10. Other Spectroscopies 1.IR 2.NMR VIBRATIONAL CHROMOPHORES Any bond can act as a spring which can be described as the balance Between the force due to acceleration and to the restoring force of the spring F ma Set equal F ky d2y ky ma a 2 dt d 2 y ky m 2 dt d 2 cosat a dt 2 2 cosat Need a function which reinvents itself d cosat dt sinat d cosat dt d 2 d at dt a sinat cosat d a sinat a cos at d at dt 2 dt dt d 2 y ky m 2 dt d d y ky 2 m dt 2 2 y cosat cosat a dt 2 2 cosat k a m 2 1 m 2 a is a frequency a 2 m Natural mechanical frequency 2 m k m k m The frequency of the oscillation is Related to the bond constant, k, And m, which is a mass term m1m2 m m1 m2 1 m 2 Bond Single Double Triple Example: Calculate double bond band for R-C=O k m 1mole 12 g kg 26 mc 2 x 10 kg mole 6x1023 atoms 103 g k(Newton/m) 500 1000 1500 1mole 16g kg 26 mO 2 . 7 x 10 kg mole 6x1023 atoms 103 g N kg m kg 2 2 m s m s 1 m 2 m 2 x10 2 x10 26 26 kg 2.7 x10 26 kg kg 2.7 x10 kg 1000 2 s 26 11 . x10 kg 26 kg 11 . x10 26 kg 9.09 x10 28 13 1 4.8 x10 6.28s s 1 m 2 kg 1000 2 s 26 11 . x10 kg 9.09 x10 28 1 4.8 x1013 6.28s s For IR usually reported as reciprocal cm c 1 c 1 cm 1 s 1,600cm 1 cm s 4.8 x1013 3x1010 The average reported value is 1690-1760 1600 cm-1 What is the predicted frequency of C-O? 1 m 2 Bond Single Double Triple k(Newton/m) 500 1000 1500 c 1 c 1 cm Example: Calculate single bond band for R-C-O k m 1 2 1 s 1131 , cm 1 cm s 3.393x1013 3x1010 m 500 kg s2 11 . x10 26 kg 3.393x1013 1 s What would Be this frequency? 1600 cm-1 1100 cm-1 1 m 2 Bond Single Double Triple k m k(Newton/m) 500 1000 1500 Example: Calculate single bond band for R-N-Pb 1mole 14 g kg 26 mN 3 2.33x10 kg 23 mole 6x10 atoms 10 g 1mole 207.2 g kg 25 mPb 3 3.45x10 kg 23 mole 6x10 atoms 10 g m c 1 c 2.33x10 2.33x10 1 m 2 26 26 kg 3.45x10 25 kg kg 3.45x10 25 kg 2.19 x10 26 kg kg 500 2 13 1 s 2.404 x10 26 s 2.19 x10 kg 1 cm 2.404 x1013 3x1010 cm s 1 s 8016 . cm 1 800 cm-1 Bonds R-N-Pb R-C-O R-C=O 1600 cm-1 1100 cm-1 cm-1 800 1100 1600 R-CO=O ? Bonds R-N-Pb R-C-O R-C=O cm-1 800 1100 1600 R-CO=O ? Our calculations Lead EDTA spectra 2009 data 100 90 Pb-N 80 60 50 Them cm-1 350 400 450 595 710 800 845 918 975 1020 1085 1140 1200 1265 1280 1335 1406 1435 1450 1600 2841 2936 Us 2009 strength breadth cm-1 m,b m,b 409 w,sh 432 509 555 w,b 640 w,b 721 w,b 806 w,b vs 914 w,b 957 w 1040 w 1090 m,b 1160 w 1230 m,b vw,sh s 1320 vs 1380 m,sh m,sh 1490 m,b 1550 2360 2850 s 2930 strength breadth vw,sh Their assignments 40 Pb-O Pb-N stretch 30 m,sh m,sh 20 m,sh m,sh m,sh 10 m,sh w m w m m w s,sh 0 C-C acetate stretch 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 cm-1 C-N stretch CH2 wag in CH2COOH s,sh s,b carbonyl carbonyl carbonyl carbonyl vs,sh vs,b C-H in HCOOC-H in CH2,COO- 1500 1000 500 0 normalized %T 70 480 Cu(0.71) cm-1 (M-N bond) 470 460 450 440 430 Pb(1.32) 420 We once tried looking for the Pb-N Changes but this region is too far into the “fingerprint region” to get good data 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 q/r Higher charge density = higher frequency 2009 Data, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 fraction Pb EDTA 120 100 60 40 20 0 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 cm-1 1500 1000 500 0 %T 80 Bonds R-N-Pb R-C-O R-C=O cm-1 800 1100 1600 R-CO=O ? Pb-N bond 424, cm-1 CO=O, 1750cm-1 Pure EDTA, Na What would influence the degree of the frequency shift of CO=O? Hint – who would have a stronger attraction for the electrons on O? More energy 1750cm-1 Ionic bonding at C-O; Pulls electrons from C=O, creating bond 1.5 order Covalent type bonding (H) at CO Leaves double bond character at CO=O lead Greater electrostatic attraction 1 m 2 m1m2 m m1 m2 k m Bond Single Double Triple k(Newton/m) 500 1000 1500 Lower reduced mass has higher frequency Higher energy Cm-1 Bonds 3600-3200 -O-H 3500-3300 -N-H 3100-3010 R=CH-H 3100-2970 R=C-H -C-H 2280-2210 -C=N 2260-2100 -C=C 1760-1690 -C=O 1680-1500 -C=C 1360-1180 -C-N 1300-1050 -C-O What do you observe? Group Frequency Region 1 m 2 k m m1m2 m m1 m2 Cm-1 Bond 3600-2700 X-H 2700-1900 X=Y 1900-1500 X=Y 1500-500 X-Y “fingerprint” region Bond Single Double Triple k(Newton/m) 500 1000 1500 H3C CH3 H3C CH3 H3C H H3C OH H3C CH3 H3C CH3 Which is which? Can you identify all of them? http://orgchem.colorado.edu/hndbksupport/specttutor/irchart.html Where is the expected vibrational absorption band for R-C=O? We predicted a band at 1600 cm-1 for R-C=O Is this the only band we should observe? IR bands Observed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Degrees of freedom set total possible bands Requires a change in dipole moment Requires a high molar absorptivity Requires good instrumental “window” Complicated by passing of overtones Degrees of freedom Bands observed = total DF – (translation + rotational) 3N - ( 3 + (2 or 3)) Possible Bands Linear molecule: 3N-5 Non-linear: 3N-6 EXAMPLE How many bands should we observe for O=C=O? Linear molecule: 3N-5 = 9-5=4 Each possible band must have a change in dipole moment should not be degenerate 1. O=C=O symmetric stretch Which have a change in dipole Moment? 2. O=C=O asymmetric stretch Which are (if any) are degenerate? 3. O=C=O scissoring 4. O=C=O scissoring EXAMPLE How many bands should we observe for O=C=O? Linear molecule: 3N-5 = 9-5=4 Each possible band must have a change in dipole moment should not be degenerate No dipole moment change 1. O=C=O symmetric stretch 2. O=C=O asymmetric stretch 3. O=C=O scissoring 4. O=C=O scissoring Degenerate – only one is observed Total of two bands! Animation associated with spectra: http://www.succeedingwithscience.com/labmouse/chemistry_a2/2906.php?Labmou seOnline=191f6382b179f1a28fb4da8c34523817 EXAMPLE How many bands should we observe for H-O-H? Non-Linear molecule: 3N-6 = 9-6=3 Each possible band must have a change in dipole moment should not be degenerate O H H Symmetric stretch O H H O H H Asymmetric stretch scissoring Animation of water vibrations http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/vibrat.html http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/vibrat.html Fused silica Si-O Typical region of IR interest! http://www.laseroptik.de/?Substrates:Transmission_Curves:%26%23150%3B_IR-FS Can not use the quartz materials we were using in UV-Vis Quartz vibrational bands overlap C-H bonds Some times we observe more bands than predicted. Why? FT instrument f det ector 2 mirror 