Gravity waves derivation


Gravity waves derivation

ATM 562 - Fall, 2015


Gravity waves describe how environment responds to disturbances, such as by oscillating parcels

Goal: derive “dispersion relation” that relates frequency (period) of response to wavelength and stability

Simplifications: make atmosphere 2D, calm, dry adiabatic, flat, non-rotating, constant density

Starting equations continuity equation

Expand total derivatives

Perturbation method

Calm, hydrostatic, constant density environment

(“basic state”)

Start w/ potential temperature used log tricks and: for basic state

Apply perturbation method

Base state cancels... makes constants disappear...

Useful approximation for x small: speed of sound

Vertical equation

Do perturbation analysis, neglect products of perturbations

Rearrange, replace density with potential temperature

Full set of linearized equations

Obtaining the frequency equation

#1 differentiate horizontal and vertical equations of motion subtract top equation from bottom

Obtaining the frequency equation


…where we differentiated w/r/t x . Since continuity implies then

Since the potential temperature equation was then

(differentiated twice w/r/t x , rearranged)

Final steps...

differentiate w/r/t t again and plug in expressions from last slide

Pendulum equation.... note only w left

Solving the pendulum equation

We expect to find waves -- so we go looking for them!

Waves are characterized by period P, horizontal wavelength L x and vertical wavelength L z

Relate period and wavelength to frequency and wavenumber

A wave-like solution where...

This is a combination of cosine and sine waves owing to Euler’s relations

Differentiating #1

Differentiating #1 now differentiate again

Differentiating #2 now differentiate twice with respect to time

Do same w/r/t z , and the pieces assemble into a very simple equation

The dispersion equation

A stable environment, disturbed by an oscillating parcel, possesses waves with frequency (period) depending the stability (N) and horizontal & vertical wavelengths (k, m) that can be determined by how the environment is perturbed

Wave phase speed


Wave horizontal wavelength 20 km vertical wavelength 10 km and stability N = 0.01/s

Wave phase speed

Note as you make the environment more stable waves move faster .

Note that TWO oppositely propagating waves are produced.

Add a mean wind… intrinsic frequency flow-relative phase speed ground-relative phase speed

Wave phase tilt

Wave tilt with height depends on intrinsic forcing frequency and stability

(e.g., smaller ω … smaller cos α

…larger tilt)

