HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name: J. Cvammen Subject: Science Start Date(s): February 23, 2015 Grade Level (s): 5 Building: Heights Terrace Unit Plan Unit A: The Life Processes Chapter 1: Cells Essential Questions: Do you think plant cells and animal cells are different? In what ways? Standards: CC.1.1.5.E Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.1.2.5.A Determine two or more main ideas in a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. CC.1.2.5.C Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a text based on specific information in the text. Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) Students will identify destructive forces that wear down the Earth’s surface __ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group and constructive forces that build up the earth’s surfaces. __x__ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) Students will identify cells as the basic structural and functional units of all living things. DOK LEVEL 1 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies Lesson 1: What Are the Parts of a cell? Read and discuss pages A6 to A11 Define vocabulary words on pg. A6 and summarize cell parts, and cell theory. Grouping DAILY PLAN Materials / Resources Houghton Mifflin Science book Houghton Mifflin workbook Assessment of Objective (s) FormativeSummative- Weekly skills assessments, unit assessment Student Self - Assessment- 2 Students will compare and contrast the basic structures of cells. 1 Venn diagram Animal Cell/Both/Plant Cell Project diagram of animal and plant cell. Draw and label animal cell. Houghton Mifflin Science book Transparencies Animal Cell and Plant cell. FormativeSummative-cell diagram Students will identify, diagram, and label parts of a cell. 1 Draw and label plant cell. Watch Bill Nye the Science Guy/ Cells. Construction Paper, pencils, colored pencils. TeacherTube.com Finish diagrams of cells. Houghton Mifflin Science book Transparencies Animal Cell and Plant cell. Construction Paper, pencils, colored pencils. Formative- www.biologycorner.com website Color the Microscope Parts worksheet. Colored pencils Electric microscopes Slides Formative- 3 Students will identify parts of a microscope. 1 4 Learn the correct way of handling and using a microscope. Identify, label and model the parts of a microscope. Various slides containing bacteria, fungus, and other tissues will be observed by the students under the microscope. Answer questions on the worksheet pertaining to the microscope. (Class 5H with 5S and Mrs. Hess) Day 2 Finish worksheets and view slides using the microscopes. Students will identify parts of a microscope. 5 Students will describe the process by which single-celled organisms sustain life. 6 1 Lesson 2: How Do Single-celled Organisms Live? Read and discuss pages A14 through A17. Complete vocabulary on page A14. Copy additional notes of importance within this lesson. Project transparencies provided with this lesson. Student Self - Assessmentvocabulary and notes SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Summative- worksheet Demonstrating the proper handling and the correct use of the microscope Student Self - Assessmentworksheet / questions Biologycorner.com website Color the Microscope Parts worksheet. Colored pencils Electric microscopes Slides Formative- Houghton Mifflin Science book Formative- Summative- worksheet/quiz Student Self - Assessment- Summative- Student Self - AssessmentVocabulary and notes