1 1 2 mirror n n 1 Light that passes at 100 cm-1 will also pass at 200, 300, and 400 cm-1 That means that it could excite absorption at 400 cm-1! Source light 1st order cm-1 100 200 300 400 800 2nd order cm-1 200 400 600 800 1600 3RD ORDER cm-1 300 600 900 1200 2400 4th order cm-1 400 800 1200 1600 3200 Our calculations R-N-Pb 800 R-C-O 1100 R-C=O 1600 Our calculated band at 800 cm-1 could be observed at 200 4th order; 400 2nd order and 800 first order! INSTRUMENTATION Generic Source Cell Monochromator Detector Spatial Arrangment Components Readout Solvents not = UV-Vis not = UV-Vis not = UV-Vis not = UV-Vis not = UV-Vis IR SOURCES: Nernst Glower (Blackbody) Tungsten-filament bulb (household) Hg arc Tunable CO2 laser IR DETECTORS What is the main problem in using a UV-Vis detector here? IR DETECTORS 1. Thermal What kind of problem can you Anticipate here? a. Thermocouple Bi/Sb/Bi Voltage difference 6 to 8 mV/uW b. Bolometer or thermister Change in resistance on T change 2. Pyroelectric 1. Move charge with temperature = capacitor = capacitor current with T 3 NH CH2 COO 3 NH CH2 COO 3. Photoconductivity low bandgap semiconductor e LUMO + HOMO DESIGN OF INSTRUMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Double Beam vs Single Beam? To Chop or not to Chop? Whither the sample? To FT or not to FT? An old (not FT instrument): Describe what you see UV-Vis: Source - Monochrom – Sample – Detector Place the sample after the monochromator to decrease the Total power on the sample. Energy of individual frequencies Is large enough to remove an electron (break bonds) and Decompose the sample IR Source – Sample – Monochrom – Detector Sample not decomposed. Placing the monochromator After the sample can help prevent scattered radiation From entering the detector. To FT or not to FT? f det ector 2velocity mirrow c Mirror velocity in a typical instrument is 0.01 to 10 cm/s Do we FT the instrument or scan through each individual wavelength? Why? 1. Optical resolution 2. Controls mirror 3. Eliminates Phase Shift Why should eliminating phase Shift be so important? Describe this instrument in terms of Various functional parts Instrument Single Beam FT Range 1.3 to 29 0.4 to 1000 Resolution 4 8 to 0.01 Cost 16k 150k http://www.wooster.edu/chemistry/analytical/ftir/ftir.swf Shows how the FT is generated by the movable mirror Time 1s >1min SAMPLE HANDLING 1. Gases Effusion of volatile liquid through a pin hole 2. Solution: need a cell that minimizes IR activity of background Background? solvents (H2O) Air (H2O, CO2) windows (Si-O band in quartz) One way to minimize solvent effects is to minimize the total amount of solvent Use a very thin cell (small value of b) How could we then determine the value of b? Interference Fringes 2.5 2.5 2b N 22 film 1.5 1.5 Amplitude Amplitude 11 0.5 0.5 00 00 0.5 0.5 11 1.5 1.5 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -2 -2 -2.5 -2.5 Film Film Thickness Thickness 22 2.5 2.5 2b N 1 film film 1 film1 1 film2 N1 N 2 N 2b N1 2b N2 2b 1 1 N 2b 1 2 Peak at 1900 1400 900 Example N 1 2 3 Count the peaks between two known frequencies 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 500 cm-1 1 1 3 1 2b 1900 900 cm cm 1 b cm 1000 N 1 N 2 N 2b 1 2 1900 1700 1500 1300 cm-1 1100 Try this one 900 700 500 SOLID SAMPLES Crush sample into a solid matrix (could also use as the “window” What kind of solid material would you chose and why? HINT Bond Single Double Triple Ionic Use an ionic solid to avoid background In the region of interesting covalent bonds force constant 500 N/m 1000N/m 1500N/m ???? KBr One difficulty here is the fact That the windows are now Water soluble Any other considerations important? Hint consider the scattered light equation 1 m 2 Bond Single Double Triple k m k(Newton/m) 500 1000 1500 c 1 c Example: Calculate single bond band for R-C-F; 1mole 12 g kg 26 mc 2 x 10 kg mole 6x1023 atoms 103 g 1mole 19 kg 26 mF 31 . x 10 kg mole 6x1023 atoms 103 g m m 1 2 2 x10 2 x10 26 26 kg 31 . x10 26 kg kg 31 . x10 26 kg 122 . x10 26 kg kg 13 1 s2 3 . 22 x 10 s 122 . x10 26 kg 500 1 3.393x10 1 s 1080cm 1 cm cm 3x1010 s 13 The C-F bond is shifted out of the Region of the C-H bond. 3100-3010 cm-1 In your lab you used PTFE for your IR “plate” Polytetrafluorethylene 100 90 2009 student data 80 http://www.internation alcrystal.net/polycard. htm 60 "blank PTFE" 50 40 normalized %T 70 30 1100 3100 (C-H) 1030 20 10 1210 3700 3200 2700 2200 1700 1150 1200 700 0 200 cm-1 1080 predicted C-F 120 100 60 %T 80 40 20 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 cm-1 1000 800 600 0 400 Pretty hard to pull Understandable changes Out of here Why is the “far” IR hard instrumentally? Three primary reasons 1. Overlapping orders of light create a “forest” of bands 2. Intensity of the light source is low so we are trying to measure changes in small signals 3. The beamsplitters used in the FT instrument do not transmit both forms of polarized light equivalently 4. The detectors must be sensitive to very low amounts of light – implies that any environmental noise will be a problem. Here is an article detailing problems and solutions to creating Far IR instruments http://infrared.phy.bnl.gov/pdf/homes/homes_01ins.pdf B A Moving mirror Fixed mirror C Beam splitter IR source detector Frequency of light Constructive interference occurs when 1 AC BC n 2 From “really basic optics” f det ector 2 mirror light cn AC BC n/2 cm-1 0.5 overtonesin cm-1 1 n 2 Light at these frequencies Will appear at 400 cm-1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 66.66667 83.33333 100 116.6667 133.3333 150 166.6667 183.3333 200 216.6667 233.3333 250 266.6667 283.3333 300 316.6667 333.3333 350 366.6667 383.3333 400 416.6667 433.3333 450 466.6667 483.3333 500 516.6667 533.3333 550 566.6667 583.3333 600 616.6667 633.3333 50 62.5 75 87.5 100 112.5 125 137.5 150 162.5 175 187.5 200 212.5 225 237.5 250 262.5 275 287.5 300 312.5 325 337.5 350 362.5 375 387.5 400 412.5 425 437.5 450 462.5 475 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 33.33333 41.66667 50 58.33333 66.66667 75 83.33333 91.66667 100 108.3333 116.6667 125 133.3333 141.6667 150 158.3333 166.6667 175 183.3333 191.6667 200 208.3333 216.6667 225 233.3333 241.6667 250 258.3333 266.6667 275 283.3333 291.6667 300 308.3333 316.6667 28.57143 35.71429 42.85714 50 57.14286 64.28571 71.42857 78.57143 85.71429 92.85714 100 107.1429 114.2857 121.4286 128.5714 