DayStar Diurnal Star Tracking for Balloon-borne Attitude Determination Preliminary Design Review October 12, 2011 University of Colorado Aerospace Engineering Sciences Jed Diller Aaron Holt Michael Skeen Kevin Dinkel Tyler Murphy Nick Truesdale Zach Dischner Sara Schuette Andrew Zizzi Briefing Overview and Content Purpose: The Preliminary Design Review will introduce the DayStar system options and demonstrate the feasibility of the chosen design solutions. Objectives Overview Background, Project Goals and Requirements, and Concept of Operations Michael Skeen Development and Assessment of System Design Options System Architecture Options, Trade Studies, and Selected Design Nick Truesdale System Design-To Specifications System Requirements and Verification, Supporting System Modeling Nick Truesdale Development and Assessment of Subsystem Design Options Subsystem Modeling and Preliminary Design Andrew Zizzi, Jed Diller, Sara Schuette Project Feasibility Analysis and Risk Assessment Project Feasibility Justifications and Risk Assessment and Mitigation Andrew Zizzi, Jed Diller, Sara Schuette Project Management Plan, including personal Health and Safety Organization, Schedule, Budget, Work Breakdown Structure, and Health and Safety Plan Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Michael Skeen Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 2 Objectives Overview Michael Skeen 10/12/2011 3 Background [1] • Balloon-Borne Observatories: – Eventual goal: Operate 1-meter telescope from a balloon platform with Hubble Space Telescope performance – Sunrise: Sun-imaging 1-meter UV telescope, 0.05 arcsecond angular resolution[1] • Attitude Determination: – ST5000 (University of Wisconsin)[2] commonly used on sounding rocket [2] • 0.5 arcsecond RMS accuracy • Saturated 20 minutes before sunrise on highaltitude balloon flight – Needed: • Increased accuracy • Operation in daytime conditions Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 4 Project Goals and Requirements • The DayStar team will develop a prototype star tracking system capable of providing pointing knowledge to a diurnal, lighter-than-air platform. DayStar will improve on current attitude determination devices used on balloon payloads by providing daytime operational capabilities and an improved nighttime accuracy of 0.1 arcseconds RMS. Requirement Description 0.PRJ.1 DayStar shall provide better than or equal to 0.1 arcsecond 1-σ RMS pointing knowledge during nighttime observation. 0.PRJ.2 DayStar shall provide better than or equal to 1 arcsecond 1-σ RMS pointing knowledge during daytime observation (goal of 0.1 arcseconds). 0.PRJ.3 DayStar shall produce data compatible with ST5000 attitude determination software. 0.PRJ.4 DayStar shall demonstrate adaptability to a high-altitude balloon environment. Nighttime: Ambient sky brightness ≤ 2 kilo-Rayleighs Daytime: Ambient sky brightness ≤ 86,000 kilo-Rayleighs Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 5 Flight Concept of Operations Launch Start-Up Star Tracking Operations Capture Image Determine Star Centroid Locations Compute and Output Attitude Shutdown Touch-Down Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 6 Development and Assessment of System Design Options Nick Truesdale 10/12/2011 7 System Architecture System architecture is defined by customer to be a star tracker. Optics Imaging CDH • Task: Focus starfield onto CMOS sensor. • Task: Provide images for processing. • Task: Convert images to attitude solution. • Key Components: • Key Components: • Key Components: 5x7 degree FOV Internal field stop and external baffle Red Filter 5.5 megapixels Improved red performance Ultra-low read noise Star detection/rejection Star Centroiding • Stretch Goals: Star identification Attitude Solution Structures • Task: Provide structural support and integration of functional subsystems. Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 8 Trade Space Diagram (TSD) Star Tracker Centroiding Optics Imaging CDH Telescope Camera Star Detection Refractor CCD Average Plus STD Reflector CMOS Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) Catadioptric CCD Array Robust MAD (roboMAD) Parabolic Fit Static Flight Configurable Gaussian Fit Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Center of Gravity (CoG) Robust CoG (roboCoG) Intensity Weighted Centroiding (IWC) Robust IWC (roboIWC) Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 9 Functional Block Diagram (FBD) Structure Optics Reimaging System Filter Imaging FPGA Briefing Overview Objectives Overview Objective Lens System Design Options External Baffle Power Management MicroController Flash Memory CMOS Sensor Field Stop Interfaces CDH Key Memory Power Processor Data Storage Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Light Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 10 System Design-To Specifications Nick Truesdale 10/12/2011 11 Accuracy Requirements • Project requirements: Requirement Description Parent Req. Verification 0.PRJ.1 DayStar shall provide better than or equal to 0.1 arcsecond 1-σ RMS pointing knowledge during nighttime observation. Customer Test 0.PRJ.2 DayStar shall provide better than or equal to 1 arcsecond 1-σ RMS pointing knowledge during daytime observation (goal of 0.1 arcseconds). Customer Test Parent Req. Verification • System requirements: Requirement Description 1.SYS.1 The DayStar system shall be able to image the sky. 0.PRJ.1, 0.PRJ.2 Test 1.SYS.2 The DayStar system shall image a minimum of 20 stars per frame having a SNR of at least 6.0 at nighttime. 0.PRJ.1 Test, Analysis 1.SYS.3 The DayStar system shall image a minimum of 8 stars per frame having a SNR of at least 6.0 at daytime. 0.PRJ.2 Test, Analysis Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 12 Accuracy Modeling • Key values: – Minimum number of stars per frame • 8 at daytime, 20 at nighttime • Required by CDH statistical accuracy test – Minimum signal to noise ratio • 6.0 for daytime and nighttime • Required by CDH identification and centroiding accuracy tests Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 13 Accuracy Modeling Number of stars in field of view by magnitude • How many stars do we see? 70 Nighttime Daytime Ideal 60 – Nighttime Number of stars 50 • ~78 stars 40 – Daytime 30 • ~18 stars • Both satisfy requirements 20 10 0 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Magnitude 6.5 7 7.5 8 Data from [3], [4] Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 14 Interface Requirements • Project requirements: Requirement Description Parent Req. Verification 0.PRJ.3 DayStar shall produce data that is compatible with ST5000[5] attitude determination software. Customer Test, Analysis 0.PRJ.4 DayStar shall demonstrate adaptability to a high-altitude balloon environment. Customer Test, Analysis • System requirements: Requirement Description Parent Req. Verification 1.SYS.5 The DayStar system shall adhere to the HASP ICD for the mass, power and data resources allocated to two large class payloads. 