Международная инфраструктура для коллекций культур Василенко А.Н., Озерская С.М Всероссийская коллекция микроорганизмов ИБФМ РАН E-mail: vanvkm@gmail.com Ступарь Олег Сергеевич . E-mail: stupar@ibpm.pushchino.ru ВКМ ИБФМ РАН к.б.н Московская обл. 142290 Пущино, Проспект Науки 5 Типовое описание поля RDS 1. Field's name 2. Short description of the content (one sentence) 3. Specification of the content 3.1. Detailed description of the content, difference from the other fields that may look similar 3.2. List of subfields and their descriptions 3.3. Specification of the coding for the field and subfields 3.4. The list of possible values (if short) or a reference to file with long list, or reference to thesaurus, or reference to ontology 3.5. Reference to a manual, which describes this field content 3.6. Reference to external standard used for this field 3.7. Samples of correct coding for this field. The examination shows four factors that cuts the scope of the fields in possible request system and make the values inconsistent: (1) collections have some difference in selection of the fields, (2) Also some differences in understanding of the same fields are apparent, (3) different content while the understanding presumably is the same, (4) different typing for the same content is used. Factors (1) and (2) are specified by the standard, factors (3) and (4) aren't regulated, they are more difficult to classify, but we can give some examples. Difference in typing (factor 4). Example: errors in a name E E E 1 2 3 B KM 4 5 6 7 R R R 8 E E E E R R R R E E R R E E R R E R E R E R E R Factor 3: Differences in content. Example: One strain of Aspergillus brasiliensis Varga et al. 2007 in four catalogues: Cultures: ATCC 9642 CBS 246.65 DSM 63263 VKM F-1119 Results of comparison Organism type ATCC CBS Name Other names (Infrasubspecific (Misapplied names) names) Aspergillus Subcollection: brasiliensis Varga et Fungi al. Aspergillus brasiliensis Varga, F Frisvad & Samson DSMZ F VKM F Aspergillus brasiliensis Varga, Kocsube et al. Aspergillus Aspergillus niger brasiliensis Varga et van Tieghem 1867 al. 2007 Previous names Aspergillus brasiliensis; Aspergillus niger Results of comparison Accession number ATCC 9642 CBS 246.65 DSMZ 63263 VKM F-1119 Other collection numbers Australian Mycol. Panel series 26, CBS 246.65, DSM 63263, IFO 6342, IMI 91855, NRRL 3536, NRRL A5243, QM 386 ATCC 9642;ATHUM 2856;CECT 2700;DSM 63263;IFO 6342;IHEM 3797;IMI 149007;IMI 091855;IMI 091855ii;IMI 091855iii;LCP 74.2280;MUCL 19001;NBRC 105650;NRRL 3536;NRRL A-5243;OECD 14;QM 386;VKM F1119 ATCC 9642, CBS 246.65, IFO 6342, IMI 091855, NBRC 6342, NRRL 3536 ATCC 9642; CBS 246.65; CCRC 31512; DSM 63263; FERM S-2; IFO 6342; IMI 91855; NRRL A-5243; NRRL A-3536; QM 386 Results of comparison History of deposit Deposited as ATCC Aspergillus niger van Tieghem, anamorph CBS <- IMG, 4518 <- W. Aspergillus Kerner. [QM 386] niger <-- INMI, VKM FAspergillus VKM 1119 <- ATCC, niger ATCC 9642 DSMZ Strain Designation Depositors SN 26 WH Weston QM, Jul 1965 Results of comparison Isolated from ATCC wireless radio equipment CBS radio equipment DSMZ VKM Radio set radio set Isolated by Geographic origin Additional geographic data New South Wales, Australia Latitude, longitude Australia, New coordinates R.E. Klausmeier, South Wales; where Indiana, Crane Sydney collected: 33.8833333; 151.2166667 Australia, Sydney Results of comparison Conditions for growth Temperature ATCC 24.0°C CBS DSMZ 30°C VKM 25 C Conditions for growth - Medium Storage methods ATCC medium: 336 Potato dextrose agar (PDA): Diced potatoes 300.0 g; Glucose 20.0 g; Agar 5.0 g; Distilled water 1.0 L 129. POTATO DEXTROSE AGAR Infusion from potatoes (see below) 1000.0 ml Glucose 20.0 g; Agar 15.0 g; Potato infusion: Boil 200 g scrubbed and sliced potatoes in 1000 ml water for 1 hour. Pass through fine sieve. Avoid new potatoes. Medium 12 (Medium CZAPEK MEDIUM (CZ): NaNO3 3.0 g; K2HPO4 1.0 g; KCl 0.5 g; MgSO4 x 7H2O 0.5 g; FeSO4 x 7H2O 0.01 g; Sucrose 30.0 g; Agar 20.0 g; Distilled water 1000.0 ml; pH 6.0; Sterilize at 121 C for 30 min) F-1, S-5, D-4 Results of comparison Applications bacterial resistance testing adhesives [21459]; degrades plastics [52928] fungus resistance testing [21552] [92556] [92557] [92558]; fungus resistance testing adhesives [21456]; fungus resistance testing airborne equipment [21535]; fungus resistance testing automotive components; fungus resistance testing cork; fungus resistance testing electrical insulation [21543]; fungus resistance testing ATCC leather ; fungus resistance testing polymers [21471]; fungus resistance testing varnish; fungus resistance testing wax [21551]; produces isopullulanase pullulan 4-glucanohydrolase [700]; produces lactoylglutathione glyoxalase I [1390]; testing antimicrobial agent [92595]; testing wood preservatives [55647] CBS DSMZ VKM Enzymes: amylase; isopullulanase; lipase Decomposition: plastics Testing: assay of wood preservative chemicals; testing fungus resistance of plastics Assay of wood preservative chemicals (3693), assay of fungus resistance test (3732) Results of comparison Comments Genotype This strain was recently re-named as Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC according to the reference Varga et al. 2007. [92930] A novel species, Aspergillus brasiliensis sp. nov., is described DNA sequence ITS rDNA: within Aspergillus section Nigri. This species can be >gb|DQ900597|CBS distinguished from other black aspergilli based on intergenic 246.65|Aspergillus brasiliensis transcribed region, beta-tubulin and calmodulin gene strain CBS 246.65 internal sequences, by amplified fragment length polymorphism transcribedspacer 1, partial analysis and by extrolite profiles. A. brasiliensis isolates sequence; 5.8S ribosomal RNA produced naphtho-gamma-pyrones, tensidol A and B and gene, completesequence; and pyrophen in common with Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus internal transcribed spacer 2, partial CBS tubingensis, but also several unique compounds, justifying sequence.| (length of sequence: 465) their treatment as representing a separate species. None of the DNA sequence Beta tubuline: isolates were found to produce ochratoxin A, kotanins, >gb|DQ900607|CBS funalenone or pyranonigrins. The novel species was most 246.65|Aspergillus brasiliensis closely related to A. niger, and was isolated from soil from strain CBS 246.65 beta-tubulin Brazil, Australia, USA and The Netherlands, and from grape gene,partial cds.| (length of berries from Portugal. The type strain of Aspergillus sequence: 355) brasiliensis sp. nov. is CBS 101740(T) (=IMI 381727(T)=IBT 21946(T)). DSMZ VKM Results of comparison Permits/Forms In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC ATCC $155.00 material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location. CBS Price Keyword(s) 155 EURO GENBANK/MB510581 Aspergillus/*classification/ge netics/isolation & purification/metabolism DNA, Fungal/genetics DNA, Ribosomal Spacer/genetics Molecular Sequence Data Phylogeny Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length DSMZ 65 EURO VKM Restrictions Biosafety Level: 1 Risk group: 1 (classification according to German TRBA) Risk group: 4 Organism type Genus Species Name (Infrasubspecific names) Accession number Restrictions Sexual state Status Other names (Misapplied names) Literature Other collection numbers History of deposit Isolated from Identified by Geographic origin Conditions for growth - Temperature Conditions for growth - Medium Additional growth conditions - pH, light, O2,… Conditions for sporulation StorageMethods MatingType Mutant Race Serovar Genotype Images Applications Symbiosis Description of morphology Phylogeny Comments Form of supply Price EntryDate 0% All EMbaRC GBRCN Strainfo partners 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Типовое описание поля RDS 1. Field's name 2. Short description of the content (one sentence) 3. Specification of the content 3.1. Detailed description of the content, difference from the other fields that may look similar 3.2. List of subfields and their descriptions 3.3. Specification of the coding for the field and subfields 3.4. The list of possible values (if short) or a reference to file with long list, or reference to thesaurus, or reference to ontology 3.5. Reference to a manual, which describes this field content 3.6. Reference to external standard used for this field 3.7. Samples of correct coding for this field. Their URLs: WFCC Acronim Nmbr 803 RCDM 13 ACM 532 CCLM/CSIRO 839 909 296 308 642 643 110 364 575 604 712 731 823 867 947 ACBR BIM BCCM/LMG BCCM/MUCL BCCM/IHEM BCCM/LMBP IBSFB BR INCQS URM CG CLIOC CBMAI CCGB IOC BGB, SinBiota, HUERS, CFAF Country URL (dated 18.09.2010) Armenia http://wdcm.nig.ac.jp/catalogue/rcdm/rcdm.html Australia www.babs.unsw.edu.au/files/babs_cultures_catalogue.pdf Australia http://www.csiro.au/places/Australian-National-Algae-CultureCollection--ci_pageNo-1.html Austria http://www.acbr-database.at/BioloMICS.aspx Belarus http://www.mbio.bas-net.by/ Belgium http://bccm.belspo.be/about/lmg.php Belgium http://bccm.belspo.be/about/mucl.php Belgium http://bccm.belspo.be/about/ihem.php Belgium http://bccm.belspo.be/about/lmbp.php Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index Brazil http://splink.cria.org.br/manager/detail?resource=BR&setlang=pt Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index Brazil http://webdrm.cpqba.unicamp.br/cbmai/ Brazil http://splink.cria.org.br/manager/detail?resource=CCGB&setlang=pt Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index Brazil http://www.splink.org.br/index 135 NBIMCC 6 73 338 605 582 65 130 486 558 905 935 926 139 779 639 759 788 796 829 Bulgaria http://www.nbimcc.org/cabricat/Main.php HER Canada http://www.phage.ulaval.ca/index.php?pageDemandee=search UAMH SGSC CPCC CICC CCM CNCTC CAUP CCBAS CCALA SCCAP CELMS VTT HAMBI CFBP CRBIP/CIP CIRM-Levures ALGOBANK RCC Canada Canada Canada China Czech Czech Czech Czech Czech Denmark Estonia Finland Finland France France France France France http://www.devonian2.ualberta.ca/uamh/on-line_catalog.htm http://people.ucalgary.ca/~kesander/catalogue.html http://www.phycol.ca/search/node/ http://www.china-cicc.org/English/english.html http://sci.muni.cz/ccm/index.html http://www.szu.cz/cnctc/a/uvod.php http://botany.natur.cuni.cz/algo/caup-list.html http://www.biomed.cas.cz/ccbas/fungi.htm