Web Technologies
Introduction to HTML Scripting
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Part 1
Basic Tags & Structure
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Benefits of Learning HTML
Webmasters with coding ability are in high
HTML is the core language of all websites.
Coding ability provides for better control over
website development.
Designers can easily adapt to updates in web
design technology.
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Before Getting Started
You will need a text editor.
You should have a designated location or
web directory to save the examples.
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The Text Editor
Web pages are nothing more than text
files with formatting instructions.
Quality web pages can be created in
simple text editors.
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What is HTML?
•Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
•Any computer can read the HTML markup
•HTML is a formatting language, NOT a
programming language.
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Web Page Structure
(refer to web page structure handout)
The <html> and </html> tags start and end the
They tell the browser where the starting point and
ending point of your web page is.
The heading and the body are the two main sections of
a web page.
The heading of your web page contains tags that work
behind the scenes.
The body section contains the actual content on your
web page.
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*See Handout
Standard web page
Structure and sections
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HTML Grammar
•All tags should be written in lower
•All values, anything after an equal
sign, should be enclosed in quotes.
<body bgcolor=“#ff0000”>
•All tags must be closed.
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•Specifies the version of HTML or XHTML the document is
written in.
•Should be placed above the opening HTML tag before a
document is published online.
•There is no closing tag.
•Is written in upper case as shown (unlike other tags)
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Open your text editor and type the following code:
<title>World Travel</title>
Save your file as index.htm to your Student Files folder.
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•HTML tags encapsulate (surround) the text that
they are formatting.
<b><i><center>Text to Format</center></i></b>
•If more than one tag is formatting the text, then
the closing tags should be written in reverse
order from how they were opened.
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Tag Specifications
•The body tag specifies where the page body
begins and ends.
•By adding attributes to the body tag, you can
make general specifications regarding your
documents appearance, such as background
color, text color, and your link colors.
•Attributes specify additional properties of a
particular tag. Attributes are added to tags
immediately after the tag name. They only need
to be added to the opening HTML tag.
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Basic Tags
•Paragraph Tags are indicated with the
opening <p> and the closing </p>.
•Text in the form of blocks or paragraphs
should be enclosed within the paragraph tags.
•Various formatting options can be added to
the paragraph tag such as:
align=“left” | “right” | “center” | “justify”
<p align=“justify”>Add paragraph here</p>
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Basic Tags
•Heading Tags are used for various one
line headings on your document.
•The <h1> tag displays the largest text and
the <h6> displays the smallest text.
•Text formatted with a heading tag is
resized, bolded, and a line break is placed at
the end of the line.
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Open index.htm in your text editor and add the
following code shown in orange.
<h1>World Travel!</h1>
<p>World Travel is based out of the Dallas/Fort
Worth Metroplex. We specialize in making travel
arrangements for business travel, groups, and
family vacations. We have over 20 years of
experience in all areas of travel arrangements and
can offer you the best in personal and friendly
NOTE: The blue code should already be typed. You should only
be added the code shown in orange.
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Preview Your Page
Open your web browser
•Click on File
•Select Open
•Navigate to where you saved index.htm and select the file to open.
World Travel
World Travel is based out of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We specialize
in making travel arrangements for business travel, groups, and family
vacations. We have over 20 years of experience in all areas of travel
arrangements and can offer you the best in personal and friendly service.
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Basic Tags
•Line Breaks are inserted into your web document using the
<br /> tag.
The web browser does not recognize white space, or when
you press the ENTER key to move to a new line, therefore
you must specify when you want to insert a line break in a
web page.
Line 1 <br />
Line 1
Line 2 <br />
Line 2
Line 3 <br />
Line 3
Line 4 <br />
Line 4
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Basic Tags
•Horizontal Rule tags draw a horizontal line, or divider, on
your web page.
•Inserted by using the <hr /> tag.
•Horizontal Rules do not have a corresponding ending tag
because it just inserts a line.
