okinawa youth football

Not for PROFIT Corporation
 First Adopted by Okinawa Youth Football Board of Directors: March 17,
 Amended by Okinawa Youth Football Board of Directors: March 28, 2012
 Amendments to comply with IRS requirements: (Article 1 Section 3
paragraph 4)
 Amendments to comply with Kadena Force Support Private Organization:
(Article1 Section 4 paragraph 2 and attachment 1a)
 Amendments to change Board of Director Positions/descriptions: (Article IV
Section 1 paragraph(s) 1, 2, 3, 4,5)
Signature: Christopher Osmun 28 Mar 2012; President
Signature: Kenneth Bryant 28 Mar 2012; Vice President/Commissioner
The name of the organization is Okinawa Youth Football otherwise called OYF.
The purpose of Okinawa Youth Football is to provide a quality youth football and cheer program with emphasis
on developing athletes while promoting safety, fun and participation for all; to advocate good sportsmanship,
respect, and to honor the game. Through the encouragement of teamwork, self-discipline, leadership and
academic achievement, our commitment is to promote a positive culture that builds self esteem and instills the
importance of both athletics and scholastics, which go hand-in-hand to foster confident, responsible, wellrounded young men and women.
Our goals are to provide young athletes an opportunity to learn from experienced players and leaders,
understand the work ethic needed to succeed, and most of all, and enjoy themselves in a competitive
atmosphere. Every year we try and improve what the league offers children, both physically and mentally. We
hope that by the time the kids’ leave, they have a better feeling of self worth and are motivated to become a
better athlete and better person. OYF is committed to sharing with young athletes the perseverance,
discipline, and the dedication needed to achieve ones maximum potential as student athletes.
To achieve this, OYF will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations incorporated herein
and referenced in any addendum to this document. All Directors, Officers and Members shall bear in mind that
the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and molding of future citizens
is of prime importance.
In accordance with Section 501(c) (3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, OYF shall operate exclusively as a
non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive athletic activities. No part
of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual: no substantial part of the
activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does
not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
In accordance with Section 501(c) (3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, OYF shall upon dissolution of our
organization, donate all earnings (after outstanding debts are paid) to the Wounded Warriors Project ©.
The OYF operates under the charter of Marine Corps Bases Japan (MCBJ) as a Non-Profit Private Organization
(NPO) complying with the guidelines and policies referenced in MCBJ Order 5760.1A, and are authorized to
function aboard MCBJ and Kadena Air Force Base installations in Okinawa.
The OYF also operates under the charter of Kadena Air Base with the consent of 18 WG/CC or 18 MSG/CC as his
designee. Operation is contingent upon compliance with the requirements and conditions of all applicable Air
Force regulations/instructions. Please see Attachment 1a for the specific Force Support Bylaws and
1. Membership is open to Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and U.S. Military contractors who live in the
geographic boundaries of Okinawa approved by MCBJ who meet the eligibility guidelines.
2. Membership in this league will be voluntary and is primarily limited to SOFA and U.S. Military contractors.
3. There will be five classes of membership as follows:
a. Active: The privilege of active membership will be extended to all active duty military personnel
of the United States Armed Forces assigned or attached in a permanent or temporary duty status
on Okinawa, all civilians employed by the DOD on Okinawa, and bona fide family members. The
organization shall reserve the right to deny any membership that would bring discredit upon this
league. Denial of membership shall be for cause and passed upon by a quorum of general
membership. An active member shall be eligible to hold office and to make suggestions on any
and all matters. Active members shall be entitled to the full use of all services, facilities and
privileges offered by this league.
b. Associate: Associate membership, upon approval of the Board of Directors, will be extended to
all retired military personnel and to all civilian personnel employed at, working on, or receiving
support from Okinawa (whether or not employed by the United States) not otherwise eligible for
active membership and to their bona fide family members 16 years of age or older. Associate
membership will not be granted to anyone eligible for active membership. An associate member
shall have the same rights and privileges as an active member except for voting and the right to
hold office.
c. Junior: Junior membership, upon approval of the president, will be extended to all persons
under the age of 16 who are bona fide family members of persons eligible for active or associate
membership. Junior members shall have the same privileges as active members except for
voting, and the right to hold office.
d. Honorary: The president may grant honorary membership to any person not otherwise eligible
for any other class of membership, who is in some manner connected with Okinawa and whose
membership will, in the opinion of the president, benefit the association. Honorary membership
must be requested in writing and renewed annually. Honorary members shall not be required to
pay dues but shall have the same privileges as active members except for voting, and the right to
hold office.
e. For purposes of this article, any child receiving support from and residing in the household of the
sponsor shall be considered a bona fide family member.
f. Voting rights are based on one per family regardless of how many children are registered in the
4. Termination of membership. The Executive Board by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members of
the Executive Board may, after an open and formal hearing, terminate the membership of any member
for any act of misconduct deemed by the Executive Board to be detrimental to the best interest or
purpose of the OYF.
An annual meeting of the members shall be held during the month of December of each year at a time and
place determined by the Outgoing Executive Board, for the purpose of electing Incoming Executive Board
members and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Every Board
Member must be represented at the League meeting in December in order to vote on the status of any New
1. Written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of any meeting of the members shall be
delivered either by mail, email or website notice to each member entitled to vote at such meeting, not
less than ten or more than fifty days before the date of such meeting. In the event that notice is posted
on the website, notice is deemed given on the day the letter was posted on the website.
2. There is no voting by proxy. Members must be in attendance to vote.
The President or Executive Board may call special meeting of the members.
1. OYF Board Meetings are closed to the public unless otherwise stated by the Executive Board.
2. The board of directors will meet each month.
3. The Secretary is responsible for setting up date/time and location for each meeting after being informed
by President.
4. Any OYF Board Member desiring to have a special presentation or guest at a League meeting, will make it
known to the Secretary for inclusion in the agenda at least two (2) days prior to any regular League
The Secretary will produce an agenda, which will be strictly adhered to during all regular League meetings.
Any additions to the agenda must be submitted by email to the Secretary by 6 pm, two (2) days prior to
the meeting to guarantee inclusion. All approved outside speakers must be listed on the agenda.
6. No motions shall be entertained other than those arising from discussion of agenda business.
7. For all League purchases, the OYF Board will approve a meeting date to vote on a bid for each purchase.
All bids submitted to the League, are to be sealed and held by the Treasurer until opened at the
designated League meeting by the Secretary. The Board will select the bid that is the most advantageous
for the League.
8. Any outbursts or disrespectful behavior during a League meeting will result in the party or parties being
immediately removed at the request of the executive board, from the League meeting for the duration of
the meeting.
9. Motion/Discussion Process: When the board is going to discuss an issue that may require a motion, the
following process will be used:
a. A League Rep (not an alternate unless acting as the league rep for the entire meeting) will make a
b. The motion then must be seconded by a League Rep (not an alternate unless acting as the league
rep for the entire meeting).
c. The discussion phase will be conducted in the following format:
i. Each League Rep will be granted an opportunity to speak to the issue in order by
utilizing the voting roll call order and then a second time using the same order so that
each Members Rep may respond to comments offered during the first round of
discussion. At the discretion of the Executive Board, the second round of discussion may
be limited to only those members with additional statements to make. A League Rep
may defer either or both the first and second round of discussion to their alternate if
desired. Only League or Alternate Reps will participate in discussion on behalf of any
League Member.
ii. Members will be allotted 3 minutes maximum to speak during each opportunity.
iii. Executive Board Members who have not already had an opportunity to speak will be
offered an opportunity to speak to the issue. (3 minute maximum will apply).
10. NOTE: The Vice President will keep the time and will notify the speaker when their time is up. Any
member not adhering to the time limit after being advised will be removed from the meeting. Any
member speaking out of turn, being disruptive, or being disrespectful will be removed from the meeting.
11. Once the discussion phase has concluded, the Secretary will call the roll for the vote.
1. Only members in good standing shall be allowed to vote on any matter requiring a vote. Each member is
only entitled one vote.
2. Only one vote per family will be permitted; unless two family members are part of the Board of Directors.
3. There shall be no voting by proxy.
4. All proposals shall require a simple majority vote.
Shall be comprised of:
1. President
The duties of the President shall be the principal executive officer of the league and shall in general supervise
and control all duties normally associated with this office. He/She shall preside at all League meetings. It is the
President’s duty to administrate the League, and to run the League meetings in accordance with the By-Laws.
The President may sign, with the secretary or other authorized/proper office of the League any bonds, contract
and/or other instruments which the Executive Board has authorized to be executed. The President will lead a
panel but not voice an opinion during an Incident Hearing or disputes. The President will vote only to break a
tie on any issue voted on by the League. He/She shall perform all the duties pursuant to the office of President.