0.PRJ.4 Test, Inspection 1.SYS.6 The DayStar system shall output attitude information at a frequency of 10 Hz with the required accuracy. 0.PRJ.3 Test Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 15 Interface Analysis • Key Values: – ICD Specifications • 40kg, 150W at 30V, and 9600 baud downlink • Easily met – Telescope mass < 10 kg – Computer power < 80W – Minimum data output rate • 10 Hz is the ST5000 operating speed • Encompasses frame rate, image transfer and processing Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 16 Development and Assessment of Subsystem Design Options Andrew Zizzi Jed Diller Sara Schuette 10/12/2011 17 Algorithms – Design-To Specs Subsystem Requirements: Requirement Description Parent Requirement Method Verification 2.CDH.1 The CDH system shall be able to detect stars in the image. 1.SYS.2 1.SYS.3 Analysis, Test 2.CDH.2 The CDH system shall produce star centroids to a 1” RMS accuracy during nighttime. 1.SYS.2 Analysis, Test 2.CDH.3 The CDH system shall produce star centroids to a 5” RMS accuracy during daytime. 1.SYS.3 Analysis, Test Verification of Requirements: “At a given SNR, how well do we know our attitude?” Briefing Overview Objectives Overview = “How well do we know our attitude from our centroids?” System Design Options Design-To Specifications × “How well can we locate what we detect?” Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment × “What SNR stars can we detect?” Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 18 Algorithms – Software Flow Minimum requirements for success Image Star Detection Centroid Stars Output Centroid Vectors Star Catalog Search Output Inertial Coordinates Stretch goals / ST5000 interface Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 19 Algorithms – Trade Study Results Algorithm: Methods: Evaluation Criteria: Star Detection Ave + STD[5], MAD[6], roboMAD[6], Static Flight Configurable Robustness at low SNR, Speed, Complexity, False Identifications Star Centroiding CoG, IWC[7][8], Gaussian Fit[6], Parabolic Fit[6], roboCoG[6], roboIWC Accuracy, Speed, Complexity, Robustness against noise Lost-in-Space Differential Voting[9], Planar Triangle[10], Pyramid Angle[8], FOCAS Triangles[11], Grid Method[12] Performance with low star count, Speed, Complexity, Memory, Convergence Probability Attitude Determination Q-Method[13], Triad Method[13], QUEST[13], Newton-Rhapson Method[13] Accuracy, Speed, Complexity Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 20 Algorithms – Star Detection Percent of 7th Magnitude Stars Detected During the Day 100 90 90 Overexposed Region 80 Exposure Time [ms] Method: 100 70 70 60 60 Target Region 50 40 Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options 50 40 30 30 20 20 Underexposed Region 10 Results: 1. 7th magnitude stars are detected 90% of the time with an exposure between ~30 and ~70 ms blurred over 16 to 36 pixels 80 10 Design-To Specifications 20 30 70 60 50 40 Blur [pixels subtended] Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment 80 90 Project Management Plan Percent of Stars Detected Purpose: 1. Test algorithm’s ability to define the star detection intensity limit 2. Define min/max blurring factor and min/max exposure time for best star detection performance 10 100 0 10/12/2011 21 Algorithms – Centroid Accuracy Purpose: 1. Choose the most suitable centroiding method 2. Define min/max blurring factor and min/max exposure times for best centroiding performance Method: Centroid Errors for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) 4 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC Intensity (raw counts) Generated Star Subtended Over 25 pixels, SNR of 7 Centroid RMS Error [arcseconds] 3.5 3 7th Magnitude Star During the Day 2.5 2 Target Region 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 Results: 1. Robust IWC method chosen 2. Star needs to be subtended over 16 – 36 pixels to achieve < 0.5” RMS accuracy Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 22 Algorithms – Attitude Accuracy Actual Star Vectors 10,000 Monte Carlo trials Perturbed Star Vectors ST5000 Attitude Transformation Algorithm[14] Objectives Overview 0.10" 0.50" 0.70" 0.90" 1.10" 1.30" 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1” Requirement 0.2 0.1 LSF Attitude Results: 0.1” RMS attitude accuracy is attainable at various centroiding accuracies: 1. 6 stars at 0.5” RMS accuracy 2. 15 stars at 0.9” RMS accuracy 3. 25 stars at 1.1” RMS accuracy Briefing Overview Number of Stars vs. RMS Attitude Accuracy for Various Centroid Accuracies RMS Attitude Error (arcseconds) Purpose: Define how centroiding accuracy influences attitude accuracy Define how number of stars in FOV changes attitude accuracy Method: System Design Options 0 5 Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options 10 15 20 Number of Stars Feasibility and Risk Assessment 25 Project Management Plan 30 35 10/12/2011 23 Algorithms – Hardware Solutions Requirements: 1. Minimum Data Transfer Rate From sCMOS: 664 bits/s 2. Maximum CPU Power Dissipation: ~40 W 3. Minimum Data Storage: ~10 GB 4. Minimum Onboard Memory: ~6 GB 5. Maximum Price: $1,840.0 Consumer Grade Desktop Hardware • Pros: Simplicity, Computation Speed, Memory, Price • Cons: Power Draw, sCMOS Interface Options Low Power Desktop Hardware • Pros: Simplicity, Power Draw, Price • Cons: sCMOS Interface Options, Computation Speed, Memory Embedded Computer Hardware (PC/104 or AVR) • Pros: Power Draw, sCMOS Interface Options, Rugged • Cons: Complexity, Price, Computation Speed, Memory Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 24 Imaging Subsystem star light sensor algorithms computer electronics 1001101 digital output voltage imaging subsystem • • • • Light to voltage to digital output Will not saturate during daytime (unlike ST5000) Sense enough stars for algorithms Light to digital output at 10Hz Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 25 Imaging Requirements Requirement Description Parent Requirement Method Verification 2.IMG.1 The imaging system shall detect 4th-8th magnitude stars diurnally without saturating. 