REDOX reaction - Moreau Catholic High School MOODLE

REDOX reactions
Oxidation and Reduction
Redox chemistry
• The study of oxidation and reduction reactions
• Oxidation and reduction reactions involve the
loss or gain of electrons.
• When one species is oxidized another is
• Neither oxidation, nor reduction, can occur
• Refers to reactions in which a species gains
• Refers to reactions in which a species loses
• When NaCl is formed from it’s elements,
describe what is happening in terms of
• There is a transfer of an electron from Na  Cl
• Remember an electron has a charge of
negative 1
• Na + Cl  Na+ + Cl-
Na + Cl  Na+ + Cl• Sodium, Na, gives up or loses an electron to
become Na+
• Na is oxidixed
• Chlorine, Cl, gains an electron to become Cl• Cl is reduced
• More than one electron can be lost or gained
in a redox reaction
• In the reaction 6Li(s) + N2(g)  2 Li3N(s) three
electrons are gained by each nitrogen atom.
Which one was which again…?
Oxidation is loss of electrons
Reduction is gain of electrons
LEO the lion says GER
Loss of Electrons is Oxidation
Gain of Electrons is Reduction
A word about oxidation
• Oxidation often involves a reaction with
oxygen, for example when iron reacts with
oxygen in the air an oxidation reaction occurs
to form rust.
• REMEMBER, the consumption of oxygen
should be treated as a clue that redox
chemistry might be taking place
Reducing Agent
• Remember, oxidation and reduction occur
• When one species is oxidized, another is
• A reducing agent is one which causes another
species to be reduced while itself is being
• Reducing agents lose electrons
Oxidizing Agent
• An oxidizing agent causes another species to
be oxidized.
• An oxidizing agent is reduced in a redox
Half reactions
• We can write half reactions for the oxidation
or reduction that is taking place in a redox
For example:
• 2Na(s) + Br2(l)  2NaBr(s)
• Each Na gives up an electron, so the Na is
oxidized and is itself a reducing agent
• We can write a half reaction for this part
• 2Na  2Na+ + 2e-
2Na(s) + Br2(l)  2NaBr(s)
• The reduction half reaction is:
• Br2 + 2e-  2Br• Each bromine atom gains an electron so
bromine is reduced, while itself being the
oxidizing agent.
• 2Na  2Na+ + 2e• Br2 + 2e-  2Br-
• Sodium is a reducing agent – it caused the
bromine to be reduced
• Bromine is an oxidizing agent – it caused the
sodium to be oxidized.
Redox Terminology
• OXIDATION—loss of electron(s) by a species;
increase in oxidation number.
• REDUCTION—gain of electron(s); decrease in
oxidation number.
• OXIDIZING AGENT—electron acceptor;
species is reduced.
• REDUCING AGENT—electron donor; species
is oxidized.
Oxidation numbers
• To identify whether atoms are oxidized or
• Tracking how oxidation numbers change as a
reaction takes place allows us to see if an
atom is oxidized or reduced
Oxidation numbers
• Decrease in oxidation number = the atom has
been reduced
• Increase in oxidation number = the atom has
been oxidized.
Rules for Assigning
Oxidation Numbers
• The oxidation number of any uncombined element is
• The oxidation number of a monatomic ion equals the
charge on the ion.
• The more-electronegative element in a binary
compound is assigned the number equal to the
charge it would have if it were an ion.
• The oxidation number of fluorine in a compound is
always –1.
Rules for Assigning
Oxidation Numbers
• Oxygen has an oxidation number of –2 unless it is
combined with F, when it is +2, or it is in a peroxide,
such as H2O2, when it is -1
• The oxidation state of hydrogen in most of its
compounds is +1 unless it is combined with a metal,
in which case it is -1
• In compounds, the elements of groups 1 and 2 as
well as aluminum have oxidation numbers of +1, +2
and +3 respectively.
Rules for Assigning
Oxidation Numbers
• The sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms
in a neutral compound is 0.
• The sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms
in a polyatomic ion equals the charge of the
The oxidation number of any
uncombined element is 0
• What is the oxidation number of H in H2?
• What is the oxidation number of Ne in Ne?
• What is the oxidation number of O in O2?
The oxidation number of a monatomic ion
equals the charge on the ion
• What is the oxidation number of Cl in Cl-?
• -1
• What is the oxidation number of Na in Na+?
• +1
• What is the oxidation number of Al in Al3+?
• +3
The more-electronegative element in a binary
compound is assigned the number equal to the charge
it would have if it were an ion.
Electronegativity tends to
down a
e across a period
group and increas
So the elements located in the top right hand
side of the periodic table (excluding the noble
gases) are the most electronegative.
