Atreal's Analysis - Fences by August Wilson

Thesis: In August Wilson play Fences a theme that stands out deals with the American Dream.
The character Troy demonstrates this dream, but has a way of using his failures to hinder his son
from pursing what may be his ticket to living the American Dream.
Summary: The theme the American Dream involves individuals both American and immigrants
to seek a better, equal opportunity living where they are able to obtain a good job, a home, and
have the pursuit of happiness in order to become successful. In the play Fences by August
Wilson, the main character Troy demonstrate this theme throughout the play because he works
hard on his job seeking a promotion in order to continue to provide a nice home and living for
his family. Although he is unable to succeed in his dream of playing baseball, he is trying to
hinder his son from pursing this part of the American Dream. The American Dream might not
have been his sole purpose, but in the end Troy made sure that despite lacking personal success;
working much harder made up for those loses. This play demonstrated the struggle of African
Americans during this era and how it was possible to maintain a living above the poverty line to
have a piece of the American Dream. Another aspect of this paper will be referencing a Langston
Hughes poem Let America Be America Again and a short story by William Faulkner Barn
Burning in order to show how the American dream is a driving force in America. Both pieces of
literature provided an example how popular obtaining the American Dream is to not only
Caucasians but to African Americans and other immigrants that want to live a successful and
prosperous life.
Faulkner, William. Barn Burning. LIT. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Boston:
Wadsworth, 2012. 194-202. Print.
Hughes, Langston. Let America be America again. Web. 19 Apr 2014.
Koprince, Susan. "Baseball as History and Myth in August Wilson's "Fences.” African American
Review 40.2 (2006): 349-358. Literary Reference Center. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
Wessling, Joseph H. "Wilson's Fences." Explicator 57.2 (1999): 123. Literary Reference Center.
Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
Wilson, August. Fences. LIT. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Boston:
Wadsworth, 2012. 724-753. Print.