Name Date Exam Review Quiz 4 A. Lawrence v. Texas B. New York

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Exam Review Quiz 4
A. Lawrence v. Texas
D. Griswold v. Connecticut
B. New York Times v. Sullivan
E. Texas v. Johnson
C. Korematsu v. US
1. Which Supreme Court case ruled that it was the right of the government to intern Japanese-American
(Nisei) citizens during World War II?
2. Which Supreme Court case ruled that same sex couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples
in relation to intimacy?
3. Which Supreme Court case ruled that it was the constitutional right of Americans to burn the flag in
4. Which Supreme Court case ruled that a state does not have the right to infringe on marital privacy?
5. Which Supreme Court case ruled that publications have the right to make statements even false ones
unless done with malice?
A. Near v. Minnesota
D. Tinker v. Des Moines
B. Gideon v. Wainwright
E. New Jersey v. T.L.O.
C. Roe v. Wade
6. Which Supreme Court case ruled on the issue of prior restraint?
7. Which Supreme Court cases dealt with the issue of the right of a woman to have an abortion?
8. Which Supreme Court case dealt with the rights of students and silent protest?
9. Which Supreme Court case rule that a person shall be given a lawyer by the state if he or she cannot
afford one?
10. Which Supreme Court cases ruled on the right of a student’s privacy?
A. Marbury v. Madison
D. Plessy v. Ferguson
B. Brown v. Board of Education
E. McColluch v. Maryland
C. Mapp v. Ohio
11. Which Supreme Court case created the separate but equal doctrine?
12. Which case defined the power of the Supreme Court?
13. Which Supreme Court case overturned the separate but equal doctrine?
14. Which Supreme Court case ruled that evidence found in a police search without a warrant may not be
used against a defendant?
15. Which Supreme Court case ruled that a state does not have the right to tax the Federal Government?
A. Near v. Minnesota
D. Tinker v. Des Moines
B. Gideon v. Wainwright
E. New Jersey v. T.L.O.
C. Roe v. Wade
16. Which Supreme Court cases dealt with the issue of the right of a woman to have an abortion?
17. Which Supreme Court case ruled on the issue of prior restraint?
18. Which Supreme Court case rule that a person shall be given a lawyer by the state if he or she cannot
afford one?
19. Which Supreme Court case dealt with the rights of students and silent protest?
20. Which Supreme Court cases ruled on the right of a student’s privacy?
A. 1st Amendment
D. 6th Amendment
B. 4th Amendment
E. 9th Amendment
C. 5th Amendment
B. Grutter v. Bollinger
E. Escobedo v. Illinois
C. Schenk v. New York
21. Gideon v. Wainwright
22. Texas v. Johnson
23. Mapp v. Ohio
24. Tinker v. Des Moines
25. Roe v Wade
26. Near v. Minnesota
A. Miranda v. Arizona
D. Gratz v. Bollinger
27. Which Supreme Court case ruled that a person must be read his right at the time of arrest?
28. Which Supreme Court case ruled that utterances permissible during peacetime may be punished
during wartime?
29. Which case ruled that the Michigan undergraduate school did not have to reserve spots for admission
to its university to create a diverse student body?