
By: Nicholas Spaine
Robert Kempin
Period 1
Cathode Ray-Tube-1948
The ray tube was the first true video game unit that was
invented by Thomas Goldsmith, Cedar Grove and Ray Marin. This
system only had one game which was a missile simulator where you
used the screen overlays as targets for a small dot and was based of
World War II radar screens. (patent #-2455992)
Brown Box-1967
The Brown Box was known as the first video game console and
unlike the Cathode this had more games. It was a bulky brown
rectangular wooden box with 2 attached controllers & earned the name
the Brown Box. It was invented by Ralph Baer. Baer was known as the
father of the video game. He developed the brown video game console
so that it could be hooked up to any TV set.
Magnavox Odyssey-1972
The Magnavox was the very first video console that was released
to the public. It was a hybrid of both analog and digital circuitry. The
Odyssey is the starting point for all gaming systems. Though the
Odyssey was lacking color video output or sound it sold over 300,000
units. The controllers were like boxes with horizontal and vertical axis
knobs on both sides with dense wires from the console to the controller.
Magnavox Series-1975 (Odyssey 100 & 200)
During the period from 1975-76 Magnavox produced more
models of the Odyssey to improve their sales. One after another, each
of them had an update from the last one. In 1975, the Odyssey 100 had
two built-in memory games (Tennis and Hockey). It was an analog
system that was developed around 4 chips from Texas Instruments.
Later that year, the Odyssey 200 which was similar to the 100 but
contained an extra game. The 200 also allowed up to 4 players to play at
the same time (the first of its time)!
Magnavox Series-1976 (Odyssey 300, 400 &500)
In 1976, the Odyssey 300 came out which was built for using a
single chip containing all the interface info and games (also first of its
kind). The Odyssey 400 was the first of the series to have a screen
score. Last in 1976, the Odyssey 500 came and worked with color TVs
and had the same 3 games like all the others. The Odyssey Series was
really a jump start to video game consoles as each one got a little better
each time. We would not be at this point in time if it wasn't for the
Odyssey Series.
Atari Pong-1975
After the arcade version of PONG was popular in 1973, Atari decided to
market the game as a home console 2 years later in 1975. The main
reason why Atari made this into a game system was because in 1974 the
Odyssey was a huge dissatisfaction in some of its customers. It was also
rumored that the Odyssey would only work on the Magnavox TV set
(which was false). In the long run the PONG series was more popular
than the Odyssey series because of the series of games.
Atari 2600-1977
The Atari 2600 was the first console to use interchangeable
cartridges. After a long development, it sold slowly, but by
1982 it was selling 8 million units a year. In the long run it
shipped over 25 million units and has a library of 900 games.
It is still popular for hobbyists that like to make games for the
The Intellivision was released in 1979 by Mattel Electronics. Intellivision
was sold at different stores for different names to improve its market
and was the system for playing sports games. It was a huge competitor
of the Atari 2600 and one thing that put the it above the 2600 is that it
had more 3rd party support. The controller of the Intellivision had a 12
button keypad with a directional disk below that.
The Colecovision was a console known for its ability to replicate
it’s arcade games on a small scale. It had better sound and
graphics than the Atari and Mattel. It also could accept Atari
2600 games due to it’s slot made using standard parts, even
though this was technically illegal. This console also came
with steering wheels and trackballs.
Atari 5200-1982
The Atari 5200 was based off Atari’s successful 8-bit computers,
and games from their computers could be easily ported over.
This resulted in a massive percentage of quality games for this
powerful system. However, this excellent system was stopped
by the game crash of 1984, which was a great tragedy.
The Vectrex was originally called the Kenner Mini-Arcade and was
released late ‘82. This console was like no other and came with a 9-inch
screen, joysticks and had a built in game. Vectrex used sharp vector
graphics which was unlike any of the competition (which had more
pixelated screens). It was only capable of displaying black & white but
you could put color overlays over the screen to change the appearance.
The Vectrex only made its way into Japan and throughout Europe. The
importance other wise is that it was like no other system because it
came with its own monitor.
NES and Super NES
After the video game market
crashed in 1984, the Japanese
company Nintendo decided to
release the NES despite the
weak market. This system
pretty much single handedly
brought the market back from
the grave. They took care to
make it look more like a VCR
unit, so it would market better.
Without it we would not have
the modern video game.
Super NES-1990
In the early 1990s the NES was
starting to show it’s age
compared to newer 16-bit
systems. So Nintendo decided
to make the Super NES. This
offered a better cartridge
system and some 8-bit
compatibility, although it was
not fully compatible with the
NES. Early on they had only a
$10 price difference, which
helped with it’s slow start, but
it caught on and became widely
NES and Super NES
Sega Master System-1985
The Sega Master System, or SMS, was meant to be a conduit for
Sega arcade games to come to the home. However, due to
poor marketing this system never really caught on despite it’s
impressive hardware. It also had 3D peripheral, but due to
only six games for this it never caught on. So the SMS, was a
great system that almost made it.
