Dynasties Packet

Name: ___________________________________________________
Section: _______
Dynasties of China
Directions: At each station, look at the pictures and read through the information provided on
some of the dynasties of ancient China. Complete the worksheet that corresponds with the
dynasty. Draw the borders of each dynasty on the maps provided and answer all questions.
Shang and Chou Dynasties
________ BC to _______ BC
Directions: On the map below, draw and shade in the area in which the Shang Dynasty
controlled during its rule.
Shang and
Chou Empire
Fill in the Blank: Using the poster, fill in the missing information from the given statements.
1. The Shang Dynasty was known for its use of ___________, a strong metal containing cooper
and tin, in items such as candlesticks, drinking cups, and weapons.
2. These utensils, _____________, are commonly used to eat Chinese cuisine. Unlike the fork,
they need the use of more motor skills in order to hold and operate.
3. During the Shang Dynasty, China’s first _________ were established where only rulers,
priests, and warriors were allowed to live inside their walls. ____________ and __________
lived in mud houses outside the walls and _____________ lived in nearby villages.
4. Among the nobles, marriages were ______________ in order to strengthen their rule or
create a union between two families to maintain their power.
5. __________________, a system of writing, was invented during the Shang Dynasty. It is
considered an art form in which a broad tipped instrument is used to create a one stroke
letter. The symbols or letters used are often called Chinese ______________.
6. Writing found on ___________ bones tells of events and customs of the period.
7. Also used by the Aryan invaders in India, the _____________________ are introduced as a
part of warfare during the Shang dynasty.
True/ False: Determine if the statement is true or false. Write T or F on the line provided. If the
statement is false, circle the part that is wrong and correct the statement.
8. ______ Unlike the ancient Egyptians, the Shang and Chou were buried with living people.
9. ______ Farmers worked their own land and got to keep all the food they grew.
10. ______ They believed in many gods, but the most powerful was the earth god, T’ien.
Draw: Looking at the examples of ancient
Chinese writing, it’s your turn to try it!
Using the space provided to the right,
draw one of the Chinese symbols.
Qin Dynasty
________ BC to _______ BC
Directions: On the map below, draw and shade in the area in which the Qin Dynasty controlled
during its rule. Also, draw and label the Great Wall of China.
Qin Empire
Great Wall
True/ False: Determine if the statement is true or false. Write T or F on the line provided. If the
statement is false, circle the part that is wrong and correct the statement.
1. ________ The Qin Dynasty last for only 5 years.
2. ________ Laborers were not paid for their work to build the Great Wall of China.
3. ________ Zhao Zheng was the 2nd man who attempted to control all of China.
Fill in the Blank: Using the poster, fill in the missing information from the given statements.
4. Zhao Zheng did not want to be called king. Instead, he called himself
_________________________, meaning “First Emperor.”
5. Zheng was a ____________, someone who believes that all people are basically bad.
Therefore, he ruled strictly and believed it was necessary to ____________ and
____________ every minute of people’s lives.
6. To help control his people, Zheng developed a system of _________________. He divided
his empire into ______ providences, each of which was divided into districts.
7. Zheng did not want nobles rising up against him. So, he decided to take away their _______.
8. Zheng also _____________________ China by creating one system of weights,
measurement, money, written language, and laws.
9. Zheng was the one who order ___________________________________ to be built. It was
_____ feet wide and ______ feet high.
10. Because Qin is sometimes spelled __________, the name China comes from the Qin dynasty.
Short Answer: Carefully read each question and choose one to answer in complete sentences.
11. Why was the Great Wall of China built? Looking at a modern map of China, we know that it
is no longer on the border of China. Why do you think this is true?
12. Zheng was a strict ruler of ancient China. What other rulers have you learned about in the
ancient world and how are they similar to Zheng?
Han Dynasty
________ BC to _______ AD
Directions: On the map below, draw and shade in the area in which the Han Dynasty controlled
during its rule. Using a red marker, draw the trade routes established, the Silk Road.
Han Empire
Silk Road
Matching: Match the people in Column B with their description in Column A.