•Horizontal rules will automatically apply a break at the end of
the line.
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Basic HTML Tags
<body> ~ </body>
Specifies the body content
<b> ~ </b>
Bolds Text
<u> ~ </u>
Underlines Text
<i> ~ </i>
Italicizes Text
<center> ~ </center>
Centers Text
<p> ~ </p>
Encloses paragraphs
<br />
Inserts a line break
<br clear=“all” />
Section Break
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Open index.htm in your text editor and add the
following code in orange after the closing </p> tag.
friendly service.</p>
<hr />
<b>Our Packages Include:</b><br />
Tour Arrangements<br />
Sporting Event Tickets <br />
Dinner Reservations <br />
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Return to your browser and click the
Refresh button or press F5.
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Tag Attributes
•An attribute is a feature that you can add to a tag that will
allow you to modify the default features of the tag.
•For example: By adding the width attribute to the horizontal
rule tag below, we are able to modify the width of the
horizontal rule to only 50% of the page.
<hr width=“50%” />
To modify the thickness of the line, we will can use the size attribute.
<hr width=“50%” align=“right” size=“4” />
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Align Attribute
•Most attributes are not tag dependent and can be added to
other tags.
•The align attribute can be applied to any of the Heading
tags, the paragraph tags, horizontal rule tag, and many other
tags that you will see later.
•When possible, its best to use attributes instead of additional
<h2>This text will be left aligned</h2>
<center><h2>This text will appear centered</h2></center>
<h2 align=“center”>This text will appear centered too</h2>
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Specifying Colors
•Colors can be specified by their name (blue) or by their RGB
Color Code.
•RGB Color Code is a combination of 6 codes, the first two
representing the intensity of red, the second two specifying the
intensity of green, and the third two codes representing the
intensity of blue.
•Below are some of the various shades of blue using RGB color
EX: <body bgcolor=“#6699ff”>
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Specifying Colors
•By adding the bgcolor attribute to the body tag,
you can change the background color of your web
•To use the bgcolor attribute, apply it as shown
below to the opening body tag:
<body bgcolor=“#3366ff”>
Your Web Page
Your Web Page
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Specifying Colors
•By adding the text attribute to the body tag,
you can change the default text color.
•To use the text attribute, apply it as shown
below to the opening body tag:
<body bgcolor=“#3366ff” text=“ffffff”>
Your Web Page
Your Web Page
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Open index.htm in your text editor and add the
code in orange:
<body bgcolor=“#6699ff”>
<h1 align=“center”><u>World
<p>World Travel is based out of the Dallas/Fort
Worth Metroplex. We specialize in making travel
arrangements for business travel, groups, and
family vacations. We have over 20 years of
experience in all areas of travel arrangements and
can offer you the best in personal and friendly
<hr width=“75%” size=“2” />
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Preview index.htm once again in your browser.
Notice the following:
•The background color has changed
•The heading “World Travel” is now underlined
•The Horizontal Rule is only 75% of the width and is two pixels in size.
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Special Characters
Web browsers will only recognize one space
following a word or character, all others are
For example, if you were to type a word and
press the space bar five times, only the first
space would be recognized by the browser.
The browser assumes that the other spaces
are part of the code layout and not part of the
actual document.
To add additional spaces to a web page, HTML
includes a set of code called SPECIAL
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Applying Special Characters
HTML tags are created between the <
and > brackets
Special characters are created between
& and ; characters.
Special characters are the characters and
symbols that are not on your keyboard, or
that the browser would normally interpret
as something else, or ignore.
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Special Characters
The table below lists some of the common special characters:
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Complete Lab 1:
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Part 2
Creating Lists
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Creating HTML Lists
are often used to present
information in an easy to read format.
are three types of lists:
called Unordered Lists
Numbered, called Ordered Lists,
Definition Lists which are primarily used to set
off and define terms.
