4012Slides edtAHI

UHL 4012
Introduction to Public Speaking
Course Objectives/Outcomes
By the end of semester, students should be able to:
 CO1: plan, organise and write informative and persuasive
speeches using speech outline template,
 CO2: present informative and persuasive speeches between
6-8 minutes in front of an audience,
 CO3: deliver two 3-minute impromptu speeches in front of
an audience,
 CO4: deliver public speeches using effective delivery
strategies (kinesics, proxemics, para-linguistics, visual aids)
 CO5: write a video commentary based on a given template.
Causes of Fear
1. Old Brain/Hindbrain Nervousness
Your old brain is the part of your brain that is constantly scanning the
environment looking for threats. Survival is what matters to the old brain.
Flight or Freeze situations. Accept nervousness and get used to it.
2. Mid-Brain Nervousness
Your Mid Brain will make you nervous when you’re reminded of a previous
nerve-wracking/embarrassing mid-blank experience. The rational reality is that most of
the things that happen to us in presentations, are not that bad. The consequences are
disappointing – but not catastrophic.
3. New Brain/Forebrain Nervousness
The conscious thinking part of your brain. One of the most common patterns
of thinking that contribute to the fear of public speaking are demands… I must be
interesting, I mustn’t show I’m nervous …
3 Facts About Fear
Fear will never go away as long as you
continue to grow.
The only way to ease the fear of doing
something is to go out and do something
about it.
You’re not the only one to experience fear
when you’re in unfamiliar territory.
Speech Anxiety is Normal!
Public Speaking #1 Fear
Fear of Death 6th
80% of speakers feel nervous
20% of college students apprehensive about
Anxiety and public speaking: It doesn’t show as much as you think it
does. You feel the symptoms of nervousness. The audience can only
perceive what they can see and hear. They cannot feel your feelings.
Speechmaking Process
Consider your audience
Select and narrow your topic
Determine and develop your general purpose,
specific purpose and central idea
Gather your materials
Organize your speech
Rehearse your speech
Deliver your speech
1.Consider Your Audience
How ?
Audience analysis:
Demographic –
status/educational backgrds
Situational – “why is this
important to me?”
How to appeal:
Logical statistics/evidence/testimony
Emotional –
Speaker – competence,
poise, enthusiasm, rapport
Speechmaking Process
Consider your audience
Select and narrow your topic
Determine and develop your general purpose,
specific purpose and central idea
Gather your materials
Organize your speech
Rehearse your speech
Deliver your speech
Potential topics
Subjects you know a lot about or which you are
most familiar. You can base on your own
knowledge (special knowledge or expertise) and
Subjects that interest you and that you would like
to know more about. This could be a perfect
opportunity for you to research a fascinating subject.
Interesting to you
Interesting to your audience
Appropriate to the situation
Appropriate to the time available
Speechmaking Process
Consider your audience
Select and narrow your topic
Determine and develop your general
purpose, specific purpose and central idea
Gather your materials
Organize your speech
Rehearse your speech
Deliver your speech
Informative Speech
General Purpose
The broad goal of a speech.
“To inform/persuade/entertain …”
“ A talk is a voyage with a purpose, and it must be charted.”
Types of Informative Speeches
How to save people from; How to buy  Objects include places,
buildings, animals, people...
a used car; how to write an effective
job resume; how perfume is made…
Cosmetic surgery; television viewing;
Halloween; jobs interviews…
Principles of psychology; Islam;
Extinction of dinosaurs…
Speeches about objects
Speeches about processes
Speeches about events
Speeches about concepts
Specific Purpose Statement
A single infinitive phrase that states precisely
what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or
her speech.
Guidelines for the Specific Purpose
Express as a full sentence
Eg: To inform my audience the three uses of laser in the medical field.
Do not express as a question
Eg: Is US intervention in the Middle East necessary?
Avoid figurative language
Eg: To persuade my audience that Yoga is an extremely cool way to improve
your health.
Do not be vague or overly general
Eg: To inform my audience about smoking.
Limit it to one distinct idea
Eg: To convince my audience to become literacy tutors and to donate their
time to GreenPeace.
To inform my audience about the three major rituals in a
Malay wedding.
To inform my audience how to make Italian cappuchino.