1.SYS.1 Test 2.IMG.2 The imaging system shall detect 4th-8th (TBR) magnitude stars having a SNR of at least 10 (TBR) during nighttime operation. 1.SYS.2 Test 2.IMG.3 The imaging system shall detect 4th-6th (TBR) magnitude stars having a SNR of at least 10 (TBR) during daytime operation. 1.SYS.3 Test 2.IMG.4 The imaging system shall provide image data at a rate of no less than 10Hz. 1.SYS.6 Test 2.IMG.5 The imaging system shall output digital data compatible with the algorithms computer hardware. 1.SYS.4 Test 2.IMG.6 The imaging system should capture and provide measurement and diagnostic data relating to image capture. 1.SYS.7 Inspection Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 26 Imaging Trade Results • • • • CCD vs. CMOS vs. CCD Array Historical knowledge says CCD Modern CMOS wins for implementation and speed sCMOS likely candidate – – – – Briefing Overview 5.3 megapixel 100 fps in camera Low read noise Increased red spectrum performance Objectives Overview System Design Options Traditional APS CCD (CMOS) Uniqueness 1 8 Cost 5 5 Speed 3 10 Noise 9 6 Implementation 3 7 Modularity 1 8 Quantum Efficiency 9 5 Total 4.84 7.02 Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment CCD Array Weight 7 9 6 9 1 1 9 6.13 Project Management Plan 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.4 2.0 .6 1.8 10 10/12/2011 27 6th Magnitude Star 4th Magnitude Star sCMOS Signal To Noise Ratio > 10 for 4th-6th Magnitude Stars Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Total Signal + Noise < Saturation (30,000 e- per pixel) Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 28 Imaging Model: SNR Purpose: 1. Make sure sensor can detect enough stars during day 2. Sense 4th-6th magnitude stars (1.IMG.3) Method: - SNR modeling - Signal: star - background - Noise: star, background, sensor - sCMOS sensor assumed - Blurring vs. megapixels (5.5 Mp known to work) - Blurring vs. exposure time (shown) Results: 1. Can sense 4th-6th magnitude stars with SNR > 10 2. Exposure time minimum found to be 30ms Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 29 Imaging Model: Saturation Purpose: 1. Make sure sensor does not saturate for 4th-8th magnitude stars (1.IMG.1) Method: - Signal from 4th magnitude star, back ground, sensor noise [e-] - 30,000 e-/pixel well depth - sCMOS sensor assumed - Blurring vs. megapixles (5.5 Mp known to work) - Blurring vs. Exposure time (shown) Results: 1. Do not saturate for exposure times less than 0.1 s. Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 30 Optics - Components • Optics subsystem will consist of three parts: – Telescope – designed by Equinox Interscience, built by Equinox and DayStar – External light baffle – designed and built by DayStar – Sensor Container – designed and built by DayStar baffle Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Sensor container telescope Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 31 Optics – Design-To Specs Reference Requirement Flowdown Verification 2.OPT.1 The DayStar optics system shall have a 5 degree by 7 degree field of view. 1.SYS.5 Test, Analysis 2.OPT.2 The DayStar optics system shall focus an image on the imaging sensor. 1.SYS.1 Inspection 2.OPT.3 The DayStar optics system shall block out 66% (TBR) of the total incident light on the objective lens. 1.SYS.4 Analysis 2.OPT.4 The DayStar optics system shall adhere to the ICD. 1.SYS.6 Inspection Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 32 Optics – Telescope Type Refractor Reflector Catadioptric Weight [%] Score Weighted Score Score Weighted Score Score Weighted Score Aperture Size 10 5 0.5 7 0.7 8 0.8 Total Weight 5 2 0.1 5 0.25 8 0.4 Length 5 4 0.2 8 0.4 7 0.35 Complexity 5 8 0.4 5 0.25 2 0.1 Errors 20 7 1.4 3 0.6 8 1.6 Machinability 10 5 0.5 6 0.6 3 0.3 Cost 2.5 4 0.1 6 0.15 5 0.125 Ease of Baffling 20 8 1.6 9 1.8 1 0.2 Thermal 2.5 6 0.15 4 0.1 4 0.1 Maintenance 10 8 0.8 3 0.3 8 0.8 FOV 10 8 0.8 1 0.1 8 0.8 100 6.55 5.25 5.575 Best Option: Refractor Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 33 Optics – Refractor Type • Two possible designs getting from objective lens to first focal plane: – One objective lens bends light onto focal plane • Long design • Easier to build [15] – Step down design with multiple lenses • Shorter • Much more complicated, out of scope of class Chosen design: One objective lens Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Nikkor 300mm f/2.0 EDIF [16] Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 34 Optics – Telescope Design Objective Lens Field stop Filter Possible intermediate lenses Second focal plane Reimaging system • Field stop limits field of view • Reimaging system demagnifies image to match sensor size at second focal plane Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 35 Optics – External Light Baffle • Reduce the incident light on the objective lens • Will be placed in front of the objective lens • Amount of light allowed through objective lens determined by length and diameter of baffle design Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 36 Project Feasibility Analysis and Risk Assessment Andrew Zizzi Jed Diller Sara Schuette 10/12/2011 37 Technical Risks Risk: Severity: Mitigation: Off Ramp: Material Handling High ESD Training, confirm access to appropriate workspaces/environments, use engineering grade sensors for prototyping Outside source assembles board components, use of less valuable components when possible Peripheral Hardware Integration High Obtain instruction/assistance from professionals versed in imaging electronics, investigate existing hardware solutions Purchase COTS digital camera to capture images Interface to ST5000 Medium Contact, lay out interface requirements, and plan testing procedure with Jeff Percival Use online star identification tool and conduct attitude transformation to verify RMS accuracy Hardware Procurement Lead Time Medium Order large lead-time components early (e.g. sCMOS), plan margin into schedule Continue development (and test, if possible) with engineering grade components Insufficient test facilities Medium Testing can be performed at Equinox Interscience Additional testing could also be performed at SwRI Insufficient Optical Design Knowledge Low Optics expert at Equinox Interscience (Russ Mellon) will advise the Daystar team Telescope design has already been outsourced to Equinox Interscience Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 38 Algorithms – Feasibility Through Analysis Nighttime 0.1” RMS attitude accuracy with 20 stars Daytime Requirement 1.0” RMS attitude accuracy with 8 stars “At a given SNR, how well do we know our attitude?” Briefing Overview Objectives Overview Attitude Accuracy > Worst case attitude of 0.05” accuracy with 20 stars > Worst case attitude of 0.1” accuracy with 8 stars = “How well do we know our attitude from our centroids?” System Design Options Design-To Specifications Centroiding Accuracy Star Detection × Centroid stars up to 0.5” accuracy × Centroid stars up to 0.5” accuracy × “How well can we locate what we detect?” Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment × Detect 100% of stars up to 8th magnitude × Detect 90% of stars up to 7th magnitude × “What SNR stars can we detect?” Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 39 Algorithms – Feasibility Through Research and Experience Research: All algorithms weighed in trades are based on methods utilized in astronomical image analysis The chosen algorithms have been proven on other startracking devices Experience: Team experience in various multi-processed, multi-threaded embedded satellite software designs and implementations Team experience in data structure formation, computer systems, robotics, and algorithms analysis [17] [14] Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 40 Prototyping: Imaging Sensor Breadboard: • Package Converter • 168 pin LCC to DIP package • Power Supplies • 5 DC Voltage Supplies • 82 Pins • Control Signals • Integration with chosen CDH system • 9 Digital Signals • Data Product • 12 Image Signals Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Imaging Interface FPGA USB to personal computer Microcontroller Key Power Imaging Board Data Light Engineering Grade CMOS Sensor Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Power Management Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 41 Imaging Feasibility Problem Feasibility Sensing During Worst Case Scenarios Models show we can see 8th magnitude stars during the day and do not saturate with 4th magnitude. Easily meet star number requirements. Sensor Acquisition Adequate sensor exists. Firm quote from supplier. ($5000 new, $500 engineering grade) Peripheral Hardware And Sensor Integration Have skills to design printed circuit board and integrate sensor. Have programming skills to use FPGA. Possibility of sending circuitry to professionals for assembly. Communication with Algorithms Computer Available resources more than adequate to read and process sensor data. Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 42 Optics – Lenses • Telescope designed for COTS lenses – Objective lens from Istar Optical [18] • Anastigmatic, achromatic • TALL POLE: Lens may take too long to get • MITIGATION: Backup 127 mm f/8 lens can be substituted with limited design changes – Intermediate lenses and relay lenses from Edmund Optics [19] • Achromatic doublets of various sizes • Standard lenses available for immediate shipment Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 43 Optics – Facilities • Telescope design contracted through Equinox • Equipment at Equinox – Machining • Knee mill x2, engine lathe, band saw, lathe, drill press – Optical alignment tools • Collimator, 1951 USAF resolution test chart – Gimbaled test setup • Can match Earth’s rotation • Test FOV, aberrations [20] Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 44 Testing/Verification Test Requirements Verified Description Success Criteria Varied Sky Brightness Table Test 1.SYS.1 DayStar will image the sky from evening to morning. • Images don’t Images will be correlated with brightness readings saturate below to determine operational limits. ‘daytime’ flux value Gimbaled Star Tracking Test 0.PRJ.1 0.PRJ.2 1.SYS.2 1.SYS.3 Using a precisely gimbaled stand that tracks the Earth’s rotation, DayStar will track a single patch of sky to determine statistical accuracy. ST5000 Interface Test 0.PRJ.3 1SYS.4 • LIS solution can be Data produced by DayStar during the Gimbaled Star acquired Tracking Test will by sent to University of Wisconsin • Attitude solution to be run through the ST5000 software. output Speed Test 1.SYS.6 DayStar will be run to determine total operating speed of components and the system. Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment • 0.1” for ‘nighttime’ • 1” for ‘daytime’ • 10 Hz data output Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 45 Project Management Plan Including Personal Health and Safety Michael Skeen 10/12/2011 46 Team Organization Customer Dr. Eliot Young Advisors Dr. Palo, Dr. Kroehl, Russ Mellon, Kim Ennico CFO Tyler Murphy Optics Lead: Sara Schuette Aaron Holt Tyler Murphy Briefing Overview Objectives Overview Project Manager Mechanical/Electrical Systems Michael Skeen Electrical/Software Systems Nick Truesdale Lead Safety Engineer Aaron Holt Lead Testing Engineer Zach Dischner Structures CAD/ Fabrication Lead: Tyler Murphy Aaron Holt Michael Skeen System Design Options Design-To Specifications Electronics Embedded Systems Lead: Zach Dischner Jed Diller Aaron Holt Power Electronics Lead: Nick Truesdale Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Software Lead: Kevin Dinkel Firmware Lead: Jed Diller Algorithms Lead: Andrew Zizzi Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 47 Team Composition Team Member Leadership Position MyersBriggs Skills Jed Diller Firmware Lead ENTJ Software Architecture, Microcontrollers Kevin Dinkel Software Lead INTJ Software Architecture, Image Processing, Project Management, Thermal Analysis Zach Dischner Embedded System Lead Testing Lead ENTJ Embedded Electronics, Software Architecture Aaron Holt Safety Officer INTJ Optics, Software, CAD, Embedded Systems Tyler Murphy CAD/Fabrication Lead CFO INTJ CAD/Fabrication, FEA, Project Management, Systems Engineering, Payload Integration Sara Schuette Optics Lead ISTJ Optics, High-Altitude Environment Michael Skeen Project Manager Mechanical/Electrical Systems INTJ Project Management, Systems Engineering, Analog Electronics, CAD/Fabrication Nick Truesdale Electrical/Software Systems Power Electronics Lead ENTJ Systems Engineering, Embedded