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Creating Unordered Lists
unordered list creates bullets before
each item in the list.
create an unordered list, you should
place the <ul> and </ul> tags around the
entire list.
item in the list should be preceded
with the <li> ~ </li> tag.
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Unordered List Example
Stages of Web Site Management
Stages of Web Site Management
Planning Stage
<li>Planning Stage</li>
Site Design Stage
<li>Site Design Stage</li>
Update and maintenance Stage
<li>Update and maintenance Stage</li>
•Notice that <ul> and </ul> indicates the beginning and end of the list.
•The <li> ~ </li> tags encapsulates each item in the list and inserts
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Ordered List Example
Stages of Web Site Management
<li>Planning Stage</li>
<li>Site Design Stage</li>
<li>Update and maintenance Stage</li>
Stages of Web Site Management
Planning Stage
Site Design Stage
Update and maintenance Stage
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List Attributes
Example of Use
Available Values
(Unordered List)
<ul type=“disc”>
disc | circle | square
(Ordered List)
<ol type=“I”>
<ol start=“5”>
Any numeric value
The type attribute, when applied to the unordered list, allows you to
change the bullet style. The default first level bullet is the disc.
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We will now continue with the
sample travel website.
Open index.htm in your text editor.
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REPLACE the following code in orange:
<b>Our Packages Include:</b><br />
Tour Arrangements<br />
Sporting Event Tickets <br />
Dinner Reservations <br />
<b>Our Packages Include:</b><br />
<li>Tour Arrangements</li>
<li>Sporting Event Tickets</li>
<li>Dinner Reservations</li>
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Refresh the document in your
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Return to your code and change the opening
and closing <ol> tags to <ul>.
<b>Our Packages Include:</b><br />
<li>Tour Arrangements</li>
<li>Sporting Event Tickets</li>
<li>Dinner Reservations</li>
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Resave and preview your document in the
browser. The numbers should have changed to
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Return to your code and add the attribute
shown in orange to the opening <ul> tag.
<b>Our Packages Include:</b><br />
<ul type=“circle”>
<li>Tour Arrangements</li>
<li>Sporting Event Tickets</li>
<li>Dinner Reservations</li>
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Resave and preview your document in the browser.
The bullets should change to circles.
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Definition List
The definition list does not use bullets or numbers, but uses
The term, or work being defined, is indicated by the <dt>
tag and has no indentions.
The definition, indicated by the <dd> tag is indented under
the term.
The entire definition list should be surrounded with the
<dl> and the </dl> tags.
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<center>Web Site Structures</center>
<dd>All pages are organized in a line</dd>
<dd>Good for small instructional sites</dd>
<dd>Resembles a pyramid</dd>
definition list
code structure.
<dd>Good for organizing large web sites</dd>
<dd>Pages are randomly linked</dd>
<dd>Good for small sites</dd>
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Web Site Structures
All pages are organized in a line
Good for small instructional sites
Resembles a pyramid
definition list
browser view.
Good for organizing large web sites
Pages are randomly linked
Good for small sites
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Nested Lists
A nested list is created when you place a sub-list
inside of another list.
An outline could be considered a nested list.
When creating a nested list, the sub-list must be
opened and closed below the listed item of the
main list.
If the sub-list is not closed, the browser will not
know where the nested list ends and the main list
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<ol type=“I”>
<li>Planning Your Site</li>
<li>Who will be viewing your site?</li>
<li>What information will your site provide?</li>
<li>Designing Your Site</li>
<li>What color scheme will be used?</li>
<li>Design the template</li>
<li>Update and Maintenance of Site</li>
<li>Keep site updated with current information</li>
<li>Add or remove pages as necessary</li>
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Nested List Output
Planning Your Site
Who will be viewing your site?
What information will your site provide?
Designing Your Site
What color scheme will be used?
Design the template
III. Update and Maintenance of Site
Keep site updated with current information
Add or remove pages as necessary
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Complete Lab 2:
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Part 3
Creating Links
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Review of Web Site Structures
Hierarchical Site Structure
Random Site Structure
Linear Site Structure
Diagrams used with permission from www.ieclass.com
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Creating Links
Links allow visitors to move from one page of the
web site to another.
