Polarized Proton Solid Target at high-T and low-B Tomohiro Uesaka Center for Nuclear Study, Tokyo T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Outline • Polarization study of nuclei spin-orbit coupling in nuclei early experiment by O. Chambalain motivation to RI beam studies • Polarized proton solid target at high-T and low-B use of photo-excited triplet state of aromatic molecule • Future plan RI Beam Facility at RIKEN • Summary Mayer & Jensen claimed in 1948 strong spin-orbit force: necessary to account for the magic numbers one order stronger than the Thomas term O. Chamberlain et al. Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 1659. measured Ay (Py) for p- He/Be/C/Al/Ca/Fe/Ta through double scatt.method → direct evidence of spin-orbit force Polarization T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Spin-orbit force in nuclei E. Fermi , scattering angle [deg] Nuovo Cimento 10 (1954) 407. VLS deduced from the scattering experiment is consistent with that required by the shell model T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Initiation of polarization study Polarized ion source (~1956) Claussnitzer, Fleishmann → spectroscopy of single particle states via (d,p)/(p,d) reactions. → clarify the role played by spin dependent interactions Polarized target (DNP) O. Chamberlain et al. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 8 ('63) 38. La2Mg3(NO3)12 24H2O B = 1.8 T T = 1.2 K P ~ 50% from Jefferies's Textbook T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Spin dep. interaction Basic regularity in nuclei ← spin dependent interaction shell structure ← spin-orbit force magic numbers: 2, 8 , 20, 28, 50, 82, 126. . . . saturation ← tensor force same density (0.17 nucleon/fm3) everywhere pairing of like particles Polarization studies have made great contributions to clarify manifestations of spin dependent interactions in nuclei. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Physics far from the stability line New data from experiments with RI beam → "basic" regularities are valid only locally in the vicinity of the stability line. J=0 pairing of unlike particles halo: low density neutron matter change of shell structure: disappearance of "old" magic numbers appearance of "new" magic numbers T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Polarized Proton Targets for RIB Requirements on the polarized proton target for RI beam exp. RI beam : Low intensity of < 106 Hz high-density solid target gas target any p solid target: compound including hydrogen atoms detection of recoiled protons: essential for event ID 5 MeV proton: range < 0.2mm in Al Br = 0.33 Tm conventional p targets at low T(<1K) and at high B (>2.5T) places serious difficulty in proton detection. B=2.5 T → r ~ 13cm Solutions spin frozen target (Oak Ridge-PSI collaboration) new technique to polarize at low-B and high-T T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Proton Pol. at low-B and high-T Idea: use of electron polarization (population difference) in photo-excited triplet state of aromatic molecule H.W. van Kesteren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 1642. A. Henstra et al., Phys. Lett. A 134 (1988) 134. Energy diagram of pentacene molecule Singlet state Triplet state mixing due to spin-orbit int. in molecule population S2 S1 Electron polarization Laser T1 S0 on B nor T depends neither +1 (12%) 0 (76%) -1 (12%) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Electron population difference z y Pentacene molecule x B // x B // x : Pmax = 73% B // y : Pmax = 48% B // z : Pmax = 70% B // y 0.12 0.45 0.76 0.16 B // z 0.46 Population 0.08 0.12 0.39 Crystal alignment is essential for large polarization 0.46 pentacene Naphthalene C10H8 p-terphenyl C18H14 density 1.16 g/cm3 pentacene concent. 0.01 mol% melting point 80.2 deg. -1] [/min] rate Relaxation Relaxation rate [min. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Host materials 102 density 1.24 g/cm3 pentacene concent. 0.1 mol% melting point 208 deg. phase transition (193 K) naphthalene @0.09 T J. U. von Shuetz et al. Z. Nauturforsch. 22a, (1967) 643. 100 p-terphenyl @0.46 T 10-2 10-4 impurity 100 slow molecular motion (∝H-1/2) 200 300 Temperature [K] Temperature [K] 400 K. Kouda et al. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 51, (1982) 3936. low T : naphthalene high T : p-terphenyl [ M. Iinuma, private communication] T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Technical aspects Dye YAG Ar-ion Optical pumping 400 500 pol. light is not necessary Wavelength (nm) broad spectral width : less demands on laser Ar-ion laser, dye laser, YAG laser, etc. 600 Polarization transfer to protons at low B cross polarization method (Hartmann & Hahn, PR 128 (1962) 2042.) high efficiency even at low B Cooling operation temperature ~ 100 K blow of cold nitrogen gas is sufficient → decrease materials around the target T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Application to Part. & Nucl. Physics Masaike, Iinuma et al. (Kyoto) M. Iinuma et al., Phys. Lett. A 208 (1995) 251. M. Iinuma et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 171. K. Takeda et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 345 (2001) 166. applied this novel technique to neutron beam experiments naphthalene+pentacene T=77K B=0.3T Laser: dye laser, 350 mW System for basic study with Ar-ion laser T. Wakui et al., NIM A 526 (2004) 182 & NIM A 550 (2005) 521. Polarization in p-terphenyl at 0.3T, room temperature 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Polarization 偏極度 [%] [%] Polarization in naphthalene at 0.3 T, 100K [%] Polarization Polarization (%) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Optical pumping by Ar-ion Laser crystal size 4×4×3mm3 6 4 2 00 0 2 4 6 8 Time (hours) 10 12 50 100 時間 [分] 150 Time [min] Time [hours] Proton polarization : 36.8±4.3% (39.3±4.6%) 4.8±1.2% enhancement factor > 5×104 T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Development for RI beam exp. • production of large single crystal and shaping it to thin disk with large diameter. 14mmφ, 1mm-thickness • thin microwave resonator (f = 2-3GHz) copper film loop gap resonator • improvement of NMR sensitivity • reduction of material around the target target cooling with blowing cold N2 gas • evaluation of radiation damage due to HI irradiation • polarization measurement with p-4He scattering thermal polarization measurement: impossible T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Target system & Polarization Polarization at 0.08T and 100K RI beam laser light small effects of radiation damage T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS First experiments effects of excess neutrons on spin-orbit potential? proton elastic scatterings on helium isotopes 4He N/Z=1 rm =1.49 fm S2n=28.3 MeV 6He N/Z=2 rm=2.30 fm S2n=1.86 MeV halo (or skin?) 8He N/Z=3 rm=2.45 fm S2n=2.58 MeV skin T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS p-6He Elastic scattering at 71 MeV/u Theoretical predictions before the measurement Preliminary results at RIPS, RIKEN There exists something beyond our current understandings. The effect appears only in spin polarization data. Measurement for 8He is planned in 2007. S. P. Weppner et al. Phys. Rev. C 61 (2000) 044601. Sakaguchi et al. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS RI Beam Factory at RIKEN high resolution SHARAQ Spectrometer Use of the polarized target enhances scientific opportunities with RI beam at RIBF. proton elastic scatterings (p,pN) reactions for spectroscopy of single hole states (p,p') and (p,n) reactions to deduce spin responses T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Summary A new technique to polarize protons at low-B and high-T is developed. by use of photo-excited triplet state of aromatic molecule. The proton polarization has been applied to a radioactive nuclear beam experiment at RIPS, RIKEN. p-6He elastic scattering at 71 MeV/u The result is beyond our current understandings. Scientific opportunities with radioactive isotope beams are expanding. It should be exciting to shed a light of POLARIZATION to the field. Polarization of radioactive nuclei: P. Mantica, H. Ueno etc. Scattering of polarized protons: this talk, Oak Ridge-PSI A role played by spin physics community is very important. spin physics community ⇔ heavy ion physics community T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Collaborators CNS, Tokyo T. Wakui (→CYRIC), S. Sakaguchi, T. Kawabata, K. Suda, Y. Maeda, Y. Sasamoto, T. Uesaka Dep. of Physics, Tokyo M. Hatano (→Hitachi), H. Sakai, K. Yako, H. Kuboki, M. Sasano, H. Iwasaki, Y. Ichikawa, D. Suzuki, T. Nakao Toho University T. Kawahara Saitama University K. Itoh RCNP, Osaka University A. Tamii CYRIC, Tohoku University H. Okamura, M. Itoh, R. Matsuo, M. Ichikawa Tokyo Institute of Technology Y. Satou, Y. Hashimoto, M. Shinohara RIKEN N. Aoi, K. Sekiguchi, M. Yamaguchi BACKUP T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Research plans at RIBF RIBF energy: 150-350 MeV/u nuclei are most transparent. Proton elastic scattering