Electronics, Software Architecture, Power Electronics Andrew Zizzi Algorithms Lead INTJ Image Processing, Algorithms Analysis, HighAltitude Environment, Data Structures Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 48 Work Breakdown Structure MGMT SYS STR OPT EPS CDH Documentation Requirement Verification Requirement Verification Requirement Verification Requirement Verification Financial Budget Testing Requirement Verification Testing Power Budget Image Sensor Embedded Electronics Power Regulation Testing Testing Mass Budget Budget Upkeep (Mass, Power, Data) WBS Facilities/Tool Arrangements Component Mounting Telescope Package Wiring Harness Optics Baffling Interface Definitions Review and Report Coordination System Modeling CAD / Fabrication Thermal Analysis Alignment Diagnostic Sensors * Environmental Factors* Coarse Attitude Sensor * Testing Data Budget Centroiding Algorithm Star Tracking Algorithm System Timing & Control Data Storage LIS Algorithm * * Stretch Goal Responsibility Briefing Overview Mechanical Electrical Software 25% 37.5% 37.5% Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 49 Fall Schedule October 2011 SUN MON 9 23 TUE 10 24 WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 19 20 21 22 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 25 PDR 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 2011 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 27 28 29 30 Prototype Hardware Sourcing Prototype Assembly SAT 1 13 Detailed Subsystem Design CDR Preparations FFR Writing CDR December 2011 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WED THU FRI SAT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 13 14 15 16 17 25 FFR 26 27 28 29 30 31 Objectives Overview TUE 1 11 Briefing Overview MON System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Hardware Sourcing ‘Flight’ Software Development Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 50 Spring Schedule January 2012 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 February 2012 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 1 12 13 14 15 26 27 28 29 SAT 2 16 SUN 3 MON 4 17 18 TUE WED THU FRI MON TUE WED 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 IR 1 20 21 22 23 23 25 Electronics Testing Machining THU FRI 1 SAT 2 SUN 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MON TUE 4 5 18 IR 2 19 WED 6 20 THU 7 21 FRI 8 22 SAT 9 23 Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options System Integration and Checkout 10 24 AIAA Briefing Overview ‘Flight’ Software Development Optics Testing SAT March 2012 SUN Hardware Sourcing Feasibility and Risk Assessment System Testing and Requirements Verification Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 51 Spring Schedule (2) April 2012 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Symp. SPR SPR Preparation May 2012 SUN MON System Testing and Requirements Verification TUE WED 1 THU 2 FRI 3 FPR Writing SAT 4 5 FPR Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 52 Financial Budget Structures Optics supplemental costs* Material Fasteners Specialized Tools Thermal TOTAL $ $ 1,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 200.00 $ 1,700.00 * Customer has a pre-existing $10,000 contract in place with an optics subcontractor for all labor and component costs SYS (2 Hardware Sets) Testing Equipment TOTAL $ $ 980.00 980.00 CDH (2 Hardware Sets) Processor Motherboard Memory Testing Hardware Hard Drive (Solid State) TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ 360.00 600.00 320.00 200.00 360.00 1,840.00 Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Electronics (4 Board Revisions) Fairchild sCMOS Sensor Engineering Grade Sensor (x2) Prototyping sCMOS Sensor Sensor Peripheral Electronics Peripheral Test Equipment FPGA Development Board Power Regulation Components PCB s Static Supplies TOTAL Total Budget Structures Electronics CDH SYS TOTAL Margin ($) Margin (%) Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00 $ 280.00 $ 500.00 $ 528.00 $ 100.00 $ 8,708.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 8,708.00 $ 1,840.00 $ 980.00 $ 13,228.00 $ 6,772.00 33.86% Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 53 Facilities and Resources • Equinox Interscience – Optics Advisor / Designer: Russ Mellon – Optics – specific machining capabilities – Precision gimbaled testing stand • SwRI – Testing facilities – Imaging Advisor: Kim Ennico Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 54 Health and Safety • Personal Safety – Methanol used to clean optics lenses • Gloves must be worn, avoid contact with eyes – Soldering poses burn risk • Proper training – Telescope and baffling will be large and heavy • Minimum of 2 lifting personnel, flat table workspace • Hardware Safety – Lenses could potentially be scratched • Minimal cleaning, handling – sCMOS sensor and other electronics are ESD sensitive • ESD training, ESD safe workspaces and locked storage containers – Transportation Risks • Payload must be tied down during transportation, lens covers employed Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 55 Conclusions • DayStar: prototype star tracker system designed to improve on current balloon attitude determination methods – Daytime operation on at balloon platform at 35 km atltitude – 0.1 arcsecond RMS nighttime accuracy • Completed work: – Characterization of high-altitude environment, – System-wide modeling of signal and error propagation – Subsystem performance modeling Item Requirement Estimated Performance Nighttime Accuracy ≤ 0.1 arcsecond RMS 0.05 arcsecond RMS Daytime Accuracy ≤ 1.0 arcsecond RMS 0.1 arcsecond RMS System Budgets HASP ICD 40% Mass margin, 43% Power Margin Financial Budget 30% Margin 34.8% Margin Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 56 Acknowledgements Project Customer External Advisors • Dr. Eliot Young, SwRI • Russ Mellon, Equinox Interscience Inc. • Kim Ennico, NASA Ames, SwRI • Dr. Herbert Kroehl , NOAA PAB Advisor • Dr. Scott Palo CU Faculty and Staff PAB Members • • • • • • Dr. Jean Koster – Course Coordinator Dr. Dale Lawrence Dr. Xinlin Li Matt Rhode Hank Scott Trudy Schwartz Briefing Overview Objectives Overview System Design Options Design-To Specifications • • • • Dr. Penina Axelrad Dr. Nikolaus Correll Dr. Eric Frew Dr. Hanspeter Schaub Course Assistant • Kyle Kemble Subsystem Design Options Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Management Plan 10/12/2011 57 Questions? 