MMA opened in 2014-15. EDGECOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Martin Millennium Academy STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2016 SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT: Martin Millennium Academy VISION: We will be innovative leaders working for positive change in our global community. MISSION: We are Trailblazers! Together we celebrate our strengths and our diversity, seize opportunities to serve others, and strive for excellence in all that we do. DATA SUMMARY, 2014-2015* NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR 2015-2016 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT RESULTS: EVAAS Growth Index: -1.11 (met growth) Composite, College and Career Ready (CCR): 20.4% ● Reading, CCR: 19% ● Math, CCR: 17.4% ● Science, CCR: 32.4% Composite, Grade Level Proficient (GLP): 28.8% ● Reading, GLP: 27.8% ● Math, GLP: 25% ● Science, GLP: 41.9% AMO Target Data, GLP, all EOG/EOC subjects: ● Black: 20.8% ● Hispanic: 43.2% ● Two or more races: 14.3% ● White: 40.4% ● EDS: 17.2% ● LEP: 11.9% ● SWD: 5.6% ● AIG: 83.1% TEACHER ATTENDANCE OVERVIEW: ● ● Professional Leave: 245 days Sick / Personal Leave: 205 days (average of 5 days per teacher) STUDENT ATTENDANCE RATE: ● 95.12% STUDENT DISCIPLINE DATA: ● ● Office Discipline Referrals: 326 Incidents of Out of School Suspension: 181 TEACHER WORKING CONDITIONS SURVEY SUMMARY: The Martin Millennium Academy School Improvement Team believes that in order to ensure our scholars are on a life path that leads to true opportunity, we must remain committed to developing our students as leaders and scholars. Our data from the 2014-2015 school year has led us to identify four key priorities for the 2015-2016 school year: 1. Increase rigor in our classrooms through: a. Stronger alignment of standards, formative assessments, and lessons b. Increased use of the Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) approach and inquiry strategies in general c. Using data effectively to encourage student growth 2. Improve the school climate and decrease disciplinary incidents through the increased use of Restorative Practices throughout the school. 3. Provide scholars with a deeper understanding of the world around them through increased global integration in every unit, with a particular focus on cultural awareness and the Habit of, “Seeking first to understand, then to be understood.” 4. Facilitate the development of leadership skills in our students by teaching students to adopt a growth mindset and reinforcing selected Habits each quarter. ● “Overall, my school is a good place to work and learn”: 97% agree PARENT SURVEY DATA: ● On the Parent Survey given by ECPS in 2014-2015, parents gave MMA an overall letter grade of “A.” * MMA opened in August of 2014. Therefore, data from years prior to 20142015 cannot be reported. PRIORITY GOALS SMART GOAL #1 Increase Grade Level Proficiency on all EOG assessments from 28.8% to 45%. Increase College and Career Ready composite from 20.2% to 32%. Specifically, we will place emphasis on increasing the Grade Level Proficiency of our African-American student subgroup from 20.8% to 32%. (AA: 20.8; Hispanic 42.3; White: 40.4) WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE In June of 2016, nearly half of our scholars will be performing on grade level in reading, math, and science, as evidenced by their End of Grade test scores. In addition, a significantly higher percentage of our African-American students, our largest racial/ethnic subgroup, will perform on grade level. In addition, nearly one-third of our scholars will be designated College and Career Ready by the state of NC. The increase in Grade Level Proficiency and College and Career Readiness will indicate that our scholars are on their way to obtaining the critical thinking skills and conceptual understandings that will lead to success in high school, college, and beyond. SMART GOAL #2 WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Exceed EVAAS growth targets in all EOG grades and subject areas. Specific areas of focus, based on ‘14-’15 data: ● 3rd and 4th grade reading and math (did not meet growth in ‘14-’15) ● 5th grade science (did not meet growth in ‘14-’15) ● Middle, mid-high, and highest student groups, across all grades and subject areas (low and mid-low student groups showed greater growth in ‘14-’15) As our EOG proficiency composites indicate, the majority of our scholars are currently performing significantly below grade level. While it is critical to raise our proficiency (see SMART GOAL #1), we must also ensure all of our scholars make at least a year’s worth of growth by June of 2016, in order to close