The more-electronegative element in a binary
compound is assigned the number equal to the charge
it would have if it were an ion.
• What is the oxidation number of Cl in HCl?
• -1
• What is the oxidation number of S in H2S?
• -2
The oxidation number of fluorine in a
compound is always –1.
• What is the oxidation number of F in CF4?
• What is the oxidation number of F in FCl?
• What is the oxidation number of F in CH2F2?
Oxygen has an oxidation number of –2 unless it
is combined with F, when it is +2, or it is in a
peroxide, such as H2O2, when it is –1.
What is the oxidation number of O in H2O?
What is the oxidation number of O in H2O2?
What is the oxidation number of O in CaO?
What is the oxidation number of O in Al2O3?
What is the oxidation number of O in OF2?
The oxidation state of hydrogen in most of its
compounds is +1 unless it is combined with a
metal, in which case it is –1
What is the oxidation number of H in H2O?
What is the oxidation number of H in HCl?
What is the oxidation number of H in H3P?
What is the oxidation number of H in CaH2?
In compounds, the elements of groups 1 and 2
as well as aluminum have oxidation numbers of
+1, +2 and +3 respectively.
• What is the oxidation number of Li in Li2O?
• +1
• What is the oxidation number of Ca in CaO?
• +2
• What is the oxidation number of Al in Al2O3?
• +3
The sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms
in a neutral compound is 0.
• What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in
• What is the sum of the oxidation numbers
• What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in
The sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms
in a polyatomic ion equals the charge of the ion.
• What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in PO43-?
• -3
• What is the sum of the oxidation numbers SO42-?
• -2
• What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in OH-?
• -1
Determine the oxidation numbers
for each atom:
• Class worksheet
Balancing Redox Reactions
• 2 methods
• Half reaction method
• Oxidation number change method
Half reaction method for Balancing
Redox Reactions
1. Assign oxidation numbers to all species
2. Write the oxidation half reaction
3. Write the reduction half-reaction
4. Balance for charge
5. Re-write equation with factors from step #4
6. Balance for mass.
Balancing Redox Reactions
• H3PO2 + H+ + Cr → Cr3++ P + H2O
• Step 1: Assign Oxidation numbers to
• +1 +1 -2
+1 -2
• H3PO2 + H+ + Cr → Cr3++ P + H2O
+1 +1 -2
+1 -2
H3PO2 + H+ + Cr → Cr3++ P + H2O
• Steps 2 and 3: Write oxidation and reduction
half reactions
• Cr → Cr3++ 3 eOxidation half-reaction
• P+ + e- → P
Reduction half-reaction
• Step 4: Balance for Charge.
• Cr → Cr3++ 3 eOxidation half-reaction
• 3(P+ + e- → P)
Reduction half-reaction
+1 +1 -2
+1 -2
H3PO2 + H+ + Cr → Cr3++ P + H2O
• Step 5: Re-write the original equation with the
factor from balancing for charge.
• Cr → Cr3++ 3 eOxidation half-reaction
• 3(P+ + e- → P)
Reduction half-reaction
• 3H3PO2 + H+ + Cr → Cr3++ 3P + H2O
Balancing redox reactions
• Step 6: Balance for mass.
• 3H3PO2 + H+ + Cr → Cr3++ 3P + H2O
• 3H3PO2 + 3 H+ + Cr → Cr+3 + 3P + 6H2O
Oxidation number change method
• Step 1: Assign oxidation numbers to all species
• Step 2: Identify which species are oxidized and
which are reduced
• Step 3: track the change in oxidation number
for a species on either side of the equation
• Step 4: Use coefficients to make the increase
in oxidation number equal to the decrease
• Step 5: balance for atoms and charge
Mg + HCl  MgCl2 + H2
• Step 1: assign oxidation numbers to all species
• 0
+1 -1
+2 -1
• Mg + HCl  MgCl2 + H2
• Step 2: Identify which species are oxidized and which
are reduced
• H decreases in oxidation number so it is reduced
• Mg increases in oxidation number so it is oxidized
Mg + HCl  MgCl2 + H2
• Step 3: track the change in oxidation number
for a species on either side of the equation
0-----------(+2)------>+2 (Oxidation)
• Mg + HCl  MgCl2 + H2
+1--------------(-1)-------->0 (reduction)
Mg + HCl  MgCI2 + H2
• Step 4: Use coefficients to make the increase
in oxidation number equal to the decrease
• 0---------(+2)------>+2 (Oxidation)
• Mg + HCl  MgCl2 + H2
+1-------------2x(-1)-------->0 (reduction)
• Mg + 2HCl  MgCl2 + H2
For extra help
• Try the worked problems in the text book,
p648, 649 and 651, 652