10/12/2011 58 References "Sunrise." Sunrise: Balloon-Borne Telescope. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. <>. [2] "ST5000: Next Generation Star Tracker." University of Wisconsin-Madison. Web. <>. [3] Zombeck, Martin V. Cambridge University Press Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics, Second Edition, pp. 76-78, 2001. [4]Van Rhijn, P.J., “The Number of Stars Between Definite Limits of Proper Motion, Visual Magnitude and Galactic Latitude for Spectral Class.” Publications of the Kapteyn Astronomical Laboratory Groningen, vol. 36, pp.1-16, 1925. [5] Wong, Chin L. "Implementation of the Pyramid Star Identification Technique." Thesis. Brown University, 2007. PDF. [6] Young, Eliot. “”. (python centroiding suite). [7] Vyas, Akondi., Boopashree, M. B., and Prasad B. R. “Optimization of Existing Centroiding Algorithms for Shack Hartmann Sensor”. Proceeding of the National Conference on Innovative Conputational Intelligence & Security Systems. Sonal College of Technology, Salem, April 3-4, 2009. Pp. 400-405. [8] Vyas, Akondi., Boopashree, M. B., and Prasad B. R. “Performance of Centroiding Algorithms at Low Light Level Conditions in Adaptive Optics”. International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, 2009. [1] 10/12/2011 59 References (2) [9] Kolomenkin, Michael., Polak, Sharon., Shimshoni, Ilan., Lindenbaum, Michael. “A Geometric Voting Algorithm for Star Trackers”. IEEE. [10\ Cole, Craig L., and John L. Crassidis. “Fast Star Pattern Recognition Using Planar Triangles.” Web. < >. [11] Valdes, Francisco G., Campusano, Luis E., Velasquez, Juan D., and Stetson, Peter B. “FOCAS Automatic Catalog Matchong Algorithm.” Publication of the Austonomical Society of the Pacific. November 1995. [12] Choon-Suk Oh, Hyanjae Lee., and Bang, Hyochoong. “Modified Grid Algorithm for Star Pattern Identification by Using Star Trackers”. Korea Advances Institute of Science and Technology. IEEE 2003. [13] Wertz. “Chapter 4: Attitude Determination”. Chris Hall. March 18, 2003. <>. [14] Percival, J. W., Jaehnig, K. P., and Nordsieck, K. H. “The ST5000: A Low-Cost Star Tracker for Sounding Rockets, Balloons and Class D Satellites”. University of Wisconsin, Madison <>. [15] "Refracting Telescopes." Web. 07 Oct. 2011. <>. [16] "Nikkor 300mm F/2.0s ED-IF Super- Telephoto Lens." Web. 7 Oct. 2011. < 00mmedif20/index.htm>. 10/12/2011 60 References (3) [17] "Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp." Web. 8 Oct. 2011. <> [18] "ISTAR Optical - Objective Lenses Achromatic Anastigmatic." ISTAR Optical. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. <>. [19] "Achromatic Lenses - Edmund Optics." Optics, Imaging, and Photonics Technology - Edmund Optics. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. < 9>. [20] "Special Projects." Equinox Interscience, Inc. Web. 08 Oct. 2011. <>. [21] “sCMOS_CIS2051_DATASHEET.pdf”. BAE Systems, 2011 [22] Light Path in a Cassegrain Telescope. Digital image. Reflecting Telescope. Web. <>. [23] Refractor Telescope Diagram. Digital image. Web. <>. [24] Light Path in a Schmidt–Cassegrain. Digital image. Catadioptric System. Web. <>. 10/12/2011 61 Supplemental Content Systems Algorithms Imaging Optics 10/12/2011 62 Project Requirements Requirement Description Parent Requirement Method of Verification 0.PRJ.1 DayStar shall provide better than or equal to 0.1 arcsecond 1-σ RMS pointing knowledge during nighttime observation. Customer Test 0.PRJ.2 DayStar shall provide better than or equal to 1 arcsecond 1-σ RMS pointing knowledge during daytime observation (goal of 0.1 arcseconds). Customer Test 0.PRJ.3 DayStar shall produce data compatible with ST5000[5] attitude determination software. Customer Test, Analysis 0.PRJ.4 DayStar shall demonstrate adaptability to a highaltitude balloon environment. Customer Test, Analysis 10/12/2011 63 System Requirements Requirement Description 1.SYS.1 The DayStar system shall be able to image the sky without saturating. 1.SYS.2 Parent Method of Requirement Verification 0.PRJ.1, 0.PRJ.2 Test The DayStar system shall be able to identify one specific star from images captured at nighttime. 0.PRJ.1 Test 1.SYS.3 The DayStar system shall image a minimum of 20 stars per frame having a SNR of at least 6.0 at nighttime. 0.PRJ.1 Test, Analysis 1.SYS.4 The DayStar system shall image a minimum of 8 stars per frame having a SNR of at least 6.0 at daytime. 0.PRJ.2 Test, Analysis 1.SYS.5 The DayStar system shall be able to compute star locations from a captured image in a format compatible with the ST5000[5] lost-in-space software. 0.PRJ.3 Test 1.SYS.6 The DayStar system shall adhere to the High Altitude Student Platform (HASP) Interface Control Document (ICD)[6] for the mass, power, and data resources allocated up to two large class payloads. 0.PRJ.4 Test, Inspection 1.SYS.7 The DayStar system shall output attitude information at a frequency of 10 Hz with the required accuracy. 0.PRJ.4 Test 1.SYS.8 The DayStar system should have a capability to measure diagnostic data at multiple locations on the system. 0.PRJ.4 Test, Inspection 1.SYS.9 The DayStar system will provide attitude knowledge at an accuracy of less than or equal to 1 degree in cases where the body spin rate exceeds the star tracker capability. 0.PRJ.4 Test, Inspection 10/12/2011 64 Post-PDR TSD Star Tracker Optics Imaging Refractor CMOS External Baffling Filter Frame Grabbing CDH Algorithms Data Transfer Hardware Computer Number of baffles Longpass FPGA (Parallel) USB 3.0 Consumer grade Size Bandpass AVR (Serial) Firewire Low Power CPU (Serial) I2C Embedded 10/12/2011 65 Algorithms – Star Detection Trade Star Detection Trade (DFS Intensity Limit) Avg + STD[5] MAD[6] roboMAD[6] Flight Configurable Trade Elements Weights 5 7 9 6 8 3 8 7 4 6 4 9 5.8 6.5 7 3 10 9 3 5.35 Robustness at Low SNR Algorithm Speed Simplicity Robustness Against False Identifications Total 0.4 0.25 0.1 0.25 1 10/12/2011 66 Algorithms – Centroid Trade CoG IWC[7][8] roboCoG[6] roboIWC[6] Gaussian Fit[6] Parabolic Fit[6] Centroiding Algorithms Trade Study 6 10 10 6 7 9 10 7 7 9 8 8 8 9 7 8 9 4 5 9 9 4 5 9 Trade Elements Accuracy Weights 0.4 7.4 7.8 7.7 7.85 7.35 7.35 Algorithm Speed Simplicity Robustness to Noise Total 0.25 0.1 0.25 1 10/12/2011 67 Algorithms – LIS Trade LIS Algorithms Trade Study Differential Voting Method[9] 4 6 2 7 9 5.1 Planar Trangle Method[10] 7 7 6 6 6 6.4 Pyramid Angle Method[8] 9 5 9 9 5 