http://www.butbn.cas.cz/ccala/index.php?page=se&st=as http://www.sccap.dk/search/ http://www.miccol.ut.ee/385219 http://culturecollection.vtt.fi/ http://www.mm.helsinki.fi/mmkem/hambi/ http://www-intranet.angers.inra.fr/cfbp/recherche_e.php http://www.crbip.pasteur.fr/onglet.jsp?tab=bact http://genome.jouy.inra.fr/cirm/bdd/ http://www.unicaen.fr/ufr/ibfa/algobank/EN/catalogue/catalogue1.php http://www.sbroscoff.fr/Phyto/RCC/index.php?option=com_dbquery&Itemid=34 879 LeishCryo France Bank 917 CIRM-BP France 918 192 274 807 919 940 485 3 773 945 195 567 591 637 825 597 806 903 500 817 883 133 797 CIRM-BIA SAG DSMZ CCAC FSU CCCryo NCAIM NCIM MTCC CRA-PAV HUT JCM NIES MAFF NBRC/IFO KCTC KACC CFGR CDBB LIH-UAM CCMM CBS NCCB http://www.parasitologie.univ-montp1.fr/catalogue_list.asp http://www.tours.inra.fr/cirm_bp_eng/commander_une_souche/le_catal ogue France http://jwsdp.jouy.inra.fr/Consult/exeRequete.jsp?cirm=gisilbia Germany http://sagdb.uni-goettingen.de/ Germany http://www.dsmz.de/microorganisms/main.php?menu_id=2 Germany http://www.ccac.uni-koeln.de/recherche.shtml Germany http://www.frc.uni-jena.de/stammsammlung.php Germany http://cccryo.fraunhofer.de/web/strains/ Hungary http://web.uni-corvinus.hu:8089/NCAIM/frameset.jsp India http://www.ncl-india.org/ncim/catelogue.jsp?mid=29 India http://mtcc.imtech.res.in/catalogue.php Italy http://www.collezionedimicrorganismi.com/index.cfm?cis=1#strt Japan http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/hut/ Japan http://www.jcm.riken.jp/JCM/catalogue.shtml Japan http://mcc.nies.go.jp/ Japan http://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/databases-micro_search_en.php Japan http://www.nbrc.nite.go.jp/e/index.html Korea http://www.brc.re.kr/English/ekctc.aspx Korea http://www.genebank.go.kr/ Korea http://genebank.riceblast.snu.ac.kr/ Mexico http://micro500.cs.cinvestav.mx/ Mexico http://www.histoplas-mex.unam.mx/index_i.html Morocco http://www.ccmm.ma/catalogue.htm Netherlands http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/databases/ Netherlands http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/databases/ 589 ICMP New Zealand 212 IAFB Poland 914 CCBA Poland 816 MUM Portugal 906 ACOI Portugal 342 VKM Russia 596 IPPAS Russia 768 IEGM Russia 836 CCIBSO Russia 412 CECT Spain 32 CCUG Sweden 603 UPSC Sweden 651 FCUG Sweden 475 VTT/CCTM Switzerland 59 BCRC/CCRC Taiwan 383 TISTR Thailand 705 BBPP/DOA Thailand 707 DMST Thailand 783 BCC Thailand 828 RSKK Turkey http://nzfungi.landcareresearch.co.nz/icmp/search_cultures.asp 126 128 134 137 154 http://kkp.ibprs.pl/ http://pasat.ocean.univ.gda.pl/~ccba/ipl.php?id=ba-cya http://www.micoteca.deb.uminho.pt/ http://acoi.ci.uc.pt/ http://www.vkm.ru http://www.ippras.ru/cfc/ http://www.iegm.ru/iegmcol/strains/index.html http://www.rbcar.ro/catalogues.htm http://www.cect.org/english/ http://www.ccug.se/ http://www-hotel.uu.se/evolmuseum/fytotek/ http://www2.dpes.gu.se/FCUGsrch.html http://culturecollection.vtt.fi/ccdb/html?p=s http://www.ccrc.firdi.org.tw/ http://www.biotec.or.th/tncc/tistr_dete.html http://www.biotec.or.th/tncc/dbstore/DOAC_search.asp http://www.biotec.or.th/tncc/ http://www.biotec.or.th/bcc/InternetSearch.asp http://www.rshm.gov.tr/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view& id=34&Itemid=61 http://www.ncppb.com/ncppbsearch.cfm http://www.mba.ac.uk/culturecollection.php http://www.bio-aware.com/cabi/Defaultinfo.aspx?Page=Home http://www.hpacultures.org.uk/collections/ecacc.jsp http://www.hpacultures.org.uk/collections/nctc.jsp NCPPB FLY NCWRF ECACC NCTC UK UK UK UK UK 169 184 214 522 653 814 1 2 97 112 115 530 573 606 827 849 888 933 NCYC NCPF IMI CCAP NCIMB NCPF ATCC UK UK UK UK UK UK USA http://www.ncyc.co.uk/ http://www.hpacultures.org.uk/collections/ncpf.jsp http://www.bio-aware.com/cabi/Defaultinfo.aspx?Page=Home http://www.ccap.ac.uk/ccap_search.php http://www.ncimb.com/search.php?parent=culture http://www.hpacultures.org.uk/collections/ncpv.jsp http://www.lgcstandardsatcc.org/ATCCCulturesandProducts/tabid/979/Default.aspx CCMP USA https://ccmp.bigelow.org/search_strains NRRL USA http://nrrl.ncaur.usda.gov/cgi-bin/usda/ ARSEF USA http://arsef.fpsnl.cornell.edu/mycology/ARSEF_Culture_Collection.html# Catalogs FGSC USA http://www.fgsc.net/scripts/catalog.asp LMS USA http://www.carolina.com/ BGSC USA http://www.bgsc.org/ UTEX USA http://web.biosci.utexas.edu/utex/Search.aspx CGSC USA http://cgsc.biology.yale.edu/ DSC USA http://www.dictybase.org/StockCenter/StockCenter.html UCD-FST USA http://www.phaffcollection.org/ VTCC Viet Nam http://biotechvnu.edu.vn/vtcc/ Real fields names Geographic origin, History of deposit, Species, Accession number, Antagonism, Applications, Carbon source assimilation, Carbon source fermentation, Cell wall, Class, Clonal, Collected date, Collector, Collector number, Comments, Conditions for growth - Medium, Conditions for sporulation, Constructed by, Coordinate of Location, Country, Date of identification, Date of isolation, Date of isolation, Decomposes, Deposition date, Description of Location, Description of morphology, Deterioration abilites, Division, DNA-DNA relatedness, EditDate, EntryDate, Enzyme production, Family, Fatty acid