Appendix I: Field Forms - Overview FORMS 8/2013 1. BSW/MSW FIELD WORK APPLICATION FORM: Student fills this out prior to their meeting with Field Coordinator in preparation for placement in field. 2. STUDENT FIELD AGREEMENT WITH AGENCY: Student brings this form to the agency upon acceptance of practicum placement. Formal record of agreement with field instructor to regarding work hours and contact information. Placed in student file 3. FIELD WORK AGREEMENT IN STUDENT’S PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: Documents how student duties and field instructor for their field practicum differ from employment. 4. PORTFOLIO OUTLINE: Student maintains a portfolio and has it ready for review at midterm and final. 5. STUDENT DOCUMENT TRACKING FORM - This is a check list with dates. Students are required to keep track of all of their assignments, seminars attended, hours in the field on a summary sheet to be added to their Portfolio. 6. WEEKLY SUPERVISORY MEETING AGENDA and TIME AND ACTIVITIES REPORT (one per week) This is a form to help the student keep track of what they are doing each day and the hours they are in the field and the long term goals in the supervision. It is essential that the Field Instructor comment on this form and sign it. 8. BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT MSW 552 or CASE PRESENTATION OUTLINE MSW 555: Student prepares an assessment or case to present in their seminar. 9. AGENCY PRESENTATION OUTLINE MSW 551 and 554: Student prepares a presentation on their practicum agency. 10. PROCESS RECORDING: TWO PER SEMESTER This is a vital form of evaluation the students’ progress in competency 10 – engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation. 11. CHANGE OF PLACEMENT REQUEST: Students and Field Instructors cannot terminate a placement without providing reasons for the request and an explanation of attempts to address issues. 12. BSW/MSW STUDENT EVALUATION OF FIELD AGENCY, FIELD INSTRUCTOR & LIAISON: Student should fill this out at the end of every semester. (Form 2013) 1 PERSON RESPONSIBLE Student Referred To Student, Field Instructor and Field Coordinator Student, Field Instructor, Employment Supervisor and Field Coordinator. Student Student – signed by Field Liaison end of semester Student and Field Instructor needs to comment and sign (at supervisory meeting) Student Student Student - Field Instructor comments. Given to Field Liaison Completed by student, Field Instructor and Field Liaison Student NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK BSW/ MSW FIELD WORK APPLICATION Referred To: Name: __________________________________ Date of application: ________ Student Banner ID: _____________ Academic Advisor: _______________ Dates of Placement – August _______to May ________ I AM ENTERING THE FIELD AT THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM LEVEL: □ BSW STUDENT SENIOR YEAR: MSW SECOND YEAR FIELD PLACEMENT: □ Full-time MSW 2nd Year Student MSW FIRST YEAR FIELD PLACEMENT: □ Full-time MSW 1st Year Student Entering Field for the First Time □ Part-time MSW Student (2nd year) Entering Field for the First Time □ Part-time MSW Student (3rd year) □ Full-time MSW Advanced Standing □ Part-time MSW Adv. Standing Student (2nd year) ARE YOU RECEIVING A CYFD STIPEND? ______ (yes) _________ (no) Local Address: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________ ______________ (City) (State) (Zip) Permanent Address: _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________ ______________ (City) (State) (Zip) Telephone (____) ________________ (____)________________ (Home) (Cell phone) (____) ______________ (Work) E-mail ___________________________________ MOST RECENT HUMAN SERVICE RELATED EXPERIENCE: 1. Agency Name: _______________________________ Job title: _______________ Full time __Part time __ Name of your Supervisor: ___________________________ Length of Service: __________________ Description of the work you did at this agency: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Agency Name: _______________________________ Job title: _______________ Full time __Part time __ Name of your Supervisor: ___________________________ Length of Service: __________________ Description of the work you did at this agency: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Form 2013) 2 NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK BSW/ MSW FIELD WORK APPLICATION pg 2 YOU WILL HAVE TWO SEMESTERS IN YOUR FIELD PLACEMENT. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN THIS YEAR? BE SPECIFIC. What are the social work skills, roles, and levels of service in which you need more practice experience? WHAT KIND OF SOCIAL WORK JOB DO YOU SEE YOURSELF HAVING IN FIVE YEARS? PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE TYPES OF PROGRAMS YOU WOULD LIKE CONSIDER AS PLACEMENTS. Children and family services Mental Health Medical Health Poverty advocacy Criminal Justice Schools Rehabilitation Public Welfare Military Services Substance abuse Residential treatment Developmental disability Elderly Other Feel free to provide contact names and phone numbers if you have a particular interest in an agency. Please note that your choices are given serious consideration, but your field placement setting is determined by agency availability and fit. 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION: You will be required to travel to your field site and in the surrounding area. Do you have a means of transportation? Yes______ No______ If no, how do you plan to meet these requirements? _______________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR FIELD WORK PREFERENCES: In what geographic area would you prefer your field work to be? (It may be necessary to travel up to 50 miles from your home) □ Las Cruces □ Albuquerque □ □ □ □ El Paso Alamogordo Grants - Gallup Other ___________ ARE YOU BILINGUAL? □ Yes □ No If yes, list the language(s) you speak in addition to English: ________________________________________________________________________ Rate your abilities for the additional language(s) you listed using the following criteria. P = Proficient (exceptionally capable) A = Able D=Developing B=Beginner ______ Reading _______ Writing ________ Speaking _____Translating ______ Interpreting DID YOU APPLY FOR THE HISPANIC CHILD WELFARE STIPEND? ______ (yes) ______ (no) OTHER INFORMATION: Do you have any special needs, limitations, and/or recommendations that need to be considered in field agency selection? Please explain. ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Student name___________________________________________ (Form 2013) 3 Date ___________________ NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK BSW/ MSW FIELD WORK APPLICATION pg3 All students are expected to follow the policies and procedures found in the BSW or MSW Field Education Manual and the NASW Code of Ethics. Therefore prior to beginning a field practicum, all students are required to read and agree to the following: 1. I understand I am responsible for reading and understanding field policies and procedures. Prior to beginning my field placement, I will review the contents of the BSW or MSW Field Education Manual with emphasis on: Attendance requirements at the agency and field seminar Evaluation and Grading Standards of Ethical Behavior Procedures for addressing placement concerns and termination from the field program 2. I will provide all documentation relevant to field education, completed accurately, to the agency and /or field office on or before their required due dates, starting with this Field Work Application. I understand that I jeopardize my placement opportunities if I fail to do so. 3. I am aware that my prompt response to emails and phone calls from the field office or any member of my Field Education team demonstrates profession standards of regard and responsibility. Demonstration or lack thereof of this standard will be reflected in my Field Evaluations. 4. I agree to accept supervision and instruction from the agency Field Instructor and (if needed) the Site – Supervisor and the Field Seminar Liaison. I will participate in the development of my social work skills by active involvement in field seminar, field supervision and the Student Evaluation process. 5. Furthermore, I understand that Social Work Field Education is a team effort and my Field Instructor and Liaison will be in communication with each other and with the Field Education Coordinator as needed to discuss and support my progress. By signing, I agree the above conditions and expectations. Student signature__________________________________________ Printed name_____________________________________________ Date__________________ NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK BSW/ MSW FIELD WORK APPLICATION pg 4 PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR RESUME ALONG WITH THIS APPLICATION. DETERMINATIONS OF ELIGIBILITY TO NEW MEXICO SOCIAL WORK LICENSURE Answering the following questions is required of all applicants for field placement and for determinations of eligibility to New Mexico Social Work Licensure following graduation. Omission of any information may result in our inability to process your application and provide a field placement for you. Provision of this information will not affect your standing in the social work program but it may limit the type of placement setting you will be assigned to. This information will not be shared with a field agency without your express permission. Many agencies have specific background and criminal record check procedures that you must agree to for placement in that agency. FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS FORM WOULD BE EVIDENCE OF UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR AND CONSEQUENTLY GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION FROM THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK. 1. Have you ever used another name under which records may be filed concerning your application, or your education, training, or experience leading to your application? Yes _____ No _____ 2. Criminal record a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony, DUI/DWI or other criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation, or are there such charges pending against you at this time? Yes: ______ No: ______ b. Have you ever had an allegation of either child abuse or adult abuse made against you that was substantiated or is pending against you at this time? Yes _____ No _____ If you answer “Yes” to any of the questions above, you must provide documentation on the nature of the offense/allegation and its disposition and a statement containing proof of rehabilitation if applicable. Please attach this information to your Field Application even if you have submitted the information along with your application to the School of Social Work. Convictions and pending convictions may limit opportunities for field education, professional licensing and future employment. 3. Have you ever been denied a license or permission to practice Social Work or permission to take an examination to practice Social Work in any state, country, or territory? Yes __ No __ (If yes, please attach a complete and comprehensive explanation)? 4. Has any disciplinary action ever been taken regarding your practice or Social Work or any license you hold or have held to practice Social Work? Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, suspension, probation, practice limitations, reprimand, letter of admonition, censure and any allegations currently pending? Yes __ No __ (If yes, please attach a complete and comprehensive explanation). 5. Have you ever voluntarily surrendered a license to practice Social Work in any other state or territory? Yes __ No __ (If yes, please attach a complete and comprehensive explanation). __________________________________________________________ (Student’s Signature) ___________________ (Date) STUDENT FIELD AGREEMENT WITH AGENCY New Mexico State University School of Social Work If student is seeking to complete the field practicum in his/her place of employment, please use separate form entitled NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK FIELD WORK AGREEMENT IN STUDENT’S PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT. Additional paperwork must be completed and approval granted before the first day of the practicum semester . STUDENT INFORMATION (check one) BSW First year MSW Second Year or Advanced Standing MSW Student Name: Interview with Agency Date: Student Home Phone: Cell Phone: Other Phone: Student Address: City: NMSU E-Mail: State: Zip Code: FIELD INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION BSW or MSW Licensed Agency Field Instructor should complete this portion Agency Name: Component(s) of Agency Student placed in (if relevant) Agency Address: City: Field Instructor: Position: Phone Number: Credentials/degrees: Zip: E-mail Address: LBSW LMSW LISW License # AGENCY BASED FIELD SUPERVISOR INFORMATION (If daily supervision will be provided by someone other than Licensed Agency Field Instructor) Agency Based Field Supervisor:: Phone Number: Position: E-mail Address: Credentials/degrees: NMSU Social Work Students are required to demonstrate competency in ten areas of knowledge necessary to professional Social Work during the field placement. This is done through mastery of practice behaviors related to each Competency below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Practice professional behavior (Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication.) Learn and apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments. Engage with diverse clients in the practice setting Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research. Knowledge of human behavior and the social environment Identify relevant policy in practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services. Identify the process needed to respond to contexts that