Test-Taking Strategies For Student Success TNCC Contents of Slideshow Test-Taking Preparation Combating Test Anxiety Strategies for Various Test Formats True/False Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Essay Online Testing General Test-Taking Strategies TNCC Test-Taking Preparation Be Rested. Study regularly to avoid cramming. Be sure to be on time or early on the day of a test. Wear layered clothing for comfort with temperature of the room. Eat a light and healthy breakfast. Avoid caffeine or processed sugar overload. TNCC Combating Test Anxiety Take Slow Deep Breaths Don’t Think About the Fear Use Positive Reinforcement Pause, think about the next step and keep on task, step by step. Acknowledge what you’ve done so far. Remind yourself you’re doing your best. Expect Some Anxiety Use the Anxiety Can bring energy Keep it manageable. TNCC Strategies for Various Test Formats True-False Tests: Mark a statement true unless you know it is false because True-False tests generally contain more True’s than False’s. Assume a statement is False if any part of it is False. Assume a statement is False if it contains words such as every, all, and always. TNCC Strategies for Various Test Formats Multiple Choice Tests: On MC tests there are usually four options: 1) a really crazy/silly answer 2)an answer that sounds right but is not even close 3) an answer similar to the correct answer and 4) the correct answer. Try to weed out first two to increase chances of answering correctly. Options such as “all of the above” can be tricky. Read answers CAREFULLY. Choice b or c or most often the answer. TNCC Strategies for Various Test Formats Fill in the Blank Tests: Decide what kind of answer the statement needs. Is it a date, person or place? Look for key words in the statements such as where, when, how, and why etc. TNCC Strategies for Various Test Formats Essay Tests State your main point in the first sentence. Use your first paragraph to provide an overview of essay. Use the rest of essay to discuss these points in detail. Back up your points with specific information, examples or quotations from the reading. TNCC Online Test-Taking Often timed, so budget time wisely Backtracking is most often prohibited Use reliable computer. Remain focused. Contact instructor immediately if anything goes wrong. TNCC General Test-Taking Strategies Read over test and skim all answers. Answer easier questions first and return to the difficult questions later. Budget test-taking time. TNCC