profile, Filamentous Growth, Form of supply, G+C (Mol%)\GC, Genotype, Genus, Geographic origin, Growth in broth, Host, Identified by, Images, Infrasubspecific names, Isolate Number, Isolated by, Isolated from, Isolation method, Kingdom, light, Literature, MatingType, MaxMinTemperature, Metabolites, Misapplied names, Mutant, Mycoparasiitism, Name and taxonomy, National name, Numerical taxonomy, O2, Order, Organism type, Other collection numbers, Parents strain, Pathogenicity, pH, Phylum, Pigment, Plasmid, Polar lipid, Quinone, Race, Restrictions, Salt Tolerant, Sensitive to, Serotype, Serovar, Sexual state, Sole Sources of Nitrogen, Status, StorageMethods, Strip test, Synonyms, Temperature, Toxicity, Toxicity type, Toxicity value, Transformation, Veg. compatibility, Yeast physiological data The data standards compared: - MINE Bacterial - MINE Fungal - CABRI / OECD MDS+RDS+FDS - Darwin Core - ABCD - Straininfo MINE The Microbial Information Network Europe 1985 - 1993 Sponsored by the CEC, MINE was established to coordinate, harmonize and integrate data on microbial cultures held in collections of 9 EC countries: Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, U.K. In 1989 MINE consisted of 32 Culture Collections Database was planned separately in 9 national nodes. DEC VAX minicomputers (BASIS software) and microcomputers PC AT (ORACLE database). In 1989 there was on-line access to DSM, CMI, CBS, NCYC, LMG nodes via modem connection. Menu request system, search with AND/OR operators. Thesaurus files in BASIS aid in maintaining consistency during data entry. Integrated database was planned in DSM, and Responsible Committee was to make decisions on conflicting strain data. Group of fields in MINE standard Field groups Fungal Bacterial 1 2 Name Strain Administration + + + + 3 4 Status Environment and history + + + + 5 6 7 Biological interactions Sexuality Properties 8 9 10 11 Genetics Mutants, Plasmids and Phages Growth conditions Chemistry and enzymes 12 Practical applications + + + + cytology, morphological, biomolecular cultural and chemotadata xonomical data + + + + + + + + Fields in MINE Fungal A. Internal administration EDI Date of input. EDM Date of last update. SEC Security code. ID Typist's identification. OT Organism type. B = Bacteria, F = Filamentous Fungi, Y = Yeasts. B. Name SP Species name SSP Subspecies name VAR Variety name F Form name FSP Epithet of forma specialis RACE Race name, authors SERO Serotype, serovar MIS Misapplied name TAX Taxonomy. Contains names of suprageneric taxa MOR Morph: A = anamorph; T = teleomorph. ILL Illustrations TAXREM Taxonomic remarks LIT Taxonomic and other literature C. Strain administration STN Strain number OCC Numbers in other collections EDA Date of accession EDR Date of receipt CORR Correspondence. Refers to letters SPINF Special information available REM General remarks. CHK Internal check of identity at collection. PRE Mode of preservation / storage PREREM Remarks on preservation RESTR Restrictions, care and precautions D. Status STAT Status: T = type strain; NT = neotype; PVRS = pathovar, etc. E. Environment and history SUSP Substratum specificity SSTR Original substratum HAB Habitat (original biotope) LOC Origin / location of original material (country, locality). COLL Collector. HERB Herbarium where specimen is deposited ISOL Isolated by. Name of isolator, original number of isolate, date. ISOM Source and method of isolation DET Identified by DEP Depositor. HIS History (between isolation and deposit) NAMCH Name changes / previous names ECOLIT Literature on ecology ECOREM Remarks on ecology and environment F. Biological interactions SYMB Symbiosis MPAR Mycoparasitism PATH Pathogenicity ALLER Allergenicity TOX Toxicity to other organisms ANT Antagonistic activities against other organisms PATHLIT Literature on biological interactions PATHREM Remarks on pathogenicity G. Sexuality SEX SEXST Sexual behaviour Sexual state H. Properties (cytology, biorolecular data) NUCL Number of nuclei FSTR Fine structure data WCONS Wall constituents CCONT Cell contents COO Coenzyme-Q system STAIN Staining reactions PIGMENT Pigment production and autofluorescence. GRWTH Growth characteristics TKIT Results of test-kit PROPLIT Literature on morphological, taxonomic, fine structure characteristics I. Genetics GENOT Genotype GC Guanine-cytosine content of DNA DNAD Hybridization DNA-DNA with other strains DNAR Hybridization DNA-r.RNA with other strains RNAD Hybridization r.RNA-DNA with other strains MUT Mutants MUTMET Method by which mutation was induced HYBR Hybrids PLS Plasmid out/in the host KIL Killer properties of yeast GENREM Remarks on genetics, DNA data, mutations, plasmids GENLIT Literature on genetics and mutants J. Growth conditions CONDS Conditions for growth and maintenance on solid media CONDL Conditions for growth in liquid media CONDSP Conditions for fruiting or sporulation CONDGER Conditions for germination CSOR Carbon sources that have been tested for growth NSOR Nitrogen sources that have been tested for growth CNSOR Single compounds tested as sole carbon and nitrogen source for growth NUGR Nutritional requirements and growth factors required DEF Deficiencies TOL Tolerances