Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)

Recombinant Bovine Growth
Hormone (rBGH) and Milk
Martin Donohoe
Oregon Physicians for Social
Campaign for Safe Food
• Outline:
–Precautionary Principle
–Uses and risks
–Approval process
–International perspectives
–Getting rBGH out of milk
The Precautionary Principle
When evidence points toward the
potential of an activity to cause
significant, widespread or irreparable
harm to public health or the
environment, options for avoiding that
harm should be examined and pursued,
even though the harm is not yet fully
understood or proven.
The Precautionary Principle
• Give human and environmental health
the benefit of doubt.
• Include appropriate public participation
in the discussion.
• Gather unbiased scientific, technological
and socioeconomic information.
• Consider less risky alternatives.
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)
• aka recombinant Bovine Somatotropin
(rBST), brand name Posilac©
• Used to increase milk production by
• rBGH raises levels of Insulin-Like Growth
Factor-1 (IGF-1) in cows and cows’ milk
• IGF-1 survives pasteurization and gastric
digestion (due to casein protein in milk)
• 10-14% of U.S. dairy cows injected with
– 9-12% of U.S. dairy operations (down from
23% in 2003)
• May increase costs to dairy farms
• Increases growth rate of cattle, which
require increased protein feed, burn out
• Marketed primarily to large dairy farms (LDFs),
which are supplanting small dairy farms
• LDFs have
– Worse environmental impact records
– Higher rates of workplace injuries
– Contribute to decreasing agricultural
Effects of rBGH on Humans
• Serum IGF-1 levels increase 13% above baseline
in individuals drinking milk from rBGH-treated
• IGF-1 interacts with estrogens, androgens, and
other growth promoters
• Milk is the food most associated with high IGF-1
• IGF-1 not important in yogurt, since it is used as a
food source by some of the bacteria responsible
for yogurt production
Risks of rBGH
• IGF-1 is a suspected contributor to breast,
prostate and GI cancers
– Promotes cell division and reduces
apoptosis (preprogrammed cell death) in
– Inhibits the ability of various anti-cancer
drugs to kill cultured human breast cancer
Risks of rBGH
• Along with pesticides, other endocrine
disruptors, and obesity, IGF-1 may be partly
responsible for earlier onset of puberty (9.9
yrs in 2006, compared with 10.9 years in 1991)
– IGF-1 also associated with PCOS (polycystic
ovarian syndrome) and obesity
• Women who eat dairy products deliver twins
at five times the rate of vegans
Risks of rBGH
• Children, who have more years of life to live
and drink more milk (and more milk per body
weight) than adults, are disproportionately
• Some evidence suggests rBGH milk being
funneled to U.S. children through school lunch
– Many school systems have gone rBGH-free
Harmful Effects of rBGH
• FDA: rBGH causes 16 different harmful
conditions in cattle, including heat stress,
hoof disorders, GI disturbances, birth
disorders, ovarian and uterine problems,
and mastitis
–Antibiotic treatment of mastitis leads
to increased antibiotic resistance in
cattle and humans
rBGH (Posilac©)
• Originally developed and marketed
by Monsanto
• Sold to Elanco, a division of Eli Lilly, in
2008 for $300 million
–Monsanto stock then rises 5%, while Eli
Lilly’s drops 1%
• Agent Orange, PCBs, dioxins, DDT
• Largest producer of genetically-modified
–Contamination events
–Unethical experiments
–Harassment of scientists
• Pesticide Roundup used in “War on Drugs” in
• Incidents of bribery, environmental
• Profitable
• Member of corporate front groups fighting
food safety legislation/organizations
• Roger Beachy (long-time president of the
Danforth Plant, Monsanto’s nonprofit
arm) now chief of USDA’s National
Institute of Food and Agriculture,
overseeing almost $500 million in grants
and research funding
• Islam Siddiqui, VP at CropLife America
(US branch of CropLife International, an
agribusiness front group led by