Column A
Column B
_______ 1. One of the rebels who helped overthrow
the Qin dynasty
_______ 2. Under his rule the Han dynasty reached
its greatest power
_______ 3. A warlord who helped keep the last
Han emperor in power
A. Cao Pei
B. Liu Bang
C. Wudi
Multiple Choice: Read each question or statement and circle the best answer from the given
4. Liu Bang’s great-grandson, Wudi, came to power in 140 B.C. What does his name mean?
A. Warrior Emperor
B. Hunter Emperor
C. Grand Emperor
D. Solider Emperor
5. As emperor, Wudi did all of the following EXCEPT…
A. Strengthened the army
B. Improved the Great Wall
C. Expanded the borders
D. Repaired the irrigation system
6. As the rule of emperors weakened due to the struggle of power over young emperors, these
people, local leaders of armed groups, gained power. Who were they?
A. warlords
B. dictators
C. generals
D. traitors
Fill in the Blank: Using the poster, fill in the missing information from the given statements.
7. During Wudi’s rule, a major trade route was established called the _____________________.
It ran all the way from China to the _____________________________________________.
8. Han farmers developed new methods for raising ___________________ and weaving and
dying ___________, a valuable cloth originally made only in China. From this cloth, the
trade route gained its name.
9. Around 105 A.D., the Chinese recorded one of their greatest achievements: the invention of
______________. It was made from materials such as _______________, ______________,
and ____________________. Eventually, it would replace ___________________ in Egypt.
10. More than goods traveled the road. ___________ did too. Missionaries from India traveled
to China bringing with them the religion of _________________________. The trade route
eliminated China’s isolated and connected them with other civilizations they previously had
no knowledge even existed.
Short Answer: Carefully read each question and answer in complete sentences.
11. Who was the first Han dynasty ruler? What was significant about his background?
12. Why do you think the Han dynasty lasted about 400 years?
13. Looking at the map of the Silk Road, what might have been the most difficult part of the
14. Predict how the achievements of the Han dynasty might have affected later generations of
Chinese people, as well as other people living in other areas of the world?
Yuan Dynasty
________ AD to _______ AD
Directions: On the map below, draw and shade in the area in which the Yuan Dynasty controlled
during its rule.
Yuan Empire
True/ False: Determine if the statement is true or false. Write T or F on the line provided. If the
statement is false, circle the part that is wrong and correct the statement.
1. ________ Genghis Khan was a Mongol leader who took over the northern part of China.
2. ________ For the first time, China is established as part of a foreign empire, the Mongolian
Empire, under Genghis Khan.
3. ________ The Mongolian Empire did successfully stretch its rule into Central Asia but could
not reach the lands in Europe.
Multiple Choice: Read each question or statement and circle the best answer from the given
4. After taking the throne, Tiemuzhen’s grandson, Kublai Khan, captured the capital of what
southern dynasty of China, finally unifying all of China.
A. Jin dynasty
B. Ming dynasty
C. Song dynasty
D. Tang dynasty
5. Kublai Khan established the first capital of China at what modern-day city?
A. Hong Kong
B. Shanghai
C. Chang’an
D. Beijing
6. The Yuan dynasty enjoyed outstanding achievement in all of the areas EXCEPT…
A. Mathematics
B. Architecture
C. Astronomy
D. Science
7. What famous Italian merchant visited and wrote about the Yuan dynasty and informed the
West about China and its wealth?
A. Marco Polo
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Amerigo Vespucci
D. John Cabot
8. As the first emperor of the Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan ruled used what type of government.
A. Mongolian
B. Democracy
C. Communist
D. Traditional Chinese
Short Answer: Carefully read each question and answer in complete sentences.
9. In your own words, explain the legend of the moon cake that began in the late Yuan dynasty.
Fill in the Blank: Using the poster, fill in the missing information from the given statements.
10. Even though Kublai Khan used the existing Chinese government structures, many of the
officials were ______________________ and the official language was ________________.
11. The Yuan dynasty was concerned with the ____________________________ of China and
its natural features such as the Yellow River. The Mongols undertook extensive public works
projects such as reorganizing and improving ______________ and ______________
communications. Kublai Khan extended the ___________________ further connecting cities in
the empire for trade and communication.
12. Besides their advancements in technology, the Yuan dynasty had many cultural achievements
such as the development of the _____________ and the ______________ in literature and the
increased of the written ______________________. The Beijing _____________ was also
invented during the Yuan, using instruments from Europe for the first time in Chinese history.
13. Key innovations such as ______________________________________,
________________, _______________________________, and _________________________
were introduced to Europe as communication with the rest of the world increased.
1. The ancient Chinese did not carry wallets or purses. With this information and looking at the
shape of the Chinese coins, what do you conclude about how they carry their money?
2. At the stations, you read about different achievements and inventions of ancient China. Can
you name TWO other inventions that were not mentioned on the posters?