and sensitivities TEMPR Temperature relationships for growths TEGR Cardinal temperatures for growth TESP Temperature optimum range for sporulation HEATR Heat resistance PHR pH requirements for growth PHC pH conditions ETHC Ethanol conditions SALR Salinity requirements for growth SALC NaCl concentration SUGC Optimum and maximum sugar concentrations OSM Osmophily and xerophily WATC Conditions of water activity LC Light conditions K. Chemistry and enzymes ENZ Enzymes produced DEC Decomposition and deteriorating capacities MET Metabolites produced BIOTR Biotransformations CHREM Remarks on chemical data CHLIT Literature on the impact of chemical and physical factors L. Practical applications APPL Industrial and general applications TEST Applications in testing (assay). BIOM Production of biomass, edibility PATENT Patent(s) CTR Control of the microorganism in question APLIT Literature on application, patents, etc Fields in MINE Bacterial A. Internal Administration OT EDI EDM ID SEC Organism type. B = bacteria; F = fungi; P = plasmids; Y = yeasts Date of input Date of latest update Typist identification Security code B. Name SP Species name SSP Subspecies name PVAR Pathovar name VAR Infrasubspecific names SVAR Serovar OTHNAM Other names STAT Status: T = type strain; NT = neotype; PVRS = pathovar TAX Taxonomy. Names of suprageneric taxa TAXREM Taxonomic remarks TAXLIT Taxonomic literature ILL Illustration REM General remarks LIT General references C. Strain Administration STN Strain number in collection OCC Other collections numbers EDR Date of receipt EDA Date of accession CORR Correspondence SPINF Special information CHK Collection check PRE Preservation type PREREM Remarks on preservation PRELIT Literature on preservation RESTR Precautions and restrictions SUPPLY Form of supply ADMREM Administrative remarks D. Environment and History HABI ISOFR LOC Specific habitat. Indicates restrictions to substrates Isolated from Geographic location COLL Collector of sample ISOL Isolated by ISOM Isolation method DET Identified by DEP Depositor HIS History NAMCH Name changes ENHISLIT Literature on environment and history ENHISREM Remarks on environment and history E. Properties (morphological, cultural and chemotax-onomical data) FSTR WCONS CINC CHTAX GRAM KOH AMPEP STAIN CELL MOT PIGM GRWTHL GRWTHS Fine structure data Cell wall constituents Cell inclusions Chemotaxonomical markers Gram behaviour KOH test Aminopeptidase test Staining reactions Shape, arrangement and size of cell Motility Pigments Growth characteristics in liquid media Growth characteristics on solid media QUADGER Quantitative data on growth RESTST Resting structures. C = cyst, ENS = endospore, EXS = exospore, MS = myxospore, F = fruiting body GC Guanine-cytosine content of DNA DNAD Hybridization DNA-DNA with other strains DNAR Hybridization DNA-r.RNA with other strains RNAD Hybridization r.RNA-DNA with other strains DNASQ DNA sequences RNASQ RNA sequences PHYLO Other phylogenetic data TKIT Result of testkit PROPLIT Literature on properties PROPREM Remarks on properties F. Mutants, Plasmids and Phages MUT Mutant MUTMET Method of mutation MUTREM Remarks on genetics, mutations, DNA data MUTLIT Literature on genetics and mutants GENOT Genotype, chromosomal marker SEXST Sexual state HYBR Hybrid PLS Plasmids info PHAGE Phage PLPREM Remarks on plasmids and phages PLPLIT Literature on plasmids and phages G. Growth Conditions CONDS Conditions for growth on solid media CONDL Conditions for growth on liquid media CONDGER Conditions for germination NUGR Nutritional requirements and growth factors TOL Tolerances and sensitivities DEF Deficiencies METY Metabolic type CNUT Carbon nutrition type CSOR Single carbon sources tested for growth NSOR Single nitrogen sources tested for growth CNSOR Single compounds tested as C and N source for growth OXR Oxygen relationships GAS Gas phase. Percentage of gases TEMPR Temperature relationships TEGR Cardinal temperatures for growth HEATR Heat resistance PHR pH relationships PHC pH conditions LC Light conditions SALR Salinity relationships SALC Salinity conditions SUGC Sugar concentration WATC Conditions of water activity ELDO Electron donor ENERS Energy source ELAC Special electron acceptors CONDREM Remarks on growth conditions CONDLIT Literature on growth conditions H. Chemistry and Enzymes ENZ Enzymes produced DEC Decomposition, degradation and utilization capacities DETER Biodeterioration MET Metabolites LEACH Leaching BIOLUM Bioluminescence HAEMOL Haemolysis MISPROP Miscellaneous properties CHREM Remarks on chemical data and metabolic properties CHLIT Literature on chemical data and metabolic properties I. Biological Interactions SYMB Symbiosis or synthrophy PATH Pathogenicity and virulence ALLER Allergenicity TOX Toxicity ANT Antagonistic activity BINTLIT Literature on biological interactions BINTREM Remarks on biological interactions J. Practical Applications APPL TEST CTR PATENT APLIT APREM General and industrial application Applications in testing and assays Procedures for control Patent Literature on applications, patents Remarks on applications and patents Example of field specification in MINE Name SUGC Contents Descriptions Sugar concentration. In