Ch. 1 Quiz #3: Regions and Globalization

Ch. 1 Quiz #3: Regions and Globalization
1. All of the following are true of regions EXCEPT:
a. They are used by geographers to impose order to the chaotic real world
b. They are characterized by similarities that set them apart from other areas
c. They can exist on different scales
d. They are always subjective distinctions made between areas
e. There are three different types of regions
2. All of the following characteristics are used to define regions EXCEPT:
a. geographic proximity
b. population data
c. dominant crop
d. common history
e. common trading partners
3. Which of the following is not an example of a functional region?
a. the circulation area of a newspaper
b. the area of dominance of a television station
c. the market area of a supermarket
d. the area dominated by a particular crop
e. the area served by a sports franchise
4. If secession from the Union during the Civil War is the characteristic used to define “Dixie” as a region, it
would be considered what kind of region:
a. Cultural Region
b. Vernacular region
c. Formal Region
d. Functional Region
e. Perceptual Region
5. All of the following characterize “The South” as a perceptual region EXCEPT:
a. climate
b. the Baptist Church
c. low high school graduation rates
d. right-to-work states
e. industrial economy
6. A regional identity which is identified by the local residents of the area, and not by how it is perceived by
outsiders is a:
a. Cultural Region
b. Vernacular region
c. Formal Region
d. Functional region
e. Perceptual region
7. A region defined as the coalescence of metropolitan areas into a continuous network of urban development is
called a:
a. realm
b. multi-metropolis
c. megalopolis
d. sphere of urban development
e. vernacular region
8. The area within a region with the highest concentration of the “most pure” cultural traits is referred to as the:
a. zone
b. realm
c. core
d. sphere
e. domain
9. The area of a region where other regions are most likely to overlap and share a variety of different cultural
traits is the:
a. syncretistic zone
b. realm
c. core
d. sphere
e. domain
10. Perceptual regions
a. are more specifically structured than formal or functional regions
b. are not considered of any importance to geographers
c. define areas only as far as the eye can see
d. reflect feelings and images rather than objective data
e. are determined by lines of latitude and longitude
11. The “turfs” of the urban clubs or gangs is an example of which type of region?
a. formal
b. functional
c. nodal
d. perceptual
e. uniform
12. The force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope is
called _______________________________________.
13. The primary agent for the globalization of the economy is the
______________________________________, which conducts research, operates factories, and sells
products all over the world.
14. Globalization of ________________________________ has led to more specialization at the local level,
with each place playing a distinctive role different from other places based on its assets.
15. Elements of globalization of culture include all of the following but,
a. uniform consumption preferences
b. enhanced communications
c. unequal access to cultural elements
d. maintaining local traditions
e. uniformity of cultural beliefs and forms