achievement gaps and set them on a path to “catch up” to their peers. Specifically, we will put our elementary scholars on a positive trajectory, such that this gap is closed or narrower, rather than wider, when they reach middle and high school. Our scholars in the middle and high student groups, per EVAAS, will make significant growth this year. SMART GOAL #3 WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Decrease incidents of suspension to fewer than 100 total by implementing Restorative Practices and promoting student leadership on a daily basis in all classrooms. SMART GOAL #4 Global integration will occur at least weekly in all classrooms (K-8 and Enhancement), and globally-themed events that engage the school and local community will take place at least monthly. All of our scholars will reap the benefits of a full year’s worth of academic and leadership instruction as a result of remaining in the classroom during the 2015-2016 school year. They will be able to take charge of their actions and resolve differences productively using Restorative Practices. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Our scholars will increasingly demonstrate intercultural competence. They will “Seek First to Understand” cultural differences and value other perspectives, while gaining a greater understanding of the historical and current events that shape our world. EDGECOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Martin Millennium Academy Targeted Priority Areas ECPS Core Values: Continuous Improvement, Community, Relationships, Safe Schools, Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction SMART Goal 1: Core Value Strand Increase Grade Level Proficiency on all EOG assessments from 28.8% to 45%. Increase College and Career Ready composite from 20.2% to 32%. Focus on increasing the Grade Level Proficiency of our African-American student subgroup from 20.8% to 32%. (AA: 20.8; Hispanic 42.3; White: 40.4) Actions, Strategy, Intervention Timeline Estimated Cost, Funding Sources and Resources Person(s) Responsible Evaluation of Implementation & Impact on Student Learning Artifacts RCI, CI Use data effectively through: ● Analysis of pre- and posttest scores with coaches and in PLCs ● Data-driven differentiated instruction ● Deep dives into gaps and solutions during Data Days ● Student data tracking August 2015 April 2016 Data Day subs: Title I funds Teachers PLC minutes Teachers generate and implement strategies to close gaps Pre/post test scores Increase in student scores Benchmark scores Increase in student scores Lesson plan feedback Lesson plans are increasingly strategic and lead to greater student achievement Coaches District-allocated funds for three “Mentors in Schools” Administrative Team Evidence strategy is effective Data will be reviewed holistically with the SIT each quarter and action steps will be adjusted accordingly. RCI, CI Coaching Model: All homeroom and Enhancement teachers will have a “coach” who provides weekly lesson plan feedback and facilitates ongoing cycles of August 2015 June 2016 District-allocated funds for three “Mentors in Schools” Coaches Teachers reflection, instructional feedback, and adjustment of practice. Engage in quarterly “Coaching Stepbacks” to evaluate effectiveness of model, determine which teachers need additional support, and create action plans for those teachers. RCI, CI RCI, CI RCI, CI RCI, CI Strategic use of I/E time: October Following the first post-test and 2015 BOY Read 3D window, data will June 2016 be used to develop Intervention and Enrichment groups that target specific skills. Groups will be revisited when new data is collected (at least quarterly). Tutors: Title I funds Inquiry-based instruction: Project-based inquiry lessons will be implemented at least on a weekly basis in all core and Enhancement classes. Teachers will receive additional support in inquiry-based instruction, particularly in math. Instructional strategies will be culturally responsive. Title I funds for PD, if necessary August 2015 June 2016 Facilitation of learning improves and leads to greater student achievement Flexible I/E groupings Increased post-test, benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores Tutors I/E plans August Strategic scheduling for EC and AIG students to ensure all 2015 students’ needs are being met. EC June 2016 students in need of specific phonics interventions will be scheduled into a Hill RAP group. N/A Increased focus on writing in all grade levels and content areas. Students will write daily during Writer’s Workshop and compile a portfolio. Title I funds for PD, if necessary August 2015 June 2016 Teachers Videos, walkthroughs, observation feedback Instructional Coach PLC minutes Teachers Lesson plans Coaches PD agendas EC teacher Schedules Increased post-test, benchmark, EOG. Reading 3D and K2 assessment scores for EC / AIG students Teachers Lesson plans Coaches Student writing portfolios Increased post-test, benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores AIG teacher Admin Team District leaders Increased post-test, benchmark, EOG. Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores, particularly on questions requiring conceptual understanding RCI, CI Data-driven use of tutors in all grade levels, and closer monitoring of student achievement results of students who receive tutoring services. Sept 2015 - Tutors: Title I funds June 2015 Tutors Tutor schedules Teachers Data collection Instructional Coach Increased post-test, benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores Progress Monitoring Progress Towards Goal Date Data Next Steps Areas of Growth Areas for Improvement EDGECOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Martin Millennium Academy Targeted Priority Areas SMART Goal 2: Core Value Strand Exceed EVAAS growth targets school-wide. Specific areas of focus, based on gaps in ‘14-’15 performance: ● 3rd and 4th grade reading and math ● 5th grade science ● Middle, mid-high, and highest student groups, across all grades and subject areas Actions, Strategy, Intervention Timeline Estimated Cost, Funding Sources and Resources Person(s) Responsible Evaluation of Implementation & Impact on Student Learning Artifacts RCI, CI Use data effectively through: ● Analysis of pre- and posttest scores with coaches and in PLCs ● Data-driven differentiated instruction ● Deep dives into gaps and solutions during Data Days ● Student data tracking August 2015 April 2016 Data Day subs: Title I funds Teachers PLC minutes Teachers generate and implement strategies to close gaps Pre/post test scores Increase in student scores Benchmark scores Increase in student scores Lesson plan feedback Lesson plans are increasingly strategic and lead to greater student achievement Videos, walkthroughs, Facilitation of learning improves Coaches Coaching: Districtallocated funds Administrative Team Evidence Data will be reviewed holistically with the SIT each quarter and action steps will be adjusted accordingly. RCI, CI Coaching Model: All homeroom and Enhancement teachers will have a “coach” who provides weekly lesson plan feedback and facilitates ongoing cycles of reflection, instructional feedback, and adjustment of practice. August 2015 June 2016 District-allocated funds for three “Mentors in Schools” Coaches Teachers Engage in quarterly “Coaching Stepbacks” to evaluate effectiveness of model, determine which teachers need additional support, and create action plans for those teachers. RCI, CI RCI, CI RCI, CI RCI, CI Strategic use of I/E time: October Following the first post-test and 2015 BOY Read 3D window, data will June 2016 be used to develop Intervention and Enrichment groups that target specific skills. Groups will be revisited when new data is collected (at least quarterly). Tutors: Title I funds Inquiry-based instruction: Project-based inquiry lessons will be implemented at least on a weekly basis in all core and Enhancement classes. Teachers will receive additional support in inquiry-based instruction, particularly in math. Title I funds for PD, if necessary August 2015 June 2016 and leads to greater student achievement Flexible I/E groupings Growth from prepost tests; growth in benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores throughout the year Tutors I/E plans August Strategic scheduling for EC and AIG students to ensure all 2015 students’ needs are being met. EC June 2016 students in need of specific phonics interventions will be scheduled into a Hill RAP group. N/A Increased focus on writing in all grade levels and content areas. Students will write daily during Writer’s Workshop and compile a portfolio. Title I funds for PD, if necessary August 2015 June 2016 Teachers observation feedback Instructional Coach PLC minutes Teachers Lesson plans Coaches PD agendas EC teacher Schedules Growth from prepost tests; growth in benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores throughout the year for EC / AIG students Teachers Lesson plans Coaches Student writing portfolios Growth from prepost tests; growth in benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores throughout the year AIG teacher Admin Team District leaders Growth from prepost tests; growth in benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores throughout the year RCI, CI Data-driven use of tutors in all grade