String Methods

Java Overview
Comments in a Java Program
• Comments can be single line comments like C++
//This is a Java Comment
• Comments can be spread over multiple lines like
/* This is a multiple
line comment.
• Comments can be special Java comments that help
produce java documentation using the javadoc
utitlity program.
comments for an HTML page
goes here */
• Can be a series of characters consisting of
letters, digits, underscores(_) and dollar signs
• It does not begin with a digit and does not
contain spaces and cannot be a reserved word.
Examples: WelcomeApplet, $value, _value,
my_inputField, button8
Invalid Examples: 8button or
input field
Identifier Conventions
• Class names begin with a capital letter and have a
capital letter for every word in the class name (
Ex: WelcomeAppletClass)
• Variables and Methods begin with lower case
letter and have a capital letter for every word in
the variable ( Ex: firstNumber, and
• Constants are all caps with an underscore
separating individual words ( Ex:
Primitive Data Types and
Declaring Variables
• Integer values (32 bits from -231 to 231-1):
int number1, number2;
• Real values (32 bits):
float area;
True/False values (8 bits):
boolean done=true;
Primitive Data Types
• Other Integers: byte (8 bits), short (16 bits)
and long (64 bits)
byte verySmallInteger;
short numberInClass;
long veryBigInteger;
• Other real values: double (64 bits)
double nationalDebt;
– By default, real values are double. For example,
5.0 is considered to be double not float. To make it
float, write it as 5.0f
Number Literals
int i = 34;
long l = 1000000;
float f = 100.2f;
float f = 100.2F;
double d = 100.2;
double d = 100.2D;
Double d=100.2d;
Primitive Data Types
• Character data
– uses ISO Unicode Character set (16 bits)
• Established by the Unicode Consortium to support the
interchange, processing, and display of texts for the world’s
diverse languages. (see
– Ranges from ‘\u0000’ to ‘\uFFFF’
– ASCII is a subset of Unicode (‘\u0000’ to ‘\u007F’
corresponds to the 128 ASCII characters
Examples: char letter='A';
char letter='\u0041';
char letterPI='\03A0'; //
static final datatype CONSTANT_NAME =
static final double PI = 3.14159;
static final int SIZE = 3;
Shortcut Operators
Operator Example
i = i+8
f = f-8.0
i = i*8
i = i/8
i = i%8
Increment and
Decrement Operators
x = 1;
y = 1 + x++;
y = 1 + ++x;
y = 1 + x--;
y = 1 + --x;
Operator Precedence
++, -*, /, %
+, <, <=, >, =>
==, !=;
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
Numeric Type Conversion
Consider the following statements:
byte i = 100;
long l = i*3+4;
double f = i*3.1+l/2;
• When performing a binary operation
involving operands of different types,
Java automatically converts the
operand of a smaller range type to a
larger range type of the other operand.
• Example: If one is int and the other is
float, the int is converted to float
Numeric Type Conversion
• Casting is an operation that converts a value of
one data type into a value of another data type.
• Casting a variable of a type with a small range to
a variable with a larger range is known as
widening a type.
• Casting a variable of a type with a large range to
a variable with a smaller range is known as
narrowing a type.
• Widening a type can be performed automatically.
• Narrowing a type must be performed explicitly.
Numeric Type Conversion
float f = 10.1;
float f = 10.1f;
float f = (float)10.1;
//explicit casting
The String Class
• java.lang.String is a class that models a
sequence of characters as a string. The
String class contains 11 constructors and >
40 methods
String message = “Welcome to Java!”;
String class
• String – sequence of character data
• String objects are immutable – they cannot
be changed once they have been created
• String class has 11 constructors
– String ()
– String (String s)
• Instantiating a string object
– String name = “Joe”;
– String name = new String (“Joe”);
String Methods
• char charAt (int position)
– Return the character located at the specified
• char c = name.charAt(2);
• equals
– if (s1.equals(s2))
String Methods
• int length()
– Returns the number of characters in the string
• int l = name.length();
• String substring (int start)
• String substring (int start, int end)
– Used to extract a substring from a larger string
– start is the position of the first character to extract
– end is NOT the position of the last character to extract
but the position following the last character to extract
String Methods
Assume: String
letters = “abcdef”;
• System.out.println (letters.substring (3));
– Prints def
• System.out.println(letters.substring (0,3));
– Prints abc
• System.out.println (letters.substring
– Prints cd
String Methods
• boolean equals (Object o)
– Return true if the object is a string that has the
same length and contains the same characters as
the string for which the method is called
• boolean equalsIgnoreCase (Object o)
String Methods
• int compareTo(String s)
– Returns 0 if both strings are the same
– Returns a positive number if the argument
string comes first
– Returns a negative number if the calling string
come first
String Methods
indexOf and lastIndexOf – searches for a
specified character or substring in a String
• Example: String letters =“abcdefabcd”;
– int i=letters.indexOf(‘c’); // i contains 2
– int i=letters.indexOf(‘$’); // i contains -1
– int i=letters.indexOf (‘a’,1); //starts with
1 and searches for ‘a’ i contains 6
– int i=lastIndexOf (‘b’);
– int i=letters.indexOf(“def”); // i=3
String Methods
• replace (char,char), toUpperCase(), trim()
– String s1 = “hello”;
– s1 = s1.replace (‘l’, ‘L’); //returns a
string object in which every occurrence of ‘l’ is
replaced by ‘L’
– s1 = s1.toUpperCase(); //”HELLO”
– s1 = s1.trim() //remove any white spaces
at beginning or end