The President will recommend individuals for appointment to all committees, as well as any new committees
he/she deems necessary in order to efficiently carry out the goals of the League. The President shall
recommend an individual to fill a vacated position, subject to the approval of the OYF Board. The President’s
primary duty is to work to improve the OYF. He/She must provide the vision for the League, and always be
looking throughout the country for innovative ways to enhance the OYF, both on and off the field of play. The
position of president will require roughly 800-1000 + hours of volunteer time during any given season. The
position of president is a non-paid position. No salary will be paid. At the end of the President’s term, a
turnover binder or electronic copy will be given to the incoming president. The items included are as follows,
but not limited to:
All past years By-Laws
b. Contracts for use of website address (League Lineup);
All past and current Referees contracts
d. Any and all other important contracts (field lining, field usage etc.)
A CD copy of the Official logo for the OYF
Current and past year quarterly MCCS Reports
Current and past year MCCS audits
h. A copy of each League Members Insurance
Any and all reports regarding Incident Hearings
Current and past copies of OYF League Rules
2. Vice President/Football Commissioner
The duties of the Vice President shall be those normally associated with his/her office and include being the
presiding Executive Officer over all appeals hearings, ensuring that the proper process is followed as stated in
the By-Laws. He/She shall also have such duties as are assigned to him/her by the President and shall preside in
the absence of the President. The Vice President is the chairman of the Appeals committee and the By-Laws
committee. The Vice President, with assistance from all other Board of Directors, shall improve registration
documents, procedures and process, rewrite; create documents as needed and to improve any other OYF
documents as needed. He/She shall preside over all incident investigations and hearings, and is responsible to
ensure that the proper process is followed as stated in the By-Laws, reporting all findings to the President for
appeals investigation. He/She is responsible for teams comply with all OYF League rules/By-Laws to include,
but not limited to, practice guidelines, appropriate and illegal drill, and minimum play rule during games, weigh
in procedures. He/She is responsible for submitting to the OYF Board all schedules for their approval. He/She
shall be charged with the responsibility of properly recording and maintaining all scores of each and every OYF
game, as well as compiling League standings to the League Members and to the press. He/She shall report any
League Members that do not call in their scores. He/She will ensure the website manager post League scores
and standings on the web site within 48 hrs. The position of VP/Commissioner will require roughly 500-850
hours of volunteer time for any given season. The position of vice-president/commissioner is a non-paid
position. No salary will be paid. At the end of the Vice-President’s term, a turnover binder will be given to the
incoming president. The items included in this binder are as follows, but not limited to:
a. All past years By-Laws
b. All past and current Referees contracts
c. A CD copy of the Official logo for the OYF
d. Any and all reports regarding Incident Hearings
e. Current and past copies of OYF League Rules
3. Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be those normally associated with his/her office and include his/her having
charge of all moneys and receipts of the League, and depositing the same in the name of the League in a
depository designated by resolution of the OYF Board. He/She shall disburse said funds as is necessary and is
ordered or authorized by the OYF Board. He/She shall keep accurate records and collect all charges due from
League Members and shall keep regular account of receipts and disbursements. He/She shall submit such
records when requested, and give a financial statement of the same at all Board meetings. He/She shall cause
to be prepared all checks and withdrawal slips on behalf of the League for any of its bank accounts, of which
shall be honored on both his/her and the Presidents signatures. If In the case of the inability of the Treasurer to
be present there is an immediate need for payment of an obligation by check, the Secretary shall sign in the
place of the Treasurer. Checks written to “Cash” are not permitted. If cash is required via this method, the
check will be accompanied with a “Cash Withdrawal Form” with the reason for the withdrawal (i.e. petty cash
fund or Yen exchange). Said form will require the approval of the Executive Board and will require two (2)
signatures on form. Deposits will have an accurate ledger to include itemized checks and amounts. The
Treasurer will have available at each League meeting a list of those League Members that owe monies, so as to
keep a current eligible voting list. The Treasurer will provide a written report of all deposits and expenditures at
every regular League meeting. The report will be read into the record and voted on for acceptance by the
Board. The report will then be given to the Secretary to be included with the minutes and files, and an
electronic copy will be forwarded to the OYF Board members within 48 hours of the meeting. The Treasurer
will also comply with all MCCS annual and quarterly reports and/or audits, tax filings, ledgers. Information
must be kept current and accurate at all times. The position of Treasurer will require roughly 500-850 hours of
volunteer time for any given season. The position of treasurer is a non-paid position. No salary will be paid. At
the end of the Treasurer’s term, he/she shall create a turnover packet to the incoming Treasurer. This packet is
to include:
a. Check Register/Ledger
b. Any and all checkbooks
c. Any and all previous year statements, invoices, receipts and other financial records
d. Treasurer appointment letter
e. Copy of Current Bond Insurance
f. All copies of prior Quarterly Reports and Annual Audits
g. All contact information used for the prior year
4. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for those duties normally associated with this office to include the keeping
of minutes at all League meetings. The Secretary shall perform such duties as may be required of him/her by
the President. The Secretary shall keep a record of each League Members attendance at all League meetings,
by having each League Member Representative sign an attendance sheet. The Secretary shall keep an updated
list of all League Members voting status. Minutes of the previous League meeting will be read to, and approved
by, the OYF Board at the beginning of each League meeting. An electronic copy of the minutes will be
forwarded to the OYF Board within 48 hours of the meeting. Below is a summary list of what will be kept by
the secretary in a secure place. The position of Secretary will require roughly 500-850 hours of volunteer time
for any given season. The position of secretary is a non-paid position. No salary will be paid. All the following
documents will be turned over at the end of the Secretary’s term in office.
All past years By-Laws
b. Filed minutes from all previous League meetings
Filed Treasurer reports from all previous League meetings
d. Contracts for use of website address (League Lineup);
All past and current Referees contracts
A CD copy of the Official logo for the OYF
A complete list of all Founding and Life members including e-mail addresses, phone numbers and
current mailing address
h. A complete list of “black listed” members with reasons of dismissal
Current and past year quarterly MCCS Reports
Current and past year MCCS audits
A copy of each League Members Insurance
Current and prior year OYF Team Rosters for each League Member’s teams
5. Cheer Coordinator
The cheer coordinator and/or his/her assistant(s) (further knows as “staff”) shall supervise all business and
affairs related to the OYF Cheer program and any other duties as expressed in the by-laws. The position of
Cheer Coordinator will require roughly 500-850 hours of volunteer time for any given season. The position of
Cheer Coordinator is a non-paid position. No salary will be paid. The Cheer Coordinator and his/her staff shall:
a. Provide communication between cheerleaders, parents, cheer coaches/personnel and OYF
Executive Board
b. Identify and present to the Executive Board qualified candidates for head coaches, assistants,
and other personnel assigned to each cheer squad. To ensure that each candidate completes
training/certification (to include first aid and CPR certification) **See ARTICLE XXX**
Coordinate with OYF registrations and be represented at each registration event
Coordinate and oversee the placement of cheerleaders with respect to the age requirements and
to the various football teams formed
e. Inform coaching staff, cheerleaders and parents of options for post and/or preseason activities
f. Supervise the negotiations of pricing and ordering of cheer uniforms including but not limited to:
i. vests
ii. skirts
iii. pom-poms
iv. socks
Such negotiated items will be recommended to the Executive Board with pricing from available
vendors (to include shipping costs)
g. He/she shall be responsible for the fitting of the cheerleaders as well as the maintenance of the
cheer uniform items.
Other members of the board to include, but not limited to:
1. Camp Commissioners
Camp Commissioner position is much the same as the Football Commissioner. They are responsible to ensure
that the proper process is followed as stated in the By-Laws, reporting all findings to the Football Commissioner
for appeals investigations. No Camp Commissioner can be appointed to Division to which their child is playing.
(unless no other party is available.)He/She is responsible for teams comply with all OYF League rules/By-Laws
to include, but not limited to, practice guidelines, appropriate and illegal drill, and minimum play rule during
games, weigh in procedures. He/She shall report any League Members that do not call in their scores. Camp
Commissioners will also work as Coaching Coordinator Assistants. Duties to include working with the Coaching
Coordinator and any camp related coaching issues that may arise.
2. Treasurer Assistant
To assist the treasures any duties not directly tied to financial matters. No monies, deposits, withdrawals or
transfers are to be handled by said assistant(s). The treasurer assistant is not a legal signer on any OYF
3. Camp Secretary/Scholastic Chairperson
a. To assist the league secretary on registrations, paperwork collection to include, but not limited
to, registrations, physicals, age confirmation via passport and/or birth certificated.
b. Scholastic chairperson is responsible for obtaining grades and/or academic equivalent for each
child enrolled in OYF and OYF Cheer programs. He/She shall evaluate the child for their
academic suitability to play/cheer within the league and insure proper standards are maintained.
Furthermore, he/she shall utilize his/her best efforts to insure our scholastically eligible children
are recognized and provide special awards for their academic achievements.