To inform my audience the major reasons for the landslide
occurrence at Bukit Antarabangsa.
To inform my audience what to look for when buying a
digital camera/handphone.
Central Idea/Thesis Statement
A one-sentence statement that sums up or
encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.
Usually found in the introduction of your
Example …
Topic: Witchcraft Practised in the Malay Society
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the
three major kinds of witchcraft practised today in
the Malay society.
Central idea: The three major kinds of witchcraft
practised today in the Malay society are black magic
(n), sorcery (n) and satanism (n).
Example …
Topic: Social Ills
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the three
major social ills facing the Malaysian society today.
Central idea: The three major social ills facing the
Malaysia society today are domestic violence, close
proximity and sexual abuse.
Example …
Topic: Chinese New Year
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the three
important traditions practised during the Chinese New
Central idea: The three important traditions
practised during the Chinese New Year are the
reunion dinner, ang pau giving and lion dance
performance .
Example …
Topic: The Heimlih Maneuver
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience how to
perform the Heimlich Maneuver.
Central idea: The effectiveness of the Heimlich
Maneuver depends on two factors – knowing the
symptoms of a choking victim and knowing how to
perform the maneuver to save the victim.
Example …
Topic “ The Truth About Caffeine.”
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: I would like to inform the
audience about some of the facts about caffeine and
its effects on the human body.
Central idea: I am going to talk about the
beneficial effects of caffeine, negative effects of
caffeine and levels of safe caffeine consumption.
Speechmaking Process
Consider your audience
Select and narrow your topic
Determine and develop your general purpose,
specific purpose and central idea
Gather your materials
Organize your speech
Rehearse your speech
Deliver your speech
Gather Your Materials
Own experience
Own knowledge
Speechmaking Process
Consider your audience
Select and narrow your topic
Determine and develop your general purpose,
specific purpose and central idea
Gather your materials
Organize your speech
Rehearse your speech
Deliver your speech
Why Speech Organization is Important
It allows you and the listeners to see what ideas you
have and to put mental “hands” on the most important
Listeners who hear a well-organized speech believe a
speaker to be much more competent and trustworthy.
Listeners demand coherence. A speaker must make sure
listeners can follow the progression of ideas in a speech
from beginning to end.
Using a clear and specific method of speech
organization can boost your confidence as a speaker and
improve your ability to deliver a message fluently.
Organizational Outline
The Introduction of Your Speech
Capture the attention of your audience.
Authenticate the value ‘What’s in it for me?” .
Prove your credibility.
Reveal the topic of your speech.
Preview the body of the speech.
Connecting with the audience
 It was reported that Professor Osterweis taught students two
main lessons. "First, you have to have substance - values and
principles that are worth conserving. Then you have to
communicate them in a way that makes the audience feel that
they have ownership of the ideas. It's almost like you have to
become part of the crowd, and have them go away adopting
the ideas as their own."
 Key Lesson: Make sure to connect with your audience with
eye-contact, appropriate language, personal stories, and warm
personality. The ideas you're talking about are not as
important as your own personality. It's the Messenger, not the
How to Get the Attention & Interest of
Your Audience
Relate the topic to your audience, why they should be
interested (what’s in it for them), why you are talking about
it (experience/qualifications/credibility)
Startle the audience with an arresting or intriguing
Refer to a shocking statistic.
Question the audience.
Begin with a quotation.
Tell a story.
Ask audience to imagine themselves in a situation.
3 Elements in the Speech Body
Main points
Supporting points
Main Points and Organizational Patterns
Select them carefully.
Phrase them precisely.
Organize them strategically.
Chronological order
Spatial order
Causal order
Topical order
Problem solving order
Supporting Points
Supporting materials are backup ideas for the
main points.
Directly support and are relevant to the main
The Conclusion of Your Speech
Signal the end of the speech by using cues like:
Ending words
Voice characteristics – tone, pace, rhythm
Reinforce the central idea by:
Restating the main points.
Emphasize what you want your audience to do or think.
Use a quotation or dramatic statement, if appropriate.
Refer to the introduction.
“ A speech is like a love affair, any fool can start one but to end it
requires considerable skill.”
Think of a speech topic (preferably one for your
speech presentation). Create an introduction. In
your introduction be sure to gain the attention of the
audience, to reveal the topic and relate it to the
audience, to establish your credibility, and to
preview the body of the speech.
