Los mandatos (el imperativo)


We use commands to give instructions or to ask people to do things.

In Spanish, commands have different forms to distinguish between formal

(usted/ustedes) and informal address.

Formal commands use subjunctive forms, with the implied meaning that the speaker is trying to influence the listener to do something.

“Yo form, drop the O, flip flop!”

Just like the subjunctive

Present Tense

 pongo

 traigo vengo hago

 digo tengo oigo

This change is carried over to the commands.


U ds.

ponga pongan traiga traigan venga vengan haga hagan diga digan tenga tengan oiga oigan

Present Tense

 toco saco

 busco juego

 llego pago almuerzo comienzo abrazo




toquen saque saquen busque busquen juegue jueguen llegue lleguen pague paguen almuerce almuercen comience comiencen abrace abracen


There are six irregular verbs in the command form.


Dar 

Ir 

No des

No vayas

Ser  No seas

Haber  X (only for subjunctive)

Estar 

Saber 

No estés

No sepas

Present Tense

 pienso enciendo recomiendo me divierto duermo me acuesto pido sigo me visto

Usted Commands Ustedes Commands

 piense encienda recomiende diviértase duerma acuéstese pida siga vístase

 piensen enciendan recomienden diviértanse duerman acuéstense pidan sigan vístanse

Negative Commands

Negative commands are formed by placing

no in front of the command form.

No llegue tarde.

Don’t arrive late.

No dén propinas a todos los empleados.

Don’t give tips to all of the employees.

You use these commands with people you are familiar with.

NOTE: These are used with only ONE person.

The informal command is formed with the third person singular: como comes come comemos coméis comen

Present Tense

 comprar sacar

 barrer seguir

 doblar cruzar almorzar comenzar parar


¡Saca la basura!

¡Barre el piso!

Sigue derecho

Dobla a la derecha

Cruza la calle




Present Tense

 comprar sacar

 barrer seguir

 prender correr almorzar comenzar parar

¡No compres!

¡No saques la basura!

¡No barras el piso!

No sigas derecho

No prendas el carro.

No corras con tijeras

No almuerces

No comiences

¡No pares!

Vin Diesel has ten weapons!

Ven – venir “Ven acá”

Di – decir “Di la verdad”

Sal – salir “Sal de mi casa”

Haz – hacer “Haz tu tarea”

Ten - tener “Ten cuidado”

Ve – ir “Ve a clase”

Pon – poner “Pon la mesa”

Sé – ser “Sé mi amigo”


There are six irregular verbs in the command form.


Dar 

Ir  dé, den vaya, vayan

Ser  sea, sean

Haber  X (only for subjunctive)

Estar 

Saber  esté, estén sepa, sepan

“Negative beginning but positive ending”

Positive commands – the pronoun(s) are attached to the END (mandatory)


Hazla ahora.



“Negative beginning but positive ending”

For ALL commands (informal and formal), the rules are:

Negative commands – the pronoun(s) go in the beginning (before the verb)

¡No lo comas! ¡No me digas!






Formal commands

Are used with people that you respect or more than one person.

Use the subjunctive.

DISHES are the irregulars.

Pronouns are attached on positive commands.

Pronouns go before the verb on negative commands.

Informal (tú) commands

1. Are used with only one person that you are familiar with.


Use él/ella form of verb on positive commands and the subjunctive tú on the negative commands.





DISHES are the irregulars for the negative commands.

Vin Diesel has ten weapons gives you the irregulars for positive commands.

Pronouns are attached on positive commands.

Pronouns go before the verb on negative commands.
