Known nuclides PROPERTIES OF FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES • Particle Symbol Charge Mass • (x10 -19 Coulombs) (x10-27kg) • Proton P +1.60218 1.672623 • Neutron N • Electron e 0 -1.60218 1.674929 0.0005486 NUCLEAR STABILITY Modes of Radioactive Decay • • • • • • • • Alpha Decay - Heavy Isotopes - 42He+2- Beta Decay - Neutron Rich Isotopes - e - - Positron Emission -Proton Rich Isotopes - Electron Capture - Proton Rich Isotopes x - rays Gamma-ray emission( - Decay of nuclear excited states Spontaneous Fission - Very Heavy Isotopes Alpha Decay -Heavy Elements • 238U + + E T1/ 2= 4.48 x 10 9 yrs • 210Po 206Pb 234Th ++E T 1/ 2= 138 days • 256Rf 252No ++E T1/ 2= 7 msec • 241Am 237Np T1/ 2= 433 days ++E Beta Decay - Electron Emission P+ + + Energy • N • 90Sr 90Y + + Energy T1/ 2= 30 yrs 14N + + Energy • 14C T1/ 2= 5730 yrs 247Am 247Cm + + Energy • T1/ 2= 22 min 131Xe + + Energy • 131I T1/ 2 = 8 days Natural Decay Series of Existing Isotopes 40K 40Ar T1/2 = 1.29 x 109yrs 232 Th 208 Pb T1/2 = 1.4 x 1010yrs 235U 207 Pb T1/2 = 7 x 108yrs 238U 206 T1/2 = 4.5 x 109yrs Pb Figure 21.2: Decay series Natural Decay series for Uranium 238 238U 234 Th 234Pa 234U 230 Th 226Ra 222Rn 218Po 218At 214Bi 214Po = decay = decay 238U 214Pb 210 Tl 210Pb 210Bi 210 Po 206Hg 206Tl 206Pb -- 8 decays and 6 decays leaves you with -- 206Pb The decay of a 10.0 -g sample of strontium-90 over time. Accelerator tunnel at Fermilab, a highenergy particle accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. Source: Fermilab Batavia, IL Plot of energy versus the separation distance Units used for Nuclear Energy Calculations electron volt - (ev) The energy an electron acquires when it moves through a potential difference of one volt: 1 ev = 1.6 x 10-19J Binding energies are commonly expressed in units of megaelectron volts (Mev) 1 Mev = 106 ev = 1.6 x 10 -13J A particularly useful factor converts a given mass defect in atomic mass units to its energy equivalent in electron volts: 1 amu = 931 x 106 ev = 931 Mev Binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number. Binding Energy per Nucleon of Deuterium Deuterium has a mass of 2.01410178 amu. Hydrogen atom = 1 x 1.007825 amu = 1.007825 amu Neutrons = 1 x 1.008665 amu = 1.008665 amu 2.016490 amu Mass difference = Theoretical mass - actual mass = 2.016490 amu - 2.01410178 amu = 0.002388 amu Calculating the binding energy per nucleon: Binding Energy Nucleon -0.002388 amu x 931.5 Mev / amu = 2 nucleons = Calculation of the Binding Energy per Nucleon for Iron- 56 The mass of Iron -56 is 55.934939 amu, it contains 26 protons and 30 Neutrons Theoretical Mass of Fe - 56 : Hydrogen atom mass = 26 x 1.007825 amu = 26.203450 amu Neutron mass = 30 x 1.008665 amu = 30.259950 amu 56.463400 amu Mass defect =Actual mass - Theoretical mass: 55.934939 amu - 56.46340 amu = - 0.528461 amu Calculating the binding energy per nucleon: Binding Energy nucleon - 0.528461 amu x 931.5 Mev / amu = 56 nucleons = Calculation of the Binding Energy per Nucleon for Uranium - 238 The actual mass of Uranium - 238 = 238.050785 amu, and it has 92 protons and 146 neutrons Theoretical mass of Uranium 238: Hydrogen atom mass = 92 x 1.007825 amu = 92.719900 amu neutron mass = 146 x 1.008665 amu = 147.265090 amu 239.984990 amu Mass defect = Actual mass - Theoretical mass: 238.050785 amu - 239.984990 amu = - 1.934205 amu Calculating the Binding Energy per nucleon: Binding Energy mucleon -1.934205 amu x 931.5 Mev / amu = 238 nucleons = Oppenheimer Both fission and fusion produce more stable nuclides and are thus exothermic. Upon capturing a neutron, the 235U nucleus undergoes fission to produce two lighter nuclides, free neutrons (typically three), and a large amount of energy. Representation of a fission process in which each event produces two neutrons, which can go on to split other nuclei, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction. If the mass of the fissionable material is too small, most of the neutrons escape before causing another fission event; thus the process dies out. Nuclear power plant Breeder reactor at a nuclear power plant in St. Laurent-Des Eaux, France. Source: Stock Boston A Uranium "button" for use as a fuel in a nuclear reactor. Schematic of a reactor core