The 3DO is a little heard of but innovative console. It featured
eight controllers, large quantities of expansions, and was the
first console to offer daisy-chaining and surround sound
support. It was designed as a 32-bid do-it-all box. However,
the release planted in the word “videogame” in the mind of
the consumer, and that, coupled with the high price, served to
keep it from ever reaching its full potential.
Sony kicked off its success with this system in 1994. It also changed the
long time war between Nintendo and SEGA by entering the market and
opened it up for Microsoft to create a console of their own. The
PlayStation also forced a lot of competitors to change their systems to
have disk-drives. They also introduced the Dual Shock controller and
introduced a number of important and classic games. They also
developed 3D games which also changed the market since we still use
those games today. This game system also introduced new controllers.
The PlayStation also made games that weren’t just oriented for kids but
also their parents.
Nintendo 64-1996
The Nintendo 64 featured a revolutionary advance in video game
controllers: the analog joystick, which is still used in most
modern game systems. This innovation enabled gamers to
control their world with more precision and accuracy than
ever before, allowing the 3d games From PCs to come into the
console world in their full glory.
The Sega Dreamcast was a innovation of epic proportions. It was
the first 128-bit console with online capabilities OTB(out of
the box), and the last console made by Sega, which withdrew
from the market soon after. Within three years, the direct
inspiration for the PS3 and Xbox 360 of today was pulled off
the market.
Nintendo Game Cube-2001
The Game Cube was often criticized because of its exterior but was a
very powerful system which housed an impressive number of
outstanding games. The Game Cube was a cartridge based system and
wasn’t the first. It also had cutting-edge hardware inside and had an
IBM CPU. The Game Cube was also known to have the longest shelf life
in the industry and has the same technology as the Wii (which came out
5 years later). Overall, the Game Cube changed game consoles because
of its amazing hardware, long shelf lives and amazing games.
Console Wars #1
PlayStation 2-2000
The PS2 is the best-selling video
game console that had more that
130 million units by the end of 08.
There are nearing 2000 games
that have and are being released
for this systems. The controller of
this Sony system (Dual Shock) is
the next Play Station controller
that was wildly popular in the
previous PlayStation.
The first console that Microsoft
designed which sparked the
Console War with Sony. The Xbox
laid the foundation for the modern
day online multi-player system.
The Xbox had a 16-player LAN
battles in their FPS games on the
first Xbox Live. Xbox Live service
was the first multi-player that
managed to capture a high level of
quality among a large number of
Console Wars #1
Console War #2
PlayStation 3-2006
The PS3 along with the Xbox360
redefined multi-player and its
functionality. In this system you
can now buy games without going
to the store, but instead
downloading them online. Sony
also revolutionized controllers
with the Dual Shock 3 by making
them wireless which had never
been done in an PlayStation. The
PS3 could also play shows and
movies off Netflix and Blu-Ray
The Xbox360 was the first highdefinition game console made. As
well as high-definition the 360 had
crisp, clean with advanced shading
and physics. While the PC gaming
had the same type of graphics the
360 was the first gaming system.
Along with the PS3 the Xbox360
had wireless controllers but you
had to put batteries in the pack on
the controller, the PS3 controller
you could charge it on a stand.
Console Wars #2
Nintendo Wii-2006
The Nintendo Wii is the first system that uses a sensor that you use to
control the game and the menu screens. Nintendo made the Wii to
change the way we play games by making it different than other game
system that was made before. Nintendo was up against a lot of pressure
because of the success of the PS3, Xbox360 and Nintendo’s previous
systems the NES, Super NES and the Game Cube. There are many
games that are on the Wii and only the Wii. Usually in modern day
game systems a lot of the games are shared, but the Wii Nintendo made
games mostly for the Wii and only the Wii.
Console Wars #3
PlayStation 4-2013
Xbox 1-2013
As fall comes around the corner the new generation of Sony and
Microsoft consoles will come out changing the gaming industry
standards with both of these innovative systems. As Microsoft and Sony
face off again we will see who can make a better console and how it will
change the game consoles for the future.
Types of engineers & Patents
Electrical Engineers
Many patents have been based off of the first console the
Cathode Ray Tube.
Patent #-US4078317-flight simulator system
Patent #-USRE32282-TV gaming apparatus
Patent #-USRE32305- Method of emplacing a TV receiver active
Impact on Society
Video games have had big impact on society. A lot of teens and
up play video games, some people even play for their job
(YouTube). The video game console has created the gaming
subculture, that has spread worldwide to become prevalent
almost anywhere. They have also been used to teleconference
by some smaller companies, which adds some fun to meetings.
Video game consoles are used in hospitals too for the sick kids to
have something to do to get their mind of their illness.
Works Cited
Works Citied
• Google Patents