Journal Club: study critiquing (Agomelatine Antidepressant)

Journal Club Presentation
Efficacy of the Novel Antidepressant Agomelatine on the
Circadian Rest-Activity Cycle and Depressive and Anxiety
Symptoms in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder:
A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison With Sertaline
Mohammed Almoslem Pharm.D. Candidate
King Saud University & King Khalid University Hospital
Psychiatric Rotation
Supervised by: Dr. Solafa Fatani Ms.c.
• Introduction
• Relevance
• Validity
– Method
– Statistical analysis
• Results
• Strengths
• Limitations
• Conclusion
• Final Message
Paper Information
• Title:
– Efficacy of the Novel Antidepressant Agomelatine on the Circadian
Rest-Activity Cycle and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients
With Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind
Comparison With Sertaline
• Journal:
– The journal of clinical psychiatry
• Authors:
– Kasper S, Hajak G, et al
• Study Design:
– International, Randomized, double-blind, parallel-group
• Funding:
– This study was sponsored by Servier (Courbevoie,France)
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
• 16.2% of the population had a history of Major Depressive Disorder
• More than 6.6% had episodes in one year.
• MDD medication are classified as following:
– Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
• Hypertensive crisis, food interaction
– Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)
• Anticholenergic, orthostatic hypotension
– Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
• Wait gain, sexual dysfunction
– Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
• Hypertension, liver toxicity
– Atypical antidepressants
• Liver toxicity, psychosis
Dipiro, et al, pharmacotherapy a pathophysiological approach 7th edition
The first melatonergic antidepressant
Potent MT1/ MT2 receptor agonist
5-HT2C receptor antagonist
Resynchronize altered circadian rhythm in depressive or healthy
Circadian Rhythm
• Endogenous physiological processes that regulates the cycle
of 24 hour in living beings
• Circa: around or approximately
• Diem or dies: day
Circadian Rhythm
• A useful proved method that measures the circadian rest
and activity patterns
• Indirectly measurement of sleep and characterize 24-hour
sleep-wake cycle
• Primary:
Demonstrate that agomelatine (25–50 mg/d) improved the circadian
rest-activity cycle faster than sertraline in MDD outpatients
• Secondary:
Assess the efficacy and tolerability of agomelatine on depressive and
anxiety symptoms compared with sertraline through its effect on
sleep efficacy and latency
• Sleep disruption is a major symptom in depression, with over
90% of patients suffering from sleep complaints
• There is a close link between the regulation of sleep and
circadian rhythms and the regulation of mood
Thase ME. Antidepressant treatment of the depressed patient with insomnia. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999;60(suppl 17):28–31, discussion 46–48. PubMed
Birchler-Pedross A, Schroder CM, Munch M, et al. Subjective well-being is modulated by circadian phase, sleep pressure, age and gender. J Biol Rhythms. 2009;24(3):232–242. PubMed doi:10.17/07487304093546
Boivin DB, Czeisler CA, Dijk DJ, et al. Complex interaction of the sleepwake cycle and circadian phase modulates mood in healthy subjects. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 997;54(2):145–152
• Hypothesis:
The nocturnal disturbances of sleep onset, continuity, and/or
awakening, together with daytime retardation and napping, lead
to a reduced Relative Amplitude, and that improvement of the
former leads to increase of the latter.
Validity cont.
• Randomization:
– International, double-blind, parallel-group
– Conducted from 2005-2006 in 37 centers in 6 European
• (France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, and Poland)
Validity cont.
• Allocation:
– Inclusion criteria
• MDD diagnosed male and female outpatients aged 18 to 60 years
• Confirmed by the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview
• Match the items standard of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
• Single or recurrent episodes that match the criteria of DSM-IV-TR
• The current episode had already lasted at least 4 weeks
• Should not have seasonal pattern, psychotic features, or
catatonic symptoms and were not postpartum
Validity cont.
• Allocation:
– Exclusion criteria
High risk of suicide or a previous suicide attempt within 6 months
Bipolar disorder
Anxiety symptoms
Drug abuse or dependency within the past 12 months
Previous antidepressants resistance
ECT therapy or formal psychotherapy within 3 months
Light-therapy started within 2 weeks
Positive screened for sleep disorders
Neurologic disorders
Obesity with functional impairment
Serious or not stabilized organic
Other antidepressants were prohibited for washout
ECT: electroconvulsive therapy
Validity cont.