shape practice Learn to engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Any special conditions for this internship: Click here to enter text. STUDENT’S WEEKLY SCHEDULE IN FIELD - PROPOSED Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Field Experience hours (15 average 1st year field and 17 average 2nd year field hours per week - minimum) including 1 hour of weekly field seminar Hours that you will be in class or field seminar Work hours Only (Field hours must be separate from work hours) to to to to to to to to to to to to to to _________________ SIGNATURES After interviewing the above student our agency has agreed to accept the student for a social work field experience placement and provide the students with an opportunity to develop and practice their competencies. BSW or MSW Licensed Agency Field Instructor Signature: _____________________________Date:______ (Attach copy of his/her resume and license) Agency Based Field Supervisor: ____________________________________________ Student agrees to accept this placement: Student’s Signature __________________________________________________ Date: _______ Student’s Phone Number at the Agency: ___________________________ Student’s Internship address if different than field instructor address (include component of agency’s name) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Placement must begin the first week of the semester Placement approved by: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Field Coordinator or Assistant Field Coordinator Las Cruces: Please return to the front desk at the School of Social Work: Attention: Field Team Staff Albuquerque Students: Please return to Susan Burns, LISW, Field Coordinator STUDENTS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED OFFICIALLY IN THE FIELD UNTIL THIS FORM IS RECEIVED NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK FIELD WORK AGREEMENT IN STUDENT’S PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT 3 pages BSW MSW First Year in Field STUDENT NAME: STUDENT HOME PHONE: NMSU E-MAIL: MSW Second year in field CELL PHONE: OTHER PHONE: AGENCY NAME AGENCY ADDRESS CITY ZIP AGENCY PHONE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR NAME CURRENT WORK SUPERVISORS NAME PROPOSED FIELD PRACTICUM FIELD INSTRUCTOR BSW MSW Student’s Employment In The Agency Length of employment at agency: yrs/months Current Work Supervisor: Field Instructor: Click here to enter text. #_________ Click here to enter text. If this is new employment to be used to fulfill a practicum experience, skip down to NEW EMPLOYMENT Section 1. Student's current job title and job description: 2. What kind of work assignments does the student now have? INFORMATION REGARDING PROPOSED PRACTICUM ASSIGNMENT: Proposed Field Instructor (Attach copy of his/her resume and license) 1. Specify the new activities the student will do in the field placement. 2. How will the agency insure that the field experience will differ from the student’s job? Student must complete in consultation with the Field Instructor, a Written Plan For Accomplishing SW Field Education Goals And Practice Behaviors At Place Of Employment. Field Education Coordinator has final approval of any practicum arrangement. See the last page for details. NEW EMPLOYMENT STARTING ______ Current Work Supervisor: Proposed Field Instructor (Attach copy of his/her resume and license) OR page 2 How will the agency insure that the field education requirements are met in addition to the work product expectations? Student must complete in consultation with the Field Instructor, a a Written Plan For Accomplishing SW Field Education Goals And Practice Behaviors At Place Of Employment. Field Education Coordinator has final approval of any practicum arrangement. See the last page for details. STUDENT’S WEEKLY SCHEDULE IN FIELD - PROPOSED Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Field Experience hours (15 average 1st year field and 17 average 2nd year field hours per week - minimum) including 1 hour of weekly field seminar to to to to to to to Hours that you will be in class or field seminar Work hours Only (Field hours must be separate from work hours unless employment is new and will count towards practicum. to to to to to to to If the agency plans to allow the student time off from their regular work schedule for field placement, please indicate: Click here to enter text. CONDITIONS FOR PRACTICUM IN PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: 1. The student has completed the agency's probationary period or six months of employment unless the student is a new employee (4 or less months) and will use the new employment itself in fulfillment of the practicum experience. 2. The agency meets the standards for consideration as a field agency and is willing to sign or has signed an affiliation agreement with New Mexico State University. 3. The agency has or has arranged to have a qualified MSW or BSW who can serve as field instructor. 4. The agency agrees that the student will have at least one hour of field instruction each week from the designated MSW Field Instructor discussing the educational aspects of the practicum and will have adequate time for record writing and other necessary preparation. 5. The agency agrees that the supervisor for the field is not the student’s supervisor for regular employment 6. The agency and the School of Social Work both agree that the assignments given to the student/employee are consistent with the educational goals and objectives of the School and that the assignments show evidence of sound educational design and progressive development of the student's abilities at the BSW or MSW level. This will be documented in the student’s Field Work Learning Contract. 7. The agency agrees to this FIELD WORK AGREEMENT IN STUDENT’S PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT and understands this may mean lighter caseloads, involvement in client and community based assignments not typically assigned by the agency yet overseen by the Field Instructor, and agreed upon hours beyond the normal work week. Hours in excess of the paid employment would not be paid by the agency, but considered part of the Social Work practicum expectations. AGENCY DIRECTOR Click here to enter text. DATE______ Phone_________ CURRENT WORK SUPERVISOR Click here to enter text. DATE______ Phone_________ FIELD INSTRUCTOR Click here to enter text. DATE______ Phone_________ FIELD INSTRUCTOR Email Click here to enter text. (Attach copy of his/her resume and license) STUDENT Click here to enter text. DATE_____ Phone__________ REVIEWED BY FIELD COORDINATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS Click here to enter text. FIELD COORDINATOR Click here to enter text. DATE____________ Page 3 Written plan for accomplishing SW field education goals and practice behaviors at place of employment. The School of Social Work recognizes that the activities of one's new or ongoing employment and learning are not inconsistent, but