Using the same topic, create a speech conclusion.
Be sure to let your audience know the speech
ending, to reinforce the central idea, and to make
the conclusion vivid and memorable.
Organizational Patterns
Chronological order
Spatial order
Causal order
Topical order
Problem solving order
Example of Chronological Order
Specific purpose: To inform my audience of the steps in getting a professional
Central idea: There are four main steps in getting a professional tattoo.
Main points:
First, the skin is shaved and sterilized in the area to be tattooed.
Second, the main lines of the tattoo are traced on the skin with a machine
called an outliner.
Third, coloured pigments are applied inside the outline with a machine
called a shader.
Fourth, the tattoo is sterilized and bandaged.
Example of Spatial Order
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the design of the Eiffel Tower.
Central idea: The Eiffel Tower is divided into three sections which are the
lowest, middle and top sections.
Main points:
The lowest section of the tower contains the entrance, a gift shop and a
The middle section of the tower consists of stairs and elevators that lead to
the top.
The top section of the tower includes an observation deck with a
spectacular view of Paris.
Example of Causal Order
Specific purpose: To inform my audience of the possible causes of the
unusual occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle.
Central idea: The causes of the unusual occurrences in the Bermuda
Triangle have not yet been fully explained.
Main points:
Many unusual occurrences have taken place in the Bermuda
Experts have advanced three major explanation about the causes of
these unusual occurrences.
Example of Topical Order
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the uses of lasers.
Central idea: Lasers harness the power of light for a wide range of uses,
namely, in science, industry and medicine.
Main points:
Lasers have many important uses in science.
Lasers have become indispensable to industry.
Lasers are revolutionizing the practice of medicine.
Firstly, we’re going to …
Let me begin by …
I would like to start by …
Let me briefly take you through what we’ll be looking at today.
If we take a look at this slide …
As you can see from this graph …
Another area of consideration …
Let’s change direction for a moment …
Finally, …
So what have we looked at so far? Well …
Thank you for listening so patiently.
Now, does anyone have any questions?
Eg: We have spent a lot of time talking the problem. It’s time now to discuss
the solution.
Internal previews
Eg: (Transition) Now that we have seen serious the problem of missing
children is, let’s take a look at some solutions. (Internal preview) I will focus
on three in particular – stronger legal custody laws to …and…Let’s consider
them in turn.
Internal summaries
Eg: In going back over the effects of …
Eg: The first cause… the final contributing cause is…
Visual Aids – ppt, flip charts, transparencies, blackboard, etc
Increase audience interest
Illustrate key points
Signal transition from one part of
speech to the next
Increase impact of message
Help listeners retain information
Help you present ideas without
depending on notes
Help those not familiar with
your language or accent, turn the
incomprehensible into something
Speechmaking Process
Consider your audience
Select and narrow your topic
Determine and develop your general purpose,
specific purpose and central idea
Gather your materials
Organize your speech
Rehearse your speech
Deliver your speech
Deliver Your Speech
Methods of Delivery
Manuscript – a speech that is written out
word for word and is read to the audience.
Extemporaneous – a carefully prepared and
rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief
set of notes.
Impromptu - a speech delivered with little
or no immediate preparation.
Communication – Face to Face
55% through our BODY LANGUAGE
38% through the TONE of our voice
through the WORDS we use
Non-Verbal Communication
and Posture
Use of
Time and Space
Some final tips … before your big day!
Know your audience.
Define your GP, SP & CI.
Rehearsing minimizes 75%
of your nervousness.
Deep breathing controls
nervousness and relaxes
the body.
Either memorize or “know
cold” your opener and
Check yourself in a fulllength mirror.
Review your notes and
visuals the night before
your presentation.
“Bullet form” your notes.
NO reading.
Visualize self-confidence.
Eat a good high protein
breakfast the morning of
your presentation.
Persuasive Speech
The process of creating, reinforcing, or changing
people's beliefs or actions.
It involves directing, guiding, or appealing to the
thinking, logic or emotions of an individual or an
Persuasive speech in public speaking is the art of
using words to influence an audience.