Spectroscopic studies with (p,pN) reactions → unambiguous determination of the spin-orbit splitting Spin responses of unstable nuclei via (p,p') and (p,n) reactions T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Method of Effective Polarization KEYS: ・ Large spin correlation in N-N scattering, Cy,y ~0.8, at E/A~200 MeV s↑↑ ≫ s ↑↓ → incident proton interacts mostly with nucleon with the same spin ・ Distortion to recoiled (low energy) nucleon if recoiled nucleon goes into the target nucleus → absorbed proton with spin↑ pN < 0 L if pN < 0 R L Ay < 0 for j> Ay > 0 for j< j> j< T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Method of Effective Polarization 16O(p,pp) G. Jacob et al., Phys. Lett. B 45 (1973) 181. @ 215 MeV d3s/dW1dW2dE P. Kinching et al., Nucl. Phys. A 340 (1980) 423. p1/2 p3/2 Ay 16O(p,pp) @ 200MeV pN T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS (p,pN) at RIBF E/A = 200-250MeV: best energy for the study 1) weak distortion for incoming and scattered proton Ep=150-250MeV 2) modest absorption for recoiled nucleon EN=50-100MeV 3) large spin-correlation parameter in N-N scattering Cy,y ~ 0.8 4) reaction theory established relativistic DWIA G.C. Hillhouse et al. Cy,y for p-p scattering Shell regularity in the region far from the stability line how p (n) spin-orbit splitting depends on n (p) number? Ej<-Ej'> T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Spectroscopy of particle/hole state Experimental approach: nucleon transfer reactions → low energies nucleon knockout reactions → intermediate energies: RIBF Is the Nuclear Spin-Orbit Interaction Changing with Neutron Excess? J. P. Schiffer et al., PRL 92 (2004) 162501. N-A T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Experiments at RIBF (p,pp) (p,pn) Ni , Sn, Ca isotopes N=50, 28 isotones proton detectors SHARAQ from BigRIPS neutron detectors T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS p-8He Elastic Scattering R. Crespo et al., PRC 51 (1995) 3283. p+8He full core T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Polarized proton targets by DNP Transfer thermal polarization of electrons to protons by microwave irradiation large magnetic moment of electron → large Pe at low-T (<1K) and high-B (>2.5T) hyperfine interaction between electron and proton rapid spin relaxation of electrons slow spin relaxation of protons Solid effect (or Overhauser effect) A.W. Overhauser Physical Review 92 (1953) 411. [1] C.D. Jefferies, Dynamic Nuclear Orientation (1963) [2] A. Abragam, The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism (1961) [3] A. Abragam and M. Goldman, Nuclear Magnetism: Order and Disorder (1982) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Magic numbers 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126 . . . . believed to be universal throughout the nuclear chart. BUT, this has proven not to be true. ← new data from radioactive nuclear beam experiments C T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo NS Reactions with spin-polarized probes Invention of polarized ion source (1956) by Claussnitzer, Fleishmann → drastic progresses in polarization study firm basis of LS potential local and global optical potentials VLS ~ 5 MeV weak dependence on E, A A.J. Koning & J.P. Delaroche Nuclear Physics A 713 (2003) 231. n-56Fe T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS 新光源: 高輝度発光ダイオード Luxeon社 ~100 mW @300mA 波長: 590nA 時間構造: 電流で制御 安価 (2000円/個) [ M. Iinuma, private communication] Dye Ar-ion 400 YAG 500 600 Wavelength (nm) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Polarized proton solid target Many deep inelastic scattering experiments EMC(→SMC)→COMPASS @CERN SLAC Production of spin-polarized neutron (ex. KEK) large difference between s↑↑and s↑↓ Nuclear physics experiments CNS group → unstable nuclear physics experiment T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Gyromagnetic Ratio ratio of magnetic moment to angular momentum for electron and proton T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS 結晶近傍 T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS 装置の全貌 Polarization is determined by competition of A and G 0.10 8 6 0.05 4 2 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 30 Time [hours] Radiation damage due to HI irradiation before irradiation 0.1 h-1 after irradiation 0.3 h-1 (2×1010) B 10 Counts -1 12 Polarization 9 Polarization [arb. units] 0.15 Relaxation rate G [h ] 0.4 Cumulated Counts [×10 ] T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Detailed Study of Radiation Damage 0.3 0.2 100 K 150 K 0.1 0 200 K 0 20 40 60 Time [hours] 80 100 The damage can be cured at temperature higher than 200K. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Early work at Leyden Schmidt group at Leyden H.W. van Kesteren et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 89 (1982) 67. Chem. Phys. Lett. 121 (1985) 440. Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 1642. Fluorene + Phenanthrene 固体効果 (低磁場では効率悪い) Pp ~ 2% @ 0.3T, 1.2K P~2% → 42% @ 2.7T, 1.4K T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Polarization at Lower Field A. Henstra et al., Leyden group A. Henstra et al., Phys. Lett. A 134 (1988) 134. A. Henstra et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 165 (1990) 6. Naphthalene + Pentacene Cross polarization method efficient even at low magnetic field 29Si:B T=1.2K B=0.264T T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS ナフタレンの純化 ゾーン・メルティング法 融点以上のゾーンを通過させる 不純物が偏析する ヒーター(molten zone) 不純物 10mm/h 液化領域 (90 C) 固体領域 (25 C) 純化されたナフタレン 不純物 (Benzo thiophene) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS 単結晶の製作 ブリッヂマン法 1 mm/h シリコン オイル (90 ℃) ヒーター グリセリン (25 ℃) ナフタレンの融点:80度 キャピラリーで生じた結晶が種となり 大きな単結晶に成長 equalize Zeeman splittings of different species H0 ω γ S.R. Hartmann and E.L. Hahn, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 2042. Heff 歳差運動と近い周波数を持つ回転磁場中 にスピンを置いた時、スピンが感じる有効 磁場は w/g だけ減ぜられる。 H1 Heff = H0 - ω γ + H1 回転磁場の周波数が歳差周波数と離れていれば影響ほぼ無し effective Lamor frequency (MHz) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Cross Polarization 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Hartmann-Hahnの条件 (交差緩和) e (rot. frame) p (rot. frame) electron proton energy exchange 0 磁場の強さ time τ ESR 電子の有効ラーマー周波数が陽子の周波数と一致する時間: 接触時間(contact time) 接触時間が長い方が偏極移行率が 大きくなる。 極小値の値はマイクロ波の強度で決まる。 結晶の内部磁場による広がり: 数 mT 外磁場を掃引ことにより、 全てのsiteで遷移を起こす。 effective Lamor frequency (MHz) 数mT "スピン移行率" T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Hartmann-Hahn条件 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 electron proton 0 外磁場の強さ time τ H-H条件 マイクロ波強度[W] ⇔ H1 T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS 偏極度測定:パルス核磁気共鳴法 突然横磁場(RF)をかける → スピンが倒れ、z軸の周り に回転する。 → xz平面に置かれたコイル に誘導起電力発生 w ' -g H1 z’ M -g H1t x’ y’ H1 gp: 2.68×108/T/s 角度:RF場の強さ、パルス幅で決まる 横磁場を切った後は、非一様磁場や スピンスピン相互作用のためスピン 軸の回転位相がばらばらになり、 信号強度が減衰する。 Free Induction Decay (FID) FID信号の例 T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS パルスNMR 回転角を使い分ける 信号強度 ~ sin() 減偏極 ~ 1-cos() 弱パルス(~5度): 偏極度モニター 90度パルス: 熱偏極信号 パラメータ調整時 180度パルス: 偏極反転 河原 et al. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS 光ポンピング用レーザー 吸収スペクトル ペンタセンのエネルギー準位 Singlet state Triplet state 25 μs 9 ns 40% T S1 1 18 μs 60% 25 μs [ M. Iinuma, private communication] Dye +1 (12%) 0 (76%) -1 (12%) Ar-ion S0 400 レーザーの候補 YAG 500 600 Wavelength (nm) フラッシュランプ励起色素レーザー Pulse width : 800 ns Repetition rate : 50 Hz Average power : 350 mW アルゴン-イオンレーザー (CW) Kyoto group 32% [M. Iinuma et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, (2000) 171.] 色素の寿命 < 100 時間 Average power : 500 mW (25 W, 1 kHz, 20 ms) YAG レーザー Pulse width : 10 ns Repetition rate : 30 Hz Average power : 3 W T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Analysis • Analysis procedure 1. Differential cross section → Central term → Volume abs. term 2. Analyzing power data → Spin-orbit term 1. Central and volume absorption term Initial pot.: 6Li potential Fitted data: d.c.s. Preliminary T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS THIN microwave resonator Copper film loop gap resonator B. T. Ghim et al., Jour. Mag. Reson. A 120 (1996) 72. thin Teflon tube coated with copper film on both sides d = 16 mm z = 20 mm w = 272 mm t = 25 mm n = 15 L=9.7 nH , C = 0.29 pF f = 3.0 GHz T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS LS potential in neutron-rich nuclei LS potential localized on the nuclear surface 1) should be modified in neutron-rich nuclei where neutron and proton have different surfaces. 2) extended distribution of neutrons may affect the shape of LS potential. direct evidence from p-RI scattering needed -> the polarized proton target + RI beam p+6He Experiment at RIPS, 71 MeV/A T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Microscopic Theory K.Amos et al., Adv. Nucl. Phys. 25 Ay ds/dW Scattering Angle T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS p-6He Elastic Scattering p-6He, 8He, 11Li. . . Scatterings matter (neutron) distribution most fundamental direct reaction ds/dW measurements Dubna 25 MeV R. Wolski et al., PLB 467 (1999) 8. GANIL 38.3 MeV V. Lapoux et al., PLB 517 (2001) 18. 