there is an important difference in emphasis between the goals of educational development and the delivery of service as a paid employee. The agency and the School of Social Work must both agree that the assignments given to the student/employee are consistent with the educational goals and objectives of the School and that the assignments show evidence of sound educational design, progressive development of the student's abilities at the MSW level, and autonomy in the attainment of these educational goals and objectives. The agency and the School of Social Work agree that supervision and field instruction will be provided by someone who is not the current or regular work supervisor. If there are areas of focus required to fulfill the NMSU field education plan, but not available through the student’s regular employment, the student may be required to take on assignments not typically assigned by the agency. The student may be required to put in additional (unpaid) practicum hours to accomplish these requirements, and the work will also be overseen by the Field Instructor. Please prepare a written plan that outlines how the competencies and practice behaviors necessary to your specific year of practicum (1st or 2nd) will be addressed by your work duties. Make clear reference to those areas that will require additional time and activities not associated with your work duties and how they will be accomplished by you and your field instructor. You do not need to have a specific action identified for each practice behavior specifically in this outline, but account for the general areas that will be evaluated in your practicum and the specific time you’ll set aside to the attainment of educational goals and development. Be sure to have your plan agreed to by your field instructor, signed and dated by each of you. This proposal, while prepared with consultation with the field instructor, should be written by the student, not the field instructor. A Student will not be considered officially in the field until this plan and the accompanying Field Work in Student’s Place of Employment form, are received and approved by field coordinator . PORTFOLIO OUTLINE Get a three ring binder and use dividers to clearly separate each section of your portfolio MUST BE REVIEWED AT MID-TERM & FINAL BY FIELD LIAISON 1. Section one a. Table of contents for Portfolio b. STUDENT DOCUMENT TRACKING FORM c. Field Team Members 2. Section two – Choosing Social Work a. Summarize your reasons for choosing social work as a profession; what you plan to do with a social work degree and how this field placement experience will contribute to your long term professional goals. 3. Section three – Syllabus and Field Policies a. Field Course Syllabus (MSW 551& MSW 552 or MSW 554 & MSW 555) b. Agency policies Related to client services Related to employment/practicum regulations 4. Section four – Contract and Evaluation a. Field Learning Contract/Evaluation Document b. Self evaluations (mid-term & final) c. Mid-term and final evaluations signed by everyone in the field practicum team 5. Section five – Competency Based Assignments a. Social Work Field Competency Assignments (each assignment will address a specific competency) 6. Section six a. Examples of client assessment including Genograms, eco-maps, culturegrams b. PROCESS RECORDING: TWO PER SEMESTER 7. Section seven – Ongoing Documentation a. WEEKLY SUPERVISORY MEETING AGENDA and TIME AND ACTIVITIES REPORT (one per week) 8. Section eight - Research a. Research articles related to your field placement 9. Section nine a. Values and Ethics: One page summary of the values and ethics learned during field practicum b. Summary of Field Experience What did you accomplish in this field placement this semester? What did you learned from supervision? Summary of leaning gains and your next steps for continuous professional growth. STUDENT DOCUMENT TRACKING FORM – One per Semester The student maintains this record until end of each semester. It is kept in the portfolio. It is the summary of the time the students spent in the field, the weekly activities with their supervisor and the seminar attendance and assignments. Student Name______________________________________ BSW Semester Fall ______ Spring ______ MSW 1st Year Field Fall ______ Spring ______ MSW 2nd Year Field Fall ______ Spring ______ Filed Instructor Name: ______________________ Field Liaison Name: ____________________ Learning Contract submitted: Mid Term Meeting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Date: ____________ Date: ____________ Final Meeting Date: ____________ Weekly Supervisory Agenda/ Time and Activities reports submitted Seminar Attendance Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ Week of ________ time included__________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Week of _________ Total Time____________ Evidence of Learning Competency Based Assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Date________ Date________ Date________ Date________ Date________ Competency Based Assignments Process recording 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. Date_________ Date_________ Date_________ Date_________ Date_________ Date________ Date________ Agency or Case or Biopsychosocial Presentation Date________ Recommended Grade for Semester 1 or 2 is __________ (circle semester) ( U or S for MSW 551 only) Liaison Signature ____________________ Date______________ A copy of this form should be in Portfolio. Give original to field office at end of semester. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK WEEKLY INSTRUCTIONAL MEETING AGENDA and TIME AND ACTIVITIES REPORT Week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Student Name _________________________ Date of meeting: ______________________ DATE ACTUAL HOURS Field Social Worker_______________________ Time of meeting: _____________________ DESCRIBE ACTIVITIES IN DETAIL Example: Conducted a client intake, attended a staff meeting, completed an intake interview, called clients, call agency X to make a client referral, etc. Total Hours Accrued this week: ________ Remaining Hours to be completed: _______________ A minimum of 225 per term is needed for MSW 551 and 552 250 for MSW 554 and 555 Student’s Summary Report on the status of tasks assigned during last supervisory meeting: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Issue or issues student wants to discuss during this instructional meeting and their relationship to Social Work Competencies>_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Learning tasks and assignments from this instructional meeting to be completed by next week: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________ Field Instructor Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ If student is struggling to meet field requirements and/or has been advised to work on any social work competency and there is concern that the student is not working towards meeting course requirements, the Field Instructor must include a recommendation for improvement and explicitly inform the student of any danger of failing the course. The Field Instructor must also notify the Liaison as soon as these issues occur. (Use back of form if necessary) This form should be completed weekly and included on the portfolio for liaison review AGENCY PRESENTATION OUTLINE – FOR SEMINAR DISCUSSION MSW 551 and 554 This is intended as a brief simulation of a community presentation a social worker in your agency might do to recruit clients or get other professionals to refer clients to your agency. This is a required seminar presentation. 