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2015 Nursing Excellence Conference Posters
1. Magnesium Sulfate Safety
Process PI
Ashleigh Gonzalez, MSN, RNC
Winnie Palmer
Hospital for
Women & Babies
2. Bedside Vaginal Procedure PI
Ashleigh Gonzalez, MSN, RNC
Winnie Palmer
Hospital for
Women & Babies
3. Car Seat Safety Checks with
Premature and Low Birth Weight
Babies at Hospital Discharge
Tracey Waddell, BSN, RNC-NIC, CBC
Winnie Palmer
Hospital for
Women & Babies
4. Impact of an Obstetric
Hemorrhage Screening Tool on
Obstetrical Massive Transfusions
Sharon Sabella, MSN, CNE, RN, CCRN
Winnie Palmer
Hospital for
Women & Babies
Nadine Garcia, BSN, RN, CPON
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
6. Go Before You Go-SSEM
Surgical Unit Bowel Regimen
Michelle Rudman, BSN, RN
Orlando Health
South Seminole
7. Nursing Knowledge and
Attitudes Regarding Pediatric
Pain in a Hospital Setting
Harriet Miller, PhD, ARNP, CPN, CCRP
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
8. Reduction of Clostridium Difficile
in a Progressive Care Unit
Setting: A Quality Triad Initiative
Arleen Mejias, BSN, RN, PCCN
Orlando Health Dr.
P. Phillips Hospital
9. Baby Steps to Boosting Breast
Milk in NICU
Vickie Podrez, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
10. Using Colostrum for Oral Care
Encourages Moms, Involves
Families, & Strengthens Babies
Vickie Podrez, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
5. Decreasing Interruptions:
Creating a Chemotherapy Quiet
11. Improving RN Compliance of
Properly Labeling IV Tubing
Kristina Watterson, BSN, RN
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
Christina McGuirk, MSHA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC
Orlando Health –
Health Central
Heather Moynihan, BSN, RN, PCCN
Orlando Health Dr.
P. Phillips Hospital
Liz Eischer, BSN, RN, CPON
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
15. Improving Communication:
Creating a Standardized Handoff Tool
Tonya San Filippo, BSN, RN, CPON
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
16. Reduction of Heat
Catheterization in the CPC
Jennifer DeCourcy, ASN, RN, CEN
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
Sarah Caulfield, BSN, RN, PCCN
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
Renee K. LeGendre, BSN, RN
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
19. Standardized Communication
Process Change for Burn Wound
Natalie Fitzgerald, BSN, RN, PCCN
Third Prize
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
20. Evidence to Support Practice:
Limiting the Number of Trained
Cortrak 2 EAS Decreased Harm
at Orlando Health
Lillian Aguirre, MSN, CNS, CCRN, CCNS
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
21. Code Blue: An Interdisciplinary
Simulation Approach
Magen Orth, MSN, RN, CCRN
Arnold Palmer
Hospital for
12. A Visual Voice: Innovative
Approach to Empowering
Change in Practice Through the
Use of Learning/Quality Boards
13. A Multidisciplinary Approach To
Reducing the Number of Hospital
Acquired Clostridium Difficile
Infections on A Cardiac Care
Progressive Unit and Cardiac
Interventional Unit
14. Kid Friendly CHG Bathing
17. Reducing Clostridium Difficile on
7B Cardiovascular Step Down
18. Line Alert
p: 1
22. Interdisciplinary Collaboration for
Improvements In the
Management of Tiny Babies: The
Tiny Baby Project
Emily Forbes, BSN, RNC-NIC
Winnie Palmer
Hospital for
Women & Babies
Susan Campbell, BSN, RNC, C-EFM
Honorable Mention
Orlando Health –
Health Central
Christina McGuirk, MSHA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC
Orlando Health –
Health Central
Keri Duppenthaler, MSN, CNS, ACNS-BC
Orlando Health –
Health Central
26. Using Situational Awareness to
Keep Our Patients Safe
Karen Weissman, MSN, RN, CMSRN
Orlando Health –
Health Central
27. Enteral Nutrition Protocol: Effect
of Implementation in the Critical
Care Setting
Keri Duppenthaler, MSN, CNS, ACNS-BC
Orlando Health –
Health Central
28. Get the Foley Out! SSEM ICU
Journey to Zero CAUTI's in 2014
Christine Swartzman, MSN, CNS, CCRN,
Orlando Health
South Seminole
29. Changing the Culture: CAUTI
Prevention in SSEM PCU
Amanda Oyola, BSN, RN
Orlando Health
South Seminole
30. TKA & THA Patient Care Plan
Juan Mercado-Casiano, BSN, RN
Orlando Health –
Health Central
31. A Multidisciplinary Approach to
Reducing Length of Stay for
Pancreatic Surgery Patients and
Implementation of a Fast Track
Recovery Pathway
Kathleen Jancek, BSN, RN, PCCN
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
23. Quiet Time
24. A Visual Voice : Innovative Voice
to Empowering Change In
Practice Through the Use of
Learning/Quality Boards
25. Telemetry Utilization
p: 2
32. A multidisciplinary approach to
reducing heart failure
Susa Rae Baldado BSN, RN
Orlando Health
South Seminole
Anthony Morales, MSN, RN, CEN
Orlando Health –
Health Central
34. Use of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (CAM) via
“Relaxation Kits” for Patients with
Chronic Pain and/or Anxiety
Jami Smith, MSN, RN-BC, ONC, CMSRN
Orlando Health Dr.
P. Phillips Hospital
35. Preventing Potential Patient
Harm by Reinforcing Proper Use
of Language Line
Bethsaida Gonzalez, MSN, RN
Winnie Palmer
Hospital for
Women & Babies
36. Pre & Post Implementation
Evaluation of an Emergency
Department, Severe Sepsis Alert
and Practice Protocol.
Darleen Williams, DNP, CNS, CEN, CCNS,
Orlando Health
Orlando Regional
Medical Center
33. Fundamental Approach to
Reducing Blood Culture
37. Let’s Take A Walk! SSEM PCU
Ambulation Protocol
Stacey Kuhn, ASN, RN, PCCN
Second Prize
38. Reduction in 30 Day Heart
Failure Readmission Rates with
Initiation of Multidisciplinary
* Only primary author listed
Rita Lewis, RN, CCCC
First prize
Orlando Health
South Seminole
Orlando Health –
Health Central
p: 3