7.4 FOCAS Method[11] Grid Method[12] 3 3 6 6 5 3 7 8 9 8 5.9 5.4 Trade Elements Low # of Stars Algorithm Speed Simplicity Low Memory Usage Robustness of Convergence Total Weights 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 10/12/2011 68 Algorithms – Attitude Determination Trade Attitude Determination Trade Q-Method[13] Triad Method[13] QUEST[13] Newton-Rhapson Method[13] Trade Elements Weights 8 5 7 7 9 9 8 9 6 7.7 7 7.4 9 5 5 7 Accuracy Algorithm Speed Simplicity 0.5 0.3 0.2 Total 1 10/12/2011 69 Algorithms – Thermal Analysis Background: HASP payload flew in Fall 2009 with ~10 W processor – only reached 40 C Assumptions: 1. Emissivity ≤ 0.90 and absorptivity ≥ 0.10 2. Thermal resistance of heat sink ≥ 0.1 3. Radiator area of 0.049 m2 (based on HASP payload dimensions) Method: Steady state 1D thermal analysis Desired Range Max Power Dissipation (W) Purpose: Determine power range for CDH processor Results: Maximum heat dissipation: 38 W (30.5 W with 20% margin) Better power dissipations (40+ W) are possible with a lower α / higher ε coating or a larger radiator. 10/12/2011 70 Algorithms – Data Transfer Budget Image Size: 11 bits/pixel -> assume padded to 16 bits/pixel 2160 x 2560 pixels 12 bits/pixel * 2160 * 2560 pixel / image = 66,335,200 bits/image Frequency Requirement: 10 image/s minimum = 0.1 s/image maximum 66,335,200 bits/image * 10 image/s = 663,352,000 bits/s Standard Data Transfer Methods (Maximums): USB 2.0 = 480 Mbit/s USB 3.0 = 5 Gbit/s FireWire = 3.2 Gbit/s Resulting Data Transfer Speeds: USB 2.0: 66,335,200 bits/image / 480*106 bit/s = 0.1382 s/image USB 3.0: 66,335,200 bits/image / 5*109 bit/s = 0.0133 s/image FireWire: 66,335,200 bits/image / 3.2*109 bit/s = 0.0207 s/image 10/12/2011 71 Algorithms – Data Rate / Storage Budget Data Product Size: Maximum of 100 viewable stars/image in FOV 1 3 value vector per star 8 bytes of data storage per vector value Data frequency of 10 image/s Maximum Data Rate = 100 stars/image * (8*3) bytes/star * 10 image/s = 24 kB/s Standard Flight <= 48 hrs: Minimum ST Data Storage = 24 kB/s * 48 hr/flight * 3600 s/hr = 4.15 GB Add Data for OS and H&S: OS / filesystem storage = ~1.0 GB H&S Data = ~0.5 GB 30% Margin Total Data Storage = 1.3*(4.15+0.5+1.0) = 8.645 GB 10/12/2011 72 Algorithms – Onboard Memory Budget Database Size Calculation Assumptions: ~217,000 stars total that are >= magnitude 9.5 All angles will be stored from every star to every other between 2 to 6 degrees away Each angle requires 32 bytes of data Calculations: In a 6 degree FOV there are: (1-cos(6 degees))/2* 217,000 stars In a 2 degree FOV there are: (1-cos(2 degees))/2* 217,000 stars Result: Database size = 0.5 * 32 bytes * 776272 stars * (cos(6 degrees) – cos(2 degrees)) Database size = 3.668 GB Adding OS memory and margin: 0.5 GB memory for OS and software operation Add 30% margin to be safe Total Memory >= (3.668+0.5)*1.3 = 5.4184 GB 10/12/2011 73 Algorithms – Gnomic Tangent Plane Correction FOV exaggerated for clarity PROBLEM: Projecting the spherical sky onto a flat sensor generates distortions in the star centroid locations that can not be neglected due to the centroiding accuracy requirements of this project RESULTS: Mitigation: Static 2D look-up table will be constructed with corrected pixel locations which will be accessible to the star identification and centroiding algorithms in constant time 9” maximum error 10/12/2011 74 Algorithms – Star Detection 8th Magnitude @ Day 100 100 25 3.5 90 90 3 80 60 15 50 40 10 30 20 5 2.5 70 60 2 50 1.5 40 30 1 20 0.5 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 Signal to Noise Ratio 70 Exposure Time [ms] 20 Percent of Stars Detected Exposure Time [ms] 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 75 Algorithms – Star Detection 7th Magnitude @ Day 100 100 100 90 90 90 80 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 8 7 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 60 5 50 4 40 3 30 Signal to Noise Ratio Percent of Stars Detected Exposure Time [ms] Exposure Time [ms] 6 70 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 76 Algorithms – Star Detection 6th Magnitude @ Day 100 100 100 90 90 90 80 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 16 14 60 10 50 8 40 6 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 Signal to Noise Ratio Exposure Time [ms] Percent of Stars Detected Exposure Time [ms] 12 70 4 2 10 20 30 70 60 50 40 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 77 100 100 20 90 90 90 18 80 80 80 16 70 70 70 14 60 60 60 12 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 30 70 60 50 40 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 50 10 40 8 30 Signal to Noise Ratio 100 Percent of Stars Detected Exposure Time [ms] Exposure Time [ms] Algorithms – Star Detection 5th Magnitude @ Day 6 4 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 78 100 90 90 90 80 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 60 40 10 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 15 50 30 20 20 70 30 10 25 Signal to Noise Ratio 100 Exposure Time [ms] 100 Percent of Stars Detected Exposure Time [ms] Algorithms – Star Detection 4th Magnitude @ Day 5 10 20 30 70 60 50 40 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 79 Algorithms – Attitude Accuracy (Higher Centroid Accuracies) RMS Attitude Error (arcseconds) 10 1.00" RMS 3.00" RMS 5.00" RMS 8.00" RMS 10.00" RMS 15.00" RMS 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Number of Stars 25 30 35 10/12/2011 80 Algorithms – Centroid Accuracy 4th Mag @ Day Computer Operations for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) Centroid Errors for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) 500 1.4 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 1 450 Computer Operation [counts] Centroid RMS Error [arcseconds] 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 81 Algorithms – Centroid Accuracy 5th Mag @ Day Centroid Errors for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) Computer Operations for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) 0.9 450 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 400 Computer Operation [counts] Centroid RMS Error [arcseconds] 0.8 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 10 20 30 70 60 50 40 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 82 Algorithms – Centroid Accuracy 6th Mag @ Day Computer Operations for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) Centroid Errors for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) 400 1.8 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 1.4 1.2 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 350 Computer Operation [counts] Centroid RMS Error [arcseconds] 1.6 1 0.8 0.6 300 250 200 150 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 83 Algorithms – Centroid Accuracy 7th Mag @ Day Centroid Errors for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) Computer Operations for Various Methods vs. Blur (67 ms Exposure) 4 350 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 3 300 Computer Operation [counts] Centroid RMS Error [arcseconds] 3.