
Helping your child meet their
maths target
Lots of games and activities
for you to choose from!
Target focus:
Add and subtract multiples
of 10,100 and 1,000
and decimals
Please ask your child’s teacher if you
don’t know their target.
A booklet for parents/carers
Finding sums and differences of pairs of 10,100 and/or 1000
Children are encouraged to use their addition and subtraction facts. For
example, if you know that 9+8=17, you also know that 90 + 80 = 170, 900 +
800 = 1,700, 9,000 + 8,000 = 17,000 etc. These games can be adapted to
what your child is working towards.
Door numbers and number plates!
• Ask your child to say the tens in two next door numbers as you walk past
(Or multiples of 100 for long roads!)
• They then add the two numbers together. For example they would say 40
and 30 from the two door numbers to the right and add them together or
find the difference.
• You could do the same with car number plates
for multiples of tens or hundreds.
Sum it up
Game 1:
• Each player rolls a dice
• If you roll a 5 that represents 5 tens (50).
• First to add the dices together and call
the correct answer gets a point.
• First to gets 10 points wins.
Game 2:
• Each player needs a dice.
• Say: Go! Then each child rolls a
dice at the same time.
• If you roll a 6 that represents 6 tens (60).
• Add up all the sides of the dice that are
showing, remembering that each is a
multiple of ten.
• Whoever has the highest total scores 1
• The first to get 10 points wins.
Both games can be adapted for multiples of
100 and 100 - if you roll a 6 it is 600 or
•Two people put their hands in their
lap in fist shapes.
•Both count to 3 before holding up any
number of fingers on one or two hands
(depending on child)
•Add the two numbers.
•The first person to say the total correctly
gets a letter of the word FINGERS.
•The player that spells the whole word
FINGERS first wins the game
REMEMBER Make it real !
Make it fun!
A litre jug is filled with 300ml of juice.
I need 500ml, how much more is needed?
Helpful hints for parents
The ‘if I know, what else do I know’, rule is really important for children to learn as it
will be with them forever more and will support calculation skills as they progress.
I know 80+20=100, I also know 20+80 =100, 100-80=20, 100-20=80
Give your child a target number or answer (e.g. 80) Ask them to write as many multiple
of ten addition pairs (e.g. 60+20) as they can find to make that number. Children enjoy
finding patterns in the answer to this. Encourage them to jot their investigations on
paper. For some children the patterns are much clearer when they see them written
down. You could ask them for subtraction pairs that make the target number or
addition and subtraction pairs.
Play number ‘ping pong’. Start by saying ‘ping’, child replies
with ‘pong’. Repeat and then convert to numbers, i.e. say ‘20’
and they reply ‘80’ (pairs of muliples of 10 that equal 100).
Adapt for pairs of multiples of 100 (that equal 1,000) pairs of
1,000 (that equal 10,000).
Playing cards
Remove picture cards. Children
turn over two cards, treating
each card as multiples of 10,
100 or 1000. The first to say
the total or difference correctly
keeps the two cards. Whoever
has the most cards after 2
minutes is the winner.
Pick a domino
Turn over two dominoes. This domino
could represent 50 and 20. Add the two
multiples of ten together, Quickest to
call out the correct answer keeps the
Or make cards with
multiples of 10, 100
and/or 1,000
on them.
Darts is a fantastic fun way to help children’s mental maths.
Use a magnetic dartboard or print a blank template from
the internet and use dice as darts. Extend the numbers to
multiples of 10 or 100 e.g. 13 becomes 130 or 1,300
Helpful hints for parents - Mathematical vocabulary to use
Words linked to +
add, addition, and, count on, plus, sum, more, altogether, total, increase
Words linked to –
take away, subtract, subtraction, minus, less, decrease, difference between
Words linked to =
equals, makes, same as
Make it fun!
Call out! Play number ping pong!
Start by saying 'ping', child replies with
'pong'. Repeat and then convert to numbers
i.e. say '0.3' and they reply '0.7' (decimal
bonds to 1). Immediately follow with ‘0.7’ and
they reply with ‘0.3’, helping recall and
reinforcing that addition cab be done in any
Playing cards:
Remove picture cards and the 10s. Play snap
treating each card as tenths. When you have a
pair which total 1, shout snap and explain why
e.g. 0.2 + 0.8 = 1.
Make it real!
Jack has £1, he spends 30p. How
much change does he get?
70p! Are you sure? Yes,
the sum of 70p and 30p
is 100p - that's £1.
A litre jug is filled with 0.25l
of juice. How much more is
needed to make a litre?
0.75 of a litre! How did you
work that out? Because a
quarter of a litre Plus three
quarters of a litre equals
1 whole litre.
How much?
Once a week, tip out the
small change from a
purse/piggybank for your
child to count How much do I
need to get to the next
Roll two die, treating the first as the tens
digit and the second as the ones - ask how
many more to make 10.
Pick a domino from a set facing down. Choose
one side to represent the whole number and
the other side to be the tenth. Ask how much
more to make 10. e.g. picture shows 5.2, so 4.8
more makes 10.
Or choose 2 dominos to make a two 1
digit numbers with 1dp (e.g. 4.3) and add.
How many dominoes can you get in 2 minutes?
Dice decimals
You need about 20 counters or coins.
• Take turns. Roll two dice to make a
two-digit number, e.g. if you roll a 4 and 1,
this could be 4.1 or 1.4.
• Add these two numbers in your head.
• If you are right, you win a counter.
Tell your partner how you worked out the
• The first to get 10 counters wins.
• Or what do you add to make 1 or 10?
• Now try subtracting the smaller number from
the larger one.
Number plates and door numbers!
• Each choose a car number plate with three digits.
• Choose two of the digits, e.g. 4 and 6. Make the smallest and largest
numbers you can, each with 1 decimal places, e.g. 4.6 and 6.4.
• Now find the total or difference between the two decimal numbers,
• e.g. 6.4 + 2.6 = 9.2
• Whoever makes the biggest total scores 10 points.
• The person with the most points wins.
Play the game again, but this time using subtraction to find the
smallest/biggest difference.
Decimal Darts
Use a magnetic dartboard or print
a blank template of the internet
and use dice as darts. Treat the
numbers as decimals, for example
1 becomes 0.1 and 13 becomes
Each player
chooses for
example 8
answers (e.g.
decimal numbers
to 10) Ask a
question (e.g. 4.2
+ ? = 10, 10 – 3.3
= ?) and if a
player has the
answer, they can
cross it off. The
winner is the first
player to cross off
all their answers.
Give your child an answer. Ask them to write as many addition decimal
number sentences as they can with this answer. For example if the answer is
8, 7.1+0.9,7.2 + 0.8 etc. What patterns do you notice? As one increases, the
other decreases. How many can you do in 1 minute? Next week, try and beat
your time.
Helpful hints for parents
The ‘if I know, what else do I know’, rule is really important for children to
learn as it will be with them forever more and will support calculation
skills as they progress through school. If I know 8.2+1.8 = 10, I also know
1.8+1.2 =10, 10-8.2=1.8, 10-1.8=8.2 and 10-8.2=1.8
Visit the school website for:
• A list of useful websites to help your child meet this term’s
• Parent leaflets on helping your child with counting, times tables
and time.
• Maths resources, including hundred square, multiplication grid
and 9 sided dice template.
• Links to other websites and resources to help you and your
child with maths, including the BBC article ‘Why parents can’t
do maths today!’
Then go to the curriculum pages - maths
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