A basic link on a web page will open a new page
when clicked.
Links are created with the anchor tag which is
indicated as <a>.
The anchor tag itself does not do anything, you
must add the href attribute to the anchor tag for it
to create a link.
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Creating Links
The href attribute should be set equal to the
location and file name of the page you want to
<a href=“menu.htm”>Menu</a>
<a href=“pages/menu.htm”>Menu</a>
Links must include a corresponding closing
anchor tag with the text you want to click on
between the opening and closing anchor tags.
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Link Example
<a href=“page2.htm”>Click here to go to page 2</a>
Click here to go to page 2
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Linking to Other Web Sites
To open a page on another web site, you
must include http:// in front of the web site
<a href=“http://www.unt.edu”>UNT</a>
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Modifying Link Properties
All links are underlined, and unless you
specify otherwise, all links will be blue.
While you are clicking on the link, the color
changes red, and after the link has been
visited, its color changes to violet.
To change the colors of the links on a web
page, add the link, vlink, and alink attributes
to the body tag.
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Modifying Link Properties
Modifies the default color of the
link on a document.
Modifies the color of links that
have already been visited.
Modifies the color of the active
links currently selected.
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Open index.htm in your text editor and add the
following code shown in orange:
<body bgcolor=“#669955” link=“#ffffff” vlink=“#000099” >
<li>Dinner Reservations</li>
<li><a href=“http://www.nyc.gov”>New York City</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.state.tx.us”>Texas</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.ca.gov”>California</a></li>
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Refresh your document in the browser.
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Opening Links in a New Window
The target attributed can be used to direct links to
open in specific locations.
Targeting a link to open in top or blank will cause a
link to open in a new browser window.
<li><a href=“http://www.nyc.gov” target=“top”>New York City</a></li>
The target attributed will be looked at again in the frames lesson.
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Creating an Email Link
An email link will open the viewer’s email
program and place the email address that
you indicated in the TO section.
To create an email link, the mailto: statement
must immediately follow the href and precede
the email address.
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Creating an Email Link
Follow the code sample shown below. The link shown below will open the
default email program installed on your computer.
<a href=“mailto:you@youremail.com”>Email Me</a>
Email Me
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Creating a Page Jump
A page jump is a link that does not open a new page,
but moves to another par of the current page.
It requires two parts, an anchor tag to be used as a
section marker to identify the section name of the
page where the link should go, and the link to jump to
the named section.
To name a section, you place the anchor tag with the
NAME attribute in the spot where you want the user
to go when they click the page jump link.
<a name=“top”></a>
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Creating a Page Jump
To create the page jump link, you just set the
link where you want to add the page jump. Set
the href attribute to the name of the section of
the page preceded with the # sign.
<a href=“#top”>Go to the top of the page</a>
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Complete Lab 3:
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Part 4
Text & Fonts
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Font Tag
Changing the style of the font is
accomplished using the <font> tag.
You enclose the content you wish to
format in between the opening and closing
<font> tag.
The font attributes include: face, size,
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Font Face
The default font face style for most browsers
is "Times New Roman".
There are five basic font classifications,
Sans Serif
IMPORTANT POINT: Just because you have
a particular font on your computer, that does
not mean everyone else who visit your site
has that same font.