1. MSW Student Information. Student’s name: ______________________________________ Date of seminar presentation: _____________________ 1. Agency structure: a. Description of the agency; historical background – date started and reason started and current main activities. b. Mission statement of this agency. c. If the agency has several units, give an overview of the agency as a whole and explain how your unit fits with the agency’s mission. d. Sources of agency financial support. e. Executive Director or CEO and names of Board members (if a non-profit). f. Provide an organizational chart for your Portfolio. 2. Clients: a. Describe client demographics: ages, ethnicity, income, etc. b. Describe the issues that are most salient in this client population. c. Agency's relationships to clients and community: Do they do field visits or is work mainly in the office? What community is served by agency, what neighborhood or region? What other networking agencies work with the agency? 3. Agency policies: a. Describe agency policies regarding clients b. Describe agency policies related to employees, volunteers and social work practicum students. 4. Type of Practice: a. What forms of Micro Practice (direct service – individual, family and/or group methods) does the agency use? b. Is the agency involved in Macro practice? If yes, describe. c. What social work theories are used in this agency? d. What kind interventions does this agency apply? If not explicit evaluate what the agency does and describe the interventions in terms of social work practice. 5. Provide a brief summary of your learning experience at this point. MSW 552 FIELD SEMINAR SOCIAL WORK BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT and INITIAL GOAL PLANNING One of the most important skills of a Social Worker is the ability to conduct a meaningful assessment of their client. No matter what area of SW, we must be able to gather information about our client’s concern, life experience, strength and limitations to be effective in our work. We must be able to collect this information through direct questions and indirectly through good attending and listening skills. Information related to the Biological, Psychological, Social, Cultural and Spiritual makeup of our client is essential to deliver service that is appropriate, culturally sound and involves the SW tenet of the importance of looking at the Person- in –Environment for solutions. To conduct an effective assessment the social worker needs the skill and ability to: Create an environment in which the client feels safe to discuss sensitive and personal issues. Establish rapport with the client. Apply active listening skills. Identify the client's interests, skills, abilities, obstacles, strengths, limitations, needs for services, and personal resources. Help the client develop and set realistic goals to put into action plans and interventions. Use attending skills to observe and note the client’s physical appearance, body language, eye contact, affect, dress, personal hygiene, speech patterns and cognitive abilities. Gather and incorporate relevant collateral information as needed to complete the assessment. Guidelines for Goal planning: Goals need to relate to the results sought by clients or as agreed on to meet requirements for clients referred involuntarily. Goals need to be feasible/practical, explicit and measurable Goals need to be consistent with the mission of the agency. It is best that goals be stated as positive changes/additions, not the reduction of something unwanted. ( not to stop eating cake, but to add vegetables) Goals are to be broken into smaller objectives and even smaller interventions: 1. Goal: Increase my sense of contentment 2. Objective: Feel stronger physically 3. Intervention: walk 3 times a week for 20 minutes A Biopsychosocial Assessment is a compilation of client information including at minimum, the following information. Depending on the focus of the SW agency, there may be additional or more specific questioning in each area. A. Presenting Concerns and Identifying Information What is the client’s concern? What is the concern of the referral source or significant other/family members? How long has the problem existed? Why did the client seek help now? B. Mental status: Cognitive functioning Does the client seem to be of normal intelligence? Is there evidence of logical problem-solving thinking or capacities? Is the client’s thinking coherent and goal directed? Does the client exhibit good judgment? Physical/Medical Does the client report any medical conditions or problems? Does the client present with any disabilities? Does the client use alcohol? Does the client use any other substances? Has the client experienced any social, occupational, or legal problems associated with his or her use of alcohol and/ or other drugs? Emotional What emotions does the client describe in relation to the presenting problem? Do the client’s emotions appear to be congruent with the client’s thoughts? How does the client’s dress, appearance and personal hygiene compare to current social norms in regard to age and culture? C. Relational and Social support systems Does the client have family, significant others, close friends and/or acquaintances that the client feel are supportive relationships? Does the client’s presenting problem involve other family members or significant others? Can the family members or significant others be part of the solution? D. Employment support network Is the client employed? Underemployed? Unemployed? What is the client’s occupation? Is work somehow related to the presenting concern? School How does the child do in school? Does the client presenting problem affect his or her studies? E. Diversity issues What is the client’s ethnicity or nationality? How acculturated does the client appear to be? Is English the client’s first language? Second? Does the client utilize any cultural resources? Summarize what your professional opinion is regarding the impact of issues of diversity on the clients presenting problem. F. Barriers and Risk factors Does the client perceive barriers to accessing resources? Does the client appear to be a member of a vulnerable or special needs population? Does the client appear to have no resources of their own to help resolve the problem? Summarize what your professional opinion is