(Refer MLK speech)
The Goal is …
to get the audience to take action with regard to a
particular issue. That action may be as simple as changing
their way of thinking on a topic or as complicated as
following an action plan.
to help the listeners to accept the idea, attitude, or action
being presented by the speaker. It is accomplished by the
use of argumentation, rationalization, symbolism, and
presenting supportive information.
The Goal of Persuasive Speech is to Get Your MWR.
Degrees of Persuasion
in Favor
in Favor
in Favor
Persuasion involves any movement by a listener from
left to right
Contrast between Informative & Persuasive
Persuasive speaking urges us to choose from among options,
informative speaking reveals and clarifies options.
Persuasive speaking asks the audience for more commitment
than does informative speaking.
The ethical obligations for persuasive speakers are even
greater than for informative speakers.
The Persuasive speaker is a leader; the informative speaker is
a teacher.
Persuasive speaking more often involves emotional appeals
that are out of place in speeches to inform.
How to Choose Persuasive Topics
Pick something you feel strongly abt. Brainstorm. Music – why rap music
is not as violent as people may think.
Pick something controversial – for or against campus-wide smoking ban.
Pick a current event. Read a newspaper. Social issue – abandoned
newborn babies.
Pick a campus or local issue – campus-wide ban on cars.
Pick an issue of interest to the audience – cell phones, music downloads,
facebook, tuition hikes
Avoid tired topics – why you should quit smoking, why you should
recycle, why you should donate blood
Be cautious with issues that some audience members might find
offensive – race issue
Persuasive Speech Topics
How to go from Informative Speech Topic to
Persuasive Speech Topic?
Broad: Social problem – Abandoned newborn babies
Informative: To inform my audience the reasons/causes for the increasing rate
of newborn babies being abandoned.
CI: lack of parental guidance, lack of spiritual guidance and peer influence.
Persuasive: To persuade my audience that The Women, Family and
Community Development Ministry should set up baby hatches nationwide.
CI: baby hatches save lives, offer practical solution and offer timely solution.
Persuasive Speech Topics
Arranged marriage leads to a lasting relationship.
Are beauty contests harmful?
Sex education should/should not be introduced in schools.
Video games do/do not promote violence.
Exams give no real indication of ability.
Boarding school is/is not beneficial to children.
National service should/should not be made compulsory.
Gangsterism is greatly influenced by violence shown on television.
Genetically modified (GM) foods should /should not be introduced.
Should mothers stay home and raise children?
Is sports really good for us?
University students should be actively involved in charity/volunteer work.
Specific Purpose Statement
A single infinitive phrase that states precisely
what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her
Examples of SP statements
To convince my audience there should be tougher
enforcement laws to protect the victims of domestic abuse.
To convince my audience that drinking tea benefits our body.
To persuade my audience to register in a public speaking
To persuade my audience that BK burgers contain less fat
than McD burgers.
To convince my audience that violence on television is a
major cause of violent behavior in society.
To persuade my audience that university students should be
actively involved in charity/volunteer work.
Central Idea/Thesis Statement
A one-sentence statement that sums up or
encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.
Usually found in the introduction of your
Based on the topics below, come up with
the SP and CI statements.
Benefits of learning another language.
Junk food – Killing ourselves with kindness.
Arranged marriage leads to a lasting relationship.
Sex education should/should not be allowed in schools.
Video games do/do not promote violence.
Exams give no real indication of ability.
Boarding school is/is not beneficial to children.
Why we should recycle.
Why we should donate blood.
National service should/should not be made compulsory.
Gangsterism is greatly influenced by violence shown on television.
Genetically modified (GM) foods should /should not be introduced.
Types of Persuasive Speeches
Questions of fact
Questions of value
Questions of policy
Questions of Fact
This refers to something that we can know to be either true or
false, but right now we can argue about it. Includes historical
controversy, predictions, or questions of existence.
To persuade my audience that GM crops pose serious dangers.
To persuade my audience that TV violence causes real world violence.
To persuade my audience that Oswald acted alone when assassinating
President John F. Kennedy.
Question of Fact
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that genetically engineered crops
pose serious dangers.
Central Idea: Genetically engineered crops have the potential to create major
environmental, health and …… hazards.
Main Points:
Genetically engineering crops will create environmental havoc by harming
beneficial insects while creating superbugs and superweeds that will be very
difficult to control.