135.7143 142.8571 150 157.1429 164.2857 171.4286 178.5714 185.7143 192.8571 200 207.1429 214.2857 221.4286 228.5714 235.7143 242.8571 250 257.1429 264.2857 271.4286 25 31.25 37.5 43.75 50 56.25 62.5 68.75 75 81.25 87.5 93.75 100 106.25 112.5 118.75 125 131.25 137.5 143.75 150 156.25 162.5 168.75 175 181.25 187.5 193.75 200 206.25 212.5 218.75 225 231.25 237.5 22.22222 27.77778 33.33333 38.88889 44.44444 50 55.55556 61.11111 66.66667 72.22222 77.77778 83.33333 88.88889 94.44444 100 105.5556 111.1111 116.6667 122.2222 127.7778 133.3333 138.8889 144.4444 150 155.5556 161.1111 166.6667 172.2222 177.7778 183.3333 188.8889 194.4444 200 205.5556 211.1111 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 um 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 100 80 66.66667 57.14286 50 44.44444 40 36.36364 33.33333 30.76923 28.57143 26.66667 25 23.52941 22.22222 21.05263 20 19.04762 18.18182 17.3913 16.66667 16 15.38462 14.81481 14.28571 13.7931 13.33333 12.90323 12.5 12.12121 11.76471 11.42857 11.11111 10.81081 10.52632 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 cm-1 200 400 800 1400 1800 2000 Why is the “far” IR hard instrumentally? Three primary reasons 1. Overlapping orders of light create a “forest” of bands 2. Intensity of the light source is low so we are trying to measure changes in small signals 3. The beamsplitters used in the FT instrument do not transmit both forms of polarized light equivalently 4. The detectors must be sensitive to very low amounts of light – implies that any environmental noise will be a problem. Planck’s Blackbody Law Stefan-Boltzmann Law I T4 8h 3 3 c Intensity exp h kT 1 = Energy density of radiation h= Planck’s constant C= speed of light k= Boltzmann constant T=Temperature in Kelvin = frequency 0 500 1000 1500 2000 nm max b T Wien’s Law From: “Really Basic Optics” 2500 3000 3500 1 3 8h exp hc kT 1 1. As ↓(until effect of exp takes over) 2. As T,exp↓, Why is the “far” IR hard instrumentally? Three primary reasons 1. Overlapping orders of light create a “forest” of bands 2. Intensity of the light source is low so we are trying to measure changes in small signals 3. The beamsplitters used in the FT instrument do not transmit both forms of polarized light equivalently 4. The detectors must be sensitive to very low amounts of light – implies that any environmental noise will be a problem. The intensity of light (including it’s component polarization) reflected as compared to transmitted (refracted) can be described by the Fresnel Equations p TE perpendicular parallel s TM Medium 1 interface Angle of transmittence Is controlled by The density of Polarizable electrons In the media as Described by Snell’s Law From “really basic optics” Medium 2 T Perpendicular will transmitted to a greater degree than parallel at the interface since it oscillates into the second medium R r R/ / r/ / 2 2 i cosi t cost i cosi t cost t cos i i cos t i cos i t cos t 2 T t 2 2 T/ / t / / 2 2i cosi i cosi t cost 2i cosi i cost t cosi The amount of light reflected depends upon the Refractive indices and the angle of incidence. We can get Rid of the angle of transmittence using Snell’s Law sin i t sin t i Since the total amount of light needs to remain constant we also know that R// T// 1 R T 1 From “really basic optics” 2 Therefore, given the two refractive Indices and the angle of incidence can Calculate everything 2 Consider and air/glass interface i 0.8 “Take-home message” can select For different polarization of light by Controlling the angel of incidence 0.7 Perpendicular Transmittance 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Here the transmitted parallel light is Zero! – this is how we can select For polarized light! 0.2 Parallel 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 Angle of incidence From “really basic optics” This is referred to as the polarization angle 50 Notice that as you change The angle of the beam splitter You can have very large Asymmetry in the light Reflected which leads to “false absorbance” http://infrared.phy.bnl.gov/pdf/homes/homes_01ins.pdf Why is the “far” IR hard instrumentally? Three primary reasons 1. Overlapping orders of light create a “forest” of bands 2. Intensity of the light source is low so we are trying to measure changes in small signals 3. The beamsplitters used in the FT instrument do not transmit both forms of polarized light equivalently 4. The detectors must be sensitive to very low amounts of light – implies that any environmental noise will be a problem. Where does the noise come from? Pyroelectric detector frequency Response is Signal VHz cm V optical velocity 0.316 s www.rsc.org/ej/PC/2000/b001200i/ 1 radiation cm cm Signal 0.316 Hz s 400cm-1 10 cm-1 Range for Far IR cm `1 Signal 0.316 400 Hz ~ 125Hz s cm cm `1 Signal 0.316 10 Hz ~ 3Hz s cm Room noise from the electric lines is 60 Hz which smack dab in the middle So we will get a lot of room noise also 8. Other Spectroscopies 1.IR 2.NMR Excellent sites for information on NMR can be found within the Analytical Sciences Digital Library: www.ASDLib.org Below are some great ones found there http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/VirtualText/Spectrpy/nmr/nmr1.htm http://www-keeler.ch.cam.ac.uk/lectures/understanding/chapter_5.pdf Nuclear Magnetic Resonance External Magnetic Field, Bo, causes the energy associated with the spin to split spin + Causes a Local magnet Orange= magnetic moment Green equals external Magnetic field http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~s55086/qucomp/qubit.html NMR active species NMR active Odd mass nuclei have fractional spins 1H, 13C, 19F I = ½ 17O I = 5/2 Even mass nuclei with odd numbers of protons and neutrons have integral spins 2H, 14N I = 1 Even mass nuclei with even number protons and neutrons have zero spin 12C, 16O I = 0 I = spin quantum number ½ is active 1H 19F 31P 13C magnetic moment in magnetons (5.05078x10-27 J/T) 2.7927 2.6233 1.1305 0.7022 What are the spin numbers of the four isotopes of Lead shown below? Mass 204 206 207 208 Average % Relative Abundance 1.36 25.4 22.7 52.1 I? 1H 2H 11B 13C 17O 19F 29Si 31P 207Pb % Natl Abund 99.9844 0.0156 81.17 1.108 0.037 100 4.7 100 22.7 What did We get From Preceding Slide? spin I 0.50 1.00 1.50 0.50 2.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 5.05078e-27 J/T 10e7 rad/(Ts) nuclear Magnetons magnetogyric ratio 2.7927 26.753 0.8574 4,107 2.688 -0.7022 6,728 -1.893 -3,628 2.6273 25,179 -0.5555 -5,319 1.1305 10,840 6 Example 1H 27 J 5 . 