STR. Names of sugars and optimum and maximum concentration (in that order) in % (without "%", but with indication w/w, v/v, w/v, where "w" is weight and "v" is volume). The subfields containing the name of a sugar and the values of the concentrations are separated by ";". Subsubfields Sugar containing the values are separated by ",". If a concentration subsubfield contains no data, care must be taken that the comma which terminates this empty subfield is entered. If growth has been tested for a particular sugar at a particular concentration without establishing the range, name and concentration are indicated with the growth response ( + ,-,v). Examples: saccharose, 20, v/v; glucose 3-5,20; glycerol 22-25, w/w CABRI / OECD MDS+RDS+FDS -OECD Best Practice Guidelines for Biological Resource Centres. OECD, 2007, 115 p. - CABRI (http://www.cabri.org/guidelines.html) CABRI: MDS+RDS+FDS for Bacteria and Archea, Fungi, Yeast, Plasmids, Phages, Animal and Human Cells, DNA probes, Plant Cells, Plant Viruses OECD: MDS+RDS for Microbial Accessions (Filamentous fungi, Yeasts, Microalgae, Bacteria, Cyanobacteria, Archaea, Plasmids, Protozoa, Phages, Viruses), DNA, tissues and isolated cells, cell line, primary cultured cells, transformed cells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Accession number Other collection numbers Restrictions Organism type Name Race Status Misapplied names/Other names History of deposit Conditions for growth Form of supply Isolated from Geographic origin Mutant Sexual state Literature Infrasubspecific names Serovar Genotype Pathogenicity Enzyme_production Metabolite_production Applications Remarks Price_code Catalogue_entry Plasmids FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY M M M M M R M R M M M R R R R R FY FY FY FY FY FY FY F F F F R F F AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB M M M M M AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB AcB M R M M M R R R F R M R R F F F F F F F F M M M M M R M R M M M R M R R R R R F F F F F F F Darwin Core http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/, 184 fields The Darwin Core standard was originally conceived to facilitate the discovery, retrieval, and integration of information about modern biological specimens, their spatiotemporal occurrence, and their supporting evidence housed in collections Keeps expanded list of geographical and geological fields and fields for taxonomy. We did not find the fields: Restrictions, Toxicity, Identification, Deposition and Isolation data, Conditions for growth, Storage Methods, Race, Mutant, Serovar, Kind of relationship, Applications, group of fields Phenotype. Simple Darwin Core http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/simple/index.htm Darwin Core Terms: A quick reference guide http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/ Darwin Core (versions DwC 1.21, DwC 1.3 and DwC 1.4) makes a part of TDWG group of standards. ABCD Access to Biological Collections Data Standard This schema is a common data specification for biological collection units, including living and preserved specimens, along with field observations that did not produce voucher specimens. It is intended to support the exchange and integration of detailed primary collection and observation data. http://www.tdwg.org/activities/abcd/ 1305 fields in version 2.06, including containers, makes a part of TDWG group of standards. Based on BioCASE software. Description of fields is given on http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/ABCD/AbcdConcepts. The biggest group of items is DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Gathering/ (423 fields) - the elements describing the event and site of collecting a microbial unit - description of the place, geographical data (even bigger than in Darwin Core). ABCD presents a very big list of fields with contact data: for institutions and people, which keep the database or the records, or acquired microorganisms – names, phones, E-mails, etc. – in various formats. Also pictures, property fields (including IPR), bibliography and comments. Ruther short opportunities for most of other types of data in microbial CC. We didn’t find the fields Pathogenicity, Race, Price code, the field Applications is specified but with no definition inside. Standard is very difficult in use. Example from this description Identifier: DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Gathering/SiteCoordinateSets/SiteCoordinates/CoordinatesLa tLong/LongitudeDecimal Documentation: The longitude of the gathering site, expressed in decimal degrees. Content: The longitude of the gathering site, expressed in decimal degrees. Degrees (3 digits), minutes (2 digits), and seconds (2 digits) followed by E (East) or W (West). Every missing digit (minutes or seconds) should be indicated with a hyphen. Leading zeros are required. A FAO/IPGRI multi-crop passport descriptor (MCPD), description and examples taken from EURISCO descriptor list dated July 3, 2002. Maps to Darwin Core 2: Longitude. Example Value: 0762510W Straininfo MCL 2.1 (2011) http://www.straininfo.net/projects/mcl/reference. MCL presents Strainifo database content in XML format. 