The Amy Roberts Health Promotion Research Award Application Instructions and Forms I. DESCRIPTION A. The Amy Roberts Health Promotion Research Award of $5,000 has been established to: 1. Provide funds to support the research activities of beginning investigators of the Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRI) faculty or MWRI faculty sponsored trainees performing research related to health promotion. Health promotion is the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health. Optimal health is defined as a balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. Lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of efforts to enhance awareness, change behavior, and create environments that support good health practices. Health promotion research can include, but is not limited to, projects addressing exercise, nutrition, smoking cessation, and obesity reduction. 2. Enhance the research program of Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRI) in the area of health promotion. B. Use of funds: 1. The award will be used for research by young investigators including a summer research project. (Note: For medical students, the stipend is identical to the medical school award). Eligible candidates must be affiliated with the Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRI) or sponsored by a MWRI member at the beginning of their careers (high school through faculty appointment of three years or less) and studying health promotion and wellbeing. MWRI investigators are encouraged to sponsor a high school, college, medical or graduate student or other trainee such as a resident or fellow. In the case of students and trainees sponsored by a MWRI member the proposal should be prepared by the student/trainee with the assistance of the sponsor. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Beginning investigators of the MWRI faculty. A beginning investigator is defined as one who is in high school to third year on faculty. B. Residents, postdoctoral fellows, high school, college, graduate, and medical students are eligible if sponsored by MWRI faculty member. C. Only one application per year for a 12-month period for a maximum funding request. Total funding cannot exceed $5,000. III. APPLICATION PREPARATION A. Proposal Format 1. Font Size and Margins – The type must be clear and legible, standard size (11 to 12 point), with 1-inch margins on each side and top and bottom. 2. Face Page – The application Face Page must be completed and signed by the applicant and MWRI sponsor (if applicable), then scanned and included with the electronic application submission. Page 1 of 6 3. Abstract – 150 words, self-explanatory. 4. Proposed Budget - Describe the proposed use of funds. Funds must be used for the proposed research project (or a component added to an existing research project). Applicant must provide a breakdown of the budget into categories such as supplies, technical support, and other. Whatever the proposed use of funds, the research project that is relevant to the award must be described as follows. 5. Project Description – Use the headings listed below. The page limit is 4 single-spaced (single-sided, 8 1/2” x 11”) pages, excluding references and appendices. Describe the proposed project using the following (suggested) headings: a. Background – Summarize the state of knowledge relevant to the proposal. b. Hypotheses/Research Questions – State these clearly and concisely. c. Methods – Give essential details of methods. Describe the data to be collected and the method of data analysis proposed. d. Originality and relevance to Health Promotion – State how the project will advance knowledge in the area of health promotion if it is completed as planned. 6. 7. 8. IV. References - Compile these separately; they are not included in the page limit of the Project Description. Submit Curriculum Vitae and NIH formatted bio-sketch for Principal Investigator/Applicant and for each Co-Investigator. Also include NIH formatted biosketch for MWRI sponsor, if applicable. Consultant and Letters of Collaboration. Include letters from essential consultants and collaborators, as required, confirming their availability and agreement to participate in the project. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Please submit the completed Application and signed Face Page electronically to Ms. Lee Rager at Applications must be received no later than 5:00pm, Friday, April 20, 2012. V. REVIEW CRITERIA The Amy Roberts Health Promotion Research Award Review Committee will review all applications. Decisions will be based upon: 1) scientific merit; 2) originality and creativity; and 3) quality of the application text. VI. RATING OF PROPOSALS An overall score will be assigned as well as an additional score to reflect the quality of the application text. Poorly written applications will result in a proposal being less competitive. Page 2 of 6 The Amy Roberts Health Promotion Research Review Committee members will independently review all applications and cast individual scores. To ensure consistency, the committee members will adhere to the following common scale. Range 4.5 - 4.9 4.0 - 4.4 3.5 - 3.9 3.0 - 3.4 2.6 - 2.9 0 - 2.5 Description Outstanding Excellent Very Good Potentially Solid/Significant Not Recommended for Funding In Its Present Format Not Acceptable The members of the Review Committee will convene for an open deliberation and discussion of the applications. The averaged rating score of each application will be reviewed and the final funding decision will be made. VII. PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Any publications and/or presentations that result from research activities supported by this Award, whether entirely or in part, must include the following written statement: “Supported by Amy Roberts Health Promotion Research Award.” A copy of the manuscript must be sent to the MWRIF Office of Research Administration. VIII. TIMELINE April 20, 2012 May 1-4, 2012 May 25, 2012 Application deadline Review process Award presentation Page 3 of 6 2012 Amy Roberts Health Promotion Research Award APPLICATION FACE PAGE Title of Proposal Applicant Name Position/Appointment(s) Department Mailing Address Telephone/Pager/Mobile Email MWRI Sponsor (if applicable) MWRI Sponsor Email Applicant’s Signature: Date: MWRI SPONSOR (if applicable): Printed Name: Signature: Date: Page 4 of 6 PROPOSED BUDGET A. Personnel – List all personnel to be involved in carrying out the proposed research, whether or not salary is requested, beginning with P.I. Name % Effort Role Principal Investigator Subtotals $ B. Equipment Subtotal C. Supplies Subtotal D. Other Expenses Subtotal Total $ Page 5 of 6 Salary Requeste d Fringe Benefits Total $--------- $--------- $--------- $ $ BUDGET JUSTIFICATION Beginning with Section A of the Proposed Budget, please provide: 1) a description of the responsibilities to be assumed by all individuals listed under Personnel and 2) a justification for all equipment, supplies, and miscellaneous costs requested. Page 6 of 6