4. Equipment Manager (and/or assistants)
The equipment manager shall assume custody of the OYF player equipment; assure that each player is issued a
full complement of adequate protective equipment as authorized by the Board of Directors; maintain an
inventory of the equipment available and a record of issuance to and receipt from players. To establish a
program designed to maintain current equipment in optimum condition and made recommendations to the
Executive Board regarding:
a. Equipment needs
b. Purchase of various quality items available as presented by various vendors (to include shipping
He/She shall be required to provide proper accessories for game (i.e. down markers, chains, line markers). This
will be coordinated with the Field Coordinator.
5. Coaching Coordinator
The Coaching Coordinator shall identify and present to the Executive Board qualified, capable, responsible,
enthusiastic candidates for coach and assistant coaches for each of the teams to be fielded. To inform the
coaching staff of the OYF League Rules and Regulations; to include any approved changes. To represent the
league as the primary source of communication between the Board of Directors, players and team
representatives. Coaching coordinator will work with the secretary, to distribute all paperwork including
league rules and team rosters to individual head coaches. He/She shall ensure each head coach is informed of
any pertinent league meetings, changes or information necessary throughout the season. He/She shall ensure
all head coaches are notified in a timely manner (no less than 72 hours prior) to the OYF annual draft. Coaching
Coordinator shall work directly with the equipment manager to ensure full gear is issued and any complications
and or issues with gear are taken care of.
6. Website Manager
The purpose of the Website Manager is to maintain, update and regulate all website information. He/She is to
ensure that all information is updated in a timely manner. To update scores and standings within 48 hours of
notification by the Football/Camp Commissioner(s). To publicize all dates, times and venue’s for registration,
uniform fittings, gear issue, open board meetings, parent meetings, regular season and playoff games and any
other pertinent dates and/or information is accurately and timely reported to the website. He/she shall make
sure all contact information (email and/or phone numbers) is accurate and current. All registration forms,
coaching packets, coaching courses; first aid/CPR courses, By-Laws and OYF rulebooks are current and
accurate. He/She is to maintain the OYF’s graphic identity (logo design, colors and naming). To ensure website
payment/contract remains current.
7. Communication Manager
The Communication Manager is in charge of all advertising, public relations, printed outreach such as flyers,
brochures, advertising and other printed materials (in keeping with MCCS guidelines; all posted advertising on
MCBJ must be approved by MCCS officials). He/She will coordinate advertising via outside websites with the
approval/funding request to the Executive Board. He/She will coordinate radio interviews via AFN radio,
newspaper articles via base newspapers (Okinawa Marine, Stars and Stripes Okinawa, etc.) with the approval of
the Executive Board no later than 72 hours prior to interviews. He/She will inform newspapers of all
fundraisers and special events and scores with approval of the OYF Executive Board. He/She will ensure media
outlets are informed of registration events. The Communication Manager will work closely with the Website
Manager concerning web page updates. He/She will produce a periodic newsletter to provide updated
information to be posted on the OYF website.
8. Fundraising Chairperson
The Fundraising Chairperson shall oversee and coordinate all fundraising activities in compliance with
base/non-profit/MCCS fundraising guidelines as outlined in the MCCS Private Organization Guide and in
following with all rules and regulations. The OYF Executive Board must approve all fundraising events. All
funds must be collected and accounted for in a secure fashion in compliance with OYF By-Laws on collection
policies. All funds must be turned over to the OYF Treasurer for deposit. All funds must be earmarked for
general OYF use and will be accounted for as such in an OYF register.
9. Field Director
The Field Director is responsible for negotiating all fields in writing for use on all bases. Fields must be
approved for practice with additional fields approved for games. The field director is must distribute insurance
paperwork to each head coach to be kept on the field during all practice sessions. Furthermore, any insurance
documentation requested by field administrators (i.e. high school/middle school field use) must be made
available to such parties. Insurance paperwork is available via Executive Secretary, Coaching Coordinator
and/or Football Commissioner. Field Director will arrange for field usage at the request of Executive Board
Members. Field approval in writing for regular season and playoff games must be complete one month prior to
game schedule. Contacts for such approval are available through the Executive Secretary, Coaching
Coordinator and/or Football Commissioner.
Field Director will work closely with the Equipment Manager to ensure all necessary game
equipment/preparation is lined up and available at least 24 hours prior to game time. The Field Manager will
set up the field at least one hour prior to the first game and take down immediately following the last game.
Equipment necessary for each game will be
a. field painting/lining
b. scales for team weigh-ins
c. press box and PA set up (when applicable)
d. custodial items; IE trash bags, toilet paper, brooms, paper towels
e. field and game equipment (available from the equipment manager)
10. Safety Coordinator
The safety coordinator will assist the Board of Directors in coordination, maintaining and executing the
association’s safety policy. He/She will be responsible for ensuring the safety of each player/cheerleader in the
league. He/She will distribute first aid kits, approved by the OYF Executive Board, to each team and have
readily available at each event. He/She will ensure the OYF has an emergency plan put in place, approved by
the OYF Executive Board. Safety Coordinator will work directly with the Coaching Coordinator to ensure each
head coach has the appropriate First Aid/CPR certification. He/She will work closely with Naval Hospital
Okinawa to provide volunteer corps men/medic’s at each OYF event. OYF in turn will provide each volunteer
with a letter stating volunteer hours and appreciation.
An individual must be fall into one of the five member categories listed in Article II Section
All Elected Officers shall stand for election each year.
1. At any point during an Elected Officer’s term, the OYF Executive Board may issue a “Vote of No
Confidence” to remove the Officer from his/her responsibilities with a majority vote at a meeting for
removal. 30 days written notification must be given to Officer prior to meeting.
2. A new Officer will be elected to serve the remainder of the term.
A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by
the Executive Board for the unexpired portion of the term
1. The board of directors will meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month (or another approved date).
There will be the twelve regular meetings.
2. The President may call other meetings for the sole purpose of resolving a single issue and/or problem.
These meetings will be limited to only that item and will be limited to one (1) hour.
3. Bylaw meetings will be scheduled by the President, and the time limits for those meetings shall be set
at his discretion.
1. The Board shall function as the general executive body of the League.
2. The Board will have both original and appellate jurisdiction over any infraction of the By-Laws, as well
as, assess any fees, fines or penalties. They may conduct other matters that properly come before the
1. The President will recommend a Referees committee, and the OYF Executive Board will approve it, at or
by the first League meeting in March.
2. The Football Commissioner will chair the committee.
3. The committee will negotiate, prior to the end of any existing contract with intent to finish before the
start of the season, with any OAOA representative as may be necessary in order to provide proper
coverage for all League games.
4. The committee will report to the OYF Board any contract proposals for approval.
5. The committee will monitor the Referees and report any issues to the OYF Board.
6. The Referees Representative will forward all notes on actions taken during games by the Referees, and
any responses to questions and issues submitted to the Referees, by the next schedule League meeting.
7. Any questions to the Referees will be directed to the Secretary and forwarded to the Referees
1. The committee will consist of the Football Commissioner, and include the Division Commissioners.
2. The committee will investigate all written allegations of Bylaw infractions, violations reported, complaints,
and any other violations or infractions as the OYF Board deems appropriate.
In the event a member of the Rules Compliance committee is asked to investigate an infraction,
complaint, or violation concerning his/her own League Member, the President will remove that
committee member, and temporarily assign a League Member Representative from a League Member
within that conference not involved in the infraction, complaint or violation.
4. In the event that any dispute arises over the meaning, intent or application of any bylaw provision in the
context of an incident or appeals hearing, the committee’s interpretation of the rule shall be binding on
all parties involved.
5. Policy for procedures is ARTICLE XIII through ARTICLE XVII.
1. The committee will be chaired by the Vice President, and include the RCC.
2. The committee will advise the Executive Board as to whether the granting of an appeal is justified when
an appeal is requested.
3. When an appeal is granted, the Appeals Committee shall conduct any necessary investigation, shall
conduct the appeals hearing, and shall make a final recommendation for action to the OYF Board.
4. An appeal of suspension resulting from ejection by game officials requires a majority vote to reverse the
5. Policy for procedures is ARTICLE XII through ARTICLE XVIII.
1. The President will recommend a By-Laws committee for the New Year, and the OYF Board will approve it,
after the elections in December.
2. The committee will contain all past Presidents, plus the previous year’s Committee Secretary, and any
other League Member Representative that may wish to attend.
3. The Vice President chairs the committee.
4. The committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending all suggested changes to the OYF Board.
The Executive Board must authorize any officer(s) to enter any contract or execute and deliver any instrument
in the name and on behalf of OYF and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
Approval may be granted for such requests as field reservations for any official OYF event (i.e. practice session
and games). Proper paperwork will be submitted back into OYF for record keeping. Contracts that include any
financial requirements will be entered into ONLY by an Executive Board Member and will also require the
approval of the Executive Board.
All checks, drafts or orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, which exceed
Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) issued in the name of OYF, shall be signed with the appropriate
documentation (i.e. OYF receipt/transaction record) by two authorized agents and in such manner as shall from
time to time be determined by the Executive Board. All other checks, drafts, or orders for payment of money,
notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of OYF may be signed by a single authorized
officer or agent. Such instructions shall be signed by the Treasurer or Secretary and countersigned by the
President or Vice President of OYF.