103 fields Fields structure, descriptions, recommended values, references to external data standards: MINE, DCMI Metadata, PRISM, WGS84 Any microbial culture collection that has programmer and sufficiently good catalogue presentation in Internet, can become Straininfo partner and upload its catalogue into Straininfo database. The collection catalogue is to be converted to XLM file according to MCL specification. Examples presented on pages http://www.straininfo.net/projects/mcl/reference and http://www.straininfo.net/projects/mcl/ are quite sufficient for this job. Comparison of the standards. Fragment of the table ABCD .../Serovar .../MycologicalLiveStage .../Temperature 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 MINE F SERO SERO SEX NSOR STAT PRE TKIT >CONDL <TOX MINE B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SVAR NSOR STAT PRE TKIT <TOX Real 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Darwin Core Serotype Serovar Sexual state lifeStage Sole Sources of Nitrogen Status typeStatus StorageMethods Strip test Temperature Toxicity 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Comparison of the standards. Final results ABCD MINE B MINE F OECD DwC Straininfo Compliance with Real 24(252) 26% 71 76% 81 87% 50 54% 31 33% 20 22% Related to CC 19% 55% 72% 100% 17% 19% Combined list of fields LocationEng, Depositor, AuthoritySp, Strain nmbr, Antagonism, Applications, Carbon source assimilation, Carbon source fermentation, Cell wall, Class (-), Clonal, Collected date, Collector, Sample number, General remarcs, StrainComments, GrowthMedium liquid, Conditions for sporulation, Constructed by, decimalLatitude (?), countryCode (), IdentificateDate, Date of isolation, IsolationDate, Degradation, ReceivedDate, AreaDetail , CellMorphology, Deterioration abilites, Division (-), DNA-DNA relatedness, EditDate, EntryDate, Enzyme production, family (-), Fatty acid profile, Filamentous Growth, Supply, G+C (Mol%)\GC, Genotype, Genus, stateProvince, Growth in broth, associatedTaxa, IdentificateByEng, Images, AuthoritySubSp, IsolateNumber, IsolatedBy, IsolatedFrom, Isolation method, kingdom (-), Light conditions, References, MatingType, Sexual state, MaxMinTemperature, Metabolites, OtherName, Mutant, Mycoparasiitism, originalNameUsage (?), Taxcomments, ColonyMorphology, Oxygen relationships, order (-), Subcollection, OtherCol, Parents strain, Pathogenicity, pH relationships, phylum (-), Pigment, Plasmid, Polar lipid, Quinone, Race, PhytopatogenLevel, Salt Tolerant, Tolerances and sensitivities, Serotype, Serovar, State, Sole Sources of Nitrogen, Type, StorageMethods, Results of test-kit, Synonym, IncubationTempLiquid, Toxicity, Toxicity type, Toxicity value, Transformation, Veg. compatibility, Yeast physiological data Results of comparison ABCD MINE B MINE F OECD DwC Straininfo Combined Compliance with Real 24(252) 26% 71 76% 81 87% 50 54% 31 33% 20 22% 93 100% Related to CC 19% 55% 72% 100% 17% 19% 100% Combined standard Taxonomy CCname, Organism type, Genus, Species, Authors of species, date, Subspecies, Variant, Authors of variant, date, Forma, FormaSpecies, Pathovar, Serotype, Serovar, Race, Synonym, Misapplied name, Name changes, Type strain, Strain nmbr, IdentificationComments, IdentificationReferences, IdentificateDate, IdentificateBy, Taxlit, Taxcomments History of strain, Sample, Ecology Correspondence, ReceivedDate, Date of accession, Depositor, History, OtherCol, IsolateNumber, IsolationDate, Isolation method, IsolatedBy, IsolatedFrom, Collector, Sample number, CountryCode, Country, Height, DecimalLatitude, DecimalLongitude, Altitude, MaximumDepthInMeters (?), MinimumDepthInMeters (?), NamedArea, AreaDetail , Geographic location, Island, Habitat, associatedTaxa, Ecollit, Ecol comments Growth and maintenance conditions GrowthMedium solid, GrowthMedium liquid, Remarks on growth conditions, Growth in liquid , Growth on solid , Filamentous Growth, Carbon nutrition type, Carbon source assimilation, Carbon source fermentation, Energy source, Sugar concentration, Sole Sources of Nitrogen, Oxygen relationships, Percentage of gases, Ethanol condition, Growth factors, Conditions of water activity, MaxMinTemperature, Temperature relationships, Light conditions, pH conditions, pH relationships, Quantitative data on growth, Growth conditions lit, Temperature for sporulation, Conditions for sporulation, Conditions for germination, StorageMethods, Storage Comments, Data of storage, Storage Lit Strain properties Fine structure data, CellMorphology, Cell wall, Cell contents, ColonyMorphology, MatingType, Sexual state, Morph, Resting structures, Motility, Images, Gram stain, Staining reactions, Deficiencies, Heat resistance , Salinity relationships, Salt Tolerance, Osmophily and xerophily, Bioluminescence, Coenzyme-Q, Haemolysis, Killer properties, Metabolic type, Pigment, Tolerances and sensitivities, Results of test-kit, Aminopeptidase test, Electron donor, Special electron acceptors, Propertieslit, Remarks on properties, Allergen, Pathogenicity, Risk group, Restrictions, Toxicity, PhytopatogenLevel, Pathcomments, Interactions type, Interactions lit, Parasitism, Symbiosis, Antagonism, Chemical