New York Times v. United States

Know the following terms, people, places and ideas for your upcoming test:
-Tinker v. Des Moines
-Rights of the accused
-Free exercise clause
-Differences between concurrent, exclusive, appellate and original jurisdiction
-The Warren Court: Judicial activism or restraint? Why?
-Civil rights
-McCulloch v. Maryland
-New York Times v. United States
-Federal judges. Who appoints? Who confirms?
-School sponsored prayer. Is it constitutional?
-Freedom of assembly: Private vs. public property
-Grutter v. Bollinger
-Separate, but equal
-Establishment Clause
-Dual court system
-Correct sequence of steps to bring a case to the Supreme Court
-What cases involve student rights in school?
-Rule of 4
-Engal v. Vitale
-Plessy v. Ferguson involves the Supreme Court interpreting which amendment?
-Amicus curiae brief
-Gideon v. Wainwright
-Miranda v. Arizona
-Who is the swing vote on the Supreme Court?
-Dred Scott v. Sandford
-Prior restraint
-Process of incorporation
-What is the difference between a plaintiff and a defendant?
-Judicial activism
-Judicial restraint
-United States v. Nixon
-Schenck v. United States
-Constitutional protections are relative. What does that statement mean?
-Roe v. Wade
-What courts serve as “gatekeepers” to the Supreme Court?
-Marbury v. Madison
-Bethel v. Fraser
-What rights do you have under the right to assemble and petition?
-Korematsu v. United States
-Citizens vs aliens in regards to constitutional rights
-Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
-New Jersey v. TLO
-Due process clause of the 14th amendment guarantees that:
-Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
-Federal appeals court judges hear appeals cases from district courts. What would
happen if the appeals court decided that a trial by district court was fair?
-In regard to the issue of equality, the Constitution states that:
-Gregg v. Georgia
-Texas v. Johnson
-Appellate courts
-Free Exercise clause
-What defines a criminal case in a federal court?
-Judicial review
-Who represents the Federal government if a case involving the Federal government
reaches the Supreme Court?
-Why must a democracy allow freedom of expression?
-Mapp v. Ohio
-Similarities between Plessy v. Ferguson and Korematsu v. United States
-Time, place and manner restrictions for public assembly
-Where does the Supreme Court look to when deciding cases?
-What was set up by Article III of the Constitution?
-Civil liberties
-Who are the conservative votes on the Supreme Court?
-When can government limit free speech or freedom of the press?
-Tinker v. Des Moines
-Differences between majority, concurrent and dissenting opinion
-Who are the liberal votes on the Supreme Court?
-What is required for the Supreme Court to make a decision?
-Judicial review
-Marbury v. Madison
-When can states or cities deny a group a license to assemble?