Electron Configuration Worksheet

Electron Configuration Worksheet
1. Use the periodic table to write the order of electron orbitals from 1s through 6s.
2. Write the orbital notation, electron configuration notation, and noble gas notation for the following element:
Orbital Notation:
Electron Configuration Notation:
Noble Gas Notation:
3. Now, for the element Carbon, draw a sketch of the atom with its nucleus and orbitals (put the right # of protons
and neutrons in the nucleus and remember the shapes of the orbitals!)
4. Write the orbital notation, electron configuration notation, and noble gas notation for the following element: Se
Orbital Notation:
Electron Configuration Notation:
Noble Gas Notation:
5. Write the orbital notation, electron configuration notation, and noble gas notation for the following element:
Ag. This time, write the electron configuration notation first (it makes the orbital notation easier!)
Electron Configuration Notation:
Orbital Notation:
Noble Gas Notation:
6. Write the noble gas notation for the element Cd (note: look at your answer for Ag above and notice how easy
this will be to do now!)
7. Write the Noble Gas notations for the following elements: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr. Do them in a column:
8. Look at your answer to the question above. Do you notice a pattern here? Why is it not surprising that there is a
similar pattern for these elements?