
Tips to avoid severe weather
Stay informed
Regularly check weather stations for
information on dangerous weather.
Follow severe weather precautions
Follow all steps for the correct weather
severe weather condition.
Do not venture out into dangerous
Eagle Alert
A mass notification system utilized my UNT to
send information about an emergency to the
University. Eagle Alert is used for critical
conditions, such as campus closing and public
safety emergencies.
Code Red
The City of Denton utilizes a mass notification
system called Code Red to notify residents of
emergency condition. Sign up for Code Red at
Outdoor Warning Sirens
The purpose of sirens is to direct residents to
go indoors. The outdoor warning sirens are
tested at noon on the first Wednesday of every
month. Sirens go off if there is 70mph wind,
hail 1 inch in diameter or greater, or a tornado
tracking toward the City of Denton.
Check online, Facebook and local
media for weather information.
Sometimes the university remains open during
wintery weather conditions. Check to make
sure the school is open before
 UNT Facebook page
 @UNTEagleAlert
Be sure your contact number is correct at in order to receive Eagle Alert
messages in real time.
Online classes
Classes taught via Blackboard Learning are not
affected by weather delays and closings, unless
the course instructor otherwise informs
Temperature Change
Severe Thunderstorms
Extreme temperatures are considered to be
above 100ᵒF and below 0ᵒF.
Tornadoes are violent storms, which cause
destruction. The important thing to keep in
mind during a tornado is to take shelter.
Typically occurs in warm, moist air masses
and fronts, like Denton, Texas. A severe
thunderstorm is defined by the National
Weather Service as a storm that produces
either hail greater than one inch or winds
58mph or higher.
How do storms occur?
In case of high temperatures
Exposure to high temperatures can easily cause
heat stroke and dehydration. Follow these steps
to avoid these ailments:
Increase consumption of water to avoid
Wear sunscreen to avoid skin damage
Stay indoors as much as possible to
limit exposure to harmful sun rays.
In case of freezing weather
Prolonged exposure to extreme cold can cause
hypothermia and frostbite as well as hazardous
driving conditions. Follow these steps to stay
Make sure to wear warm, insulated
Avoid prolonged time spent outside
Avoid driving as much as possible.
Rapid upward movement of warm, moist air.
As air cools, it condenses, and forms
cumulonimbus clouds. The air then reaches the
point where water drops and ice form within
the mass and fall. These small drops combine
with other drops and become larger, forming
the drops we recognize, before reaching the
ground. The falling drops cause a downdraft of
cold air and moisture that disperses producing
wind and fog.
What to know?
What to know?
Severe Thunderstorm Watch:
A severe thunderstorm is possible.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning:
A severe thunderstorm is occurring.
Tornado Watch: There is a possibility
of a tornado.
Tornado Warning: There is a tornado in
sight. Take shelter.
Where to take shelter?
Tornadoes can occur at any time, regardless of
where you are, so you need to know where to
go, go to website under
“Shelter and Evacuation Maps.”
In a small building:
Go to a basement or a room in the
lowest level of the building. Stay away
from places with windows.
In a vehicle:
Get out of your vehicle immediately
and seek shelter.
The ideal location is on the lowest floor of a
structure, away from windows, and with many
walls as possible between the exterior of the
exterior of the structure and the shelter area.