All funds of OYF shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the corporation in the official OYF bank
account. All deposits must be made the same day as funds are received. All deposits must be counted by two
(2) legal signers of the OYF account and will have a signed receipt of said deposits kept in the treasurer ledger.
The Executive Board may accept on behalf of OYF, any contribution, gift, bequest of devise for the general
purposes or for any special purpose of the League. Said contributions must be documented as a separate item
in the Treasurer ledger.
A Petty Cash Fund may be established with the approval of the Board of Directors. Disbursements from this
petty cash fund shall be limited to minor expenditures not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), per single
transaction. The approved amount of the petty cash fund may be changed only upon the approval of the
membership. This fund shall be replenished, by check, as of the last day of each accounting month, or more
often if necessary, for all expenditures made during the month. Each expenditure from this fund shall be
supported by a signed receipt setting forth the date, amount and purpose of said expenditure.
The OYF shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the
proceedings of its members. Said books and records will be kept both by the Executive Secretary and Treasurer
in a secure location to be determined by person holding this office. All books and records will be turned over
by the outgoing Secretary and Treasure to the incoming Secretary and Treasurer immediately following closing
of prior season books/records. All books and records may be inspected by any member, their agent or attorney
for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.
The reporting period for OYF and for compliance with MCCS PO’s shall be Calendar Year to run from 1 January
through 31 December.
There shall be no dues to become a member of OYF except for the registration fee for each player and/or
cheerleader. Fundraisers are not considered as dues and are of a voluntary nature.
Whenever notice is required to be given under provisions of the articles or By-Laws of OYF, a waiver thereof in
writing signed by the person(s) entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be
deemed equivalent to giving such notice.
The OYF will be governed by the OYF By-Laws and the OYF League Rules.
The OYF By-Laws may be amended once annually. Any member desiring an addition to, deletion from or
change to the By-Laws is eligible to request the change, provided they adhere to the following procedure
1. Proposed changes must be submitted via email to the chair of the bylaw committee or in person at any
meeting of the Bylaw Committee no later than March 1st.
2. The proposed change at a minimum will include the following:
a. Proposed wording for the change
b. The specific subsection of the By-Laws where the change should be made.
c. An explanation of the intent of the change.
d. A list of any related bylaw sections that might be impacted should the change be adopted.
3. Proposed changes submitted improperly, late, or without all of the required information will not be
considered by the bylaw committee.
4. The submitting league member will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of the date and time that the
bylaw committee will be discussing the proposed change, if the change was submitted via email.
a. The member submitting the change is strongly encouraged to attend that bylaw committee
meeting to discuss the proposed change and to answer any additional questions that the bylaw
committee may have regarding the proposed change.
b. If the member attends the meeting and answers all questions directed to them at the meeting,
the bylaw committee is obligated to include the proposed change in the draft By-Laws regardless
of whether they agree with the change.
If the member does not attend the meeting, the bylaw committee may make any modifications
deemed appropriate to the proposal prior to including them in the draft By-Laws.
5. Starting no later than the first week in March, weekly meetings of the OYF board will be held to review all
proposed bylaw changes.
a. Draft By-Laws containing all proposed changes shall be made available to all league members on
the OYF website a minimum of three days prior to the first meeting to ensure that each member
has adequate time to review the proposed changes prior to the meeting.
b. It is the obligation of each member to review the proposed changes prior to the weekly bylaw
meetings. Votes will not be delayed because a member has not reviewed the proposed By-Laws
prior to the meeting, provided that the By-Laws were posted the required three days prior to the
6. At the weekly meetings, each proposed change shall individually be taken to the floor for an initial vote.
a. Proposed changes may be brought to the floor out of sequence.
b. The only possible votes are a ‘yes’ vote to adopt the change, a ‘no’ vote to reject the change, or a
‘pull’ request by any member.
c. Any member may request that an item be ‘pulled’ for discussion.
d. If a proposed change is ‘pulled’ it is tabled and the next proposed change is presented for vote.
e. If a proposed change is not pulled it shall be voted on immediately.
f. If accepted, it is adopted as a new bylaw and may not be revisited until the following year.
g. If rejected, a measure may either be sent back to committee for revision on a majority vote of
the members, and only with specific instructions regarding the modifications to be made, or
stand as a rejected change.
h. If a proposed change is rejected it will not be revisited until the following year.
i. Careful rewording and resubmission of a rejected change resulting in a bylaw that is substantially
the same as the proposal that was rejected is not permitted.
7. Once all proposed changes have been brought for initial vote, the ‘pulled’ items shall be brought to the
floor one at a time for discussion.
a. Each member has two minutes to state their position and arguments regarding the change.
b. At the conclusion of comments, the change shall be voted on. There are three possible votes:
‘yes’ to adopt the measure, ‘no’ to reject the measure and ‘return to committee’ to send the
measure back to the bylaw committee for revision.
To exercise disciplinary authority, so far as is lawful over all persons engaged in such games, competitions, and
exhibitions, to the end that amateur games and contests may be subject to clean, dignified competition, any
member, coaches, players, parents, relatives or fans, found by the OYF Board failing to comply with a lawful
request from the OYF Board, it’s Officers, Commissioners, or Representatives will be suspended.
1. Any members, coaches, players, parents, relatives or fans, found by the OYF Board, to knowingly give false
information, or misrepresent by word or deed the OYF, it’s Board, Officers, Commissioners,
Representatives, or Members, will be suspended in accordance with Disciplinary Matrix Level III
2. Any members, coaches, players, parents, relatives or fans, found by the OYF Board to violate any Bylaw,
or who acts in any manner deemed by the OYF Board to be grossly disrespectful to a team or another
person, or who engages in a fight or other major un-sportsmanlike conduct, or conducts themselves in
manner found disrespectful to a League Member Representative will be disciplined.
3. Any coach, player or fan ejected from a game by the game officials will automatically be suspended for
the following game, and the ejection shall be treated as a Level III offense. This suspension may not be
mitigated or postponed, and may not be waived under hardship. The suspension shall begin immediately
upon ejection regardless of any pending or intended appeal.
4. The OYF Board, following an Incident Hearing, may discipline any member, coaches, players, parents,
relatives or fans, as defined in these By-Laws.
Only while acting in the capacity of an OYF Board of Director/League Member, may any of these OYF
officials be allowed within the fenced area of the playing field during a game in progress. With the
exception of an OYF Bylaw infraction, any attempt to interfere with or influence the on field officials will
result in an Unsportsmanlike conduct foul and/or timeout charged against the team that is the subject of
this behavior. A complaint will be filed against the League Member by the Referee’s Representative and
the League Member will be subject to any discipline determined by the Board as defined in these By-Laws.
6. Players Suspension(s):
The Commissioner will be empowered to meet those players who will be suspended for not more than
one (1) game for Unsportsmanlike conduct and advise them of the violation of the by-laws as well as the
one game suspension. This meeting will take place at a site determined by the Commissioner with the
head coach present and, if possible, the player’s parent(s) or guardian.
7. Coach Suspension(s):
The OYF Executive Board and the Commissioners will meet with the coach in question and as long as the
suspension is not more than one game this group can make the decision. All members will be e-mailed the
results by the Secretary and coach may appeal the decision of this group in accordance with the by-laws.
The Executive Board may inspect any/all fields prior to the first game, and may re-inspect any field any time
during the season. If the field is determined to be unsafe, this may result in change of location or cancellation
of game.
By virtue of its membership in the OYF, any league member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the OYF’s
Officers, Board Members, and officials/referees against any claims, disputes, causes of action, judgments or
decrees for actions carried out in accordance with the By-Laws.
Said indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall include, but not be limited to, any reasonable
attorney’s fees and costs, including appellate attorney fees and costs, witness fees, stenographic expenses,
expert witness fees and transportation expenses; together with any monetary judgment expense or awards
that the court might enter; as well as any cost or expense associated with the running of any game, exhibition,
or contest including any stadium rental, referees fees, food, or any cost or expense associated therein.
1. An alleged Bylaw infraction, actual or possible.
2. A complaint against a member’s actions or personnel to include its coaches, players, parents, relatives, or
3. An alleged confrontation on the playing area, or an adjacent area, between member, coaches, players,
parents, relatives or fans.
Any incident reported to, or witnessed by, an individual must be submitted via email to their Camp
Commissioner with a copy going to the involved parties coach, by 9PM of the second day following occurrence.
In order to ensure that incident response can be handled in a controlled fashion, incident reports MUST be
made by using the prescribed procedures. No person other than a Camp Commissioner may report an incident
directly to the RCC (Rules Compliance Committee).
1. Provided that the RCC Chairman has been informed of a Complaint Submission within the time limits, and
has informed the accused party, the complaint filing shall be considered to be timely.