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 250 200 150 100 50 0.5 0 CoG IWC Gaussian Fit Parabolic Fit roboCoG roboIWC 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Blur [pixels subtended] 80 90 100 10/12/2011 84 Imaging Model Assumptions 2.5 -3 2 Blackbody curves for normalized total irradiance (1 W /cm) B = 10,000 K A = 7500 K F = 6000 K G = 5200 K K = 3700 K M = 2000 K 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 500 1000 1500 (nm) 2000 2500 3000 Bolometric Correction vs. Star Temperature 0 -1 -2 Change in Magnitude 2 Irradiance (W/cm /nm) • 𝜆 = 441-1080 [nm] (MODTRAN data limits) • Optical Transmission Efficiency = 0.95 • MODTRAN at 35 [km] = 115,000 [ft], LAZ = 90o • sCMOS values – QE, 𝜆 range, read noise 10 [e-], dark current 65 [e-/pixel/s], well depth = 30,000 [e-] • Black body stars – Bolometric correction • Gaussian distributions (blur) x 10 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 M = 2000 K K = 3700 K G = 5200 K F = 6000 K -8 -9 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Temperature (K) 8000 9000 10000 10/12/2011 85 Imaging Model: 2D plots Magnitude/Flux variation for m=8 star SNR vs. Star Temp (8th mag) 120 120 100 Flux (photons/cm /s/nm) 100 mbol=4.8248 mbol=6.3545 mbol=7.2543 mbol=7.6514 mbol=7.8601 80 2 80 60 40 60 40 20 20 0 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Star Temperature [K] 6000 6500 0 7000 0 500 1000 SNR vs. Megapixels 1500 2000 2500 Wavelength (nm) 3000 3500 4000 SNR vs. Exposure Time 25 22 20 20 Signal to Noise 18 Signal to Noise Signal to Noise T=3000, T=3700, T=4500, T=5200, T=6000, 15 10 16 14 12 10 5 8 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Megapixels] 6 7 8 9 6 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Exposure Time [s] 0.08 0.1 10/12/2011 86 Imaging Model: SNR • Megapixels vs. blurring – Daytime – 4th-8th mag – Tstar = 7962K (weighted avg.) – Blurring (16-36 for algorithms) – Exposure time • Result: 5.53 Mp SN>10 10/12/2011 87 Imaging Model: Enough SNR • • • • • • Exposure time vs. blurring 4th-6th magnitude Tstar = 7962K (weighted avg.) 5.53 Mp sCMOS Blurring 16-36 (optimal) Exposure time 1/10th – 1/100th s • Result: texp = 0.3ms S/N > 10 10/12/2011 88 Imaging Model: Saturation • • • • • • Exposure time vs. blurring 4th magnitude Tstar = 7962K (weighted avg.) 5.53 Mp sCMOS Blurring 16-36 (optimal) Exposure time 1/10th – 1/100th s • Result: No saturation 10/12/2011 89 Imaging Model Data 10/12/2011 90 Imaging Model Equations 𝑆 = 𝑁 𝑆𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑆𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟 ∗ 𝑡 + 𝑆𝑏𝑔 ∗ 𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑟 + 𝐷𝐶 ∗ 𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑟 + 𝑅𝑁 2 ∗ 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑟 10/12/2011 91 sCMOS Data [21] 10/12/2011 92 Prototyping Clocks • Common Input-Basic Rolling Shutter Readout Scheme1.0 10/12/2011 93 Supporting sCMOS • Power requirements-0-3.3V DC • 5 or 6 separate levels • Digital protocol: 1.8V LVCMOS and 1.8V HSTL • 168 Pin LCC surface mount package • 54 supply pins • 28 ground • 22 input • 64 output • 12 pins for data output • Many others for diagnostics 10/12/2011 94 CMOS Comparison: Cameras 10/10/2011 95 CMOS Comparison: Chips 10/10/2011 96 Power Budget • 150 W total power – Processor: 40 W – Motherboard: 30 W – sCMOS: 2 W – Microcontroller: 2 W – FPGA: 2 W – Regulator efficiency: 0.90 • Total consumption: 84.4 W • Margin: 43.7% (65.6 W) 10/12/2011 97 Reflector Trade Study • Pros: – – – – Easy to baffle Fewer aberrations Short design High contrast images [22] • Cons: – Secondary mirror block some light – Affected by temperature changes – Cannot produce field view greater than 1 degree. 10/12/2011 98 Refractor Trade Study • Pros: – – – – High contrast images Closed tube design Low maintenance Easy to baffle [23] • Cons: – Lenses can be expensive – Chromatic aberrations – Longer and heavier than other types 10/12/2011 99 Catadioptric Trade Study • Pros: – Good for deep sky objects – Short, closed tube design – Low maintenance • Cons: – – – – – [24] Increased errors with low f-ratios Impossible to baffle internally Difficult to modify COTS telescope Expensive Added complexity 10/12/2011 100 Optics – FOV Feasibility • Current objective lens: Istar Optical 152 mm f/4.7 Aperture = 152 mm α α Focal Length = 714.4 mm • Find alpha α = atan(152/714.4) = 12.01° • Alpha is half of FOV • FOV of lens = 24.02° • Field stop reduces FOV to 8.6° diagonal 10/12/2011 101 Detailed analysis of First Design Size of Field Stop 4.3° 8.6° 5° FL = 714.4 mm x 107.8 mm 62.66 mm 87.72 mm 7° x= tan(4.3)*714.4 = 53.9 mm Full diagonal = 107.8 mm 10/12/2011 102 Detailed analysis of First Design diag1 diag2 f1 f2 Demagnification y = 43.73 mm Size of image at imaging focal plane 43.73 mm 35.28 mm 25.42 mm 10/12/2011 103 Aberration Analysis Aberration Effect Mitigation Spherical Defocusing of point source Anastigmatic lenses eliminate effects Coma Off-axis point sources become distorted NONE - refractors have little or no coma Astigmatism Two planes of the light do not focus at the same point NONE- most designs have no noticeable effects Field Curvature Curved sky does not focus on a flat sensor Field flattener if needed Distortion Deviation from rectilinear projection Specific lens selection Longitudinal Chromatic Only one color is in focus at a time Achromatic lenses limit the effects Lateral Chromatic Color fringing at edge of field NONE - most designs do not have noticeable fringing 10/12/2011 104 External Light Baffle 10/12/2011 105 Preliminary Mass Budget • 40 kg total mass • Assume 40% margin (16 kg) – Electronics, enclosures, and radiators – 8kg – Optical telescope – 10 kg – Light baffle – 6 kg 10/12/2011 106