Monsanto and others) Obama’s Chief
Agricultural Negotiator for the US Trade
Representative’s Office
Eli Lilly
• Paid record-setting settlement of $1.42
billion to US Justice Department for
illegally marketing Zyprexa to children
and elderly for non-FDA approved
• Multiple other instances of illegal and
unethical marketing
Eli Lilly
• Manufactures antibiotics used to treat
• Produces Gemzar (used to treat breast
• Marketed diethylstilbestrol (DES) for almost 2
decades despite data showing link between
DES exposure in mothers and clear cell vaginal
cancers in offspring
– Outlawed for human use in 1971
– Banned for use in cattle in 1979
• Manufactures ractopamine (Optaflexx), a beta
agonist given to livestock for last 7-28 days of
life to increase protein synthesis
– OK’d by FDA, but banned in 160 nations
– Can cause hyperactivity and muscle
– Dangerous for human consumption
• 2009: Elanco paper, commissioned through PR
company Porter-Novelli, authors paid by
– Loaded with misinformation (see report and OR
PSR rebuttal on phsj website)
• Authors admit falsely claiming AMA and AAP
endorsements for rBGH, misstate ACS’s
neutral position
FDA Approval of rBGH
• OK’d for use by FDA in 1993; on market
since 1994
• FDA official (and former Monsanto
attorney) Michael Taylor oversaw process
– became Monsanto VP after leaving
FDA; now FDA Deputy Commissioner for
Foods and Veterinary Medicine
FDA Approval of rBGH
• FDA relied on industry summary of
internal tests
• Several scientists in FDA’s Center for
Veterinary Medicine reported undue
corporate influence that corrupted the
FDA Approval of rBGH
• GAO investigation:
–Found 3 FDA employees involved in
decision had conflicts of interest
–Multiple ethics rules violations
–Criticized sloppy, manipulative science,
lack of data on human health effects
Repressed Information on rBGH
• Fox News report on health risks
• One of the reporters awarded
$425,000 by jury, which agreed that
Fox “acted intentionally and
deliberately to distort the plaintiffs’
news reporting on rBST.”
Repressed Information on rBGH
• Appeals court overturned verdict:
– Whisteblower statute only protects people
who threaten to report a violation of a law,
rule, or regulation
– Distorting TV news is not technically illegal
• Reporters received Goldman Environmental
Prize (“the Nobel Prize for the environment”)
rBGH Worldwide
• Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan,
and the European Union have
banned/refused to approve rBGH
–However, dairy products produced by
rBGH-injected cattle can be imported
into many of these nations
–EU Food Safety Agency updates ban
rBGH Worldwide
• The Codex Alimentarius, the UN’s main
food safety body, has refused to certify
rBGH as safe
• Economic/trade consequences for U.S.
farmers using rBGH
Public Opinion and Economics re
• Consumers increasingly aware of
• 80% of consumers want labeling
• Most willing to pay more for milk
free of artificial hormones
Public Opinion and Economics re
• Many dairies and milk product brands have
gone rBGH-free, as have all four major
Portland, OR hospital systems (for fluid milk)
and approximately 250 hospitals nationwide
• Price for organic/rBGH-free milk products
decreasing, especially in markets where most
producers have gone rBGH-free (e.g., OR, WA,
ME, and most parts of CA)
Public Opinion re rBGH
• “We’re not aware of any consumer
demand for [an rBGH-free] product.”
– Kevin Holloway, Monsanto, Capital
Press (Salem, OR), Feb. 2, 2007.
Public Opinion re rBGH
• “Our customers' increasing interest in
their health and wellness is the basis for
our decision [to begin requiring
certification that our milk is from cows
not treated with rbST].’” – William
Boehm, Senior Vice President – Kroger,
Atlanta Journal – Constitution, Aug. 3,
Public Opinion re rBGH
• “When it comes to our decision to
carry rBST-free milk, we are simply
listening and responding to what our
customers have asked for.” –
Shannon Patten, Publix Super
Markets, Lakeland, FL Ledger, June
10, 2007.