2. No complaint will be heard if filed outside of the time limits.
3. Any party whose Division Commissioner fails to report a known confrontation or Bylaw infraction, are
punishable under league rules to the extent of one week suspension.
4. Once the Division Commissioner receives a complaint, he/she will forward a copy to the RCC Chairman
and will notify all involved party(s) of the complaint.
5. The accused party will have 24 hours to respond by email to their Camp Commissioner regarding the
complaint. Failure to respond will result in the complaint being determined valid. The Camp
Commissioner will forward the response to the RCC Chairman and the filing party. In the event that the
responsible Camp Commissioner fails to notify the subject of the complaint within the required time
frame, the subject of the complaint will be given 24 hours from the time of their notification of the
complaint to respond. If the Camp Commissioner fails to respond at all on behalf of the subject of the
complaint, the subject of the complaint shall be given an opportunity to respond directly to the Football
Commissioner during that time frame.
6. Once the accused party issues a written response through their Camp Commissioner to the Football
Commissioner, the RCC will attempt, either by writing or on the phone, to resolve the issue between the
parties within 24 hours. If the involved parties cannot agree on a solution, or the RCC determines the
alleged incident may violate a Bylaw or be severe in nature, the RCC Chairman will contact the Secretary
and both parties to inform them that an Investigation of the Complaint will be conducted and that a
recommendation for further action will be presented to the OYF Board at the next scheduled meeting.
7. All information must be filed with the Executive Secretary for record keeping.
The RCC will conduct an investigation of the complaint by reviewing all information from eyewitnesses,
documentation and videotape if applicable.
The RCC will act in an unbiased manner. Any member of the RCC who is also a party to the complaint will
recuse themselves from the investigation and findings.
The RCC will make their best faith effort to complete their investigation prior to the next scheduled OYF Board
meeting. If the RCC cannot complete their investigation by the next scheduled meeting, the Committee shall
present the reasons for the delay to the board. The board will then vote either to grant the Committee specific
additional time to complete their investigation, or to immediately move the Complaint to an Incident Hearing.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the RCC Chairman will present the results of the investigation to the OYF
Board with a recommendation to support the charges, or with a recommendation to dismiss the complaint as
without merit.
The RCC’s recommendation shall include an explanation of the basis for the Committee’s decision.
The Rules Compliance Committee will present to the OYF Board all of its findings and recommendations
regarding the complaint.
If it appears that the complaint relates to an internal League dispute, the OYF Board may defer action until such
time as the accused party has fulfilled all of its League remedies.
The OYF Board will determine whether to have a special meeting to handle the Incident Hearing or do so at its
next regular meeting.
The involved parties may request additional personnel to be present at the hearing. The RCC will determine
what personnel, if any, will be allowed attend the hearing.
The RCC will recommend a time limit for every Incident Hearing, taking into account the severity of the alleged
violation. The OYF Board will then approve a time limit, BEFORE the complaint is heard. There will be a
maximum speaking time limit of 15 minutes for each League Member involved in the complaint.
All hearings will be informal and the rules of evidence will not apply.
The OYF Board will hear all involved parties representation of the FACTS regarding the complaint within the
time limits set. The RCC Chairman will monitor the time for each party. The OYF Board will decide which, if any,
personnel to interview. Only the item(s) in dispute will be discussed.
The OYF Board may decide to defer a decision on the complaint until the next League meeting, so as to allow
further investigation by the RCC.
Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the RCC Chairman will call for a yes or no vote of guilt on each alleged
bylaw infraction individually. A majority vote of eligible members present is required to find a party guilty of a
bylaw infraction.
The assessment of penalties shall not occur until a determination of guilt or innocence has been made on each
alleged infraction. Any discussion of the mitigation of penalties shall be held during the discussion of penalties.
Singularly, jointly or in the alternative, the OYF Board may consider all aggravating and mitigating factors in
making its decision, and in assessing penalties.
Complaints determined to be valid by the OYF Board will result in disciplinary action as defined under “Article
XV: Penalties”. The OYF Board shall record all of its findings and determinations in the meeting minutes.
All OYF Board decisions shall be binding unless or if appealed.
For a violation of any Bylaw herein set forth, or in addition to any penalty herein set forth, or for any conduct
deemed undesirable, or for any complaint found to be valid, the OYF Board may impose any or all of the
following penalties to the accused party, parties:
1. Suspend the party. Suspension is defined as a period of time, determined by the OYF Board, during which
the party may not participate in OYF activities and functions.
a. Coach Suspension: A coach who is suspended may not have ANY contact with his team, on or off
the field, during the period of suspension. This includes participating in or attending practices,
meetings or any other team function. He also may not attend any of his team’s games, on the
sidelines, in the stands, or in view of the playing field, during the period of his suspension.
Violation of the conditions of suspension WILL result in an additional two weeks of suspension. A
second violation will result in expulsion.
b. Player Suspension: A player who is suspended shall be permitted to practice with his team during
the period of suspension, but shall not be permitted to dress for or play in any games occurring
during the period of suspension.
2. Expel the party from the League. Expulsion is defined as permanent loss of League membership,
participation and involvement. The expelled party may apply for reinstatement after a period of time
determined by the OYF Board, but in no case less than one year from the original date of expulsion. The
Board must have a majority of voting members to impose an expulsion. No expelled coach, player or
parent may attend any OYF function during the period of his or her expulsion. Refusal to adhere to this
rule will result in the automatic loss of the right to apply for reinstatement.
3. The OYF Board may decide in certain situations to place the party on probation rather than enforce any
penalty defined in these By-Laws, or set forth by the Board. Probation is defined as a period of time,
determined by the Board, during which the party may participate in OYF activities and functions, but the
behavior of said party will be monitored.
Probation Violation: If the OYF Board determines that a party has violated probation, the Board will enforce the
original penalty, plus any new penalty, if any.
The OYF Board, with a majority of voting members, may relieve any League Rep of their League authority and
responsibility, and replace them, if it is determined during the course of an Investigation or Hearing that the
Rep has demonstrated a continuing pattern of actions detrimental to the well being of the OYF.
Determination of Severity of Offense: When the lodging of a complaint results in the determination that
punitive action is required, the offense will be categorized as a Level I, II, III or IV offense, with commensurate
Level I Offense
Level I offenses are generally categorized as being of an ‘administrative’ nature, or include
offenses not directly perpetrated by the member and not reasonably under his/her immediate
Level I offenses shall be penalized as indicated in the appropriate bylaw. If a member
accumulates 3 Level I offenses over the course of two consecutive seasons, the OYF board will
convene to determine whether a one game suspension is appropriate.
Level II Offense
Level II offenses are generally categorized as attempts to gain an unfair advantage over a
competitor through cheating. Any misrepresentation by, of, or before the OYF Board of
Level II offenses shall be penalized by probation of the member for the duration of the season.
Any additional violation of any level during the probationary period will result in suspension. If a
member accumulates 2 Level II offenses over the course of two consecutive seasons, the member
shall be immediately suspended for one game.
Level III Offense
Level III offenses are generally categorized as offenses involving the use of illegal/banned
substances, or which create situations that could lead to violence (i.e. taunting, inciting to fight)
or otherwise jeopardize the health or safety of players, coaches, officials or fans. Any offense,
which results in suspension, shall automatically be considered to be a Level III violation for
accumulation purposes.
Level III offenses shall be penalized by suspension for the next official game played by the
member’s team. If a member accumulates 2 Level III offenses over the course of two consecutive
seasons, the member shall be immediately expelled from the league.
Level IV Offense
Level IV offenses are generally categorized as those offenses which could potentially result in
criminal prosecution of the offender, or which clearly indicate that the offender should not be
entrusted with the well being of youth athletes.
Level IV offenses shall be penalized by expulsion from the league.
The following table summarizes the maximum penalty levels associated with current bylaw provisions. As
referenced in Article XV, the OYF board may consider aggravating or mitigating circumstances in penalty
assessments, and based on that consideration, award a penalty less than that indicated in the matrix.
5.1 Illegal Practice
5.2 Willful misrepresentation before the OYF board
5.3 Acting in any manner deemed by OYF board to be grossly disrespectful to a
team or another person
5.4 Any Physical Altercation (except players)
5.5 Any Physical Altercation (players only)
5.6 Major Unsportsmanlike Conduct (Any violation resulting in ejection)
5.7 Disrespect to League Representative
5.8 Attempting to interfere with or influence on-field officials in capacity of
League Rep
5.9 Responsibility of Head Coach for actions of players, parents and fans
5.10 Failure to properly identify heavy players (Helmet Marking)
5.11 Ineligible player dressed inside the ropes (coach)
5.12 Ineligible player dressed inside the ropes (player)
5.13 Playing ineligible player for any reason other than OYF clerical
5.14 Use of narcotics, steroids, alcohol, etc. by player
5.15 Touching of any referee, league/field rep, coach, player or parent in an
offensive manner
5.16 Use of tobacco products within less than 500 feet of field (offender only)
5.17 Permitting use of narcotics, steroids or CDS (coaches and parents)
5.18 Sweating (drill intended for player make weight)
5.19 Use of alcoholic beverages within 500 feet of field (offender only)
5.20 Failure to supply chain crew
5.21 Chain crew communication with players on field or home bench
5.22 Chain crew use of cell phone
5.23 Failure to make good faith effort to allow spotter in booth
5.24 Disruption of game via bullhorns, sirens, etc.
5.25 Inappropriately loud announcements
5.26 Improperly prepared book at weigh-in
5.27 Failure to deliver roster to opposing team
5.28 Unauthorized personnel within the ropes
5.29 Violation of score differential rules
5.30 Cleats violation (player and coach)
Any League Member, coaches, players, parents, relatives, or fans, aggrieved by the application of these ByLaws by the OYF Board, may request an appeals hearing before the Board by email thru a Camp Commissioner
to the Football Commissioner with a copy going to the Vice President.
