Professional Development Activities 2013


Professional Development Activities 2013-2014

All Faculty/Staff

It’s All About Support!

September 6 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Meet Vice President of Student Services, Oscar De Haro, and learn about the various support systems offered through NVC including counseling, financial aid, TRIO, tutoring, student clubs and health and career centers.

NVC faculty librarian, Stephanie Grohs will instruct participants about resources available to faculty in the library, including online databases and electronic format periodicals.


September 10 2:00 – 4:00 TLC Room 1770

This workshop is intended for instructors who are currently teaching online with Blackboard or who are using Blackboard Course Sites to support a face-to-face class and who need assistance in using the software. We will cover some of the new features in Blackboard including

“Achievements.” We will also cover best practices for securing online tests in order to reduce incidents of cheating.

Pod Casting

September 13 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Make use of technology to give your students the freedom to learn the auditory materials from your class 24/7. This workshop will teach you how to record the audio content of your class and post it to your webpage as a podcast.

Embedding YouTube Videos Into Your PowerPoints

September 27 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Increase the interest of your PowerPoint presentations by embedding YouTube video, audio, links and other features.


Fine Tune Your Teaching Using Brained Based Research and Classroom

Assessment Techniques (CATS)

October 4 th 1:00-3:00 TLC Room 1770

Rebecca Scott, Dean of Library and Learning Resources, will discuss how to apply current brain based theory to reach and teach students. Participants will also learn techniques for practical, fast and effective ongoing classroom evaluation methods using CATS.

Safe Spaces

October 11 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Our Safe Space Program is based on two nationally recognized models including the Gay,

Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and National Youth Advocacy Coalition programs. The foundation of our program is a comprehensive training for allies who include

Napa Valley College teachers, support staff, administrators, and students. The goal of our program is to create a safe environment in all corners of the campus in order to promote student success throughout all of the programs offered by the college.

Teaching Goals Inventory

October 18 th 1:00-3:00 TLC Room 1770

This workshop will demonstrate use of the Teaching Goals Inventory (Angelo and Cross) to determine how effectively instructors are teaching and what students are learning.

Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments

November 1 st 1:00-3:00 TLC Room 1770

Student learning outcomes and assessments provide imperative feedback. This workshop will assist in writing SLOs and creating assessment methods.

Introduction to Blackboard and Blackboard Course Sites

November 7 th 2:00 – 4:00 TLC Room 1770

This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in learning Blackboard and Blackboard Course Sites to teach online or to support a face-to-face class. Participants will learn how to set up their own account in Blackboard Course Sites as well as how to build the basic elements of an online course. In addition, we will cover best practices for teaching online and for using a course website to support a face-to-face class.



November 8 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

What steps can you take to develop effective educational programs in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) for your faculty, staff and students? This workshop introduces best practices for using clickers and will describe proven techniques in designing, implementing a dn documenting a successful learning experience.

Creating Exemplary Syllabi and Faculty WebPages

December 6 th 1:00-3:00 TLC Room 1770

Now is the time to review and revise your syllabi and faculty webpage for spring semester.

Learn how to move your syllabus and webpage from “ho hum” to “oh wow!”

Blackboard Gradebook Management, Assignments and Assessments

February 3 rd 2:00 – 4:00 TLC Room 1770

This workshop will focus on use of the Blackboard Gradebook and how to set up graded assignments and tests. Participants will learn how to incorporate rubrics for assignments and tests and how to incorporate SLO assessments into assignments and tests.

Admissions and Records Essentials

February 7 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Jessica Millikan, Associate Dean, will lead this workshop on key A & R issues. This training is open to all faculty.

Supporting Students with Disabilities

February 21 st 9:00-11:00 TLC Room 1770

Rebecca Scott, Dean of Library and Learning Resources, will lead this session on teaching/counseling students with disabilities in the college setting. Key state and federal laws will be discussed.


Starting the Classroom Assessment Cycle

March 7 th 9:00 - 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Developing a system with continuous feedback on student learning is critical to improving teaching/counseling. NFLC members will develop discipline specific methods to assess learning.

Best Practices for Teaching

March 21 st 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Master NVC faculty will lead a roundtable discussion on using best practices to teach.

Implementing Reading Apprenticeship Strategies in Your Class

April 4 th 9:00 – 11:00 TLC Room 1770

Reading Apprenticeship (RA) is an approach that has demonstrated significant gains in secondary student’s reading and writing abilities. Instructors, Kristie Iwamoto and Lisa Yanover will model how RA strategies can be implemented in any course.

Introduction to Blackboard and Blackboard Course Sites

April 9 th 2:00 – 4:00 TLC Room 1770

This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in learning Blackboard and Blackboard Course Sites to teach online or to support a face-to-face class. Participants will learn how to set up their own account in Blackboard Course Sites as well as how to build the basic elements of an online course. In addition, we will cover best practices for teaching online and for using a course website to support a face-to-face class.

Best Technology Practices

May 2 nd 9:00 am – 11:00 am TLC Room 1770

Join fellow faculty for a roundtable on best practices to engage students using technology.


Course Back-Ups, Copying Sections, Audio and Video Integration and Other


May 15 th 2:00 – 4:00 TLC Room 1770

This workshop will include how to back-up an existing Blackboard or Course Sites sections and how to copy an existing section into a new black section. It will also include how to embed audio and video into parts of a course. There will be time to answer other questions not covered in previous workshops.

Workshops TBA

Please note, not all professional development activities for the 2013-2014 academic year are listed. Any new workshops or training activities will be posted on the TLC webpage and advertised to faculty via email.