Public Opinion re rBGH
• “When Tillamook’s (rBGH-free cheese)
policy became public, we received
overwhelmingly supportive feedback. In
just two weeks, more than 8,500
consumers contacted us, backing our
policy.” – Jim McMullen, former
Tillamook (OR) CEO, Cheese Market
News, May 13, 2005.
rBGH and Greenhouse Gasses
• Causes 10% increase in milk production, but:
– May increase food costs
– Increased greenhouse gas emissions, including
methane, which contribute to global warming (per
FDA, NAS, and EPA)
– Treated cows burn out faster, slaughtered earlier
• FDA turned down Monsanto’s request to label rBGH
as feed-efficient (and therefore causing fewer
greenhouse gas emissions)
Other potential risks of rBGH-use
• Virtually all dairy cattle turned into
–Mastitis a common reason for early
–1/6 cull dairy cattle destined for
slaughter contain dangerous
pathogens (e.g., E. coli O157:H7,
Other potential risks of rBGH-use
• rBGH increases growth rate of cattle, which
require increased protein feed
– One of the cheapest and most commonlyutilized forms of protein is other dead
animals, via rendering
• Mad Cow Disease
–USDA can bar meatpackers from
testing slaughtered cattle
Other Issues re Milk
• Scientific evidence shows that some of the
purported benefits of milk may be false
• Calcium and Vitamin D supplements are
widely available, inexpensive, and contain 0
• Many non-Europeans are lactose-intolerant
Other Risks Involving Milk:
• Falsely elevates apparent protein content of milk,
allowing milk to be watered-down
• Nephrotoxic, by causing crystals to form in kidneys
• 19 sentenced (including 2 – death penalty, 3 – life in
• 51,000+ children sickened in China (at least 6 deaths)
in 2008/9
– Melamine still found in many products sold
imported from China
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• rBGH:
–Goal – discontinue the production of
any dairy products from cows treated
with rBGH
• Oregon $600 million dairy industry
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• rBGH:
– Grassroots education campaign so that citizens
can make an informed choice
– Oppose efforts by AFACT (Monsanto front group)
and others to limit labeling at the state and
federal level
• 8 states have attempted to ban or restrict
rBGH-free dairy labeling
• Only OH has succeeded: currently under appeal
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• All fluid milk products in Oregon now
• 55 of the top 100 U.S. dairies are now at
least partially rBGH-free or have
announced that they will be
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• Tillamook cheese (2nd largest producer in
U.S. after Kraft) now rBGH-free
• Fred Meyer, Eberhard, Alpenrose,
Darigold, Yoplait, Danon, Meadow Gold,
TG Lee, Velda milk products rBGH-free
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• Dean Foods (a few plants), Albertson’s, Publix,
Trader Joes, and Safeway (fluid milk in No. CA
and Pacific NW), and Darigold rBGH-free
• Wal-Mart (store brand), Kroger (includes Fred
Meyer, QF, Ralphs, and Smith’s markets) rBGHfree
• California Dairies, Inc. (second largest US coop) rBGH-free
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• Southwest Milk, Inc. (Florida’s largest coop) rBGH-free
• General Mills, Dannon rBGH-free
• Campina (Europe’s largest dairy
producer) going rBGH-free
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• Lactaid rBGH-free
• Starbucks company-owned stores rBGHfree (not franchises)
• Subway, Chipotle Restaurants rBGH-free
• Some schools going rBGH-free
Opposition to rBGH
APHA (see official policy on phsj website)
Health Care Without Harm
AMA President Ron Davis (’07-’08)
Opposition to rBGH
Humane Society
Animal Protection Institute
Humane Farming Association
Farm Sanctuary
ACS – no formal position (2009);
previously supported rBGH
OR PSR Campaign for Safe Food
• rBGH-free milk
• Organic milk
– No rBGH or other added hormones, pesticides, or
– Contains more beneficial fatty acids
• Sales of rBGH-free and organic milk
increasing; demand high throughout
U.S.; prices falling
What You Can Do
• Buy rBGH-free dairy products
• Tell others about rBGH (schools, hospitals,
churches, etc.)
• Support the precautionary avoidance of
hormone growth promoters in beef and dairy
cattle production
• Sign up for email updates
• Donate to food safety groups
PSR Campaign for Safe Food: Available
• Fact Sheets on rBGH, biopharming, and
food irradiation
• rBGH-free Dairy Products Guide (milk
and yogurt)
• Survey data re consumer opinions on
• Detailed scientific references
• This presentation
PSR Campaign for Safe Food:
Available Resources
• Donohoe MT. Genetically-Modified
Foods: Health and Environmental Risks
and the Corporate Agribusiness Agenda.
Z Magazine 2006 (December):35-40.
Available at
• Campaign for Safe Food, Oregon
Physicians for Social Responsibility:
Contact Information
Public Health and Social Justice