Genetically engineered crops will create health problems by introducing harmful
toxins and allergens into foods without the knowledge of consumers.
Question of Fact
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that poaching of wild animals is a serious
international problem.
Central Idea: Poaching is threatening the survival of animal species throughout
the African, Asian and American continents.
Main Points:
In Africa, poaching has claimed thousands of leopards, cheetahs, rhinoceroses,
and elephants.
In Asia, poaching has all but eliminated the Bengal tigers, snow leopards and
musk deer.
In the American continents, poaching has driven jaguars , bald eagles, grizzly
bears and timber wolves to the brink of extinction.
Questions of Value
A question about the worth, rightness, morality of an idea or
To persuade my audience that capital punishment is legally and morally
To persuade my audience that Pepsi is better than Coke.
To persuade my audience that arranged marriage leads to a lasting
Question of Value
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that capital punishment is
morally and legally wrong.
Central Idea: Capital punishment violates both the Bible and the U.S.
Main Points:
Capital punishment violates the biblical commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”
Capital punishment violates the constitutional ban on “ cruel and unusual
Question of Value
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that bicycle riding is the ideal
form of land transportation.
Central Idea: Bicycle riding is the ideal form of land transportation because it
is faster than walking or running, does not exploit animals or people, is nonpolluting, and promotes the health of the rider.
Main Points:
Questions of Policy
A question about whether a specific course of action should or
should not be taken.
To persuade my audience that radio stations should play 30% of its music
content local music.
To persuade my audience that action should be taken now to solve the
nation’s shortage of nurses.
To persuade my audience that tougher enforcement laws should be
enforced on child abusers.
Question of Policy
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that action should
be taken now to solve the nation’s shortage of nurses.
Main Points:
I. The shortage of nurses has become a serious national problem.
II. The problem can be solved by offering nurses better salaries
and better working conditions.
Organizing Your Main Points - Policy
Problem (No Solution) Pattern
Arrangement that focuses on the depth and breadth of a problem in order to convince listeners it is
a serious problem. Useful for claims of fact focused on the present or future. Good choice when
your target audience is uncertain or opposed to your position.
Problem/Solution Pattern
An arrangement pattern organized around two points – problem and solution. The problem
illustrates what you believe is wrong with the present conditions and why. The solution should be
multifaceted – what listeners should do personally as well as what should be done on a larger
A main point arrangement based on three points – problem, cause, and solution.
The problem (first point) and solution (third point) points are the same as in the Problem/Solution
pattern. The cause (second) point analyzes underling reasons for why the problem exists.
Problem-Solution Order
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that they should
sign universal organ donor cards.
Central Idea: We can take a step toward solving the serious
shortage of organ donors in the United States by signing
universal organ donor cards.
Main Points:
I. There is a serious shortage of healthy organs available for
II. By signing a universal organ donor card you can help
solve this problem.
Problem-Solution Order
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that action is needed
to deal with the safety problems caused by motorists’ use of cell
Main Points:
I. The use of cell phones by motorists is causing a growing
number of accidents.
II. The problem can be solved by a combination of individual and
government action.
Problem-Cause-Solution Order
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the government must
increase its efforts to counter-act global warming.
Central Idea: The effects of global warming are catastrophic, but by
understanding what is causing this condition, the government can create
policies that can reverse these effects.
Main Points:
I. Scientists agree that a general warming of the earth's atmosphere would
lead to devastating effects on the environment.
II. There are several factors responsible for global warming.
III. Government policies directed at industry and individuals can mitigate
the effects of global warming.
Problem-Cause-Solution Order
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that colleges should take stronger
action to control campus crime.
Central Idea:
Main Points:
I. Crime on college campuses is a serious problem.
II. There are three major causes for the growth of campus crime.
III. An effective solution must deal with all three causes of the problem.
Comparative-Advantages Order
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the U.S. space
program should put greater priority on unstaffed scientific
Central Idea:
Main Points:
I. Unstaffed scientific missions are less costly than staffed space
II. Unstaffed scientific missions provide more practical benefits
than staffed space flights.
Persuasive Tools/Techniques
Structural Techniques
Credibility Elements
Openings & Closings
Words, Phrases & Sentences
Mood Swings
1. Structural Techniques
Formats or Outlines .