05078 x 10 2rad T magnetons magnetons cycle 6.626x10 34 J s I 2 hI rad 4.8 x10 7 T s I 107 rad 7 rad 2.7927magnetons 8 rad 4.8x10 26.7 2.67 x10 Ts 0.5 Ts Ts Calculate the nuclear magnetic moment for Pb207 c m=-1/2β 3x108 E h m s frequency 1 s v c h E B 2 o m=-1/2β m=+1/2 1 Bo 2 Bo m=+1/2 c Larmor frequency c2 Bo All describe the splitting Of nuclear states equally Well BUT…. One is more convenient Splitting of Orbitals as a function of Applied magnetic field 80 4.50E+08 70 4.00E+08 1H Wavelength m 3.00E+08 1 B 2 o 50 40 c 2.50E+08 c2 Bo 2.00E+08 30 1.50E+08 tv FM radio 1H Frequency Hz 3.50E+08 60 20 1.00E+08 10 5.00E+07 0 0.00E+00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bo, Tesla Because there is a linear relationship between the applied magnetic Field and the splitting frequency is the preferred unit Signal m=-1/2β 250 1H 200 300 MHz 150 300 MHz Frequency, MHz 100 13C 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -50 13C -100 -150 m=+1/2 -200 1H -250 Bo, Tesla Hold the Magnetic field constant and scan the frequency while monitoring Absorption …… Where will we find the various resonances? Change table 1 B 2 o Tesla 1H 2H 11B 13C 17O 19F 29Si 31P 207Pb % Natl Abund 99.9844 0.0156 81.17 1.108 0.037 100 4.7 100 22.7 spin I 0.50 1.00 1.50 0.50 2.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 7.05 4.7 2.35 5.05078e-27 J/T 10e7 rad/(Ts) resonant proton frequency nuclear Magnetons magnetogyric ratio 300 MHz 200 MHz 100 MHz 2.7927 26.753 300 0.8574 4,107 46.1 2.688 -0.7022 6,728 75.5 -1.893 -3,628 2.6273 25,179 283 -0.5555 -5,319 1.1305 10,840 122 6 The designation of an instrument as 300, 200, or 100 MHz NMR is Referring to the natural resonance of the proton under the application Of magnets varying between 7.05 to 2.35 Tesla As an exercise in preparation for an exam you should fill in the table. Where will we find 207Pb resonances? 300 MHz MHz Why are the sensitivities so low? 1 0.9 0.8 1H 0.001 0.0009 0.0008 0.7 19F 0.0007 Relative Signal Relative Signal 1H 2H 13C 19F 31P Frequency Relative Sensitivity 300 1 46.1 1.45E-06 75.5 1.76E-04 283 8.30E-01 122 6.63E-02 Different atoms have different magnetogyric Ratios and therefore absorb at different frequencies 0.6 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 13C 0.0003 0.5 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.4 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Frequency (in MHz) 0.3 0.2 31P 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 100 MHz Frequency, (in MHz) 300 350 Argument on the size of signals that follows is from Atkins, Phys. Chem. p. 459, 6th Ed Stimulated Emission * w BN o o Photons can stimulate Emission just as much As they can stimulate Absorption (idea behind LASERs Stimulated Emission) w BN * The rate of stimulated event is described by : Where w =rate of stimulated emission or absorption Is the energy density of radiation already present at the frequency of the transition B= empirical constant known as the Einstein coefficient for stimulated absorption or emission N* and No are the populations of upper state and lower states can be described by the Planck equation for black body radiation at some T 8h 3 3 c exp h kT 1 In order to measure absorption it is required that the Rate of stimulated absorption is greater than the Rate of stimulated emission wabsorption BN o wenussion BN * N o N * If the populations of * and o are the same the net absorption is zero as a photon is Absorbed and one is emitted Scale the difference to the total population to get relative signal one can expect To get: No N * No N * Signal N total No N * Boltzman distribution can help us describe this N* exp No Signal E kt exp N o N o exp N o N o exp Signal 1 exp 1 exp hc kT hc kT h kT h kT h kT 1 exp 1 exp h kT h kT v c Signal 1 exp 1 exp hc kT h=6.626x10-34 Js k= 1.381x10-23 J/K c=3x108m/s hc kT In a UV-Vis experiment, 400 nm, at room temperature (298 K) N* exp N0 6.626 x10 34 m J s 3 x 108 s 23 J 9 1.381 x 10 298 K 400 x 10 m K 1 exp 120.7 Signal 1 120.7 1 exp N* exp 120.7 No Signal relative to the concentration Is 1 For an NMR experiment the exponential term is larger For an NMR experiment N* exp No E kt exp h kT exp h Bo 2 kT h=6.626x10-34 Js k= 1.381x10-23 J/K c=3x108m/s For a proton at 4.7 Tesla, magnetogyric ratio of 2.67x108rad/(Ts), at Room Temp, 298 K 1 6.626 x 10 34 J s 2 .67 x 108 4 .7 T s N* exp No 1.381x10 23 J K 298 K exp 0.000202 1 exp .0002 1 0.9998002 5 Signal 6 . 66 x 10 1 exp .0002 1 0.9998002 NMR signal relative to the concentration is 6.66x10-5 Relatively WEAK! In order to get a signal that is measureable a relaxation experiment is performed Consider, for example, a temperature jump Small Energy Gap Means High N* population N* exp No heat E kt exp h kT Monitor decay As T (hc/kT)↓ so exp so N* so Signal based on decay We can accomplish a “temperature jump” by altering the applied External field 250 which changes the energy difference between the Ground and excited states and alters the populations of the two 200 1H 150 Frequency, MHz 100 13C 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -50 13C -100 -150 -200 Magnetic Pulse populates A range of energy states (frequencies) 1H -250 Bo, Tesla Signal will be the sum of all the various protons that respond to those different frequencies Consider two frequencies summed but not too far apart – a “beat” frequency Will result E sin( A) sin B E 2 sin( 1 1 A B cos( A B) 2 2 This is our signal up to This point 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 amplitude amplitude 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 -0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 -0.5 500 600 700 800 -1 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 time -2 -2.5 time But~remember it will decay! 