as regards the presence of barriers to service or the use of resources. Are there larger issues of Social Justice and Equality at play here? G. Goals of Client What does the client wish to change or accomplish by enlisting your help? What attempts has the client made to resolve the problem? If it is a recurrent problem, what seemed to help resolve it in the past? H. Strengths and resources What do you perceive to be the client’s strengths? How can these strengths be utilized to assist the client in resolving the current issues? What client resources could be utilized to enhance coping? What agency resources could be utilized to intervene with the client? I. Other significant information as presented by the client referral source or significant or observed by the social worker. J. Mutually agreed-on definition of problem and goals. Summarize the clients concerns and presenting problem taking into account the discussion of issues of diversity and potential social barriers After presenting your summary to the client, you and the client will need to arrive at a mutual understanding of the problem to be addressed and what goals can be accomplished together. K. Preliminary Treatment Plan Now that you and client have agreed on one or more workable goals that will address the mutually agreed –on definition of the problem, you will need to clarify step by step Objectives and then behavioral Interventions to accomplish the larger Goal. Goal: Objective: o Intervention Case Presentation Outline – for MSW 555 I. MSW Student Information. Student’s name: _________________________ Date of seminar presentation: ______ II. Agency Information. How does your case reflect the mission and target population of your agency? The Case (Individual, family, group, or community organization) III. Assessment A. Data gathering Description and identifying information, include referral source Presenting concerns Demographics and Cultural considerations Community – description of the community or social context of your client B. Use of tools (as appropriate) Genogram Eco Map Culturegram Multi-Axial ( DSM) assessment Forms /tools from your agency Group tool: mutual goal clarification Community and Organizational tools : needs assessment and community survey, feasibility study, asset mapping Logic model worksheet for program development-start with desired outcome and build what needs to happen to arrive there. C. Theoretical Frameworks Micro client levels: Explain the applicability of two behavioral and developmental theories and Family Life Cycle factors used in the assessment of your case such as: Developmental stage and mastery of what psychosocial skills? Issues concerning separation, loss and relationship attachment? Developmental stage of the Family Stage of Moral Development Mezzo client levels: Group Development -Stages of Group Development: Preaffiliation, Power and Control, Intimacy, Differentiation, and Separation. Examine members roles Patterned behavior Group alliances Power and Decision-making styles Group norms, values and cohesion Macro client levels: Community and Organizational development- addresses the outer layers of an eco-map. This is where the problem, population and community/organization overlap with Formalized policy and Political Environment, and change is at the system level, not individual. Empowerment Model-promote social and economic justice when communities are able to secure the resources they need to change their situations. Advocacy and Social Action model- the community itself takes action to address concerns. Social Planning model–expert driven and consultant problem solving. Capacity Building model- increase ability of community to act on own behalf. D. Risk and Protective Factors IV. Intervention What are the goals, objectives and interventions you are working on and discuss how they relate to a practice theory you are using as your model V. Termination of case How are you discussing termination with your client? How are you managing your own sense of loss and change? VI. Ethical Issues Describe one ethical issue or dilemma in your case. VII. Policy Implications Explain the agency, local, state and federal policies relevant to your case. VIII. Social Justice Concerns Comment on social justice issues in your case IX. Literature Review In order to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to apply evidence based practice, students should prepare a brief literature review. This literature review should: Be directly relevant to the main intervention used in your case presentation. Describe what the scientific literature reveals about the effectiveness of the intervention used. Be directly relevant to the client system used in your case presentation. Please refer to previous course work to present your findings in format appropriate to empirical based literature reviews. Present two articles or books/chapters. X. Evaluation: Critique how effective your work has been in helping your client gain clarity, develop a commitment to change, gain new perspectives, or accomplish the purposes of your contact with the client. What did you use to evaluate this? . PROCESS RECORDING: DEMOGRAPHICS Students will conduct two process recordings each semester. The process recording is a learning tool that is meant to allow students to record an interaction with a client and evaluate their actions, the social work skills used in the interaction, and their feelings related to the situation or client and thinking process. The Field Instructor reads the process recording and provides the student with feedback, questions or makes observations to help the student further develop their social work skills. 1. Identifying Information. Student's name: _____________________________ Field Instructor’s Name ____________________________ Date of session: _____________________ 2. Background Information. Include any information necessary to understand the interaction described in the recording. This includes any information you know about the client including: Client's initials or fictitious name ________ Sex _______ age ________ race/ethnicity __________ Referral source ___________________________________________________________________________ Why referred __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family background: Any significant intergenerational connections from genogram ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number and types of other contacts you have had with the client(s) ______________________________________________________ Describe setting - who is present: _______________________________________________________________________________ A brief summary of work to this point with this client: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the case of a Group, describe how the group was formed, how recent is its formation, and what are the characteristics of those who make up the group In the case of Macro Practice, identify your client system(s), provide background information about the agency and/or community and about the project itself including any needs assessments that have been done, committee work done or ongoing, etc. Additionally, review your involvement in the project and specify your roles as the social worker involved in the project. Relevant Practice Behaviors That Should be reflected in the PROCESS RECORDING 1. How do you demonstrate empathy and other interpersonal skills 2. How do you collect, organize, and interpret client data 3. How did you practice personal reflection and self-correction with this client 4. Were you aware of professional roles and boundaries? 