
Mike Kroschinski
1. Answer the following about the THORACIC DUCT:
a. Where does it originate?
i. The thoracic duct originates off of the lymphatic trunks.
b. Into which vessel does it empty?
i. The Left Subclavian Vein
c. From what parts of the body does it drain lymph?
i. Left side of head and neck left upper limbs, left thorax, and all of lower body.
2. Answer the following about the Right Lymphatic duct:
a. Where does it originate?
i. Off of the lymphatic trunks
b. Into what vessel does it empty?
i. The Right Subclavian vein
c. From what parts of the body does it drain lymph?
i. Right side of head and neck, right upper limb, and right thorax.
3. How Does Lymph Form?
a. When interstitial fluid enters lymph capillaries.
4. What is the main difference between the lymph nodes and the spleen?
a. The Lymph nodes filter lymph while the spleen filters blood.
5. Answer the following questions regarding WBCs:
a. What is the first white blood cell on the scene of infection?
i. Neutrophils
b. Which WBC is associated with allergic reactions?
i. Eosinophil
c. What are the two types of lymphocytes and how are they different?
i. T-Cells and B-Cells. T-Cells directly attack bacteria/viruses, while B-Cells make
antibodies to attack bacteria/viruses.
6. What is phagocytosis? List two cells that perform phagocytosis.
a. When the white blood cell eats the virus. Neutrophils and Monocytes.
7. List the innate defenses.
a. Species Resistance, Mechanical Barriers, Chemical Barriers, natural killer cells,
inflammation, phagocytosis, and fever.
8. What is the first line of defense?
a. Mechanical Barriers- Skin and mucous layers.
9. Answer the following questions about compliments?
a. What is Compliment?
i. Group of proteins found circulating the blood that are made in liver.
b. What activates the classic complement cascade?
i. Triggered by antigen antibody complex or immune complex.
c. What activates the alternate complement cascade?
i. Presence of fungi or endotoxin.
d. What are the three main outcomes of activating a complement cascade?
i. Opsonization, inflammation, and MAC
10. What are the four features of acute inflammation?
a. Redness, Swelling, Pain, and Heat
11. What is the third line of defense?
a. Adaptive (Specific) Defense
12. What is an antigen?
a. Chemical that stimulates B lymphocytes to produce antibodies.
13. Where do T cells mature? Where do B cells mature?
a. T-Cells thymus, B-Cells Bone Marrow
14. What is an antigen presenting cell?
a. List the two main APCs.
i. Macrophages and B-Cells
b. How do APCs work?
i. Phagocytosis virus, tells T-Cells to activate and kill any of the Virus cell
15. In cell mediated immunity, what do each of the following cells do?
a. Helper Cells- help B-Cells make antibodies that fight same thing.
b. Cytotoxic Cells- kills bad guy and poke holes until dead (perforins)
c. Memory Cells- provide future protection
16. Which lymphocyte is responsible for humoral immunity?
a. B-Cells
17. What is a B-Cell called once it starts producing and secreting antibodies?
a. Plasma Cells
18. Draw and label an antibody molecule
19. Which immunoglobins activate compliment?
a. Immunoglobins G, Immunoglobins M
20. Differentiate between the primary immune response and the secondary immune response.
a. Primary immune response: first encounter with antigen B and T Cells are activated.
b. Secondary immune response: Encounter identical antigen
21. What is a vaccine?
a. What is the difference between naturally and artificially acquired immunity and the
difference between passive and active immunity?
i. Naturally is without any kind of vaccine put into your body while artificially is
with and injection. Passive is when it is either passed on through fetus or you
are injected with antibodies. Active is when you are exposed to live pathogens
or injected with weakened pathogens.
22. What is hypersensitivity reaction?
a. Which type of hypersensitive reaction includes asthma, hay fever, or anaphylactic
i. Type 1