CONTENT OBJECTIVE WHAT THE HECK DO I NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO? I can collect data and make measurements with accuracy and precision. ooooooh….007, you’re so much better looking than 006! ooD 7ado ….but your accuracy and precision aren’t nearly as good as 00Dado! Accuracy and Precision Accuracy refers to A. _______________ the closeness of measurements to the correct or accepted value of the quantity measured. Accuracy and Precision Precision refers to the B. _____________ closeness of a set of measurements of the same quantity made in the same way. High Precision High Accuracy High Precision Low Accuracy Low Precision Low Accuracy Low Precision High Accuracy (On Average) Accuracy and Precision percent _________ error is C. ___________ calculated by subtracting the experimental value from the accepted value, dividing the difference by the accepted value, and then multiplying by 100. Percent Error (Valueaccepted — Valueexperimental) Valueaccepted x 100 Percent Error 1. Percent error has a positive ___________ value if the accepted value is greater than the experimental value. Percent Error Calculate percent error in an experimental mass measurement of 5g if the accepted value is 10g. Known: p. Unknown: Experimental Mass 5g Accepted Mass 10g Percent Error ? Percent Error H. Valueaccepted— Valueexperimental x 100 Valueaccepted a. 10g — 5g 10g .5g x 100 = 50% T. Should Is my answer my answer reasonable? be positive? x 100 Percent Error 2. Percent error has a ____________ negative value if the accepted value is less than the experimental value. Percent Error Calculate percent error in an experimental length measurement of 10cm if the accepted value is 5cm. p. Known: Unknown: Experimental Length 10cm Accepted Length 5cm Percent Error ? Percent Error H. Valueaccepted —Valueexperimental x 100 Valueaccepted a. — 10cm 5cm 5cm -1cm T. x 100 = -100% Is Should my answer my answer reasonable? be negative? x 100