5. How did you demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication 6. Did you use supervision and consultation as needed? 7. Did you recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice. 8. Did you demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups, communities, organizations, and colleagues? 9. Did you gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups? 10. Did you view yourself as a learner and engage those with whom they work as informants. . PROCESS RECORDING FORMAT FOR 15 MINUTE INTERACTIONS WITH CLIENT/CLIENTS: Erase all of the instructions when doing your own process recording ELIMINATE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN YOU HAND IN YOUR PROCESS RECORDING. YOU ONLY NEED THE HEADINGS Interview Social work skills used Feelings (your emotional reaction) Thoughts (your Assessment Field Supervisor’s comments Replace the word student with your name and & client with initials and record exact words spoken by both you and the client during the 15 minute interaction Here, discuss the social work skills you used at each step in the process. Here, opposite the dialog, record how you were feeling as the activity or communication was taking place. Do not use this column to analyze the client's reactions - use it to identify and look at your gut level feelings. Be as open and honest as you can - tell it as you feel it Here, opposite the dialog, record what you were thinking regarding assessment of the client situation. In this column, your Field Instructor will make remarks opposite the interaction or gut-level feelings that have been recorded, as well as opposite the thoughts regarding assessment. Example: Example: Example: I used engaging skills by introducing myself in a …. manner. I was nervous because it was my first interview without my supervisor. Be certain to include third-person participants, interruptions, and other occurrences that were not part of the planned Interview Example: Marsha: Hi, I’m Marsha from ……. Mr. Jones: We weren’t expecting you. Competency demonstrated I felt uncomfortable because of my appearance and felt I may have come across as being intimidating You Field Instructor must make comments on this document before you hand it in. Observed outside area of the home once I arrived and noticed that it was much cluttered with broken windows. Once I was inside Mr. Jones was surprised by my visit and was a little hostile at the beginning until I clarified the purpose of my visit. . NMSU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK CHANGE OF FIELD PLACEMENT REQUEST The School of Social Work has a process for Resolving Problems in Field Placements. Please follow the process and document it in this request form. Social Work Field Placements should be for one academic year. If there is a need to move a student from an agency midyear, this form must be completed to start the change process. Student Name: ___________________________________ email: ________________ Liaison Name: ________________________________________ email: _________________ Field Instructor: _______________________________________ email: ________________ Agency Name: ____________________________________ Name of Person Initiating this Request _____________________Telephone # (___________) A field placement change is generally needed when the agency or field instructor is no longer able to provide the student with instruction or a learning environment. Poor student performance does not lead to a change of placement but may result in a failing grade in the field. REQUIRED MEETINGS: 1. The Field Instructor And Student Must Meet To Discuss The Problem. 2. If The Problem Isn’t Resolved, They Must Meet With The Field Liaison. These Meetings Must Be Held To Address Problematic Issues Before A Request For Change Of Field Placement Can Be Made. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY STUDENT CONCERNS Qualifies for a change of placement: o Agency unsafe and/or ethical problems o Insufficient instruction regarding field assignments. o A need for greater responsibility or client contact. o Lack of opportunities to learn and practice the 10 competencies o Lack of Field Instruction - Field Instructor doesn’t meet with student once/week o Incomplete orientation. o Loss of Field Instructor due to person leaving the agency or taking another assignment. o Field Instructor unable to explain how to improve. o Paperwork not read by Field Instructor – student unable to complete coursework due to lack of feedback from instructor The following do not qualify for an agency change but are issues that need to be addressed. o Field liaison not available o Field seminar is not meeting once per week o Field instructor & liaison did not provide a reason for assigning the student a poor grade. FIELD INSTRUCTOR CONCERNS Qualifies for a change of placement: o Instructor will no longer be able to provide instruction and supervision for the student. The following are examples of behavior that do not qualify for an agency change. A FAILING GRADE IS MORE APPROPRIATE. o Student's poor performance in basic work place responsibilities (e.g. poor attendance, misuse of time). o Inappropriate attire or demeanor o Unwillingness or inability to be proactive in own learning. Work completed minimally. o Negative attitudes toward clients, colleagues, or the agency o Problems in personal functioning (health, mental health, substance abuse at agency) sufficiently serious to interfere with student learning or endanger client welfare. o Lack of boundaries towards clients and towards other workers in agency. Clients' rights violated o Inability to engage clients despite repeated supervision and training o Inability to apply theory to practice despite discussion in supervision, demonstration and training o Continual inaccurate, late or poorly written paperwork after training o Inability to follow directions o Continued and persistent need of close supervision after three months in practicum. o Inability to seek and use supervision without defensiveness o Agency programming has been disrupted by student behavior. o Questionable ethical behavior o Arriving at placement under the influence of alcohol or another substance. o Inability or unwillingness to follow chain of command: FIELD LIAISON CONCERNS o Inflated field grades – instructor assign the highest marks but does not provide