Set yourself above the ordinary. Choose an outline that which 'sells' your premise
or your product. Try telling a story, debate the pros and cons with yourself, do
a series of affirmations. Be aware of what your audience will best relate to.
Look for common grounds.
Include a statement such as, "I know that all of us can agree that preventing
unwanted pregnancies is important." By doing so, you reach out to people on the
other side and demonstrate that you're not the enemy-- and then they'll be more
likely to listen to you.
Lead them with logic.
Develop your point step-by-step. Material can be organized in a variety of
formats, from the traditional 1., 2., 3., approach to a time line, to a series of
causes and effects. What is important is to regularly, and, blatantly, let the
audience know where you are, and, where you are going.
Organizational Outline
2. Credibility Elements
Quoting recognized authorities in your topic area verifies that you have
both done your homework, and, also, know what you are talking about.
Document your factual information and references.
Never leave an audience member questioning where you got your
facts...which means he or she is questioning the fact itself.
When you speak, you need to be regarded as an authority. Your
experience is one of the primary things that give you standing in the eyes
of your listeners. Use phrases as, "in my 15 year's of working in this
field", or, " each of the dozen times we have run this project."
Three Appeals of Reason
1. Ethos stands for credibility. Establish yourself as
someone who is credible in their eyes, it will be
easy to persuade them to feel as you do. How?
Through your experience, facts presented and
authorities/experts quoted.
Pathos, or emotional persuasion is simply a way
of appealing to somebody's emotions in order to
convince them of your argument. (Refer MLK speech)
3. Logos speaking has to do with persuading someone
through the use of logic. How? One of the most
effective ways is by developing a coherent speech
that moves logically through the subject …use
suitable transitions/discourse markers/linkers. If
you keep your audience in mind and develop a good
argument, they will be able to follow it to its natural
Example …
The abandoned body of a newborn baby girl laid motionless in a heap of
garbage. Ants have already began to swarm over the little body. This grim
picture of a newborn baby or foetus being abandoned in toilets, rubbish dumps,
garbage bins and rivers – many of them already dead – is no longer an
unfamiliar scene in our society today.
According to a statistics from the Bukit Aman police head-quaters 580 babies
and foetus were abandoned between 2000 and 2006. What about those who
have been successfully disposed without a trace? What about the illegal
abortions in private clinics?
The question is, do we want to continue to see innocent newborn babies being
left for dead or can we offer practical solutions to this serious problem?
3. Openings & Closings
Tell them why they should listen.
Don't just quit! The closing must have a clear cut call to action that prods
listeners to do what you want.
Work the group to a conclusion and then ask them for some response.
The concluding paragraphs of the speech should always have a certain
specific action that you would like the audience to perform.
"Now, that you know how dire the situation is, and how little time we
have, what are you going to do to help us make a difference in these
children‘s lives?"
"Now you know the problem, can we count on you to help with the
4. Words, Phrases & Sentences
The basic rule of thumb for this very extensive topic is to keep your language
concrete, descriptive and clear.
Sticking to the active voice.
Say, " we found a problem" rather than "it was brought to our attention that there
was a problem."
Instead of saying, "We have been told of a solution," say "We have a solution."
Refer to our team, working with them, all of us, together,etc.
Win with words.
Surveys show that people respond well to particular words such as "improved",
"natural", "pure", "tested' and "recommended".
Cut down the use of words like "maybe", "might", "possibly", etc. Instead, use
powerful positive phrases like "we will" and "we must" that convey purposeful
5. Mood Swings
Match every facet of your presentation to
the mood. A presenter's credibility is suspect
when he or she talks about a tragic situation
while grinning broadly. The audience is also
totally confused when we speak of
undertaking a project with enthusiasm and
vigor while we are drooping across the stage.
6. Choreography
To get your audience members to react to your text, you will
need a variety of dynamics.
Physical – move around, raise and lower your voice, use pace
and pause, involve the audience, use hand gestures, use props.
Psychological – do not be afraid to show a little emotion.
Your body and voice must match the tone of your
words. If your language is strong, you must present a
physical force to go along with your delivery. Let the words
speak for themselves; reflect their nature through your
voice. If you use the word "strangle," say it with a hint of
menace in your voice.