levels, and closer monitoring of student achievement results of students who receive tutoring services. Sept 2015 - Tutors: Title I funds June 2015 Tutors Tutor schedules Teachers Data collection Instructional Coach Growth from prepost tests; growth in benchmark, EOG, Reading 3D, and K-2 assessment scores throughout the year Progress Monitoring Progress Towards Goal Date Data Next Steps Areas of Growth Areas for Improvement EDGECOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Martin Millennium Academy Targeted Priority Areas SMART Goal 3: Core Value Strand Decrease incidents of suspension to fewer than 100 by implementing Restorative Practices and promoting student leadership on a daily basis. Actions, Strategy, Intervention Timeline Estimated Cost, Funding Sources and Resources Person(s) Responsible Evaluation of Implementation & Impact on Student Learning Artifacts SS, CI, R SS, CI, R SS, CI, R Implement Restorative Justice / Community Building circles daily in each homeroom. August 2015 June 2016 Employ In-School Suspension (ISS) Coordinator to serve as Intervention Specialist, instead of typical ISS facilitator. Main responsibilities include facilitating reflection and returning scholars to the classroom. September 2015 June 2016 Revise LEAD Matrix & develop “Trailblazer Toolkit” in each grade level with common August 2015 June 2016 N/A Teachers Observations Students proactively solving problems and building relationships Lesson plans Strong plan that teaches students how to make positive choices Office Discipline Data Decrease in Office Discipline Referrals Data collected by Intervention Specialist (log) Number of repeat visitors to Intervention Specialist declines throughout year RJ/PBIS Committee ISS Coordinator Salary Intervention Specialist Teachers Title I funds for 3 days of staff development in August 2015 Admin Team Student Reflections Teachers LEAD Matrix Admin Team Evidence Decrease in referrals to Intervention expectations and classroom management strategies, including selected Teach Like a Champion strategies, to be employed prior to referral to Intervention Specialist. SS, CI, R Teach and integrate the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in a systematic way. August 2015 June 2016 N/A Teachers Common expectations Specialist and administration Lesson plans for “Focus Lessons” Students proactively employ Habits and use Habit language without prompting Admin Team Observations CI, R Solicit student input & feedback: ● Conduct a Student Survey at the end of Quarter 2 to solicit student input on effectiveness of Restorative Practices and relationships with school staff, among other issues. ● Conduct monthly meetings with Student Ambassadors to solicit student input on practices listed above. August 2015 June 2016 N/A Admin Team Survey Results Teachers Meeting Agendas School and classroom practices adjusted based on student input; students proactively solve problems and build relationships Progress Monitoring Progress Towards Goal Date Data Next Steps Areas of Growth Areas for Improvement EDGECOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Martin Millennium Academy Targeted Priority Areas Priority Area #4: SMART Goal 4: Core Value Strand Global integration will occur at least weekly in all classrooms (K-8 and Enhancement), and globally-themed events that engage the school and local community will take place at least monthly. Actions, Strategy, Intervention Timeline Estimated Cost, Funding Sources and Resources Person(s) Responsible Evaluation of Implementation & Impact on Student Learning Artifacts CI, C, R, RCI Plan and implement Project-Based Inquiry units and lessons that include global integration. Provide ongoing support to teachers in the area of global integration by implementing Year Two of VIF Global Modules (Year One for new staff). C, R, CI August 2015 June 2016 Plan and execute monthly global August activities and events aligned to our 2015 selected monthly global themes June 2016 that engage scholars, staff, and families. District funds VIF PD Teachers Coaches Global Coordinator N/A Global Coordinator Global Theme Teams (teachers) Evidence Lesson plans / VIF Strong plan that Badges takes a project and inquiry-based approach, and is globally focused Observations/ Walkthroughs Well-executed lessons and student engagement to build global awareness Performance tasks Rubric demonstrating student proficiency and focus on global content Event agendas and sign-in sheets Increased community engagement Well-executed lessons and student engagement to build global awareness Progress Monitoring Progress Towards Goal Date Data Next Steps Areas of Growth Areas for Improvement