II BRAZILIAN-TURKISH NANOTECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP Sibele B. C. Pergher UFRN UFRN Rectory Numbers 2 Plasmatic Level Drug Delivery Toxic Range Therapeutic Range Sub Therapeutic Range Time (days) 3 Drug Delivery Synthesis of new hybrid materials from montmotillonite and biopolymer for Olanzapine delivery Artur de Santana Oliveira and Sibele Pergher T O gada 0,97nm amente T Cations cáveis T O Olanzapine Structure T Montmorillonite Structure LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 4 Drug Delivery Xanthan Gum Alginate LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 5 Drug Delivery LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 6 Drug Delivery Projects in development Study of the effect of dexamethasone combined with multifunctional gold nanoparticles on inflammatory response of experimental oral mucositis: targeted and photothermal therapy- Caroline A. C. X. de Medeiros Assessment of the effects of gold nanoparticles in cancer cells Raimundo F. de Araujo Junior Development of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier containing oily fraction of BIXA ORELLANA l. as alternative therapy in the treatment of leishmaniasis - Fernanda N. Raffin Collection and characterization of polymeric nanolattices with low concentration of surfactant for biomedical applications - Juliana de S. Nunes 7 Drug Delivery Projects in development Extraction of silk fibers nanoparticles and their potential application in drug delivery nano systems - Rasiah Ladchumananandasivam Development and characterization of nanoparticles containing copaiba essential oil for the treatment of infectious diseases - Eryvaldo Socrates Tabosa Do Egito Development of mesoporous magnetic nanoparticles for application in hyperthermia and controlled release of drugs - Artur da Silva Carrico 8 Nanomaterials Sensors and Actuators B 196 (2014) 306–313 LENA: Laboratório de Eletroquímica e Nanopartículas Aplicadas Luiz Henrique Gasparotto 9 Nanomaterials RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 66886 LENA: Laboratório de Eletroquímica e Nanopartículas Aplicadas Luiz Henrique Gasparotto 10 Laboratory of Environmental and Applied Electrochemistry – Prof. Carlos A Martinez Huitle (carlosmh@quimica.ufrn.br) Water purification by nanomotors Mg-nanomotors for removing Nitrite from A B water Aim: Use of Mg-nanomotor for rapid and effective remeadiation of nitrite from drinking water/groundwater. Motivation: Nitrite is a toxic inorganic contaminant that is hazardous to the health of humans. Approach: Mg nanoparticle is used to reduce the nitrite into ammonia (60-95%) and nitrogen. NO2- + 2Mg + 3H2O → NH3 + 2Mg(OH)2 + OH2NO2- + 2Mg + 4H2O → N2 + 2Mg(OH)2 + 2OHa Abs. D Mg-nanomotors 0.3 O2 C SEM images illustrating the Mg-nanomotor N2(g) + 2OH-(aq) + 4H2O(l) surface: (A) Ti coated Mg micromotor. EDX spectroscopy images of an Mg micromotor illustrating the distribution of (B) Titanium Nano-rockets and (C) Magnesium. (D) Propulsion images of Mg micromotor showing the circular 2NO2 N2(g) + 2OH-(aq) + 4H2O(l)trajectory in 2 % NaCl solution and 1% Triton X-100. b 2NO2- 0.2 H2 0.1 c 0.0 400 500 /nm 600 a: Std. Nitrite solution b: PEDOT motor (1.41%) c: Mg Micromotor (92.83%) Next objective: The use of nano-rockets for removing organic pollutants from water Laboratory of Environmental and Applied Electrochemistry – Prof. Carlos A Martinez Huitle (carlosmh@quimica.ufrn.br) Water purification by electrochemistry Electrocatalytic materials decorated with nanomaterials for removing pollutants from water Aim: Large disk electrodes of Ti/TiO2-nanotubes/PbO2 (65 cm2 of geometrical area) are successfully synthesized by anodization and electrodeposition procedures. Characterization of anodes was performed by SEM, EDS, AFM and electrochemical measurements, aiming towards environmental applications. PbO2, an electrocatalytic material, promotes the production of strong oxidizing species (hydroxyl radicals) that can be used for decontamination of water. Nanomaterials Zeolites Oxygen Silicon or Aluminum https://research.