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Font Face
An example of basic font faces:
<font face=“serif”>This is Serif</font>
This is Serif
<font face=“Sans Serif”>This is Sans Serif</font>
This is Sans Serif
<font face=“Script”>This is Script</font>
This is Script
<font face=“Monospace”>This is Monospace</font>
This is Monospace
Other common font faces:
Times New Roman
Cosmic Sans MS
Courier New
Lucida Handwriting
Wide Latin
Britannic Bold
Arial Black
Bookman Old Style
Colonna MT
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Font Size
The font tag may also be used to change
the font size of text by adding the size
There are only 7 font sizes available with 1
being the smallest, and 7 being the
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Font Size
An example of font size:
<font size=“1”>Size 1</font>
Size 1
<font size=“2”>Size 2</font>
Size 2
<font size=“3”>Size 3</font>
Size 3
<font size=“4”>Size 4</font>
Size 4
<font size=“5”>Size 5</font>
Size 5
<font size=“6”>Size 6</font>
Size 6
<font size=“7”>Size 7</font>
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Size 7
Font Color
The color attribute is added to the font tag
to change the color of a block of text
To assign colors, the color name of a basic
color, or the RGB color code may be used.
<font color=“#990000”>This is red!</font>
This is red!
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Open index.htm from your Student Files folder and
add the code shown in orange:
<body bgcolor=“#669955” link=“#ffffff” vlink=“#000099”>
<font color=“#333333” face=“tahoma”>
<h1 align=“center”><u>World Travel</u></h1>
<li><a href=“http://www.ca.gov”>California</a></li>
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Preview index.htm once again in your browser.
The page is now much easier to read. It is important to choose your colors
carefully so that the viewer can read the text easily.
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Complete Lab 4:
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Part 5
Adding Images
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Image Formats
There are many types of image formats. The two you will
most likely use are the gif and jpg formats.
 gif (Graphics Interchange Format) limited to 256 colors,
one color can be transparent, gif images can be
jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Can display
millions of colors. Typically used for photographs. Can
not include a transparent color or be animated.
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Inserting Images
<img src=“pic.gif” />
The image tag should close itself.
The file extension of the image MUST be
included after the image name.
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Open index.htm from your Student Files folder
and make the changes indicated below.
<body bgcolor=“#669955” link=“#ffffff”
<font color=“#333333” face=“tahoma”>
<h1 align=“center”><u>World Travel</u></h1>
<img src=“world.jpg” />
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Preview index.htm once again in your browser.
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Aligning Images
<img src=“pic.jpg” align=“right” />
The image is to the right
with text wrapping to its left
<img src=“pic.jpg” align=“left” />
The image is to the left with text
wrapping to its right
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This image
has not been aligned so it is applied inline with the text.
This image has been aligned to the left, therefore text will wrap around
the image.
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Add the following orange code to index.htm where
indicated below the horizontal rule tag.
in personal and friendly service.</p>
<hr width="75%" size="2" />
<img src=“nyc.jpg” align=“right” />
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Preview index.htm once again in your browser.
The second image should be aligned to the right side of the screen with the
text wrapping along the left side of the image.
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Section Breaks
Section Breaks on a web page are line breaks with the clear="all". A
section break on a web page is like a continuous section break in a word
<br clear=“all” />
Primarily used to STOP text from wrapping around an image.
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Image Attributes
Now that you know how to work with images, there are other attributes available
to help customize their appearance.
src – specifies the image file
align – defines image alignment
hspace – horizontal spacing
vspace – vertical spacing
width – width of an image
height – height of an image
alt – text alternative of an image
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hspace & vspace
Will add a margin spacing to the left and right and/or top and bottom of
an image. Helps prevent a webpage from appearing cluttered and
<img src=“pic.gif” hspace=“10” />
<img src=“pic.gif” vspace=“10” />
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width & height
•Can be applied to an image to specify a specific image size.
•Should be used to make small adjustments only.
•Use only one to keep the image in proportion.
<img src=“pic.gif” width=“300” />
<img src=“pic.gif” height=“300” />
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Text Alternatives
line of text that will appear when your mouse
is placed over the image.
If the image does not load, the text will appear
in place of the image.
Applied to the img tag using by the alt
<img src=“pic.gif” alt=“text or info” >
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Complete Lab 5:
Home Page
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Complete Lab 5:
Statue of Liberty Page
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Complete Lab 5:
Empire State Building
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Complete Lab 5:
Central Park
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