800 Consider the decay involved in a temp jump experiment In many types of experiments this is done by performing a temperature jump Which creates a greater population of the excited state: consider the reaction At Temp1 k f ,T 1 M* M k ,bT 1 d M dt At equilibrium d M dt Therefore k fT 1 M k bT 1 M * 0 * k fT 1 M equilibrium k bT 1 M equilibrium Increase the temperature instantaneously, the temp 1 equilibrium concentrations Must change to the new temp 2 equilibrium values with a rate driven by the new Rate constants * k fT 2 M equilibrium,T 2 k bT 2 M equilibrium ,T 2 The old equilibrium values deviate from the new equilibrium by some value x M equilibrium ,T 1 x M and M * equilibrium ,T 1 equilibrium ,T 2 x M * equilibrium ,T 2 The concentration of M therefore changes as: d M dt d M dt k T 2 x M equilibrium,T 2 k x M * bT 2 equilibrium,T 2 k T 2 x k T 2 M equilibrium,T 2 k bT 2 x k bT 2 M *equilibrium,T 2 recall * k fT 1 M equilibrium k bT 1 M equilibrium so d M dt k T 2 x k bT 2 x x k fT 2 k bT 2 First order reaction with solution of x xo exp t Represents the decay In the signal after A jump 1 k f kb http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~s55086/qucomp/qubit.html Our “decay” represents a flip in the magnetic moment. How can we easily represent a flip? Define an xy plane Describe as the sum of two vectors which cancel In the xy plane and sum value in the z plane Flip of the magnetic moment is described as The motion of two vectors Longitudinal Relaxation, T1 M z ( t ) M eq exp t T1 Related to motion of molecules Which usually is not very interesting to us Motion of molecules In addition there is the “fanning out Of the spins” in the xy plane Transverse Relaxation, T2 T2 < = T1 Note that this image Suggests out of phase Signals implying phase Manipulation of the acquired data M y ( t ) exp t T2 What is this component of the signal due to? Due to the fact that the local magnetic Field is not entirely in the z direction due To contributions from neighboring nuclei Spin/spin Coupling Lifetime of T2 spin + Causes a Local magnet Local magnetic Fields associated with Electrons alter the magnitude Of the external field experienced spin + Causes a Local magnet Coupling Described by Constant, J, 1 Which is a measure Bo Of the energy 2 Of the interaction What we have “learned” so far: 1. Pushed sample into an excited state which will emit a radiofrequency response on return to equilibrium signal Sin( A) Radiofrequency 2. Spin spin coupling can also alter the energy levels as described by a coupling constant, J. 3. Spin spin coupling results in fixed lifetime of the response, leading to an exponential decay of the signal exp t T2 4. The net signal in the time domain is described by: Sin( A) exp t T2 1.5 Free Induction Decay (FID) due to T2 1 FID= Free Induction Decay Amplitude 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -0.5 -1 The longer the signal lasts The larger T2 -1.5 Sample frequency t (s) Sin( A) exp t T2 Decay of signal We learned (a long time ago) that a square wave can be modeled as The sum of a series of sine waves which can be “uncovered” by an FT F f f t exp 2jft dt Digitally filter the high frequency FT subtract 15000 10000 Amplitude 5000 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -5000 -10000 -15000 Time (s) 0.8 1 1.2 Anti-FT An exponential decay can also be described by the sum of a series of sine Waves.: 1.2 1 Amplitude 0.8 exp 0.6 t T2 0.4 120 0.2 0 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time Amplitude 80 60 40 20 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 frequencies 1.5 Free Induction Decay (FID) due to T2 60 1 50 40 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -0.5 Amplitude Amplitude 0.5 30 20 -1 10 -1.5 0 1 Sample frequency t (s) Sin( A) exp t T2 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 Frequences FT Decay of signal FT of Sin( A) exp Why did we “all of a sudden” get some frequencies On the left side of the peak? This distribution is fit by a Lorentzian population t T2 For those interested: how a Lorentzian population is derived mathematically NMR peak shapes are NOT described Gaussian, but Lorentzian distribution Probability of Length x as a function Of b and theta bdx d 2 b x2 b x x tan b P( x ) x b tan 1 1 d x2 1 2 b The cumulative probability over all angles is 1 b 2 2 b x m Where m is the peak location and b Is the half width at half height dx b Another form is a y 2 c x b In this form a is the half Peak width and b is the Location of the peak a y 2 c x b Where c is a/H and h is the height of the peak This can be converted to a quadratic 1 x 2 2bx b2 c y a a a Lorentzian Peak shape In this form a is the half Peak width b is the Location of the peak The signal width at half height is related to this lifetime a 1/ 2 1 T2 Calc. the transverse relaxation time if a peak has a half height width of 10 Hz 0.7 1 PG exp 2 2 x b 0.5 2 1 0.4 Lorentzian PL a 2 1 Lorentzian is sharper 0.6 Gaussian x b 2 a 2 2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 What have we learned so far that affects instrumentation? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. External magnetic field Signal depends on exact magnetic field so it will need to be uniform Need to pulse the magnetic field (width of pulse is related to number of frequencies) Signal will involve several frequencies (beats) due to chemical information Need to use FT to find those frequencies. Signal will decay (causes a Lorentzian shape) Decay will have a phase component so need to worry about phasing of the signal Want to be able to capture the peak at half height because it gives chemical Information. Typical Experiment: 0. Insert sample and lock 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperature 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nmr.chem.ualberta.ca/nmr_news/figures/283_8360.JPG&imgrefurl=http://nmr.chem. ualberta.ca/AOVNMR_course/chapter_5.htm&h=1338&w=460&sz=132&hl=en&start=42&tbnid=8mLZIhy1rkvZM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=52&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvarian%2BNMR%2Bscreen%2Bimage%26start%3D40%26gbv%3 D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D Insert Sample Monitor 2H signal as a way of checking for magnetic field drift Here you attempt to get a nice large signal for 2H (46.1 MHz) http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nmr.chem.ualberta.ca/nmr_news/figures/283_8360.JPG&imgrefurl=http://nmr.chem. ualberta.ca/AOVNMR_course/chapter_5.htm&h=1338&w=460&sz=132&hl=en&start=42&tbnid=8mLZIhy1rkvZM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=52&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvarian%2BNMR%2Bscreen%2Bimage%26start%3D40%26gbv%3 D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D Locking Monitor this Signal as a check On the stability Of the homogeneity Of the magnetic field Typical Experiment: 0. Insert sample and lock 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperature 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. http://bouman.chem.georgetown.edu/nmr/nuts/shims.htm Shimming involves tuning the magnetic field across the sample so that it is Homogeneous – in effect you are “tuning” the x axis of the experiment http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nmr.chem.ualberta.ca/nmr_news/figures/283_8360.JPG&imgrefurl=http://nmr.chem. ualberta.ca/AOVNMR_course/chapter_5.htm&h=1338&w=460&sz=132&hl=en&start=42&tbnid=8mLZIhy1rkvZM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=52&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvarian%2BNMR%2Bscreen%2Bimage%26start%3D40%26gbv%3 D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D Shimming Manipulates The magnetic Field in Multiple dimensions To achieve consistency One way to ensure that your sample has as homogeneous a magnetic Field as you can get is to: Spin the sample rmn.iqfr.csic.es/guide/man/bsms/chap5.2.htm Link worked in 2008, source of material, but no longer works Typical Experiment: 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperature 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. Things YOU control: a. Shimming b. Pulse width The pulse width will control the range of frequencies That can be sampled. It will have to change with respect to different 1proton resonance frequencies 250 1H 200 150 Frequency, MHz 100 15000 10000 13C 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 13C 5000 Amplitude 6 -50 -100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -150 -200 -5000 1H -250 -10000 Bo, Tesla -15000 Time (s) Example of Pulse Width Assume 500 MHz NMR. The proton frequency range at this field strength is 5000 to 7000 Hz. Will a pulse width of 8 uz sample that range? 8s pulse TYPICALLY ASSUME MINIMUM 5 FREQUENCIES y square (t ) 4 1 1 sin2ft sin6ft sin10ft ..... 3 5 cycles 1 f base s 2 pulse At a minimum we should get the 5th frequency above this so That the bandwidth would be 15000 10000 Amplitude 5000 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -5000 -10000 -15000 Time (s) 0.8 1 1.2 5 f 2 pulse For our example this is: 5 f 312500 Hz 6 2 x8 x10 s Typical Experiment: 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperature 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. Number of points is important for 2 reasons aliasing (Nyquist frequency minimum) and 2^x for FT processing 1.5 1.5 1 1 Aliasing 0.5 1.5 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 -0.5 -0.5 -1 1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Sampling of a sine wave at too low number of points results in some Psychedelic types of patterns, need at least three points to describe a sine wave 200 2 xsweep width sw 1 Digital Re solution acquisition time at number ofdata po int s np number of data points (np): 4K Fourier number (fn): 4K acquisition time: 0.35 sec zero-filling: none number of data points (np): 8K Fourier number (fn): 8K acquisition time: 0.70 sec zero-filling: none number of data points (np): 16K Fourier number (fn): 16K acquisition time: 1.40 sec zero-filling: none 2 xsweep width sw 1 Digital Re solution acquisition time at number ofdata po int s np number of data points (np): 16K Fourier number (fn): 16K acquisition time: 1.40 sec zero-filling: none number of data points (np): 24K Fourier number (fn): 32K acquisition time: 2.00 sec zero-filling: 1.33 x number of data points (np): 24K Fourier number (fn): 64K acquisition time: 2.00 sec zero-filling: 2.66 x Typical Experiment: 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperature 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. pulse acquire delay http://www-keeler.ch.cam.ac.uk/lectures/understanding/chapter_5.pdf This link is still good, 2009 This chapter describes the mathematics of the instrument In terms of “getting” the signal. http://www.chemistry.nmsu.edu/Instrumentation/NMSU_NMR300_J.html Typical Experiment: 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperature 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. pulse acquire delay http://www-keeler.ch.cam.ac.uk/lectures/understanding/chapter_5.pdf This chapter describes the mathematics of the instrument In terms of “getting” the signal. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nmr.chem.ualberta.ca/nmr_news/figures/283_8360.JPG&imgrefurl=http://nmr.chem. ualberta.ca/AOVNMR_course/chapter_5.htm&h=1338&w=460&sz=132&hl=en&start=42&tbnid=8mLZIhy1rkvZM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=52&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvarian%2BNMR%2Bscreen%2Bimage%26start%3D40%26gbv%3 D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D Free Induction Decay of an NMR signal in a 1D experiment with a 50 msec expansion showing the digitization of the signal. http://edison.mbi.ufl.edu/bch6745/lecture3.pdf A 90 degree pulse followed by turning on the detector leads to a Free Induction Decay (FID) (J) and altered frequency The signal decays Different decay rates can be seen NMR FID of Methyl -D-Arabinofuranoside in CD3CN. Collected at 11.7 T by Jim Rocca in AMRIS. 13C 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 sec http://edison.mbi.ufl.edu/bch6745/lecture3.pdf Expansion of previous FID Most of the signal in the fast relaxing peak is gone by around 100 ms. The longer T2* the greater the resolution (narrower the peaks) 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 Peak to peak spacing is just under 50 ms, contains J spin spin energy coupling 0.14 0.16 0.18 Now we can see complicated fine structure 0.20 sec http://edison.mbi.ufl.edu/bch6745/lecture3.pdf Fourier Transform of previous FID Some peaks are bigger than others (CD3CN) The FID had several different frequencies. These are called chemical shifts. 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 120 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 110 This peak has other stuff going on. sec 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ppm http://edison.mbi.ufl.edu/bch6745/lecture3.pdf Expansion of big peaks The width of this peak is about 10 Hz. This is R2* (or 1/T2*). The * indicates that it is the natural linewidth + experimental sources of inhomogeneities. Scalar (J) coupling. This J is just over 20 Hz. The width of these peaks is around 1 Hz. They come from the slowly relaxing part of the FID. The value for the J coupling is the inverse of the spacing between beats on the FID! 