Section V. Carbohydrate metabolism V. Glucose is central to all metabolism • 3 major paths: glycolysis, glycogen synthesis and pentose phosphate (generates NADPH, 5-C sugars) (V.2) • Major diet carbohydrates (starch, sucrose, lactose) are digested to glucose, fructose and galactose (V.1) • Fructose and galactose are converted to intermediates in glucose metabolism (V.3) • Glycolysis plus TCA, ETC; anerobic glycolysis (V.4) • Intermediates in glycolysis, TCA serve biosynthesis of amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol (V.5) Section V cont. • Pentose phosphate path takes glucose to pyruvate: forms NADPH (use for biosynthesis, antioxidant) forms 5-C sugars used for nucleotides (v.6) • UDP-glucose is used in synthesis of glycogen, UDPgalactose, also glycoproteins, glycolipids (V.7) • Glycogenolysis degrades glycogen → glucose • Gluconeogenesis → glucose from glycerol (V.8) • Overview of major paths of glucose metabolism (V.9) • Hormonal control: glucagon vs. insulin to maintain glucose homeostasis (V.10) Insulin vs. glucagon V.10 V.10 Pathways regulated by glucagon vs. insulin in response to blood glucose (tissue-specific also) Blood glucose decrease → Glucagon release → ↑glycogenolysis ↑gluconeogenesis ↑lipolysis ↓liver glycolysis Blood glucose increase → Insulin release → ↑glycogen synthesis ↑fatty acid synthesis ↑triglyceride synthesis ↑liver glycolysis Chapt. 26 hormone regulation Ch. 26 Regulation by Insulin, glucagon and other hormones Student Learning Outcomes: • Describe mechanisms of major hormones insulin and glucagon to control glucose homeostasis • Explain that Homeostasis is balance of fuel mobility and storage: keep glucose 80-100 mg/dL (~5 mM) • Regulate carbohydrate, lipid, aa metabolism • Describe counteracting influences of insulin and glucagon and other counter-regulatory hormones Insulin vs glucagon and others Homeostasis requires glucose control: Insulin is anabolic hormone: • from b-cells of pancreas • Glucose entry into tissues • Glucose storage, growth Glucagon counters: • Degradation of glycogen • Gluconeogeneis • Mobilize fatty acids • Stress hormones counter: • • Epinephrine, Cortisol (glucocorticoid) Fig. 2 Glucagon mobilizes glucose from tissues Glucagon activates pathways for glucose mobilization: • Counteracts insulin • Pancreas a-cell • Acts via G-proteincoupled receptor, cAMP, PKA Fig. 1, 3 Fuel homeostasis Fuel homeostasis requires balance: • Substrate availability and need • Concentration nutrients in blood affects storage • Hormonal messages to target tissue • Neuronal signals Fig. 4 homoeostatis Glucose homeostasis is critical: • Multiple signals • Insulin vs. glucagon • Stress hormones • Epinephrine • Cortisol Fig. 5 Insulin is anabolic Insulin is major anabolic hormone for fuel storage: • Storage as glycogen • Synthesis of fatty acids • Triacylglycerol storage • Protein synthesis • Tissues of action Fig. 6; + stimulated by insulin; -, inhibited Glucagon is fuel metabolism Glucagon is major hormone for fuel metabolism: • Maintain fuel in absence of dietary glucose • Glycogenolysis in liver • Gluconeogenesis in liver • Fatty acids from adipocytes • Tissues of action Fig. 7; + stimulated by glucagon; -, inhibited Pancreas Pancreas has a and b cells a cells make insulin; b cells make glucagon High-carbohydrate meal High-carbohydrate meal: • Rapid increase of glucose • 80 → >120 mg/dL • Rapid increase of insulin • 5 → >120 mU/mL • Decrease of glucagon • 110 → 90 pg/mL Fig. 8 Blood levels after meal Table 1 Insulin and counterregulatory hormones Hormone functions major metabolic paths Insulin promotes storage promotes growth Glucagon mobilizes fuels maintains blood glucose in fasting Epinphrine mobilizes fuels in acute stress Cortisol stimulate glucose storage in muscle, liver stimulates protein synthesis, fatty acid synthesis activates gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis activates fatty acid release stimulate glycogenolysis stimulate fatty acid release changing long term amino acid mobilization gluconeogenesis Insulin counterregulatory hormones Major insulin counterregulatory hormones: Stress of low glucose: • Neuronal signals release hormones: • ACTH from pituitary→ • Cortisol from adrenal cortex • Epinephrine from adrenal medulla • Norepinephrine from nerves • Minor role release glucagon Fig. 9 III. Synthesis and release of insulin and glucagon Insulin is polypeptide of 51 amino acids: • a and b chains, cross-linked • • • • Synthesized as preproinsulin, cleaved in RER to proinsulin Passed through Golgi, into storage vesicles (also Zinc) Final protease cleavages forms active insulin Exocytosis into blood is stimulated by increased glucose in blood around b-cells Fig. 10 insulin Release of insulin by b-cells Release of insulin by b-cells: • • • • • • • Stimulated by increased glucose in blood around b-cells Glucose enters through transporters (GLUT 2) Hexokinase phosphorylates, TCA, ETC ATP ↑; inhibit ATP-dep K+ channel Membrane depolarization Ca2+ channel opens [Ca2+] stimulate vesicle fusion Fig. 11 release of insulin in response to increased blood glucose Table 26.2 Regulators of insulin release Regulators of insulin release: Major regulators: Glucose Effect: + threshhold ~80 mg/dL, increase proportional to ~300 mg/dL Insulin is removed from blood and degraded in liver New synthesis of insulin occurs in b-cells after release Minor regulators: Amino acids Neural input Gut hormones + + + (chapt. 