The Appeals Committee will evaluate the reason(s) for the appeal. The appeal request MUST show valid factual
reasons, as to why the initial Incident Hearing was insufficient to achieve a valid result. Alleged procedural
errors in the incident investigation or hearing are a valid basis for appeal. The committee will inform the OYF
Executive Board of their findings concerning the appeal within 48 hours of receipt of the appeal request from
the Football Commissioner. The Appeals Committee shall have the sole authority to grant or deny an appeal
If the OYF Executive Board AND the Appeals committee feels that there are adequate grounds for an appeal,
and there is enough evidence to support an appeals hearing, they may issue a temporary stay on any penalties
issued by the OYF Board, at their discretion, and grant the appeal hearing for the next League meeting.
Appeals Hearings shall be conducted under the same procedural rules as those for Incident Hearings, except
that the Vice President shall chair the Appeals Hearing.
The OYF Board will hear new information only regarding the original complaint and/or an explanation of any
alleged procedural errors in the initial incident investigation or hearing within the time limits set. The Vice
President will monitor the time for each party. The OYF Board will decide which, if any, personnel to interview.
Only the new item(s) will be discussed.
The OYF Board may decide to defer a decision on the hearing until the next League meeting, so as to allow
further investigation by the Appeals Committee.
Singularly, jointly or in the alternative, the OYF Board may consider all aggravating and mitigating factors in
making its decision.
All OYF Board decisions on an appeal shall be final and binding.
The OYF Board, with a majority decision, may waive any provision under these By-Laws, if it appears that
extreme or unintended hardship would result, unless said provision has been explicitly defined as ‘not waivable
under hardship’.
No League Member, coaches, players, parents, relatives, or fans, may bring any action against the OYF, unless
they have exhausted all remedies as set forth herein provided however, that nothing herein shall be construed
to apply to any personal injury or workers compensation action.
Referees shall be provided for all League games in accordance with the current referees’ contract, which is
available for review on the OYF website. For the games the official time shall be kept on the field, if clock is not
provided. Tiny Mite Division will not have official referees. The Mighty Mite Division must have a minimum of
three (3) referees. The PeeWee and Midget Division games must have a minimum of four (4) referees. The
electronic scoreboard is not used for official time and the official time will be monitored by OAOA certified
referee on the field.
The OYF will pay the Referees no later than 3 days of the receiving Invoice, usually second week of month.
The referees will be paid as per the Referees contract.
No member club may offer additional funds outside of those funds negotiated in the referee’s contract to an
official under contract to the OYF.
All installations are required to field a minimum 5 person cheerleading squad for participating in any regular or
playoff game
1. A cheerleader must meet the grade/age/registration/health physical requirements as specified by the
League for the applicable grade.
2. There are two unequivocal definitions of an ineligible cheerleader, from which there are no appeals:
a. Overage or underage.
b. Falsification of any documents.
3. Before a cheerleader is placed on a cheer squad, the League must have all paperwork (physical and signed
waiver, provided by the League) and all fees must be paid.
Coaching selection criteria goes as follows: a. Parents of a player that have successfully coached in the league,
parents/volunteers without kids in the league that have successfully coached in the league, parents of a player
that are new to the league, and parents/volunteers without players in the league but want to help.
1. A team's coaching staff is in complete charge of the team whenever it is together on the practice or
playing field, or together for any team function, such as a banquet. The coaching staff is under the
direction of the Head Coach; other coaches are called Assistant Coaches. The following applies to all
2. A team may have a maximum of three (3) coaches.
3. A Head Coach and first assistant must be at least 21 years of age. A registered adult representative (21
years or older) must be present for practices, games and functions.
4. All Coaches must have a current National Youth Sports Coaches Association Card for Cheerleading. Cards
will be checked at the first game of the season. Coaches can obtain their card at: www.nays.orgOnly head
coaches are required to hold this certification
5. A coach will not be allowed to coach unless they have certified that the coach has been subjected to a
background check within the 12 months prior to that season’s mass registration date. No individual on
criminal probation shall be permitted to coach in any OYF activity. Intentional failure of a coach to disclose
to the OYF he/she is on probation for a criminal offense is a Level III offense for the League Member.
6. All coaches must be available for additional duties, in support of the league during the season. Additional
duties will include, but are not limited to; game day set-up, camp, league fundraisers, concessions,
equipment issue, clean up and other league events passed down from the committee.
1. The cheerleading committee will put all cheer squads together. Factors for determining squads will
include, coaches of cheerleaders, siblings, individual skill levels, and age/grade of cheerleaders. Once
squads are determined no changes will be allowed unless reviewed and approved by the cheerleading
committee. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2. The only players, which will be placed on a certain team, are the Coaches and Assistant Coaches Kid or
Kids. No Exceptions!!!
All disciplinary actions/Investigations will follow the same rules as the OYF by-laws. Any questions are concerns
will be addressed by the Cheerleading Coordinator and submitted to the OYF Executive Board.
1. Cheerleading squads shall be in compliance with any applicable OYF By-Laws.
2. The OYF Board of Directors and/or Cheer Committee must approve all Cheers, dances, music and
3. Prior to the season, the OYF Executive Board and the Cheer Board will decide upon a list of appropriate
songs and/or dances. Additional songs/dances may be submitted up to one month prior to the season
start for approval.
It is mandatory that all Coaches and League Reps from each weight division review the following areas:
1. All bylaw changes
2. All National High School Football rules changes affecting OYF play
3. Hydration and conditioning of athletes
4. Any additional topics deemed necessary by the OYF Board.
All Coaches must have a current Football Coaching certification through the National Youth Sports Coaches
Association (NAYS). Coaches will have to submit certification before being approved as a coach with the OYF.
Coaches can obtain the certification at This annual requirement provides the below listed
insurance benefits with certification.
1. Initial certification: $1,000,000.00 in liability coverage.
2. Subsequent recertification: $2,000,000.00 in liability coverage.
A coach will not be allowed to coach unless they have certified that the coach has been subjected to a
background check within the 12 months prior to that season’s mass registration date. No individual on criminal
probation shall be permitted to coach in any OYF activity. Intentional failure of a coach to disclose to the OYF
he/she is on probation for a criminal offense is a Level III offense for the League Member.
The Head coach is responsible for the actions of all his/her coaches, players, parents, relatives, and fans at any
OYF sponsored game or event. At any OYF sponsored game or event, the Head Coach is directly responsible for
the actions of all players and assistants on the field or on the sidelines, and may be held responsible for the
actions of parents. Off the field at any OYF sponsored game or event, the Head Coach remains directly
responsible for the actions of his Assistant Coaches, and may be held responsible for the actions of parents and
Notwithstanding the responsibilities of the Head Coach defined in Article XL; Section 4. OYF may take
additional action against Assistant Coaches, parents, players or fans who violate OYF rules.
The League will be divided into as many teams and/or divisions as deemed necessary by the OYF Board.
Each team and/or division will consist of an equal number of players, if possible.
OYF Board shall determine said team and/or divisions.
All scheduling will be done by the League Commissioner and presented to the OYF Board at the first League
meeting in August for their approval.
Scheduling shall be done in the fairest manner possible.
All teams must be scheduled to play every team in their division, where feasible.
Scheduling will be done, if possible, in such a manner that all teams will have as many home games as away
All League games will normally be scheduled on Friday night or Saturday, with the OYF Board determining
starting times prior to the season. With OYF Board approval, the league as a whole or individual clubs may
rotate daily schedules or play specific games on weeknights in order to allow younger teams the opportunity to
play a night game.
At the discretion of the OYF Board, divisional championship trophies may be awarded to the top ranked team
in each age group at the end of the regular season.
Trophies for the Super Bowl players will be presented either at the end of the year Trophy Ceremony or
distributed to individual teams as determined by the Board of Directors prior to registrations begin.
