cengage Publishing LPFW 33 Relaxation Techniques Visual imagery © Cengage Publishing LPFW 34 Relaxation Techniques Meditation © Cengage Publishing LPFW 35 Relaxation Techniques Yoga © Cengage Publishing LPFW 36 Which Techniques are Best?