control, Chemlit, Metabolites, MetabolComments, TestSystems, Biofertilizer, Biopesticide, Bioremediation, Transformation, Degradation, Deterioration abilites, Enzyme production, Applications, Applicationslit, Miscellaneous properties, Production of biomass, Patent, Remarks on applications, References, General remarks, StrainComments Genetic characteristics of strain Hybrids, Plasmidslit, Mutant, Plasmid, Gencomments, Remarks on plasmids and phages, Phage, DNA sequences, DNA-DNA relatedness, G+C (Mol%)\GC, Genotype, Hybridization DNA-r.RNA, Hybridization r.RNA-DNA, GenMitlit, Other phylogenetic data, RNA sequences Processing data Curator, Security code, Supply, Category, EditDate, EntryDate, Date of last check , Date of last transfer Genetic data standards The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC, http://www.insdc.org) includes: - GenBank - the National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI, USA http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ - EMBL-Bank at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/ - DDBJ - the DNA Data Bank of Japan, Japan http://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ Each of these databases is daily updated at the expense of interchanging the new DNA sequences submitted to any one of them. These three organizations have slightly different submit procedures for new genetic data, but according their exchange data procedure we can speak of the unified data base DDBJ/EMBL-Bank/GenBank and, accordingly, one unified data standard. Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC http://gensc.org/gc_wiki/index.php/Main_Page) in 2008 - 2011 prepared new standards - "minimum information" checklists: - MIGS/MIMS - The reporting of genomes and metagenomes (http://gensc.org/gc_wiki/index.php/MIGS/MIMS) - MIMARKS - The reporting of environmental sequencing including ribosomal genes (http://gensc.org/gc_wiki/index.php/MIMARKS) In the project "MIGS/MIMS Structured Comment" GSC is also working with INSDC to develop a way to submit these data standards to DDBJ/EMBLBank/GenBank In project BRIO we communicate with MIGS/MIMS component. MIGS/MIMS specification in XLS file has two worksheets: - MIGS_MIMS checklist with 47 standard fields presenting common data, and - environmental packages with 653 fields presenting features of the 14 types of microbial source: air, host-associated, human-associated, human-gut, humanoral, human-skin, human-vaginal, microbial mat/biofilm, miscellaneous natural or artificial environment, plant-associated, sediment, soil, wastewater/sludge, water. 193 fields from this list are unique. 19 fields from MIGS_MIMS checklist have or may have some compliance with usual CC catalogue data, the main problem - there is no microorganism name in this list. 193 fields of environmental packages present detailed (mostly chemical) information on the source (habitat), that potentially can be compliant to the properties of microorganisms extracted, but this is the subject of additional study. WDCM Reference Strain Catalogue This catalogue was produced to enable broader and easier access to the reference strains listed by the ISO TC 34 SC 9 Joint Working Group 5 and by the Working Party on Culture Media of the International Committee on Food Microbiology 15% and Hygiene (ICFMH-WPCM). 8% 6% 26% 41% medical devices and health environments Foodstuffs Water quality industrial production Cosmetics 4% DB for Microorganisms in Extreme Environment Volcanic Hot spring Volcanic salt and alkali lakes DB for Microorganisms in Extreme Environment Physiological and biochemical properties Isolation • • • • • • Temperature Humidity PH value Elevation Vegetation Date Data base Application • Usage • Industry use • Medium • Culture conditions • Biochemical reactions • Metabolites Sequences • • • • Information sharing to resources sharing Get benefits according to CBD Strains even outside of CCs For both scientific and industry users • Sequence • Genome • Annotation 中国科学院微生物研究所 • CODATA Task Group on Advancing Informatics for Microbiology (TG-AIM) Общие требования включают: • гарантии устойчивого функционирования в течение длительного времени (с указанием источников финансирования); • наличие квалифицированного персонала; • обязательства по выполнению своих функций (в строгом соответствии с национальной нормативно-правовой базой): прием и хранение первичного образца, поддержание образцов (консервация, проверка идентичности) и др.; • обязательства по ведению документооборота; • ведение компьютерной базы данных с описанием депонированного биологического материала и его происхождения, доступной через Интернет; • обязательства по использованию стандартных сред и реагентов для поддержания коллекций; • обеспечение контроля качества биологического материала, проверки его на безопасность (или проверки соответствия декларированному уровню биологической опасности) ISO 2000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 14004, ISO 14010, ISO 14012, ISO 19011 Участник Страна DSMZ DE CABI UK IP FR SPP-PS BE KNAW/CBS NL UGOT SE UVEG-CECT ES UGENT BE INRA-CIRM FR JacobsUni DE UMinho-MUM PT MUT IT CSIC-IMEDEA ES VKM RU IAFB-CCIM PL USMI IT Благодарю за внимание Василенко Александр vanvkm@gmail.com