Rogerian Argument Outline

Attachment Disorders Argument
-General Introduction – We are all familiar with some form of separation anxiety. We feel
anxious when removed from those we care about, and that is normal human behavior. It keeps
us alive when we’re young. Human infants have to form bonds to their caregivers. In cases
where the anxiety of separation from those caregivers is too great, a child may develop an
attachment disorder.
-Basic Context Forming psychological attachments is part of human nature. Normally, these
attachments are made to other human beings, but some people are drawn to particular objects or
ideas. Children with attachment disorders have a more difficult time relating to others and
interacting socially. They can be easily angered or violent.
-Perspectives Some people believe that psychological attachments to things other than people
are caused by psychological problems that are unrelated to social attachments. These people
think we should treat psychological attachment in a manner similar to other psychological
disorders like schizophrenia, by medicating and monitoring patients’ behaviors. The opposition
views attachment disorder as a problem caused by a lack of forming proper attachments as a
child, or by abandonment issues brought about by the loss of someone who the victim had
become attached to.
-Thesis Statement - Attachment disorders are caused by psychological trauma, having to do
with the abandonment of the afflicted person by another person which the victim had been
attached to, or by the failure to form those attachments in the first place.
Opposition Perspective
-Restate Opposing Perspective - Attachment disorders’ root causes can be traced to measurable
psychological malfunctions. Basically, attachment disorder is not a disorder in and of itself, but
rather a common collection of symptoms that may have multiple causes attributed to different
-Details This was the most commonly accepted view before modern attachment theory was
-Accepted Context - The idea that attachment disorders are all just biological problems that can
be corrected through medication and other classical medical treatment is outdated. While it is
true that a patient suffering from a mental disease could form a bond to an object or comforting
thought, e.g. security blanket, religion, attachment disorder is something more specific that
results from feelings of abandonment.
Writer’s Perspective
A. Restate Writer’s Perspective and Position – Attachment disorders occur because of
psychological trauma in the form of separation from an attachment figure, such as a parent.
B. Re-emphasize Claim – These disorders are a unique problem and are not caused by
schizophrenia or sociopathy. Attachment disorders are caused by the loss or separation from a
figure to which a child has become attached.
-Details - Modern attachment theory has arrived at these conclusions after decades of research,
since the acknowledgement of attachment disorders as unique maladies.
-Accepted Context - I imagine this argument would be most acceptable among those who know
the ins and outs of modern attachment theory. There is not much of an argument here.
-Refutation of Opposition - If the leading minds in the field of attachment theory tell us that the
causes of attachment disorder are not linked to other forms of mental illness and are, in fact,
caused by separation anxiety, then why should we not believe them?
IV. Common Ground (Rogerian Step Four & Proposal)
- Proposed Solution/Resolution as Common Ground
Take steps to educate people about the causes of reactive attachment disorder.
- Context
A. Launch an ad campaign to raise awareness.
B. Because it affects so many children, include attachment theory in public school
- Implementation
A. Talk with school officials about incorporating education on attachment disorders.
B. Get in touch with an ad company to devise a campaign to help educate the masses on the
causes and treatment of this problem.
- Resources
A. Enough concerned individuals to assist in the implementation of a widespread ad
B. Connections with school officials.
V. Alternatives
VI. Concluding Statements
- Predictions – I do not think that the situation is heated enough to warrant an argument or
a movement for change. The topic of attachment theory is not a divided one, therefore, I see
no reason to worry about its future. People will learn to accept scientific discovery as fact
over time.
- Other Concerns – My only concern is that this research topic has no clear support or
opposition. There was very little for me to build any kind of argument on, and that fact
definitely diminished the quality of this outline. If given another opportunity to construct an
argumentative outline, I would start fresh with a topic that has more apparent dividing lines.
VII. Works Cited