Trophy sizes will be approved annually by the OYF Board prior to purchase. Trophies will be given to the TM and
MM divisions. PW and M division shall receive medals with the championship teams receiving a championship
Attachment 1a
Kadena 18th Force Support
The name of the organization is Okinawa Youth Football otherwise known as OYF. The purpose of
Okinawa Youth Football is to provide a quality youth football and cheer program with emphasis on
developing athletes while promoting safety, fun and participation for all; to advocate good
sportsmanship, respect, and to honor the game. Through the encouragement of teamwork, selfdiscipline, leadership and academic achievement, our commitment is to promote a positive culture that
builds self esteem and instills the importance of both athletics and scholastics, which go hand-in-hand
to foster confident, responsible, well-rounded young men and women.
Section 1.
Okinawa Youth Football operates on Kadena Air Base with the consent of 18 WG/CC or 18 MSG/CC
as his designee. Operation is contingent upon compliance with the requirements and conditions of all
applicable Air Force regulations/instructions.
Section 2.
The membership is personally liable under the laws of Japan for organizational debts in the event the
organization's assets are insufficient to discharge liability.
Section 3.
Okinawa Youth Football will not:
a. Sell, give away, or in any way dispense any item that violates copyright laws, rules of the
military postal system, or Japanese customs requirements.
b. Solicit vendors who sell any pirated materials such as videotapes, books, or audiotapes.
c. Use the military postal system to receive or transport items for resale; this is prohibited.
Okinawa Youth Football will:
a. Submit all fundraising requests to 18 FSS PO Monitor.
b. Coordinate and have the fundraising request signed off by the manager of any facility or area
Okinawa Youth Football will be using before submitting it to 18 FSS.
c. Submit request no later than 15 calendar days prior to the scheduled fundraising event to
18 FSS/FSRF. Request for fundraising events that require 18 WG/JA coordination will be submitted
to 18 FSS/FSRF no later than 30 calendar days prior to the scheduled fundraising event. Although the
approving authority for fundraising events is 18 FSS/CC, the legal responsibility remains with
Okinawa Youth Football.
Section 4.
Employment discrimination based on age, race, religion, color, national origin, disability, ethnic
group, or gender, creed, marital status, or membership in labor organizations is prohibited.
Section 5.
Okinawa Youth Football will not engage in activities that duplicate or compete with any base FSS
activity or Nonappropriated Funds Instrumentality (NAFI), including AAFES.
The officers of this association shall be the president, football commissioner (vice president),
secretary, and treasurer. Any active member not delinquent in the payment of dues or other monies
owed to the association shall be eligible to be elected to office subject to the following additional
Section 1.
a. The secretary must be able to produce typed business-style correspondence.
b. Officers shall serve a term of one year, such term to commence January following the annual
December election.
Section 1.
General: Membership in this association will be voluntary and is primarily limited to members of the
DoD family. There will be three classes of membership as follows:
a. Active: The privilege of active membership will be extended to all active duty military personnel
Of the United States Armed Forces assigned or attached in a permanent or temporary duty status on
Okinawa, all civilians employed by the DoD on Okinawa, and bona fide family members of the
foregoing 18 years of age or older. The organization shall reserve the right to deny any membership
that would bring discredit upon this league. Denial of membership shall be for cause and passed upon
by a quorum of general membership. An active member shall be eligible to hold office and to vote on
any and all matters. Active members shall be entitled to the full use of all services, facilities and
privileges offered by this league.
b. Associate: Associate membership, upon approval of the Board of Directors, will be extended to
all retired military personnel and to all civilian personnel employed at, working on, or receiving
support from Okinawa (whether or not employed by the United States) not otherwise eligible for
active membership and to their bona fide family members 18 years of age or older. Associate
membership will not be granted to anyone eligible for active membership. An associate member shall
have the same rights and privileges as an active member except for voting and the right to hold office.
Associate members will be eligible to serve on all other committees and may serve as committee
c. Honorary: The president may grant honorary membership to any person not otherwise eligible
for any other class of membership, who is in some manner connected with Okinawa and whose
membership will, in the opinion of the president, benefit the league. Honorary membership must be
requested in writing and renewed annually. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues but
shall have the same privileges as active members except for voting, the right to hold office, and the
right to serve on committees.
d. For purposes of this article, any child receiving support from and residing in the household of
the sponsor shall be considered a bona fide family member.
Section 2.
In accordance with AFI 34-223, 08 Mar 07, Private Organization Program, paragraph 10.2, and AFI
36-2706, 29 Jul 04, Military Equal Opportunity Treatment Program, paragraph 1.1.2, membership
discrimination based on age, race, religion, color, national origin, disability, ethnic group, or gender is
Section 3.
Termination of membership: Membership in Okinawa Youth Football will be terminated by action of
the executive committee:
a. When the member submits a written resignation.
b. upon permanent departure of the member from Okinawa.
c. If dues are assessed, then at such time when the member is 3 months delinquent in payment of
d. For cause deemed sufficient by a majority of the executive board to warrant termination of
Section 1.
Each member of this association will be assessed dues as provided in the bylaws. A member whose
dues are not paid by the 15th of the month following the month in which they are due shall be deemed
delinquent in payment of dues and shall be ineligible to vote or be elected to office. Members
delinquent in payment of dues shall not be counted in determining the present of a quorum
Section 2.
Okinawa Youth Football shall be self-sustaining. There will be no direct financial assistance to this
organization from a NAFI in the form of contributions, dividends, donations of money, or other assets
IAW AFI 34-223, paragraph 10.5.
Section 3.
Okinawa Youth Football will not engage in any resale activities unless specific authorization from the
18 WG/CC or 18 MSG/CC as his designee is granted for:
a. Thrift shop sales of used clothing and used merchandise.
b. Occasional sales for fundraising purposes such as bake sales, dances, carnivals, and similar
infrequent functions.
c. Okinawa Youth Football will not sell alcoholic beverages or operate any type of gambling or
slot machine.
Section 4.
No income will be accrued to individual members of this organization except through wages and
salaries for the Okinawa Youth Football employees or other payment for services rendered.
Our goals are to provide young athletes an opportunity to learn from experienced players and leaders,
understand the work ethic needed to succeed, and most of all, and enjoy themselves in a competitive
atmosphere. Every year we try and improve what the league offers children, both physically and
mentally. We hope that by the time the kids leave, they have a better feeling of self worth and are
motivated to become a better athlete and better person. OYF is committed to sharing with young
athletes the perseverance, discipline, and the dedication needed to achieve ones maximum potential as
student athletes. Activities that will take place may include: weekly football games and practice
(between the months of August through December) season on-site registrations, summer camp, spirit
item fundraisers (to include team t-shirts, car decals and various spirit items), concession stands, bake
sales, car washes, Toys for Tots toy drives, and opening and closing day ceremonies.
Section 1. General Membership
Unless otherwise decided by the active membership, there shall be a regular membership meeting
every December at a time and place to be determined by the outgoing president for purpose of electing
a new executive board. At least ten days prior notice of the time and place of each meeting will be
given to the membership by such means, as the executive board shall direct.
Section 2. Quorum
At all regular and special meetings of the general membership, 10 percent of those active members
whose dues are currently paid shall constitute a quorum. Except as otherwise specified in this
constitution, a majority vote of the active members present shall be required to pass any motion or
transact any other business.
Section 3. Regular Meetings
Okinawa Youth Football executive board will meet every month at a time and place determined by the
president. League meetings are open to the public unless otherwise stated by the executive board.
Section 3. Special Meetings
The president may call special meetings at any time when:
a. The president shall deem such a meeting to be necessary.
b. A request is submitted in writing signed by 10 percent of the active membership.
c. A request is submitted in writing by the advisors.
d. 18 FSS/CC, 18 MSG/CC, or 18 WG/CC requests.
NOTE: Notice of any special meeting shall be given to the membership by all practical means at least
ten days in advance of such meetings.
Section 4. General Provisions
a. Minutes: The secretary will prepare written minutes of all meetings of the general membership and
forward a copy to 18 FSS PO Monitor no later than the 20th calendar day of the following month. Such
minutes will be retained and records maintained by the secretary for at least one year. Approval of the
minutes of the preceding meeting shall be the first order of business at each meeting of the general
b. Authority of president to vote: The president will not vote at meetings of the general membership
except when necessary to break a tie vote on an issue that may be decided by a majority in accordance
with this constitution. In such case, the vote of the president will decide the issue.
c. Treasurer's report: At each regular meeting of the general membership, the treasurer will make a
report on the financial status of this association. The treasurer’s report and financial statement will be
made available for inspection by the members and a copy forwarded to 18 FSS PO Monitor on a
quarterly basis.
d. Parliamentary authority: Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all procedural
matters pertaining to the conduct of meetings will be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 1.
This constitution and bylaws shall become effective upon adoption by an affirmative vote of twothirds of the members present at any regular or special meeting at which a quorum is present,
providing it is thereafter found to be legally sufficient and approved by 18 WG/CC or 18 MSG/CC as
his designee.
Section 2.