documentation to support the grade. o Lack of weekly supervision – weekly meeting agendas are incomplete or missing. o Lack of documentation – no comments on student’s paperwork o Instructor did not inform the student about poor performance concerns until the mid-term or final meeting. o Instructor waited until a crisis to contact the Field Liaison o Lack of progressive evaluation leading to student’s failure in field without documentation. Poor performance was not documented on the weekly meeting agendas. The following are examples of behavior that do not qualify for an agency change. A FAILING GRADE IS MORE APPROPRIATE. o Student’s poor performance or lack of attendance in seminar o Student’s poorly written paperwork o Student unable to accept and use redirection without defensiveness o Student leaves placement. . CHANGE OF FIELD PLACEMENT REQUEST page two Field Team Meetings 1. Student’s input concerning the issue or issues: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. Liaison’s input concerning the issue or issues: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3.Field Instructor’s input concerning the issue or issues: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4.Summary of the meetings: Please document the times, dates, people attending and content of discussion and other documentation of each meeting. There must be a specific action plan developed. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5.Recommendation from Liaison and Instructor concerning change of placement: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURES: This request will not be considered by the Field Program unless signed by student, field instructor, and faculty field liaison. Name Signature Date Student Field Liaison Field Instructor Field Coordinator Field Coordinator’s Determination: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Form adapted from: University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work, and Office of Field Practicum . STUDENT EVALUATION OF FIELD AGENCY Date: __________________ Check one: BSW 402 □ MSW 552 □ MSW 555 □ Agency Name: Please circle the number that represents your rating (1) Not at all or most negative (4) Most of the time or better than average (2) Rarely or negative (5) Always or most positive (3) Sometimes or average 1 2 3 4 The agency has clear policies and procedures for student interns. 1 2 3 4 The agency has accessible safety plans, sexual harassment, and grievance procedures. This agency provides opportunities to develop and practice Social Work competencies and 1 2 3 4 practice behaviors. 1 2 3 4 The agency provides student interns the opportunity to participate in staff meetings and training events 1 2 3 4 OVERALL, I WOULD RATE THIS AGENCY: I would recommend this placement to other students because…. (please give written comments – use back of page if needed) 5 5 5 5 5 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I would not recommend this placement to other students because…. (please give written comments – use back of page if needed) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ . STUDENT EVALUATION OF FIELD INSTRUCTOR Date: __________________ Check one: BSW 402 □ MSW 552 □ MSW 555 □ Please circle the number that represents your rating (1) Not at all or most negative (4) most of the time or better than average (2) Rarely or negative (5) Always or most positive (3) Sometimes or average Field Instructor’s Name: ___________________________________________ THE SOCIAL WORK FIELD INSTRUCTOR 1 2 3 Provided an orientation to the agency, and made the expectations for student performance clear. 1 2 3 Helped me understand the agency’s purpose, policies, and procedures including safety plans, sexual harassment, and grievance procedures. 1 2 3 Assigned projects, cases and reading materials to assist me with the understanding, development and practice of field competencies. 1 2 3 Reviewed and commented on two process recordings each semester. 1 2 3 Reviewed and commented on my mid-term and final evaluations. 1 2 3 Assisted with the Field Learning Contract and Evaluation document 1 2 3 Provided individual educational instruction to each student at least once a week and provided on-going performance feedback utilizing the INSTRUCTIONAL MEETING AGENDA and the TIME AND ACTIVITIES REPORT. 1 2 3 Provided assistance/support when needed and gave me the opportunity to make mistakes, recover and learn from them. 1 2 3 Participated in meetings with the field liaison to review my progress, as well as review my performance during mid-term and final evaluations. 1 2 3 Overall, I would rate this social work FIELD INSTRUCTOR I would recommend this social work field instructor to other students because…. (please give written comments – use back of page if needed) 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I would not recommend this social work field instructor to other students because…. (please give written comments – use back of page if needed) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ . STUDENT EVALUATION OF FIELD LIAISON Date: __________________ Check one: BSW 402 □ MSW 552 □ MSW 555 □ Please circle the number that represents your rating (1) Not at all or most negative (4) most of the time or better than average (2) Rarely or negative (5) Always or most positive (3) Sometimes or average Field Liaison’s Name: 1 2 Met with us once per week for group seminar and provide instruction and feedback regarding field expectations regarding the Learning Contract and Evaluation, assignments, process recordings and portfolio. 1 2 Assisted us in integrating classroom and field experience learning. Provided instruction and guidance regarding cases, agency activities, and field concerns. 1 2 Helped us understand the chain of command to resolve any field problems STUDENT ► 1 2 FIELD INSTRUCTOR ► FIELD LIAISON ► FIELD COORDINATOR 1 2 Advised me regarding field performance, evaluation, and assigned the final grade 1 2 Visited the agency and maintained an ongoing relationship with me and the agency field instructor 1 2 Met with me and my field instructor to discuss my progress and answer educational questions related to my professional development during mid-term and final. 1 2 Evaluated evidence of my performance in the field agency, seminar and all course assignments to calculate my final grade at end of the semester. 1 2 Was available to mediate any issues between, the student, the agency field Instructor, site supervisor and the school to develop a course of action to resolve the Field Situation. 1 2 Overall, I would rate this FIELD LIAISON I would recommend this social work field liaison to other students because…. (please give written comments – use back of page if needed) 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I would not recommend this social work field liaison to other students because…. (please give written comments – use back of page if needed) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________