Vocab worksheet 3 - Swartz Creek Community Schools

Vocab worksheet 3
Civility (noun) Politeness Synonyms: courtesy, consideration
Act with civility in your classes and you will never get a referral
Clairvoyance (noun) Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception Synonyms:
divination, foretelling
Fortune tellers use clairvoyance
Clarity (noun) Clearness Synonyms: lucidity, limpidity
To be understood you must use clarity
Colossal (adj) Immense, enormous Synonyms: gigantic, tremendous
Beating the past years champion was a colossal win for us
Combative (adj) Eager to fight Synonyms: aggressive belligerent
Most students get in trouble for being combative with teachers
Combustion (noun) Act of burning Synonyms: igniting, kindling
Gasoline engines use internal combustion to run
Commemorate (verb) To mark by a ceremony Synonyms: observe, remember
Every 9/11 schools commemorate the terrorist attack
Comparable (adj) Similar, equivalent Synonyms: akin, analogous
Generic products are comparable to name brands
Composed (adj) Calm Synonyms: serene, unperturbed
Even though the class was loud the teacher remained composed
Comprehensible (adj) Understandable Synonyms: intelligle, coherent
It is barely comprehensible how big the universe is
Compulsion (noun) An irresistible impulse Synonyms: urge, obligation
Many students love their smart phones so much they have a compulsion about having it
with them
Condone (verb) To treat as acceptable Synonyms: excuse, sanction
I would never condone bullying in my class
Conduit (noun) Means for transmitting or distributing Synonyms: channel, pipeline
The biggest gossip in the school is a conduit for information about others
Corrective (adj) Intended to correct Synonyms: remedial, curative
The doctor suggested some corrective steps the patient could take to help his health
Corroborate (verb) To support with evidence Synonyms: verify, prove
Scientists can’t rely on personal stories; they must find evidence that can be