Industrialization and Immigration Unit 4, part 1 Instructions: Cut and fold along the lines. Then paste them in your notebook. Draw or write a linking word on the word on the front and write the definition on the back. Bonus points: Explain the significance of each term under the definition. Terms Draw a picture or write 1-2 linking words (memory aid) Draw a picture or write 1-2 linking words (memory aid) Terms Yellow Journalism Great Migration Spanish American War Chinese Exclusion Act Imperialism Tenement AntiImperialists Sherman Antitrust Act Laissez-Faire Nativism Progressivism Union Muckraker Red Scare Articles of C onfederation Unit 1, Section 4, part 1 Instructions: Cut and fold along the lines. Then paste them in your notebook. Draw or write a linking word on the word on the front and write the definition on the back. Bonus points: Explain the significance of each term under the definitionach term under the definition. Terms Define the term or give 2-3 important facts Define the term or give 2-3 important facts Terms Great Migration Yellow Journalism Chinese Exclusion Act Spanish American War Tenement Imperialism Sherman Antitrust Act AntiImperialists Nativism Laissez-Faire Union Progressivism Red Scare Muckraker