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ppm Typical Experiment: 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperatur 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. What is effect of phase shifting on FT? Typically measure only one Of the phases OR Convert both to a single phase Starting FT data point (0 o) 50 1.2 1 40 0.8 0.6 30 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 400 -0.2 Amplitude Amplitude Signal (sin) 0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 Starting FT data Point 90o Time 10 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 93 -10 Starting FT data point -20(180o) -20 -30 -30 Frequency Frequency Typical Experiment: 1. Shim (tune) the magnetic field to be constant within the sample cell Starting population ratio set by starting applied magnetic field; temperatur 2. Jump the population (Pulse applied magnetic field) by applying a square wave through the coil. 3. Watch the magnetization decay: cause small electric currents in a coil surrounding the sample. 4. Currents are time based and are the sum of all the frequencies Set a) acquisition time and b) sampling frequency 5. Repeat as desired to increase the S/N, allowing a delay time to equilibrate 6. Convert from time to frequency by FTing the measured electric signal 7. Display the signals as a function of frequency. 8. Adjust for the phase of the T2 signal 9. Scale the frequencies relative to some standard compound. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance External Magnetic Field, Bo, causes the energy associated with the spin to split spin Local magnetic Fields associated with Electrons alter the magnitude Of the external field experienced + Causes a Local magnet 1 B 2 o Shielding Effect from Local electrons 1 B 1 2 o 1 B 1 2 o 400 1 1 B 1 o Bo 1 Sample TMS 2 2 0 1 Bo Sample TMS \ 2 300 0.3 Frequency (MHz) 200 100 0.8 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.8 16 -100 0.3 -200 -300 CH3 H3C Si CH3 0 CH3 -400 Bo, Tesla The change in the absorption frequency Gives information about the chemical environment The change is compared to A standard (TMS) http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/VirtualText/Spectrpy/nmr/nmr1.htm 1 Bo Sample TMS \ 2 400 The magnitude of the shielding effect Depends directly on the External Applied Magnetic Field 300 0 0.3 Frequency (MHz) 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.8 16 -100 -200 -300 0.8 To be able to compare between Instruments the data is normalized By the external magnetic field resonant Frequency for a non shielded electron -400 1 Bo Sample TMS \ 2 1 Bo 2 Bo, Tesla Sample TMS 0.3 0 These normalized differences Are typically 10-6 in magnitude So the numbers are multiplied by 106 to avoid working with small numb Sample TMS or other reference 10 6 C-H Chemical shift O-H Less electron Density Less shielding Aryl protons experience Larger local magnetic Field rather than lower So it is seen as less shielding More shielding http://edison.mbi.ufl.edu/bch6745/lecture3.pdf Chemical Shifts Chemical shifts are influenced by the electronic environment. Therefore, they are diagnostic for particular types of molecular structures. The following figure indicates average ranges of chemical shifts for different types of molecules. Table from: http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/OrgPage/nmr.htm Here is nice correlation chart from the web http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/ocol/spec/HTable.htm Link still works 2009 Try Problem 1: http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/ocol/spec/NMR.htm # of Peaks Observed in Proton NMR 2 NI 1 # peaks # of atoms Proton I= 1/2 N 1 # peaks 2+1 CH3-CH2-OH 3+1 Split these Protons into 4 peaks 1+1 Split These Protons Into 3 peaks Split these protons Into 2 2x4=8 Expected peak heights (if not split) 3: 2:1 For more problems see http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/ocol/spec/NMR3.htm CH3-CH2-OH 3 chemical environments Proportion of protons (3:2:1) is correct Expected splitting (by order of peak Size) was expected to be 3:(4x2):3 Splitting pattern observed: 3: 4: 1 4 instead of 8 tells us what? Keep thinking – we will come Back to this Try Problems 2&3 Correction to 3:C2H4O http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/ocol/spec/NMR.htm How many peaks for EDTA? O O - O O - N 4x2=8 2x2=4 O N O - O O - pH 11.3 O O - O 10.3 O - 9.3 8.3 N 7,3 O N O - O - O How many peaks for Pure EDTA? 2 with relative intensity of 8:4 or 2:1 6.3 5.3 Starting at pH 11.3 and moving more acidic ,protonation of N can Be seen in the shift of peak location, pKa Values for NH3 around 9.2 What happened to the peaks outlined In red here? O O - O O pH - N 11.3 O 10.3 N O - O - 9.3 O 8.3 7,3 O O O - O N + O - O H H N - O 6.3 O - + 5.3 O O N O - O N - O O O O - a 1/ 2 O O - O O + N - H O N O - O O - The broader peaks at ~ pH 9-10 mean That the lifetime is SHORTER. O O - H O O O - + - N O - N O 1 T2 O - What might make the lifetime shorter at That pH? O O - O O pH - N 11.3 O 10.3 N O - O - 9.3 O O O - O O N + O - O H N H - 8.3 O O O O - O - O + + N N N O - H O O O O O - - O O N - O - - O O H O - O - O O - N 6.3 O N O O O O Why do we choose this model instead Of? O H O O HO Would not Expect much Effect here a’ N a O N O - O O 7,3 - + - - 5.3 a 1/ 2 1 T2 1. pH at which we observe the effects 2. Both types of protons are affected 3. Would expect splitting of carboxylic arm protons due to different spatial orientation of protons O O - O O pH - N 11.3 O N O - O - 10.3 O O O - O O N + O - O H N H - O O O O - O - O + + N - O - - H O O O O N O - O N - O - - 9.3 O O H O N O - O O O - 8.3 + - N O N O O O O - 7,3 6.3 pKa EDTA 1.99; 2.67; 6.16; 10.2 5.3 a 1/ 2 1 T2 And remember we just did This one We predicted 3 peaks for this OH group We predicted 8 peaks (4x2) for the CH2 group what happened? As our EDTA example suggested We are looking at conformational changes Lines can be broader if the local chemical environment is shifting Due to the dynamics of equilibrium Peter Atkins 6th Ed. Physical Chemistry, Freeman Fast = single line, mean of both Intermediate = very broad Slow = two lines Predicted Number of Peaks in addition to the main proton peaks For the Pb-EDTA compound from the 207 Pb 2 N * I 1 # peaks O O - O O - 4x2=8 N I Pb 207 1 / 2 2x2=4 O N O 1 2 1 * 1 Pb 207 2 2 peaks - O - O Expect to that EDTA bound to 207 should split into two peaks For each type of proton 300 MHz instrument 1 1 Bo Sample TMS \ 2 signal scaled to largest PbEDTA peak 0.9 1 Bo 2 Sample TMS What is the coupling, J, in Hz? 0.8 (1.72-1.66)x10-6)*300x106)=18 Hz J – coupling of 207 Pb to H 0.7 What is the lifetime? 