Act I scene vi and vii

Act I scene vi
1) In what way is this scene a dramatic contrast with the preceding one?
2) How does Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy (lines 15-30 and 39-51) reveal details aboutboth
Macbeth’s character and her own. Be specific. Use examples.
3) Explain the absence of Macbeth in this scene.
4) Explain why you think Shakespeare has spent time to establish Duncan’s character so
clearly in this scene?
Act I, scene vii
1) How does Macbeth’s soliloquy “If it were done . . .” (I, vii, 1-28) create sympathy for
him, but also destroy sympathy for him?
2) Clearly summarize the reasons Macbeth gives for not killing Duncan.
3) What taunts does Lady Macbeth use to spur him on to commit the crime?
4) What are the details of the plan suggested by Lady Macbeth?
5) What is shown about Macbeth by his acceptance of the plan?