This constitution and bylaws may be amended or altered in accordance with the following procedures:
a. A proposed amendment must be in writing, signed by at least three active members, and
presented to the executive board
b. The secretary will notify the active members of the substance of the proposed amendment in
c. Such notice will inform the members that the amendment will be voted on at the next regular
business meeting following such notice, provided the meeting is held not less than ten days after the
date of the notice.
d. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active membership will be required for the adoption of any
e. No amendment shall take effect until approved by the 18 WG/CC or 18 MSG/CC as his
In case of dissolution of the organization, whatever funds are contained in the treasury at the time will
be used to satisfy any outstanding debts, liabilities, or obligations. The remaining assets will be
disposed IAW 34-223, by donating to a charitable institution decided upon by a majority vote of the
members. In the event the association is dissolved and liabilities exceed assets, all members equally
assume the liabilities to the extent recognized by law. Each prospective member will be informed that
they may become personally liable, to the extent recognized by law, for the debts of the association.
Should Okinawa Youth Football decide to disband or shutdown IAW AFI 34-223, its officers will
notify the 18 Force Support Squadron Commander or Division Chief of their intent to dissolve the
private organization and will prepare a time phased action to do so.
Section 1. President
The president shall have the usual powers of supervision and management that pertain to the office of
president, and will perform the following duties:
a. Preside at all meetings of the general membership and all meetings of the executive committee.
b. Appoint a chairman for each committee.
c. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
d. Countersign all minutes.
e. Vote only in cases of a tie in meetings of both the executive committee and the general
f. Countersign all checks over $200.
g. Enter into contracts on behalf of the association.
h. Conduct the routine business of this association.
i. Ensure that the semi-annual PO review is accomplished through 18 FSS PO Monitor.
j. Ensure that revalidation of the constitution and bylaws are accomplished through the
18 FSS PO Monitor biennially.
k. Ensure that submission of quarterly and consolidated annual financial report is accomplished
through 18 FSS PO Monitor. Failure to submit will result in the following:
1) First warning, suspension of fundraising until file is current.
2) Second, suspension of fundraising privileges for six months.
3) Third, suspension of fundraising privileges for one year.
4) Fourth, dissolution of the charter hence suspended for operation for one year.
Section 2. Vice President
The vice president shall perform all duties of the president in his absence and shall act as assistant to
the president.
Section 3. Secretary
The secretary shall be the custodian of the records, conduct all correspondence of this association, and
shall have the following duties:
a. Record and maintain a file of all minutes of meetings of the executive committee and all
meetings of the general membership.
b. Maintain all records of the association other than financial records.
c. Send notices of meetings to members.
d. Countersign contracts executed by the president.
e. Countersign checks in the absence of the president and vice president.
f. Provide copies of all meeting minutes and treasury reports to 18 FSS PO Monitor.
g. Maintain a list of names and addresses of officers and members of this association.
Section 4. Treasurer
The treasurer shall be the custodian of the financial records of this association and shall have the
following duties:
a. Receive and be responsible for all funds and assets of this association and ensure
responsible financial operational management.
b. Make all authorized disbursements.
c. Maintain the bank account and sign all checks.
d. Maintain financial records and present a financial report to the general membership at least once
each year.
e. Make the books and the financial records of this association available for inspection and review
when requested by the president, executive committee, 18 FSS/CC, 18 MSG/CC, or 18 WG/CC.
f. Submit quarterly inventory report of material on hand owned by the organization.
g. Submit quarterly and consolidated annual financial reports to 18 FSS/FSRF.
Section 1. Election of Officers
Election of officers will be held once per year at the regular monthly meeting held in December.
Voting will be by secret written ballot and a plurality of the votes cast shall be sufficient to elect.
Only active members present shall be entitled to vote, and there will be no voting by proxy. Decisions
made by the general membership may not be overturned by any committee or by the executive board
without a majority vote by the general membership.
Section 2. Nominations
a. The president will appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least three active members
and will announce the names of the nominating committee at the regular meeting of the general
membership two months prior to an election meeting.
b. At the regular meeting of the general membership immediately preceding the election meeting,
which shall not be less than ten days prior to the election, the nominating committee will present a slate
consisting of at least one candidate for each office to the membership. Additional candidates may be
nominated from the floor on the date that the slate is presented. Nominations from the floor will not be
accepted at the election meeting, and votes from write-in candidates will not be counted for any purpose.
Section 3. Special Elections
Special elections will be held at a time and place designated by the president whenever the conditions
set forth in section 4 of this article exist. The president will appoint a special nominating committee of
not less than three active members who will nominate at least one candidate for each vacancy. Ten
days notice of special elections will be provided to all members in writing, and such notices shall
contain the names of the candidates nominated for each vacancy. At the special election meeting,
additional nominations may be made from the floor. After nominations have closed, the membership
will elect an officer for each vacancy in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 1.
Section 4.
a. Office of the President: Should the office of the president become vacant, the vice president
shall assume the duties of president and shall retain those duties until the next general election unless
more than three months remain on the term, in which event a special election will be held for the
office of president. Should the president and vice president offices become vacant, the treasurer will
call a special election. During any interim period in which there is a vacancy in the office of both
president and vice president, the treasurer will assume the duties of the president. A member
assuming the duties of president under this section does not become president although he may sign
correspondence and other documents using the title "Acting President." The vice president, upon
assuming the duties of president, shall retain his original title as vice president.
b. Appointments by the President: Should a vacancy occur in any office other than that of the
president, the president will immediately appoint a successor to fill the vacant office. If less than three
months remain on the term of office, the appointee will retain the office until the next general election,
otherwise, a special election will be held to fill the office that was vacated.
Section 5. Termination of Office
Actions against an officer, executive board member, or committee chairperson (for involuntary
termination, rules violation) will be submitted in writing to the grievance committee by the
complainant(s). The grievance committee will notify the member and give them a copy of the written
grievance(s). The member against whom the grievance is being made will submit a written reply to
the grievance committee within two weeks of notice. The grievance committee will then meets and
decide on a recommended action. The recommendation(s) will be submitted to the executive board
that will then arrange a meeting of the general membership and distribute copies of the grievance(s),
reply, and recommendation(s). The meeting must be attended by a quorum of at least 50 percent of
the active membership. The president or presiding member, if the president is the subject of the
grievance, will allow a specified period of time for open discussion, after which the recommendation
of the grievance committee will be voted on by secret ballot. The recommendation(s) must be passed
by a two-thirds vote.
Dues will be $175.00 for football players and $125.00 for cheerleaders. Dues will only be assessed to
active members of the association.
Section 1. General
The president may appoint standing committees for the period of time concurrent with his term of
office. The president may, from time to time, appoint special committees, as necessary to carry out the
business of this association.
Section 2.
The president or the chairman of the committee may appoint chairmen of standing committees with
the concurrence of the president. The standing committees and their duties and responsibilities shall
be as follows:
a. Publicity Committee: The publicity committee is responsible for disseminating all publicity
concerning this association, assisting the secretary in notifying the members as requires by this
constitution, and keeping the members informed concerning all activities of this association.
b. Rule Committee: The rule committee is responsible for promulgating and disseminating to the
members all rules and standard operating procedures governing the operation of this association.
Section 1.
The treasurer shall establish a checking account in the name of the organization. Under no
circumstances shall organization funds be commingled with personal funds of individual members of
the Okinawa Youth Football.
Section 2.
The treasurer shall make a monthly reconciliation of bank statements. He shall record income and
payments in a cash receipts and disbursements journal.
Section 3.
All checks over $200 shall require the signature of the president and the treasurer. All other checks
shall require only the treasurer's signature.
Section 4.
The treasurer will prepare annual financial statements in the sample format provided by 18 FSS PO
Monitor and forward them to 18 FSS PO Monitor. The reports shall include:
a. Beginning and ending cash balances for the period
b. Gross Income = detailed breakdown of all income for period
c. Gross Expenses = detailed breakdown of all expenses for period
d. Net Income = Gross Income - Gross Expenses
Section 5
Okinawa Youth Football may bond for its treasurer and will make a bonding determination by
weighing the cost of commercial “fidelity” insurance protection from a qualified underwriter against
the potential dollar risk. AFI 34-223, par 10.12.
Section 1. General
The Okinawa Youth Football will provide insurance against public liability and property damage
claims resulting from the activities of the organization and/or members IAW AFI 34-223, paragraph
10.11, unless waived by
18 WG/CC or 18 MSG/CC as his designee.
If a special event is scheduled that might increase the risk of liability for members of the Okinawa
Youth Football the president shall consult with the base legal office about obtaining insurance for that
event. All insurance coverage shall be the responsibility of the Okinawa Youth Football.
Under the terms of AFI 51-601, 26 Nov. 03, Gifts to the Department of the Air Force and AFI 34-201,
17 Jun 02, Use of Nonappropriated Funds, Kadena Air Base acquires assets abandoned by or donated
by the Okinawa Youth Football. Appropriated fund activities and NAFIs may neither claim the assets,
nor make or assume any obligations for the Okinawa Youth Football that may arise from a contract
between them.