40.9 MeV A. Lagoyannis et al., PLB 518 (2001) 27. RIKEN 71 MeV A. A. Korsheninnikov et al., NP A 616(1997) 45. GSI 700 MeV G. D. Alkhazov et al., PRL 78 (1997) 2313. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Detector Setup TARGET Naphthalene crystal 14mm f ×1mmt Detector Telescope for protons PSD for DE and position Plastic Scintillator for E Detector Telescope for 6He MWDC for ray-tracking Plastic Scintillator DE (5mm)-E(30mm×2) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Event Identification • Small dilution factor of naphthalene target C10H8 : dilution factor = 6.3% particle identification of recoiled particle • Contribution from carbon rejected using kinematic condition p-6He Correlation fp-f6He Correlation T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Elastic Scattering Events Angular correlation between p and 6He T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS p+6He Elastic Scattering p+6He elastic at 71MeV/u A. Korsheninnikov et al. (open) Nucl. Phys. A 616 (1997) 45. This Work (solid circles) p+6Li elastic at 72MeV R. Henneck et al., Nucl. Phys. A 571 (1994)541. p+4He elastic at 72MeV S. Buezynski et al., Phys. Rev. C 39 (1989) 56. Preliminary T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Microscopic Calculations Folding Models t-matrix Weppner et al. Crespo et al. g-matrix Amos et al. Melbourne int. Gupta et al., JLM + LS of global potential Iseri et al., CEG, cluster-folding Relativistic Impulse Kaki et al. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS St Petersburg-Ohio Group Folding Nijmegen I interaction for several density distributions S. P. Weppner et al. Phys. Rev. C 61 (2000) 044601. Predictions of Microscopic C Theories T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo NS JLM approach, LS from global potential D. Gupta et al. Nuclear Physics A 674 (2000) 77. Predictions of Microscopic C Theories T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo NS Folding density dependent effective interaction with realistic density distribution (HO base) K. Amos et al. private communication T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS a+n+n folding potential Iseri et al. p-a optical pot. (fitted) p-n CEG T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Relativistic Impulse Kaki et al. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS What is missing? • Dynamical polarization potential coupling to breakup states • Contribution from S=2 component in 4He ~10% S=1 component in n-n ~10% • isospin dependence of effective interaction LS potential ← tensor interaction strong density dependence JLM: no LS potential CEG: based on HJ pot. no density dependence in LS int. Melbourne: based on Paris pot. density dependence in LS and tensor int. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Global potential Beccheti-Greenlees Perey-Perey CH89 Koning A>40 A>40 A>40 A>24 E<50MeV E<50MeV E<65MeV E<200MeV Phys. Rev. 182 (1969) 1190. ADNDT 13 (1974) 293. Phys. Rep. 201 (1991) 57. NPA713 (2003) 231. T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Optical Potential for p-6Li R. Henneck et al., NPA 571 (1994) 541. V =-31.67 MeV rr =1.10 fm ar = 0.75 fm W =-14.14 MeV ri = 1.15 fm ai = 0.56 fm Vls = -3.36 MeV rls = 0.90 fm als = 0.94 fm T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Analysis 2. Spin-orbit term Initial pot.: Obtained in 1. Fitted data: Ay Preliminary 6He V= rr = ar = W= ri = ai = Vls = rls = als = -20.2 MeV 1.27 fm 0.57 fm -19.2 MeV 0.91 fm 0.64 fm -2.70 MeV 1.21 fm 1.06 fm 6Li -31.67 MeV 1.10 fm 0.75 fm -14.14 MeV 1.15 fm 0.56 fm -3.36 MeV 0.90 fm 0.94 fm T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Analysis 2. Spin-orbit term Initial pot.: Obtained in 1. Fitted data: Ay CH89 Preliminary Preliminary T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Analysis 2. Spin-orbit term Initial pot.: Obtained in 1. Fitted data: Ay Preliminary Preliminary T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Analysis 2. Spin-orbit term Initial pot.: Obtained in 1. Fitted data: Ay Preliminary Preliminary T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological Optical Model Analysis 2. Spin-orbit term Initial pot.: Obtained in 1. Fitted data: Ay minimum c2 Preliminary Preliminary T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Phenomenological OMP analysis S. Sakaguchi et al. Exp. Global 6Li Vls (MeV) 2.3 5.90 3.36 rls (fm) 1.2 0.67 0.90 als (fm) 0.9 0.63 0.94 indication of extended shape of 6He spin orbit potential T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS System diagram