Drug Research Project (7th grade)

Group Members’ Names ___________________________________________________________________
What drug do you need to become an expert on? ____________________________________
Drug Research Project
You are DEA (drug enforcement administration) agents. The DEA is a federal agency responsible for enforcing
laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances. You are experts in your field and you will
be giving a presentation about the abuse of a specific drug.
What is an EXPERT? An expert is a person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain subject.
You may NOT Google or use search engines at school for research on this project. If you choose to
disregard this guideline you will no longer be allowed to use a computer to research your drug.
o http://www.abovetheinfluence.com
o http://checkyourself.com
o http://www.drugfree.org
o http://www.dea.gov
o http://www.drugabuse.gov
o http://www.dxmstories.com
o http://www.teenhealthandwellness.com/
Username: holcombbridge
Password: books
Your group will research your assigned drug and complete the packet of information/questions. The
packet will be turned in before you present your poster.
Your group will also create a poster to present your information. Below is a list of requirements for your
 Name of drug in large text (clearly visible from back of room)
 Name of drug spelled correctly
 Any acronym or abbreviation (LSD, Meth)
 Pictures/illustrations of drug in all forms
o For example: If the topic is cocaine, poster should include the coca plant, the powder form,
and the rock form (crack).
 Nicknames or street names
 Description of drug/What is it?
 What does it look like?
 How is it used/taken?
 Effects
 Name of each group member on back of poster
 All items on poster must be clear and readable
Use the rubic and the back to see what you will be graded on.
Note Page Due Date: ___________ Project Presentation Date:________________
*3 minute time limit
0-10 points - Presentation is prepared
and practiced and student presents self
as the expert on this drug.
0-30 points – Required elements are
presented to class in a clear manner.
*Research packets will be collected at
beginning of hour.
0-30 points = Student stays on task,
follows directions, and is focused on
completing project. Student takes care
of materials/resources and cleans up
personal space. Student follows
research guidelines, does not use other
sites. Student contributes to the group.
o Each group member must speak
during the presentation.
o Show picture of drug to your
o Describe drug. What does it look
like? What is it?
o Nicknames or street names
o How is it used/taken?
o Effects
o Dangers or side effects
o Give credit to the sources where you
found your information.
o Extras Other interesting
information about your drug. Things
like: cost, who and where is it used,
historical information, discovery, etc.
1. Name of drug is in large text and
clearly visible from back of room.
2. Name of drug is spelled correctly.
3. Any acronym or abbreviation is
spelled out (LSD, Meth)
4. Nicknames or street names
5. Description of the drug/what is it?
6. What does it look like?
Pictures/illustrations of drug should
include all forms.
Ex: Cocaine poster should include the
coca plant, the powder form and the
rock (crack) form.
7. Effects/dangers of the drug
5. Name of student is on back of poster
Students will have 2 days in the Media Center and one day in class to
work on this project. If extra time is needed, students must find time
outside of class.
Students will turn in their packets and present their poster on
Monday December 9th.
Drug Research Project
Your project should include the following items:
What is the scientific name of the drug you are researching?
List 5 “street names” for the drug.
What is the drug’s classification? (type of drug, i.e. stimulant, depressant…)
How the drug is usually administered. (Smoked, sniffed, eaten, IV/needle injected…)
What different forms is the drug available in? (powder, tablet, capsule…)
What does the drug look like? (include pictures if possible)
What effects does this drug have on a person?
Include all side effects
Consequences of overdose
Drug Research Project
Your project should include the following items:
What is the scientific name of the drug you are researching?
List 5 “street names” for the drug.
What is the drug’s classification? (type of drug, i.e. stimulant, depressant…)
How the drug is usually administered. (Smoked, sniffed, eaten, IV/needle injected…)
What different forms is the drug available in? (powder, tablet, capsule…)
What does the drug look like? (include pictures if possible)
What effects does this drug have on a person?
Include all side effects
Consequences of overdose
Drug Research Project
Your project should include the following items:
What is the scientific name of the drug you are researching?
List 5 “street names” for the drug.
What is the drug’s classification? (type of drug, i.e. stimulant, depressant…)
How the drug is usually administered. (Smoked, sniffed, eaten, IV/needle injected…)
What different forms is the drug available in? (powder, tablet, capsule…)
What does the drug look like? (include pictures if possible)
What effects does this drug have on a person?
Include all side effects
Consequences of overdose