• Allocation:
– Disposition of included patients:
Validity cont.
• Attrition
– 6 patients were not included in
the Full Analysis Set
• 4 in agomelatine group
• 2 in sertaline group
Due to absence of treatment
intake or no postbaseline
efficacy assessment
– The Actigraphy Analysis Set
comprised only (73%) 233 pts.
• 117 (76%) of the agomelatine
• 116 (73%) of sertaline
Validity cont.
• Demographic
Validity cont.
• Blindness and concealment
– Blindness:
• All patients took orally 2 tablets once a day in the evening
• Daily dosage irrespective to the treatment
• Same appearance and the taste of the study treatment during
the study period for all patients
• The packaging and the labeling were identical
• Statistical analysis group ??????
– Concealment:
• Three hundred seventy-two patients were screened, and 313
patients were randomly assigned to receive
– Agomelatine (154 patients)
– Sertaline (159 patients).
• The concealment was NOT mentioned in the study.
Validity cont.
• Intention to treat:
– The actigraphy analysis set (AAS), defined, for objective sleep
criteria analyses, as all randomized patients who took at least 1
dose of study treatment and had 1 reliable baseline value and
at least 1 reliable postbaseline value for the RA
– The full analysis set (FAS), defined, for other efficacy criteria
analyses, as all randomized patients who took at least 1 dose
of study treatment and had at least 1 postbaseline efficacy
assessment (other than actigraphic) over the 6-week
treatment period.
Validity cont.
Statistical Analysis
• Actigraphy Analysis Set (AAS)
– For sleep data analysis
• Mixed-effects model with repeated measures (MMRM)
• Full Analysis Set (FAS)
– For depression data analysis
• Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)
2-way analysis of covariance
2-sided Student t test
X2 test
Post hoc analysis
• Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI)
• Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (LSEQ)
– For anxiety data analysis
• Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS)
– 1-way analysis of covariance
– Post hoc analysis
Results cont.
Efficacy on the Circadian Rest-Activity Cycle
Mean ± SD
Mean RA 1st week
AAS evolution of the
mean RA over time
Mean RA 2nd week
Mean RA 3rd week
Mean M10
Mean L5
(386.6 ± 6914.9)
( - 430.5 ± 5934.2)
(-120.8 ± 1302.8)
( - 366.8 ± 1367.1)
RA: relative amplitude. M10: activity of maximum 10 hours. L5: activity of minimum 5 hours.
Results cont.
Efficacy on Actigraphy-Derived Sleep Parameters
• Baseline and Difference in Sleep Efficiency (A) and Sleep Latency (B)
Between Treatment Groups Over Each Postbaseline 7-Day Period in the
Actigraphy Analysis Set
Results cont.
Efficacy on Subjective Sleep
• Change in LSEQ Getting to Sleep (A) and Quality of Sleep (B) Scores (mm)
From Baseline to Last Postbaseline Value Over the Week 0–Week 6
Period in the Full Analysis Set
a: P value, treatment effect: 2-sided Student t test for independent samples.
Abbreviation: LSEQ = Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire
Results cont.
Efficacy on Depressive symptoms
• Change in HDRS Total Score From Baseline to Last Postbaseline
Assessment Over the 6-Week Period (week 0–week 6) in the Full Analysis
a: Two-way analysis of covariance with treatment and center (as random effect) as factors and week 0 HDRS total score as
b: Estimate (standard error) of the difference between adjusted treatment group means: sertraline minus agomelatine.
c: 95% CI of the difference.
d: P value of treatment effect.
Abbreviation: HDRS = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.
Results cont.
Clinical Global Impressions scale
• The data will be provided later on
Results cont.
Efficacy on Anxiety Symptoms
• The data will be provided later on
Results cont.
• Most Frequently Reported Emergent Adverse Events (≥ 5.0% of patients
in any treatment group), Expressed as Percentage of Affected Patients
Among Exposed Patients During the Double-Blind Treatment Period in
the Safety Set
The safety data were not statistically analyzed and only emergent adverse
events (EAEs) that reported by less than 5% of the patients were NOT provided
Study Strengths
• .
Study Limitations
• .
Study Conclusion
• .
Final Message
• .
Thank You …