99 Risk Panel Bios - e-MFP

Thierry López, Partner, Governance, Risk & Controls, PwC
Thierry has almost 20 years of professional experience in finance, asset management,
banking, Risk Management and GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance). He is the
founder and board member of ALRiM, the Luxembourg association for Risk
Management Professionals, which together with ADA and ATTF has taken the initiative
(since 2006) to assist MFIs in risk management in which Thierry is still deeply involved.
He is Basel II & III/CRD Leader, and leads the Risk Management Services for Financial
Services in PwC Luxembourg.
Strategy for setting and monitoring financial covenants
Raphaël Betti, Risk Manager, EIF
Since 2010 Raphaël Betti is working as Risk Manager at the European Investment
Fund, focusing on the microfinance industry.
Before joining the European Investment Fund Raphaël worked for KPMG Brussels
and was Manager at Ernst & Young Luxembourg, where he was part of the private
equity team, in charge of the external audit of numerous private equity companies
and microfinance funds.
Importance of operational risk management in a
growing industry
Michael Kortenbusch, Managing Director, Business & Finance
Michael is the principal founder of BFC, a Swiss management consulting company
specialized in development finance. Over the past 15 years he has advised
numerous financial institutions on developing customer oriented and commercially
viable micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) banking solutions in more than
15 countries in Newly Independent States (NIS), Eastern Europe, Asia and Middle
East and North Africa (MENA).
He also served as the General Manager at MEC Moldova (today ProCredit Bank)
and Team Leader of the Georgia Small Enterprise Lending Programme, financed
by EBRD he guided the successful development of micro and small enterprise
(MSE) Lending in three leading commercial banks in Georgia between 2003 and
Introducing a Risk Management Framework in a MFI in
Yves Mathieu, Microfinance Consultant
Yves started his financial career some 30 years ago as branch manager for a large
Belgian bank. Till late nineties, he has evolved from commercial responsibilities to
more financial and managerial ones. In 2002, he became Board and Management
Committee Member of the banking subsidiary of the second largest Belgian
insurance company.
Since mid-nineties, he has regularly taken part, as an independent consultant, in
missions organized by consulting, training or cooperation organizations. In March
2005, he decided to act full time in this business for the Finance and Microfinance
sector. He continues his activities in the whole financial sector, particularly in the
areas of strategy, risk management and corporate governance.
Risk mitigation in Microfinance: The need for
Dr. Arvind Ashta, Banque Populaire Chair in Microfinance, Burgundy
School of Business (Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne), France.
Dr. Ashta is a full time Professor at the Burgundy School of Business offers
courses in Microfinance and researches institutional aspects of Microfinance and
advanced technology in Microfinance. He has taught Microfinance as visiting
faculty in Chicago (US), Pforzheim (Germany) and Brussels (Belgium).
He is also the Editor of a book on Advanced Technologies for Microfinance and
has a number of publications in international journals and guest edits special
editions of various journals devoted to microfinance. He is on the editorial review
board of Cost Management, Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial
Finance and International Journal for Technology and Human Interaction.