Macbeth Act I Questions

AP Literature
Mr. Masser
Act I Questions
1. What is the definition of paradox? Give two examples of paradox in Act I.
2. Define equivocation. Give two examples of language that is suggestive of equivocation in Act I.
3. On pg. 182 paraphrase what the witches are discussing before Macbeth arrives. Though
Macbeth is not mentioned it is relevant to his situation. How?
4. In your own words, what is the witches’ prophecy regarding Macbeth?
In your own words, what is the witches’ prophecy regarding Banquo?
6. Paraphrase Macbeth’s aside on p. 186-187, lines 127-142 [p. 8] into your own words.
7. Paraphrase Macbeth’s aside on p. 189, Lines 49-53 [p. 11] into your own words. What is he
8. Paraphrase Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy starting on p. 189, Lines 11-24 [p. 12-13]. What does this
show about her character?
Paraphrase Macbeth’s soliloquy that begins Scene vii, on [p. 15]. What does this tell you about
his character?
10. What is the essence of what Lady Macbeth has to say to her husband in Scene vii.
11. Prepare one journal entry on the back of this sheet that could serve for a topic for a Group-Fed
class discussion.