43) Table 26.3 Regulators of Glucagon release Regulators of glucagon release: Major regulators: Effect: Glucose Insulin Amino acids + Minor regulators: Cortisol Neural input (stress) Epinephrine + + + Glucagon is 160-aa preproglucagon in a-cells; converted to proglucagon in RER; mature 29-aa glucagon in vesicles; Rapid half-life of glucagon in plasma Effect of high-protein meal High-protein meal: • Stimulates glucagon release • Not much insulin • Blood glucose not change Mixed meals: get some of each hormone Fig. 12 high protein meal Mechanisms of hormone actions IV. Mechanisms of hormone actions Recall from Chapt. 11, that hormones can affect activities of enzymes or transport proteins: • Change conformation of enzyme (as phosphorylation), Change amount of protein (induce or repress synthesis), Change allosteric effector concentration • Signal transduction pathways of hormones: • Intracellular receptors (cortisol, thyroid hormone) • Plasma membrane receptors: • G-protein coupled receptors (adenylyl cyclase, cAMP) • Receptor tyrosine kinases and Ras/Raf, MAPK • PIP2, DAG signaling from both Plasma membrane hormone receptors 2 major plasma membrane hormone receptors: • G-protein coupled heptahelical - glucagon • Tyrosine kinase receptors - insulin Figs. 11.9, 11.10 RTK Insulin receptor has several signaling paths * Insulin receptor signals through several paths: • Binding of hormone causes autophosphorylation • Binds IRS (insulin receptor substrates), PO4 those: • Grb2 can signal through Ras and MAPK path •Other proteins bind, interact with PIPs in membrane Fig. 11.13 Insulin signaling: PLC - phospholipase PIP – phosphatidyl inositol forms PI 3-kinase signals through protein kinase B (Fig. 11.14) Signal transduction by insulin Signal transduction by insulin: 5 categories of tissue specific responses: • Reverses glucagon-stimulated phosphorylation • Phosphorylation cascade stimulates phosphorylation of several enzymes • Induces and represses synthesis of some enzymes • Growth factor, stimulation of protein synthesis • Stimulates glucose and amino acid transport into cells Signal transduction by glucagon Signal transduction by glucagon: • Glucagon receptor is G-protein coupled (Gs) • Activate adenylyl cyclase → cAMP → activate PKA • PKA phosphorylates enzymes on ser: • Activates some enzymes, inhibits others • Especially affects kinases, phosphatases • cAMP rapidly degraded to AMP • Hormone signal terminated by phosphatases remove the PO4 from enzymes • Skeletal muscle does not have glucagon receptor, but liver and other tissues do Signal transduction by cortisol, intracellular receptors Cortisol and thyroid hormone bind intracellular receptors: • Binding of hormone causes hormone-receptor complex to bind specific DNA sequences, increase transcription from target genes. Figs. 11.7,8 Signal transduction by epinephrine, norepinephrine Epinephrine, norepinephrine are catecholamines • Neurotransmitters or hormones • Stress hormones increase fuel mobilization • Adrenergic receptors (autonomic) • 9 different receptors: 6a, 3 b: b receptors work through G-protein coupled, adenylyl cyclase, cAMP, PKA • Different receptors on tissues • Mobilize fuels • Stimulate muscle contractions Fig. 13 Key concepts Key concepts: • Glucose homeostasis maintains blood glucose levels • Insulin and glucagon are two major hormones regulating levels of glucose – opposing effects • Excess fuel is stored as glycogen or fat; stored fuels are mobilized when demanded • Insulin promote glucose utilization, storage; secretion regulated by blood glucose levels • Insulin binds to RTK receptor • Glucagon promotes glucose production, mobilization of glycogen, gluconeogenesis • Glucagon binds G-protein coupled receptor, cAMP Review questions Review question: 2. Caffeine is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme cAMP phosphodiesterase. Which of the following consequences would you expect to occur in the liver after drinking two cups of strong espresso coffee? a. A prolonged response to insulin b. A prolonged response to glucagon c. An inhibition of protein kinase A d. An enhancement of glycolytic activity e. A reduced rate of glucose export to circulation