national institute for health and care excellence

NICE Evidence Search – Medicines Information
Information on:
Filtering search results
Topic Panels
Medicines Awareness Service
Medicines Awareness Service – Subscription options
Medicines Awareness Service – UKMi Comment
To search for medicines and prescribing information on the NICE Evidence Search,
enter a term into the search bar or browse using the Medicines A-Z.
Filtering search results
For more in-depth and tailored searches you can use the filters on the left hand side
of the page to narrow down your search results by Source e.g. UKMi or Type of
information e.g. evidence summary, drug safety.
For example, to find UKMi Medicines Q&A resources:
enter a search term in the search bar
filter using Source ‘UKMi’ or Type of information ‘Evidence Summary’.
***Top Tip***
To see all the resources for a filter value leave the search box empty.
To filter your results to content you have received via the Medicines Awareness Daily
or Weekly service select Type of Information ‘Medicines Current Awareness’.
To restrict your results to a particular drug, use the Medicines and Devices filter
after searching. This filter is powered by the dm+d1 and lists up to 300 drugs based
on your search.
More information on Accessing Medicines Information is available on the NICE
Evidence Search website.
The NHS dictionary of medicines and devices
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Topic Panels
By choosing a drug name in the Medicines A-Z list or entering a generic drug name
in the search bar, NICE Evidence Search provides quick access to the key medicines
resources via the Medicines Topic Panels.
Tailored specifically for quick access to the key medicines information, the sliding
panels display search results including:
Up-to-date prescribing information including the BNF and BNF for Children
monographs and the Summary of Product Characteristics and Patient
Information Leaflets from the eMC
The latest guidance and safety information, including the UKMi Medicines
Q&As and Drug Safety Updates from MHRA
Access to relevant content from the Medicines Awareness Service.
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Medicines Awareness Service
As well as being available via the Type of Information filter relevant to the resource,
the last 3 months’ resources identified by UKMi as part of the Medicines Awareness
Service are available via the Type of Information filter value ‘Medicines Current
You can Subscribe to the Medicines Awareness daily and weekly services via the
NICE Medicines and prescribing pages.
The Medicines Awareness Service offers two products:
Medicine Awareness Weekly published every Monday, contains a round-up
of the key reports from the previous week’s Medicines Awareness Daily. It also
includes the NICE Medicines Evidence Commentary provided by the NICE
Medicines and Prescribing Centre. This reviews new evidence on medicines
currently in use for NHS commissioners, prescribers and prescribing
Select: I wish to subscribe to the Medicines Awareness Weekly’ to receive this
service at the top of the page.
Medicine Awareness Daily provides information and links to the latest
published evidence, policies, guidelines, evidence summaries and press
releases sent to you everyday
NB: Previous subscribers to the NeLM newsletter or the NICE Medicines Awareness
Daily or Weekly e-mail alerts will need to select the ‘Forgotten your password’ option
and reset their existing password in order to manage their account.
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Medicines Awareness Service – Subscription options
Once you have logged in using your e-mail address and password, you can Manage
Your Subscription to choose the Medicines Awareness service and content you
Subscription preferences page gives you 3 options:
 To subscribe to the Medicines Awareness Weekly
 You can personalise your Medicines Awareness Daily by choosing any of 39
speciality areas. Content relevant to the topic(s) you have selected will be
displayed in your daily e-mail, arranged by type of information.
 Alternatively, choose ‘Select All’ if you wish to receive the full listing of today’s
medicines awareness content selected by UKMi.
You can opt to receive both personalised content AND the full listing each day.
NB: this will repeat relevant content in both your personalised and full listing.
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Medicines Awareness Service – UKMi Comment
UKMi are responsible for identifying medicines current awareness information on a
daily basis, circulated via the Medicines Awareness Service direct to your inbox, and
available via the NICE Evidence Search: select Type of Information ‘Medicines
Current Awareness’.
For items where the UKMi Comment is displayed (highlighted above) this links to a
brief synopsis of the item written by the UKMi team.
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