0.6 Peak width at half height = (1.69-1.68)x10-6)*300x106)= 3 Hz 0.5 0.4 Lifetime = 1/((3.14)*3(1/s))=106ms 1.68 1.69 0.3 1.66 0.2 1.72 0.1 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 -1 X ppm scaled to standard =0 a 1/ 2 1 T2 Using the area related to spin coupling Of Pb207 what is the % 207 in the sample? 0.7 1 PG exp 2 2 x b 0.5 2 1 0.4 Lorentzian PL a 2 1 Lorentzian is sharper 0.6 Gaussian x b 2 a 2 2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Deconvolution of NMR peaks – assumed Gaussian 0.7 Calculated relative areas 1 0.383 0.289 signal scaled to largest PbEDTA peak 0.6 0.5 0.4 % Pb207 100 * Pb207 0.383 0.289 100 40% Pb207 other 1 0.383 0.289 0.3 Expected value = 21% 0.2 0.1 0 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 -1 X ppm scaled to standard =0 1.7 1.75 1.8 Lorentzian Decovolution for the areas 0.7 0.6 Relative areas by Lorentzian: Main peak: 1 Side 1 0.0959 Side 2 0.0966 0.5 Signal 0.4 Pb207 0.0959 0.0966 % Pb207 100 * . 100 1614% Pb207 other 1 0.0959 0.0966 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 -0.1 ppm (reversed) I cheated to account for the poor baseline = due to T2* which is an instrumental 300 MHz instrument 1 Suggests that the protons on the carboxylic arms Are not-equivalent signal scaled to largest PbEDTA peak 0.9 0.8 Could be due to poor shimming On z But! Would expect these features At both peaks! 0.7 0.6 0.5 What about these features? 0.4 1.66 1.72 0.3 0.2 Spinning side bands? Could be due to poor Shimming of x and y 0.1 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 -1 X ppm scaled to standard =0 1.6 1.7 1.8 Increased splitting pattern Can be due to differences Of orientation of the protons This supposition is increased By the very nearly observable Splitting in the central peak O O O H + - N + O a’ a O O Pb N O a’ a O Non-equivalent Protons due to binding Peak Width Lifetime depends upon a) chemistry (for example a deprotonation reaction HA A H b) rotation of the solution lattice of molecules (T1) c) spin/spin exchange (T2) A* A A A* PbEDTA6C. N . H Pb 2 HEDTA 3 PbEDTA6C. N . 2 L PbEDTA4 C . N . L2 These reactions can reduce The lifetime of Pb207 which In the complex. Since Pb207 is Causing the splitting a reduction In it’s lifetime can eliminate the signal O N N Pb O Excess Pb2+ O O O Excess EDTA O O N N N Pb O O Pb N N O O O N O O Pb O O O N N Pb O O O Pure EDTA 1:1 Pb-EDTA 1:2 Pb EDTA Excess EDTA Adding more EDTA Main peak splits Removes the main Due different orientation Peak split (protons Of protons around Pb Around Pb now look The same). The splitting Due to Pb207 also can (It might also be that Be lost Lead is not complexing at this High pH) Application of lead isotope analysis in shooting incident investigations. Zeichner, Arie; Ehrlich, Sarah; Shoshani, Ezra; Halicz, Ludwik. Division of Identification and Forensic Science, Israel Police National Headquarters, Jerusalem, Israel. Forensic Science International (2006), 158(1), 52-64. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: FSINDR ISSN: 0379-0738. Journal written in English. CAN 145:57143 AN 2006:202948 CAPLUS Abstract A study was conducted to examine the potential of the considerable variability of the lead isotope compns. in bullets (projectiles) and primers in shooting incident investigations. Multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP/MS) was used to analyze lead isotopic compns. in projectiles, cartridge cases, firearms discharge residues (FDR) in barrels of firearms and in the gunshot entries. .22 caliber plain lead and plated ammunition and 9 mm Luger full metal jacket (FMJ) ammunition were employed in shooting expts. using semiautomatic pistols. Cotton cloth served as the target material and two firing distances were tested; 1 cm (near contact) and 2 m distances. It was obsd. that various mech. or chem. means of cleaning do not completely remove lead deposits ("lead memory") from barrels of firearms. Nonetheless, it was shown that anal. of lead isotopic compn. may provide valuable evidence in investigating specific scenarios of shooting incidents. For instance in a shoot-out where several firearms and ammunition brands are involved, it may be feasible to point out which ammunition and/or firearm caused a particular gunshot entry if the ammunition brands involved (bullets and primers) differ considerably in their lead isotopic compn. Origin assignment of unidentified corpses by use of stable isotope ratios of light (bio-) and heavy (geo-) elements - A case report. Rauch, Elisabeth; Rummel, Susanne; Lehn, Christine; Buettner, Andreas. Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany. Forensic Science International (2007), 168(2-3), 215-218. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: FSINDR ISSN: 0379-0738. Journal written in English. CAN 147:316041 AN 2007:474376 CAPLUS Abstract An unknown male body was found near an expressway in Germany. As different criminalistic and forensic methods (e.g. tooth status, fingerprint or DNA-anal.) could not help to identify the person, multielement stable isotope investigations were applied. The combined anal. of stable isotope ratios of light (H, C, N) and heavy elements (Pb, Sr) on the man's body tissues supported to assign him to Romania. The case report demonstrates an application of multielement-isotope anal. in the forensic fields and its potential. END HERE “Coalesance of the two lines occurs when the lifetime of a conformation, tao, Gives rise to a linewidth that is comparable to the difference of resonance frequencies,” Peter Atkins 6th Ed. Physical Chemistry, Freeman 2 Example, when the chemical shifts differ by 100Hz what is the maximum Lifetime of a single conformation? The rate of interconversion is the inverse of the lifetime. What is the rate of interconversion? Notice that the magnetic Moment can be decomposed Into two components along The y and x directions. http://www.physics.sjsu.edu/becker/physics51/mag_field.htm http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/smd/Rad/MRIweb/mri_html/Animation_spin01.gif http://www.papimi.gr/Ilika%20kimata.jpg http://home.tiscali.nl/physis/deHaasPapers/DiracEPR/DiracEPR.html