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/dutta/group-members/michael-severance/ 13 Zeólitas Shape Selectivity Reagent Selectivity + 14 Zeólitas Shape Selectivity Product Selectivity CH3OH + 15 Zeólitas Shape Selectivity Transition State Selectivity 16 Nanomaterials Layered Zeolitic precursor MCM-22 Calcination Delamination MCM-36 ITQ-2 Pergher, S. B. C.; Corma, A.; Fornés, V.; Quím. Nova 2003, 26, 795. Pergher, S. B. C.; Corma, A.; Fornés, V.; Acta Scientiarum. Tecnology. 2003, 25, 83. Corma, A.; Fornes, V.; Pergher, S. B. C.; Patente Mundial WO9717290A1, 1997. Corma, A.; Fornes, V.; Pergher, S. B. C.; Maesen Th. L.; Buglass, J. G.; Nature 1998, 396, 353. 17 Nanomaterials MCM-22 LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 18 Nanomaterials Volumen Adsorbido (cm 3 /g) 700 ITQ-2 N2 Adsorption Isotherm 600 500 ITQ2-50 400 300 M 36-50 200 M 22-50 M22-50 M36-50 ITQ2-50 100 SBET (m2/g) 451 810 841 Vtotal (cm3/g) 0.5239 0.5920 0.9478 VBJH (cm3/g) 0.1692 0.3159 0.8533 0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 p/po 150oC 250oC 350oC Lewis Brönsted Lewis Brönsted Lewis Brönsted MCM-22 15,0 24,9 10,5 20,7 9,0 15,4 ITQ-2 17,4 13,6 16,2 11,8 10,8 4,7 LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 19 Cracking of n-Decane 14 M22-50 60 M22-50 12 ITQ2-50 M36-50 C5-C9 (%) Conversión (%) ITQ2-50 50 40 30 M36-50 10 8 6 20 10 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 CAT/OIL 0,7 4 0,8 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Conversión (%) 40 7 M22-50 M22-50 M36-50 20 Coque (%) Gases (%) ITQ2-50 30 Nanomaterials 6 ITQ2-50 5 M36-50 4 3 2 10 1 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Conversión (%) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Conversión (%) LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 20 Nanomaterials Cracking of Gasoil 60 M 22-50 Conversión (%) ITQ2-50 M 36-50 50 40 30 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 CAT/OIL 0,6 0,7 10 M 22-50 M 22-50 25 ITQ2-50 Gasolina (%) Diesel (%) M 36-50 8 ITQ2-50 M 36-50 20 15 6 10 30 35 40 45 50 Conversión (% ) 55 60 LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 30 35 40 45 50 Conversión (% ) 55 60 21 Nanomaterials Cracking of Gasoil 25 M 22-50 M 22-50 4 ITQ2-50 ITQ2-50 M 36-50 Coque (%) Gases (%) 20 15 10 M 36-50 3 2 1 30 35 40 45 50 Conversión (% ) 55 60 LABPEMOL- Laboratório de Peneiras Moleculares Sibele Pergher 30 35 40 45 50 Conversión (% ) 55 60 22 Nanomaterials Projects in development Synthesis, characterization and application of magnetic nanostructures and of noble metals - Luiz Henrique da S. Gasparotto Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based on zeolites and ceramic membranes for its use in catalysis - Sibele B. C. Pergher Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Sputtering Deposition in Lubricants - Salete Martins Alves Extraction and separation of rare earth minerals of Brazil and its application in development of metamaterials to high performance permanent magnets - Jose Humberto de Araujo Physical properties of nanostructured materials - Luiz Felipe Cavalcanti Pereira 23 Nanomaterials Projects in development Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured mixed tantalum and niobium carbide from columbite, doped with cobalt - Carlson Pereira De Souza Obtain a new smart and functional textile material for synthesis, study and application of photosensitive nanocapsules - Jose Heriberto O. do Nascimento Nanostructured multifunctional materials: development of routes for production of Ferromagneto/AlN multilayers Marcio Assolin Correa Capture of CO2 to Produce Glycerine Carbonate - Carlos Alberto Paskocimas Cellulosic Fibers Nanocrystals and Biocomposites - Clovis de Medeiros Bezerra 24 Thank you NATAL